Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Bristol interview on Good Morning America today.

I cannot embed the video because ABC is apparently very greedy, but if you click the title you can watch her very scripted performance for yourself.

And apparently Bristol has had a change of heart about abstinence.

Anybody surprised by that?

"I would LOVE Levi to be in this child's life."  

Then Bristol why do you have such stringent limitations on how much access he can have and where he can have it?  And why is your mother involved in this decision?

He is the father and he deserves to have unlimited access to his child unless the courts determine otherwise.


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Doesn't anyone on the Palin side care about what this will do to Tripp, when he grows up and understands what his mom went around saying?

    What is it with these Palin women and the negativity they project on their male children? Sarah in April: "I thought about aborting Trig, fleetingly."

    Bristol in May: "Abstinence is realistic." (Unconscious message: this beautiful baby of mine, he is a mistake.)

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Here you go. Candies is just selling wares using the Palin name. No teen will take Bristol seriously, because most adults do not take her family seriously.

  3. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Once again, the Palin women promote the commodification of the birth process to the detriment of their children.

    Is "giving birth" the only talent the Palin women have?

    Newsflash to them: Other women can and have given birth. They don't get paid to talk about it. And they have given birth without psychologically damaging their children.

  4. "Of course, Bristol Palin made headlines in February when she declared that abstinence is "not realistic at all." Now she says the quote was "taken out of context. ... I do think it's realistic"...

    Just like dear ole Mom. A hypocrite that the "base" will adore. Sickening.

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    This site caught the lies too:

  6. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Abstinence is all well and fine until the moment that a young couple gives in to the natural drives that they are experiencing. It is an unrealistic method of contraception and thinking that it is a realistic option means that pregnancy is much more likely. This is not a choice that the abstinent girl's a chance that she takes.

    It's obvious that Bristol did not learn very much from her experiences. Looked at in the harsh light of reality she did not make a choice, rather she took a chance that she could remain abstinent, and that chance resulted in at least one pregnancy.

  7. Can they just SAY the word CONDOM!!!!!! CONDOM!!!!! they work ...use 'em. CONDOM CONDOM CONDOM!!!!

  8. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Their "base" will always make excuses for Sarah Palin and her family members Time and time again. Just watch. And if you read C for P or the Sarah Palin blog, you can see how absolutely blind the people are. It is like they have a brick wall in front of their face. Its pretty scary. Are they stupid? Or just fixated on a single issue like being against abortion.

  9. Palin's base is "fixated" on abortion. Which is why it is important to get to the truth on babygate because that DS baby is her ticket to Fundie Love and Money and Votes and I want to know if Trig is really hers. THAT might be the only thing that would prevent her from getting anywhere near me in the lower 48.

  10. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Levi speaks out on CBS and says that abstinence is a great idea but safe sex means using contraception.

    Last video on the page.

    Wow! Bristol's message pales into insignificance next to his realistic point of view.

  11. Ok, explain, Bristol, how the previous comment about abstinence not being realistic AT ALL was taken "out of context"? Out of context of what? Out of context of "oops I said the wrong thing; my mom didn't want me to say that"? Out of context in that way? Bristol?

    You are aware that previous statements of yours are taped, correct?

    So, yeah, now you are as phony as your mother, and as willing to tell lies what end? Be a teen advocate wherein you refuse to say that abstinence didn't work for you but you think other teens should follow it anyway even though you know it doesn't work? That is called BEING A HYPOCRIT.

    Mr. Cuomo was nice enough not to make you answer the question and let you just do your talking point instead.

    Frankly, having seen both interviews, it's obvious this was not Bristol's idea, but even if it wasn't, she seems perfectly willing to go along with it. Maybe she thinks she can get a modeling or acting job out of this as well?

    PS This is her first mother's day? Are you sure about that Mr. Cuomo?

  12. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Here is a funny comment from the Jezebal site:

    Sometimes I look at Todd Palin and expect to see a thought bubble saying something "Who am I? How did I get here? Why can't I just snowmobile and drink excessively to numb the pain?"

  13. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Bristol states that her comment on Greta VanSusteren that "abstinence is unrealistic" was taken out of context?????? I watched that original was not taken out of context---it was aas straight and clear and they come. She is a liar like her mother. The Palins' can't help is just part of them.

  14. Anonymous9:17 AM

    well said annonymous @6:55!

    choice or chance, which has the better odds of working out, lol.

  15. I thought it was interesting when she said that a baby was not just an accessory on your hip. Sarah is the only one I've seen with a baby on her hip (Trig). Bristol always carries him very lovingly in her arms. Unintentional slip about how BP feels about her mother's treatment of Trig????


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