Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Bristol, Todd, and Tripp Palin are about to appear on the Today Show.

This must be a desperate attempt to head off the information that is about to come out about this family.

They are digging a very deep hole, it will provide more than enough dirt to bury Sarah Palin's career forever.

(By the way, my computer is back up and running. Beware miscreants Gryphen is back at 100% productivity!)


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Give Gryphen all of your money fools!!!! He needs it to "destroy the Palins"



  2. Thx for the heads up, Gryphen. I just watched the interview. My impressions:

    I was impressed with Matt Lauer, in that he asked the right questions, such as aren't you saying do as I say not as I do.....aren't you sending mixed messages while you are holding this beautiful baby.....are you saying this baby was a did say in an interview before that abstinence was not are things with Levi.....are you finishing school....explain how life is different for you now....

    I was unimpressed with Todd and Bristol. Same old same old. I'm here to support Bristol, we're proud of her, she's a great mother... He's a blessing, but it's a lot of work...want to tell other teens that this is a 24/7 job, not an accesssory on your hip (gee, I wonder who offered that to her as a soundbite)...agrees with Lauer when he suggests she can't just go out with friends on the spur of the moment, when he asks aren't you saying do as I say, not as I do, doesn't seem to get that that is a criticism, and just nods and smiles and repeats her blah blah blah.....sorry I can't remember what exactly she said but my impression was that she did NOT "get" that that was a criticism. When asked about Levi she says "I'M NOT HERE TO TALK ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE"....excuse me??? Yes you are babe. Oh yes you are there to talk about your personal life. Isn't the difficulty you might be having with the baby's father part of why it is so hard to be a teen mom? Huh? So anyway, they get out of the Palins that Levi is still seeing Tripp, but they won't go any further about that, and they both paste on plastic smiles (IMO). Oh....and she claims that she is going to start college courses in a few weeks and "getting her basic education out of the way" is I think how she put it. Nice. Perhaps she would like to become, I mean, spokeperson for the perils of a haphazard edumacation too?

    I would also like to comment on how baby slept the entire time they were shown on camera, both during the interview, and while shown awaiting the interview. I want one of those Palin babies that sleep through everything. Mine sure didn't--especially at what....four months old now is it?

    The one plus I can think of for this interview was that Sarah was not there to "fix" the answers for Bristol if she said the wrong thing. But then again, it sounded like Bristol was answering the way everyone agreed on she should answer. Especially the hip-accessory comment, which sounded so scripted.

    I think the Today Show shoulda put some of those Candies ads up on the screen and had Bristol and Todd comment on their thoughts on how the images comport with the message of abstinence (or not). That woulda been funny.

  3. Which is the scam artist? I hope you don't mean our Gryphen!

  4. To "Anonymous" are up bright and early, ready to TRY to head off the truth re the "queen bee"..sorry to tell you, it won't work. By the way, why isn't she at Eagle, standing in that water that is flooding that town and trying to help. As usual, she isn't lifting a finger. Hey I wonder if she is even aware of the situation. Have a good day "Anonymouse"

  5. Her thin ice is melting and it aint global warming!

  6. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I think comments like the one above will be common until this "news" comes out. Personally, I have stopped tormenting myself by reading stuff about the Palins because they get away with everything they want. They will continue to succeed until people actually speak out rather than repeat rumors. It's just not good enough to hint at things. Someone needs to let the truth be told, otherwise shut up about it.

  7. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I don't know if I have the stomach for watching the actual interview, so thank you Molly for your commentary. The attitude that education is something that one gets out of one's way really grinds me. It causes me to wonder if the real divison in this country isn't so much red vs. blue, or rich vs. poor, or black vs. white, etc. but educated vs. uneducated.

    Thank you Gryphen for giving us an opportunity to put some money where our mouths are.

  8. Uncle Joe6:43 AM

    Them Palins sure birth some hard-sleeping babies! What a blessing!

  9. Anon, you are correct. The real divide is education.

    There are so many Americans ignorant of basic science, geography, history AND civics. I wonder if Palin knows how the government works?

    People with little education are easily manipulated by the GOP. I will never forget how in Alabama a couple of years ago, there was a ballot initiative to make the tax code more progressive. The poor voted AGAINST it. Because they were told that the rich need their money to create jobs for the poor or whatever the usual horse-hocky. sigh

  10. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:22 AM

    Uncle Joe said...

    Them Palins sure birth some hard-sleeping babies! What a blessing!
    Well not to hear her talk about it! "I always makin' bottles and changin' diaper, and don't get no sleep" I thought she was octomom for a minute there. All her interviews were totally Worthless BS. Now Levi on the other hand, was on CBS and he made a hell of a lot of sense. Said he had to grow up fast, and has to worry not only for himself but his baby and what he will think when he grows up. They used BC and when they didn't look what happened.
    Bristol is a crappy advocate about anything...especially this, I could see some poor Teen mother, on welfare watching her, and shaking her head in disbelief. She had thousands of gifts sent to her, help with Tripp, a house, money to feed him. I could just see this poor girl watching this who's about to run out of food stamps...has to go get free food. Doesn't have a fancy ass stroller for her kid...and then I see the other kids in high school LMAO at Bristol for being a hypocrite! something about to blow and ain't Mr. Redoubt? I've been waiting for this. I even had a dream about it yesterday, can't wait!
    Anon/sarah palin troll-phuck off! go away nothing you say can stop the events in motion now.....!
    Sit back and enjoy the ride...

  11. Basic Education Is Not Enough7:24 AM

    Has she graduated from high school? Then how can she be taking college courses?

    I have to really laugh at the first anonymous comment. No one (including Gryphen) is "destroying" the Palin family. What happened to individual responsibilities? I think the things that have happened to them and will happen are of their own doing. They are liars and then one lie on top of another. It is their own fault , so you can blame others all you want, but it makes you sound stupid and defensive!

    I love the part about "getting basic education" out of the way? HUH???? This kid has no future really. It is very sad she doesn't see it. She is a very pretty girl but she has made a lot of bad mistakes and is clearly not very bright. But I blame her upbringing. Her mom is a narcissist and probably her dad is too. She was out having sex early because she needed more attention. There is more to the whole story. Children of narcissists tend to have big problems of their own-often they turn out to have addiction problems, abuse in their own family, pick the wrong partners etc.

  12. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Bristol was out parting and playing cuz Momma and Daddy were not there...

  13. You people are sick here with all these negative comments about a young teenager, whether it be Bristol or Levi...such hate in your lives is not good. You can disagree about the Palins, but such hate is sick. They both made a mistake and they will live with it the rest of their lives. They both need support...not the crap you read here and other sites. Bristol is trying to do something good with her life and help other teenagers and I hope Levi will have helpful direction in his life to do the same. It is not Bristol against Levi or at least it shouldn't is about a family that has to raise a child. Tell me people, if you can be many of you would want your baby to go for a weekend to a house where drugs were being sold?? Until this matter is settled I would not allow my 4 month old baby to do that. It sounds to me like Levi and Bristol are trying to work visitation a chance. We should all sit back and let them work this out. When it comes down to it, it is none of our business what they do in their private life. They are not running for office.

  14. Anonymous9:21 AM

    What are you hinting at about what is going to be revealed about the Palin family?

    Why can't Bristol appear by herself anywhere?
    if she is going to be a spokesperson why is dad with her?

  15. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Is Bristol's baby real or is it one that they have taken down from the wall to use for this show? Just wondering because it could be a another stuffed mammal because it doesn't ever move.

    Bristol doesn't talk about her personal life? Oh really, how bloody lamebrained can these Palins get now? Sort of an insult to the intelligence of the American people that the Palins think they can sell this line of bunk.

    OH, wait a minute, Americans bought the Iraq war didn't they. Maybe there's little intelligence left in that country to insult!

  16. Someone needs to ask Bristol is she practicing abstinence now. I bet the truthful answer is 'no'.

    I don't know where this spokesperson job will take Bristol but if she gets the opportunity to interact with other everyday teenagers she just might get some questions that she won't want to answer. Like - 'Was Levi the first guy you had sex with?' - 'How old were you when you first started having sex?' - 'Did you actually use Birth Control and if so what forms?'

    And don't put it past one of them to ask the really BIG question - 'Did you really do it with Levi in your momma's house?!'

    I would love to see a townhall meeting with her and a group of teenagers. Of course the questions would probably be pre-scripted. GOP Style!

  17. **Potential teen mom's thoughts**

    Wow...look at Bristol Palin--she is an unmarried, teenage mom who gets to be spokeswoman for Candies Foundation because she's an unmarried teenage mom...

    Do ya think she got to meet Brittany yet?

    So where is this "down-side" they are talking about?

  18. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Gryphen, could you please use any investigative funds to (among other things!) determine whether or not Bristol really is graduating this spring? Is she really earning high school credit by serving as the swimming coach's assistant? Are there any math or science courses in the mix, for Pete's sake? Shouldn't this stuff be tractable?


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