Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Bristol tells teens to wait for sex. Also Dan Sullivan talks about caring for your employees, and Sarah Palin discusses the art of the interview

Okay I would like to start off by saying that when I first heard about this I was going to leave it alone.  Bristol is a victim in this just like everybody else that comes into contact with Sarah Palin, just let it go Gryphen.  But then I read it.

The foundation says the 18-year-old daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been appointed one of its Teen Ambassadors. She will participate in a town hall meeting Wednesday in New York that will include Ann Shoket, the editor of Seventeen magazine and Chris Cuomo of Good Morning America.

"I feel that I could be a living example of the consequences of teen pregnancy." Palin said in a statement If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment."

Now the first thing to note is that those words absolutely did not issue forth from the mind of our little Bristol Palin.  Not that she is not a bright young woman but that is not the vocabulary or sentiments that we saw demonstrated on the Greta Van Susteren interview.

That sounds suspiciously like Megaphone Stapletongue to me.

I doubt very seriously that this is Bristol's idea.  This clearly hatched from the mind of Sarah Palin, Meg Stapleton, or those TeamSarah yahoos, who are trying to repair Bristol's damaged reputation by suddenly making her all altruistic and by attempting to negate her comments about abstinence being unrealistic.

And I also have to say that if they were going to choose an organization for Bristol to lend her name to in the hopes of bolstering her public image I am not sure that the Candie's Foundation was the right place to go.

Candie's Foundation, according to its website, was established in 2001 with a mission "to educate America's youth about the devastating consequences of teenage pregnancy."

It also sells "Sexy Tees" on  the website. These  low-cut tee-shirts, which sell for $15 each, carry the slogan "I'm Sexy Enough to Keep You Waiting."

Look I am not one of those Neanderthal-like men who believe that women who are molested or raped are asking for it, but WTF?  Why would ANYBODY who is supposedly advocating abstinence sell something like this to young hormonal women?  It literally makes my head hurt at how stupid these people are.

Hell no wonder Sarah Palin sent her daughter to work with them.


  1. Watching that "town hall" meeting ought to be enlightening, since there really isn't any way it can be scripted, or for someone to helpfully put words in Bristol's mouth, is there?

  2. BTW, I don't know if any of the rest of you saw this, but see4pee got a sort-of shout-out from Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball this evening. Matthews aired their mocking send-up of the old Reagan "Bear in the Woods" video, which features the Bear, a scream, and Mitt Romney in his jogging shorts high-tailing it down a road. Ha, ha.

    I'm not sure see4pee realizes what they've done to Sarah Palin's political future by "baiting the bear" with that "Bore in the Woods" video.

    Could it be that the see4pee-ers aren't savvy politicians, but IMAGINE they are? Could it be that privately, Sarah Palin and her crack team of political supporters are groaning at this jab at Romney? After all, who has the most sophisticated PAC -- Romney, or Palin? It's a little early in the 2012 presidential election cycle to be taking potshots at one another.

    Sarah Palin SHOULDN'T have been insulted by being called one of the Republican "beautiful people" (she DOES look a lot better than Limburger, although the phrase ending "...skin deep" comes to mind).

  3. Check out the ad that mudflats is showing. Also check out the ads her commenters are showing.

    THAT is what she will be associating with? To me, it is a prick teaser. Sorry.

  4. I'm totally sick of the whole abstinence movement because, just like Bristol said, it's not realistic.

    The entire abstinence/purity movement that is all the rage now is really just a movement against good old strait sex; boy girl, penis vagina. Anything else seems to be okay. (use your imagination....)

    So it seems that a double standard has been created, an unspoken double standard. These absitinence and purity adherents are still getting off, they just aren't doing it in a way that makes babies. (well, some of them anyway)

    My dad put me on the pill when I was 16. He was realistic. Granted there was no AIDs to contend with at that time. That came about when I was in college, and then we all had to start using condoms. Kids are going to have sex, I don't care how much they love Jesus, they are going to "get it on". The abstinence purity crew are still getting it on, just in different ways.

    I guess as long as you don't let a penis enter your vagina before marriage you still have a ticket to heaven.

  5. get real5:30 PM

    Bristol a victim? Was she raped?
    Do you know something we don't know?

    It takes two to tango unless a crime is being committed.

  6. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Like mother, like daughter -- who in the hell is watching the babies while she parades herself in the public eye? Wonder if Levi will finally be able to spend time w/his son(s)?

    So, now that she's put herself in the public eye is her mommy still going to cry foul when people dissect Bristol's life?

    Crazy times. I see this backfiring in a serious way. How many parents who subscribe to SP's delusional beliefs re: christianity, parenting & the like would let their chilluns wear these shoes?


  7. "I feel that I could be a living example of the consequences of teen pregnancy."

    Was Sarah a teenager when she had Bristol???

    Oh, I see... she should have said Tripp is a living example, etc.

    Word salad must run in the family... or Megaphone caught the bug!

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:09 PM

    On First look it seems quite innocuous...then you see the founder of this foundation is a "fundie" and of course we are scratching our heads b/c Bristol is like the poster child for teen pregnancy. This guy Neil Cole, if you goggle him has his own "organic church" even...! Enter creep factor, Yes the T-shirts are weird, trying to make little teasers out of teen girls, but go to the website candies.com the site for teen sexy clothes shoes and suggestive commercials, scroll down to the bottom Iconix and click and guess who is behind this sex filled website Candies Co. aimed at teens? Neil cole.
    Britney Spears has made suggestive ads for them, as well as other young stars.
    What is being pushed here by candies? Sex?You betch, SEX sells!
    Yet their foundation is having Bristol talk about avoiding teen pregnancy.
    One of their ads, shows a couple in the shower/tub getting frisky while the guy is desperately trying to grab a Candies shoe. I guess he is trying the old keep one foot on the ground (with shoe) method of birth control? HeH! Maybe that's what Bristol will talk about, and get some free shoes. And a T-shirt.
    Again Bristol is being pimped out by GINO, and a little digging of this co/foundation is downright creepy! Fundie hypocrisy Anyone???

  9. Anonymous6:17 PM

    If it was all about advocating for abstinence, why not start advocating in Alaska? Alaska has a high teenage pregnancy rate, so why go out of state? Oh, I forgot, that's a GINO thing!

    National publicity...that's what it is all about (influencing young folks' votes). Those 5 PR folks are working hard to improve ol' GINO's image! Even Rush tooted GINO's horn today!!

  10. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Okay, okay. Remember this rule about Palin: FOLLOW THE FASHION. Fashion decisions ALWAYS gets Palin into trouble.
    It's part of her narcissism. Now she's spreading it to Bristol.

  11. Anonymous6:27 PM

    When Levi made a couple of appearances on TV talk shows, Sarah Palin was quite vocal in her criticism. But, it's fine for Bristol to be making TV appearances, because she has embraced a "cause." Never mind that she is the living example of "do as I say, not as I do," I have to wonder about a few things. Is Bristol trying to counteract some of Levi's appearances with some of her own? Is this her mother's continuing punishment for messing up political ambitions with an unwanted pregancy? Bristol's story might resonate more if she had to juggle day care, minimum wage job, the cost of food, food stamps,health care, rent, and the emotional strain of being distanced from her family, doing all of this on her own. No, that's not Bristol's story at all. And how does this square with Sarah's ultra conservative family values base? Other questions: Just who thought that this was one more good idea to augment the career of Sarah Palin? Who's making her political decisions?? And for a good laugh, check out the artwork of this "values" group over at Mudflats-- suggestive is hardly the word!

  12. Against Child Abuse6:49 PM

    Yes she is a victim. She is also a victim of her upbringing. Imagine being raised by a narcissistic parent. Maybe Todds one as well, who knows.
    There us more to all if this and we should have empathy for Bristol. Let's just hope she is honest with other teens. Preaching abstinence is totally irresponsible.

  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:52 PM

    Bristol is getting paid for this gig!

    This guy Cole is stinking rich too. Hope someone lets Levi know, she is also going to on GMA and Today show tomorrow.
    And I wonder if she needs Levi's permission if she takes Tripp? There is no custody yet and Levi and Bristol SUPPOSED to be equal, but we know it isn't...just hope she doesn't take him out of state without asking Levi.

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:57 PM

    This is from Mudflats:

    redwoodmuse Says:
    May 5th, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    one more time….I did a little google research and I have confirmed that Neil Cole of Iconix and Neil Cole of CMA are *NOT* the same person. The pastor lives in CA and is the author of several books about spreading (ahem) churches.

    The Candies’ guy thinks his foundation to help stop teen pregnancy is a very important thing he’s done. ‘course he could just stop making p*****graphic ads and that would probably cut the rate waaaaay down.
    So he is saying the church guy is not the same as the candies guy...but its still "creepy"!

  15. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I agree with you Gryphen. I'm picturing Bristol with hidden earphones all wired up under her long flowing hair and off to the side is Mommy Dearest Bear Palin with a mic. In the Greta interview, Bristol repeated stiff phrases and words sounding as though she crammed for the Greta exam the night before. Only it was obvious to the viewing audience Bristol had all the crib notes (excuse the pun) to the media test. Let's see if Bristol has learned how to speak on her own in what has it been...3-4 months? By the way...this is like an old rock and roll star who abused drugs all his life and hits rock bottom. Then he goes around telling kids not to use drugs. Of course the kids only see fame, money, hey, the guy looks pretty good for being a drug addict. So basically they are not really impacted by what the star has to say. After all, the has been rock and roll guy still has fame, a beautiful girl on his arm and let's not forget about all that money.

  16. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Talk about irony!

    Last fall, as part of its campaign against teen pregnancy, Candies Foundation placed full page PSA ads in the New York Times and New York Post. The ads featured a picture of Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston, among others, as examples of the “epidemic” of teen pregnancies today.

    So after being “Exhibit A” for the epidemic of teen pregnancies, Bristol is now going to advocate for the group.?!

    On the webpage below, click on the small poster with Bristol and Levi’s picture and it will enlarge.


  17. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Most people think that Bristol is the mother of Trigg. One would think she would have learned a lesson from that. But then she got herself pregnant again with Tripp. But she surely has learned her lesson now. Right?

    Why of course she has and she's the perfect rightwing bible puncher diplomat for the cause now! Go Bristol, but for dog's sake use condoms girl. It's starting to wear a little thin now don't you think?

  18. Anonymous9:37 PM

    high heel shoes make Piper's cute little ass stick out in the back. Now isn't that sexy. Piper could be the abstinence ambassador and she's still unspoiled even though Sarah is trying to grow her up quick.

  19. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Kajo, The "town hall" meeting will be interesting. Bristol is a neophyte, they will be treating her with kid gloves.
    Town hall meetings can't be scripted?

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, Neil Cole sounds like a pimp.

    Neil Cole "Organic Church" does not look like the Candie Neil Cole. Check the images.

  20. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Iconix Brand Group Inc. <- when you dig beneath the surface, you'll find this corp, (CEO Neil Cole), which retails clothing targetted at teenage girls, was once-upon-a-time otherwise known as "Candies", with Neil Cole listed as the creator, owner.

    Looks suspiciously to me like Neil figured out he'd make more money by converting his retail company into a non-profit organization and making the claim "100% of all money collected goes into the promotion of teen abstinence". A viable company can't possibly make that claim. Unless, of course, there's a separate company donating the t-shirts and screening fees. Which is highly unlikely.

    As they say in Australia, something's 'on the nose' here.


  21. EyeOnYou2:39 AM

    "I feel that I could be a living example of the consequences of teen pregnancy."

    Exactly what "consequences" is she talking about?
    Getting praised by the right for doing the right thing and marrying the baby daddy? Opps..didn't happen.
    Getting to do interviews with a major television network?
    Getting gifts sent to her from around the world by people who worship her mother?
    Having a nice house to live in? Free daycare? No worries about feeding herself and her child?
    Being able to trash the father of her child via her mother and the national media?
    Being paid to be a spokesmodel for the "do as I say not as I do" people even after admitting on national television that even being young and finding the situation "challenging" it was also rewarding.
    She has glamorized the role of teen mom, not made it out to be a difficult thing or something that might be tough to deal with.

  22. The Palin family is the biggest bunch of publicity seeking, money grubbing, trailer trash fame whores I have ever seen in my life. What SITTING GOVERNOR of a state lets their unwed teenage dropout daughter lend her name to a foundation to a company that is famous for its stripper "f me" shoes and soft core porn ads?

    Where is our Sarah to comment on this one?

  23. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:24 AM

    I just saw Bristols one of her interviews online. She is saying the same BS megstapletongne has been saying "Bristol is going to school and advocating abstinence"
    Regardless of WHAT I did abstinence is the only choice"
    Why should she be a advocate? "I'm relate able and I'm a teen"
    Asked about her quote to GVS "Abstinence is not realistic" was "taken out of context"

    On the other interview looks like dud is with her. What a freaking Farce. What BS. One funny part the guy says "your mother WAS a very important political figure at that time..."
    The emphases being WAS.

  24. crystalwolf says: "One funny part the guy says "your mother WAS a very important political figure at that time..."
    The emphases being WAS."
    Bet Sarah's nose was out of joint at that remark! LOL

  25. Teaching, encouraging, hell ADVOCATING young women to send guys mixed messages via their T-shirt - I'm sexy enough to keep you waiting?

    It's mixed up, it's even a bit sick. It's very very Palin.


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