Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Eric Croft and the citizens of Anchorage need your vote today!

Today is the day that we get to exercise our rights as citizens to choose the person who will steer our city-ship through the troubled waters that lay before her.

We need competent leadership, and that leadership will only come from Eric Croft.

Do we really trust a man like Dan Sullivan, who did not even have the common sense to call his employee a cab when she was too drunk  drive home, to run our precious city?  That thought literally makes me sick to my stomach.

If you do nothing else today please make sure that you vote.


  1. FEDUP!!!10:29 AM

    I am not in Alaska, and I have been wondering all this time: If he (D.S.) has a bar, and KNOWS that one of his customers/patrons has had 'one too many' - don't you guys have a law that *he*, D.S., is responsible for the accident?
    I believe there is a law in California and maybe also in other States that says something like that - *you* as a host have to know if one of your guests has had too much to drink, and *you* as a host have to make sure that person does not drive - either by taking away the drunk persons keys, or by calling a cab. Otherwise you as a host will be held liable in case of an accident.

  2. Looking forward to the knot in my own stomach hopefully unwinding with a Croft victory.

  3. Nope. Still there.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.