Monday, May 04, 2009

CC is going to be on KWMD today at 5:00! Be there or be square!

CC is back on the airwaves today at 5:00 and I am asking EVERYBODY to call in at (907) 771 0205 and give CC our love.  If we jam their phone lines perhaps we will show KUDO just what they are missing out on.

KWMD is found at:

90.7 FM Kasilof,

104.5 & 87.74 FM Anchorage

107.9 FM Mat-Su


  1. The stations won't come in up here!!! WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

  2. CC, the streaming just would not come up for me.
    I called in, the one sitting in the truck in the garage. It was the only radio on the place that would pick up the station. Having you back on the air was important enough to me that I sat out there until I was frozen and needed wood stove therapy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.