Monday, May 04, 2009

New ad from Citizens against Dan Sullivan.

I found this on Mudflats.  If you click the title you can read AKM's full post about it.

Here is the link to the audio commercial.

Something about that sexy voice on the commercial seems very familiar.  Hmmm.

Well off to work now, can you believe it is cloudy outside?  Was that summer?  Please don't tell me that is all we get.  


  1. Here are my reasons to vote against Dan:

  2. Maeve7:49 PM

    Thanks for that link, not that I'd consider Sullivan at all, running on his ancestor's records; but more fuel to the fire.

    As for the weather, if we don't get some rain soon, to get this dust and ash down, heads will be exploding all over town (mine included). Its too early in the year for summer, first we need spring...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.