Monday, May 04, 2009

Okay the Pay Pal button is finally up and running.

Thank you for all of the encouragement.

I still feel a little guilty about asking for money, but I will try to make sure that I use it wisely.

I obviously do not say it enough but I really do appreciate all of you who visit here regularly and provide so many great comments and information.  It makes this job so much easier and enjoyable.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Gave a donation--happily--and my kiddos and doggies still have food on their (respective) plates. So don't worry Gryphen! Go baby go.

  2. GO GTYPHEN! My alter-ego, "lori" just donated.

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Hi Gryphen -- You got it -- my donation. :o)

    You should also start a 'subscription' thru paypal for a certain, automatic amount each month for donations.

    I would also go for that -- You and your site are worth it. Good Luck!!!


    Have a good one -- LuvYa!

  4. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Gryphen, make Psalm 23 your mantra...and don't forget the holy water!!

  5. i think that it should also have an "any amount" option where people can type in the amount. or is that too complicated to set up?

  6. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:35 PM

    Hey Gryphen,
    Just donated... want to add you as a friend on FB.
    Look for me. ;-)

  7. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Just sent a donation. Whatever you use my donation for, it's just a way of expressing appreciation for the blog.

    You always post the best Jon Stewart excepts, and I don't have time to watch TV, so your blog means I don't miss out.

  8. Wolves Shoot Back10:46 PM

    I can't thank you enough for your hard work, esp. for your research over the whole WAR weirdness. I'm afraid my husband just kept talking about becoming a survivalist if WAR was anointed, and I wasn't ready to live in a bunker w/ a bunch of food and guns. Or to visit HIM living in such a place...LOL! Our voice is growing stronger, and we have our blue bloggers to thank for encouraging us to learn, speak up, and act!

  9. Happy to help Gryph! Keep up the good work!

  10. Thanks...maybe the "Sarah Palin" troll will donate like she said she would. I will donate more when my paypal account transfer is completed.

    Even if your investigation hits a wall, just reading your blog everyday is well worth the money.

  11. Thanks so much for all you do, Gryphen! I am happy to support your work on behalf of all of us.

  12. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Great job, Gryphen. We support you!

    I guess the fact that the BBC posted here yesterday (the most serious news source in the world) has the trolls in a frenzy.

  13. Anonymous7:04 AM

    a sucker is born every minute. give all of your money to the mentally unhinged trig troofer so they can go on vacation.

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Hey, Anon@ 7:04 a.m. Why are you so concerned with Gryphen's state of mind? Do I smell a troll crush?

    Why are you so aroused by Gryphen that you can't stay away? Or is it all of us that you love so much?

    Are you in love with progressives, and you can't tell your friends? Are you a closet progressive?????

  15. lisabeth8:21 AM

    Gosh, the Palin supporters sure seem really afraid. Otherwise why would they bother to read and comment here? I wonder what they are so afraid of?

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:49 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "a sucker is born every minute. give all of your money to the mentally unhinged"
    Sarah Palin in the ATM trust fund. A fool is soon parted from his cash...EH? troll??????
    Phuck off!
    You must be really afraid, that's why you keep coming here...

  17. FEDUP!!!10:47 AM

    Anon @7:04am: But I bet you are an avid supporter of GINO, and have donated tons and tons of $$ to HER and her 'trust fund' that will help support her into her old age (for, let's face it, the way it is worded, she can use it for her and her family for whatever she feels like!)

  18. Aw, I hope Gryph knows that if a vacation is what is needed for his sanity and the sake of this blog, he's welcome to spend my donation on a vacation. It would be a well-earned one.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.