Friday, May 29, 2009

Here is a video of one of the amazing benefits of living in Alaska. This should sweeten your morning.

Seeing moose in an around Anchorage is one of the most common things you can imagine.

When I back my car out of the driveway I check the rear view mirror for both oncoming cars and moose.

However seeing baby moose as cute as these two is a rare treat indeed.


  1. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:08 AM

    Gryphen, that was so sweet, twins! Made my day :)
    AKM has "twins" in her yard to, Brenda had twins the other day on AKM's b-day :) Cool b-day present.
    Love seeing the little critters with their Mom!

  2. Oh my. They are so sweet. Will MomMoose regain her strength? I hope so. I hope they are eating well.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.