Tuesday, May 05, 2009

New Rules from last Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher.

For some reason I forgot to post this earlier this week, which was a real oversight on my part because it was especially good.

I especially enjoyed the part about the Swine flu and evolution.  I have made that same argument myself too many times to count.


  1. Your hard work is being mentioned over at Americablog, again:

    Not if I can help it. The Alaska Bloggers at Themudflats.com and PalinsDeceptions.com and Immoral Minority and the Celtic Diva, are on the case!!

  2. Thanks for posting Gryphon..I have become a new fan and read your posts each day. Your going to become especially helpful when I ditch cable for the summer...it's going to be esp hard to give up Comedy Central....mmmm..maybe should rethink giving up cable...give up gym membership instead.


  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    This was hilarious. Thanks for posting it, as I don't watch TV and never would have seen it. It's exactly why I sent you $50 - I don't care what you spend it on - it's just a tip of appreciation for your hard work in putting this blog together.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.