Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sarah Palin calls to give her support to anti-gay marriage advocate Carrie Prejean.

Carrie Prejean and Sarah Palin go together like lipstick and pigs.

So says Prejean's father, at least, who tells E! News in an exclusive interview that the Alaska governor has already been in touch with his lightning-rod spawn.

"She called her directly to offer support," says the 58-year-old William Prejean.

While he did not reveal exactly which words of wisdom Palin offered to his suddenly—and literally—overexposed daughter, he did clarify that the phone call came prior to the beauty queen's racy photos appearing on

Sadly the content of this phone call is not known, but I am fairly confident that I can reconstruct it from what I know about Sarah Palin and this gay rights hating bimbo.

"Ring, totally ring".

"Uh hello this is Carrie."

"Hi Carrie this is Governor Sarah Palin, from Alaska!"


"Yeah you know that place way up north where you can totally see Russia."

"Oh the Tina Fey impersonator!"

"Yeah right, whatever. Look I just called to say that I totally support what you said about not supporting marriage between two dudes or body hair covered lesbians. That was totally brave of you, you betcha."

"Oh wow, thanks."

"I know a little something about making statements concerning positions that my future presidential campaign handlers tell me I am supposed to believe in, and being attacked just for faking honesty about it. Stupid gotcha bloggers!"

"I know right? I mean it is not like I even care about fags getting married, but how could I have received so much publicity if I had been all "gay marriage rocks Perez Hilton"? Who would have cared about little Carrie Prejean then?"

"Oh believe me you are preaching to the choir, there is NOTHING as bad as being ignored by the press. When that happens I just have to get out there and MAKE them pay attention to me again. I tell you that sometimes it is simply exhausting, dont'cha know?"

"I can totally imagine!"

"Yes well look, I have to get off of the phone before somebody files an ethics complaint about my calling a gay bashing beauty queen wannabe in California. But you just hang in there!"

"Oh I don't "hang", I got a boob job!"

"Yes well I wish you good luck on your homophobic campaign against equal rights."

"Thank you sooo much, and I will totally pray for your continued success with your hypocritical support of abstinence only education. How many children do you have now?"

"I have four, wait...this phone call might be recorded....I have five...yeah that's the ticket."

"Wow you look great for just giving birth a year ago, what is your secret?"

"Well Carrie I can"t really share that on an open line, but let us just say it helps to have family members that can be hidden away from the public for months at a time. Anyhow you take care, and remember to thrust that plastic chest of yours out with pride while you are continuing to attack those gay people because of who they happen to love. Jesus supports you in that."

"Oh totally thank you very much! And good luck with keeping people believing that you have a snowball's chance in hell of defeating that Muslim Barack Obama in 2012!"


"Totally bye."


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Excellent, but I could actually understand what you purport Palin to be portraying... we need Palinese. You know, insert some inappropriate punctuation, off tangent remarks in the middle, and absolutely NO periods! Only commas in the paragraph! LOL

    Ripley in CT

  2. thanks Gryphen - even better than the real thing.

  3. Irishgirl7:17 AM


  4. Anonymous7:24 AM

    LOL. Yeah, another stupid Palinesque PR move--call Carrie for some right wing beauty queen bonding. BUT WHAM. Then another semi-nude photo is released of Carrie. Good one, Palin! About as good as the turkey shoot photo op last November. WHO DOES HER PR STRATEGY????

    Here's a link to "All My Palins" for more commentary on the Palins' family values:

  5. Thanks to you, Gryphen, and Audrey for making me laugh. I totally so also too needed it.

  6. a few giggles to go with my coffee--perfect start for the day! :)

  7. Not one "also"?

    I wonder how Palin feels now that the nude photos have come out?

    The pageant people are reviewing the contract and in talks with Prejean about whether she will lose her crown. But the ultimate decision is going to be up to Donald Trump. One previous contestant with nude photos was fired. Another with underage drinking just got sent to rehab. I guess it will depend on whether Donald considers her PR damaging to his business. (And whether he's looking for his next wife.)

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:57 AM

    Awwwww...Gryphen, too funny! Two bimbo's with lipstick!!!!
    I hope they rip that crown right off her head! And I'm so ashamed this bimbo from cali, also too...
    And REALLY WTF did GINO call her to support????
    "Oh honey, us beauty queens have to stick together, who knows someday you might be governor, like me"
    :) !!!CRAP!

  9. the prejean thing is getting weirder. in addition to SP being her new pageant girl BFF, it's come out that her parents had a very bitter divorce were they accused each other of being gay (which they both deny). it probably worked its way into her subconscious that if no one had gay relationships somehow she'd still have one big, happy, jesus-lovin' family.

  10. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Here's another interesting one for you Gryphen.

    Check out Chastity Barefoot from Team Sarah and Mavericks 4 Palin talking to Greta Van Susteren. They are discussing the fact that the Palin's private lives should be off bounds, especially that of Bristol Palin.

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Further to my comment here is proof that she is a founding member of Mavericks 4 Palin

    You can trust me that she is a Team Sarah

  12. I just saw an article in which Huckabee praises Palin for being "pro-family." Is this their new codeword for "anti-gay-rights"? Seriously, who is "ANTI-family"?

    This one has got to be nipped in the bud. We fell asleep at the wheel and let them get away with claiming they're "pro-life," when the only form of death they seem to object to is abortion--death by bullets, bombs, disease, hunger, lack of medical care, lethal injection, violently abusive spouse, etc, are just fine. But they're still allowed to claim the moral highground because they're "pro-life."

    I suppose claiming to be pro-family is an extension of the label "family values." Whose family values? Please spare us all from the Palin family's values! What does "family values" mean, apart from a nostalgic wish we could recapture the laconic innocence of Mayberry? Is it prayer in the schools? No public schools? No national health? Morals police a la Saudi Arabia? Keeping the women all barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen where they belong? Discouraging kids of Piper's age from wearing highheels? Again, it's just a code word that makes them sound all warm and fuzzy when they're really totalitarian and scary.

    I think it's time we stop letting the conservative religious wingnuts get away with this Orwellian nonsense.

  13. Lisabeth1:20 PM

    Gryphen..absolutely hilarious!!!! And scary at the same time!

    Damn these far right wing nuts make me sick. They actually want to impose their "morals" onto everyone else and most of them have more garbage in their familes than any liberal person I know!! By the way, there is a movie coming out I think called "Outrage" which outs closeted gay politicians/tv personalities who actively talk out against gay rights. Whili I don't believe in outing people these gay Republicans should maybe not be so outspoken against gays.

  14. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Not only has Greta been grifting for Palin with regard to Bristol and her supposed privacy but she has also been acting as a bodyguard for Todd.

  15. SoCalWolfGal4:23 PM

    Gryphen, you nailed it!! This gets funnier, not to mention like "totally strange". This stuff simply cannot be made up!

  16. I'm with ya midnightcajun - language is key. Just had a spell with a Texas woman on another blog who insists being gay is a choice. I told her anti-gays just made that up so they don't have to answer the question "God made gays so how can it be wrong?"
    The flamers are out and they have detailed scripts and links to bullshit. Develop your own talking points, use good manners, be as smart and witty as you are, and don't back down. The moderates and independents are listening.

  17. Anonymous7:09 PM

    You guys are sick. Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean have more class in their little finger then you have all put together. The more you beat the them the stronger they get. Go get a life.

  18. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Why do the bots always say something along the lines of "go get a life"? I think they are just engaging in classic psychological projection.

  19. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Um, Anon@7:09. Go get some humor. You are dullsville. It's Saturday night. Lighten up!

  20. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Anon@7:09. Do you think real life is like STAR WARS?
    May the force be with you.

    Or are you saying that Sarah Palin will soon release nude photos, too?

  21. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Oops, sorry. Anon@7:09. I meant to write: "May the Farce Be With You."

  22. Sarah and Carrie have class?? LMAO
    That is the most hysterical thing I have heard this morning! It is even funnier than Wanda Sykes and our great President. I don't know what planet you live on anonymous, but your standards for what is considered class or trash are way way off buddy.


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