Thursday, May 07, 2009

Shannyn Moore is going to be on Countdown with Keith Olbermann tonight!

I just love it when Shanny is on with Keith.

Shannyn demonstrates to the whole world just how smart Alaskan women really are (not to mention sexy), and I get a vicarious thrill that somebody I know is talking to one of my progressive heroes.

Wow I am getting all excited just thinking about it.

Here is the video.

As usual Shannyn did a wonderful job!


  1. CC will be on tonight too. 5:00 pm on KWMD.

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Gryphen, you need to learn to plug fellow progressive Shannyn without mentioning her "sex appeal." I love your blog but when I see idiotic comments you make about Shannyn - I get angry.

  3. What a pleasant suprise! I am watching now! :)

  4. Well anonymous 3:47, I am sorry if I offended you with my comments. That is just the silly flirtatious way that Shannyn and I talk to each other.

    Of course I respect her as a fellow progressive, and I both know and like her boyfriend, so it is all in fun.

    Trust me if Shannyn felt it was disrespectful, or took it the wrong way, I would immediately post an apology.

    Besides progressives are very comfortable with their sexuality and tend not to get offended by light hearted flirtation.

  5. nswfm CA4:23 PM

    I think you need to fix the typo in her name

  6. nswfm ca4:24 PM

    never mind on the typo

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Gryphen...I listened to Keith's interview with Shannyn. She did an excellent job and covered many issues!

  8. Tuned in to KWMD and got nature talk about porcupines. Must have been a snafu, no CC so far.

  9. the problem child6:19 PM

    Further to the "sexy Shannyn" meme, there is nothing hotter than a smart chic with a great new haircut! And I'm married. To a man. (To clarify, I'm a woman, but since I live in Canada, I could be a man married to a man. Or a woman.) Sorry if that's TMI.

    And my wv is "hymentim"!!!

  10. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:55 PM

    I thought Shanny looked Great! Nice hair & makeup and glasses! She got many points in including the Native Villages! Yeah!!!!
    I am shocked tho, that GINO is actually staying in the state instead of zooming over to NYC???
    What's with that?
    I'm glad she is FINALLY putting Alaska first, but why??? She's ducking a GOPher thingy, the Alaska house (sending dud) and the faux news invite???
    WHY? All of a sudden?

  11. She's sending the First Dude to facedown Katie!

    Great job Shannyn, great job Gryphen, and somebody please tell Bristol education is not something you "get out of the way".

  12. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Why?? Maybe Palin finally realizes she doesn't have a chance at potus. And now with her Alaska numbers dropping so much, she realized she might not win a re-election so just maybe she's going to try to do her job. Time will tell. Thisvis what a smart person would finally figure out though, so who knows. The c4peers can spin the poll all the want. It is a SIGNIFICANT drop no matter how there little minds choose to twist it!

  13. onejrkitty9:12 PM

    With recent news of her dropping in the polls, she is embarassed to face all the people back east. Remember, she is the Queen and she just realized she has not clothes on.

    She is NOT stayin in Alaska because of the flooding--that has needed her attention, and not gotten it, for days. She is using the flooding as an "excuse" to stay home and not have to face people with her dropped and droppING poll numbers.

    Remember, it really is ALL about Palin, no matter what the facade may look like ~

  14. onejrkitty9:29 PM

    I am a straight, 65 year old female and I too think Shannyan is sexy. I am not "sexist" for saying that, I am merely stating a fact.

    IF I can say it, then so can Gryphen. Especially since anyone who knows him, at least from reading his bolg, can tell he is not in the least "sexist" toward women.

    I have earned my "chops" breaking trail in civil rights litigation ( discrimination against women in law enforcement hiring practices) and in aviation ( one of only 5 commercial female pilots at the time) and in other areas as well.

    I have been raped.

    IF ANYONE IS SENSITIVE TO "SEXISM" IT IS ME AND GRYPHEN IS NOT SEXIST. I AM UPSET OVER HIM BEING CALLED THAT BECAUSE OF THAT TYPE OF POLITICALLY CORRECTNESS ( calling someone sexist because they find a member of the female race sexy) is the same kind of small minded, discriminatory, bigoted thinking that we usually apply to racist, bigots, etc.

    Wait till you really hears, read, experience something "sexist." before complaining.

    Otherwise all you do is cheapen you complaint.

    Besides, tho my hair was dark brown, I looked a lot like Shannyn when I was her age, eons ago LOL and ain't nothing wrong with a good looking man calling you sexy ! Not one damn thing wrong with that LOL

  15. Kelly W10:00 PM


    Thanks for posting Shannyn's appearance on KO!

    I love how you called Shannyn sexy-if anyone has a right to be would be me!

    And I can tell you...Shannyn loves being a woman, an Alaskan, and a liberal!!!

    Thanks for the great blog Gryph...keep on rockin on...and...time to refill the coconut lotion!!!

  16. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Another interesting audio for you -

    Tank Jones speaks to Dan Fagan.

    No Babygate/Levi/Bristol talk but fascinating none the less.

  17. Anonymous11:53 AM


    I think it's fine that you called Shannon 'Sexy'. If Shannon is o.k. with it then I am too. Most women appreciate a nice, sexy compliment here and there and I am one that does. It's especially nice when it comes from a man that doesn't call every person with a vagina sexy and you strike me as a man with standards.

    Shannon is an attractive woman with brains to compliment her attractiveness. Now that's a deadly combination. You go, Girl!!!


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