Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Alaskan sky calls to me.

This is the view from the front of my house.

Can you see the sky?

Can you feel it call to you?

I certainly can.

On days like this the idea of staying inside seems the very definition of absurdity.

So today I rode my bike, played ball with the children, worked in my garden, watched a bird build a nest, and lived my life today basking under the brilliant Alaskan sky.

It was a day well spent I am sure you will agree.

Tomorrow I will return to the world, and talk of politics, and corruption, and lies.

Today there is only the beautiful Alaskan sky, and me.


  1. Maeve4:07 PM

    Good idea, taking a break is good, and the weather is perfect - Alaska at its best. Hope you had a great day!

  2. Aaahhh yes

    Zaki's "iceberg" is tasting pretty good right now in my nice cold glass of ice tea.

    So refreshing after beating the naysayers

  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Priorities in the right order! Good for you!

    Mine was attending a Ribfest for the first time. If you're finished with the wheelbarrel in the garden, may I borrow it!! I feel like a stuffed whale needing assistance as I'm unable to move!!

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    {{{{{{{Faux Sarah Palin}}}}}}}

    I always know we're still on the right track when you feel you have to spread your special palintrollativity here!

  5. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sanity requires occasional breaks from obsessions.
    Enjoying clear here in Northern California skies as well.

    Which part of your photo is Russia ?

  6. it is beautiful!

    i've only been privileged to go to AK once. i spent the 2 weeks framing the summer solstice kayaking in kenai fjords nat. park (with only 2 cloudy/rainy days!). about a decade ago.

    i was most struck by the overwhelming intensity of everything. the immense hours of day light streaming down onto mountains and glaciers that went directly into the sea, and seemed to give the sky more "depth." i'm from the midwestern prairie, and when you travel the flat farmlands the great upturned bowl of the sky seems infinity broad and huge, but not deep. in AK it was an insane combo -looking out towards the sea horizon you could feel the immensity of our earth, and then looking over the other shoulder at the mountains and the deep sky you got a totally different feeling.

    i hope i some day have the time and money to go back :) glad you gave yourself a free day!

  7. Do you see that house to the left?

    That is Russia.

    But I don't think that Sarah has ever been in my least I don't THINK she has.

  8. helooooo faux sarah! have a good time in New York City! We are having fun and taking care of the house and our babies. Love, Levi, Bristol, Trig and Tripp (ahhhh, so peaceful here without you!)

  9. Anon at 4:59

    Thats funny, cause it seems to me that everytime I show up here, I have won again!

    Hmmmm, what have I won this time? A lifetime supply of icecubes...

    Didn't take much to chip that iceberg into little bits. Hope you are not too dissappointed.

  10. "sarah palin" 9:12-

    if you even wanted to pretend to be the real SP you would take this post as an opportunity to glory in how amazing your great state is in summertime.

    as that is the actual subject of gryphen's post.

    of course, if you are a fake you don't get it.

    or -even more disturbing- if this was really you and you were willing to throw away a celebration of the natural glory of alaska for a petty lil' political snipe, then you deserve to be kicked out of the state.

    maybe they'll take you down in montana. or maybe not, as you show no loyalty to the best things in your home state....even "red-state-for-life" montana people take loyalty pretty darn seriously....

  11. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Ahh, Faux Sarah, this is Anon @4:59. You are so impatient, girlfriend. Icebergs don't melt into ice cubes anyway...But since you are from Sandpoint, Idaho, surely I don't have to tell you that! :-)

  12. You should have been working on those dandelions! :-)

  13. Sandpoint, Idaho. Ah yes, right next to Hayden Lake the home of many proud white supremacist and isolationist whackjobs. Sound familiar?

  14. Sarah Palin5:26 AM

    Anon at 9:45

    Thats the problem with these blogs, the commenters have no idea what they are talking about. I love it!

    And if you read my comment in under another topic, you would know that I said I had chipped that iceberg into tiny bits. It is over. Now I am enjoying the

    Don't be so dissappointed though, I'm quite sure Gryphen and the rest of them will be more than happy to drum up something else for you to look forward to again.

  15. And it makes it sooooooooo hard to come back to this computer....

  16. Anonymous7:51 AM

    @Faux Sarah, this is Anon@ 9:45 again. Oh, thank you so very much for your nuanced verbal distinction: "chipped" versus "melted" re: icebergs. I did NOT see your post on another thread. What an important difference! Have you thought about starting your very own blog, Faux Sarah? Your lexical acrobatics would entertain in a stand-alone format--as a single entity! No need to piggyback on Gryphen's work, trying to compete for the limelight with him. Think about it! :-)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.