Tuesday, June 09, 2009

David Letterman's Top Ten Highlights of Sarah Palin's trip to New York.

Just click the title to watch the video segment.

10 Visited New York landmarks she normally only sees from Alaska
9 Laughed at all the crazy-looking foreigners entering the U.N.
8 Made moose jerky on Rachael Ray
7 Keyed Tina Fey's car
6 After a wink and a nod, ended up with a kilo of crack
5 Made coat out of New York City rat pelts
4 Sat in for Kelly Ripa. Regis couldn't tell the difference.
3 Finally met one of those Jewish people Mel Gibson's always talking about
2 Bought makeup from Bloomingdale's to update her "slutty flight attendant" look
1 Especially enjoyed not appearing on Letterman

Well with George Bush no longer in office David Letterman has to be able to make fun of SOMEBODY!

Sadly his source of new material is my freaking Governor.

Update: Right on cue Palin is now attacking David Letterman. Damn woman didn't you learn anything from what happened to John McCain? You never piss off David Letterman! He will hand you your ass if you do. (I must give a hat tip to two of my commenter's for bringing this to my attention. Thank you Madcity Chick and Anonymous, whoever you are.


  1. I realize this is off topic, but I have read a couple of places that speculate on Sarah's iceburg being "Transcanada". I've been so focused on the baby Trip that I neglected to educate myself of this topic. Perhaps there are others. Could we have it in 25 words or less?

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I don't find it sad at all. Got a good laugh of it! Somebody on network stating a truth or two!!

  3. he's got it exactly right. As she gets older and more "cougary", she looks less and less like the naughty librarian and more and more like the slutty middle-aged flight attendant! Red cork wedges? Bright red toenails? I rest my case. And Willow looked like she was following in the footsteps with her DaisyDuke cut-offs. Blech.

  4. Madcity Chick12:47 PM

    And true to Sarah, she's already firing back at Letterman and calling him pathetic b/c of #2. Well Sarah, ummmmmmm if the 'shoe' fits.


    She just doesn't get how to functio outside of Alaska.

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    True to Sarah she's already attacking Letterman. She just doesn’t know when to quit or to keep her mouth shut. If you’re a politician you expect Letterman to make fun of you! PERIOD.


  6. I would like to know about this TransCanada issue too. Livvy, trying looking at AndrewHalcro.com. Someone said he discusses it there, but I haven't looked yet. I am going to after I write this.

    Sarah talking back to Letterman just shows she simply can't cut it. If she thinks she can control comediennes or others like that, she will always be upset. This is just the way it is! She is still complaining about Katie Couric and Tina Fey!! Hasn't she learned by now to just ignore them?? She is really messed up! If she strolls around like she does, she is asking for people to talk about her and make fun of her. She creates all of this herself, she just does not see it.

  7. Anonymous2:03 PM

    For her to call the media "buffoons". Should be interesting in that to progress her political career any further, she needs the media. A strict diet of Faux News doesn't cut it in reaching the masses and Zeigler is so unreliable for many things such as lack of intelligence, lack of audience following and usually lack of an outlet to speak as he's fired so often.

    Should she go the avenue of working in media -- that too requires the added exposure of other media outlets. The various news or show interviewers -- they hold grudges and will speak of them often.

    Wow -- She does manage to burn many bridges in a single day!!

  8. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Gryphen, to the rest of America (and even to many Alaskans), Sarah Palin is a BIG joke.

    Palin is sadly too dumb to understand that major politicians don't reprimand comedians by answering them back and dressing them down.

    Every King needs a Court Jester. Maybe Palin doesn't even understand what a talented comedienne like Tina Fey actually does.

  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:14 PM

    OH Well she couldn't just STFU ya know! Her pal JZ needs to launch his show and what a better way to do it than use her! SHE doesn't get it!He is using her, like he did with his low/rent video!
    I agree with she is looking more cougarish and hoochiemama than anything.... with that troughed thick swatch of blush, and eyeliner a mile wide,J-Lo lipliner and crack ho shoes! She should of not responded...but she did, attention whore that she is!
    Gryphen, I feel for you all in Alaska but why don't you start writing letters to the leg? This has been going on since the end of the campaign. She is getting worse and worse and as Shannyn says "is in a adderall cloud". Did you see those hands flippin' and flopping during hannity?
    She is a poor excuse for anything!!!!
    And needs to STFU and GO AWAY!!!!

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Letterman is a comedy show stupid... If Palin doesn't want them to make fun of her she should stop being so damn funny...lol.

    On another note, she is really beginning to scare me right now. I do not think she is going to be stopped. I do not believe the bloggers are capable of outing her anymore. I used to think so but she is not even slowing down. She is squeezing her way out of everything.

    Truly truly scared right now.

  11. Anonymous2:26 PM

    if you want to know gryphen's take on transcanada and her imaginary gas-pipeline, just type transcanada into the box at top left where is says "search blog" you can also read the original articles about it using his headline links.

  12. Gryphen, I made a comment on Audrey's PD blog. This little incident is another prime example why I believe there is still truth to be revealed about Trig. Sarah reacts to EVERYTHING said about her that she perceives to be negative, immediately and without any regards to the consequences. We have learned over the past nine months that she cannot take the slightest criticism. She loves to throw things back her in her critics faces, and say "I told ya so!", just like she did on Hannity and her ridiculous press releases regarding the ethics charges.

    If she had proof positive that she was Trig's biological mother, she would have thrown that around so fast our heads would spin, but she doesn't. Just like she never responded to Levi's recent revelation of homeschooling with Bristol,and the alleged affair revealed last year in the National Enquirer. She lives in her self chosen reality...unfortunately Alaskans and their elected leaders have let her get away with it for far too long. The rest of America rejected her last November..it is time for Alaska to reject her and recall her. This woman is not Octomom, Britney Spears, or Kate Gosselin...she is the SITTING GOVERNOR OF YOUR STATE!

  13. Anonymous2:52 PM

    To Anon@2:15, rest assured of this: Palin will never be in a major office again. Don't be scared! Take a breath. She is an international joke today. Her "brand" is sunk & the GOP is happy about it. Only extremists support her.

    How effective was the "teabagging protest" in your area? Those are the Palin supporters. In D.C., they couldn't even figure out where they could legally dump the tea! Now that's a smart protest (NOT).

  14. pretzel2:53 PM

    Palin is just like those morons who only write in to a newspaper to complain about the political cartoons they don't agree with while ignoring any story of real substance.

    Good grief, she is so pathetically ignorant and stupid. Why oh why dd you have to elect her Alaskans?

  15. Anonymous3:10 PM

    She is keeping trim and acting like she is on speed. Manic babbling, paranoia is setting in, no sense of how she looks, erratic and so on. Whatever she is doing, it is exasperating her mental condition.

  16. Anonymous3:35 PM

    The GOP are using her for fundraising. Newt, Romney and other GOPer's trashed her after the campaign and will do the same further down the road. For now -- she's a good draw for money.

  17. That was hilarious last night! I really enjoyed David's show. He's got every right to talk about that idiot Palin! I'm a republican, but that's an embarrassment to the republican party. She just needs to go back into her ice house, plug the door with a big cube, and GO AWAY!

  18. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Doesn't Sarah remember what Letterman did to McCain? McCain begged to come back (for the publicity) and had to admit, "I messed up." Former Illinois Governor Blago begged to be on Letterman, saying he wanted to be there "in the worst way." "And you are!" responded Letterman. Letterman has a crackerjack team of comedy writers. Sarah lifts lines from Newt's speeches. It won't even be close.

  19. I have so much respect for Audrey and the team at Palin’s Deceptions. However, I wonder how much information has not been allowed by the moderator, Morgan. When I posted the dictionary definition of narcissistic personality disorder (i.e. if someone has 5 of the 9 criteria, they have NPD) and commented that Sarah displayed all 9, I was rejected, with the explanation that “we” are not physicians and therefore cannot make a “mental health diagnosis”. When I posted a British medical journal site that tied the appearance of Down’s Syndrome with incest and CBJ’s involvement, “we” are not allowed to discuss incest. In that sense, PD is almost as guilty as MSM by not allowing discussion in these areas. I would not want to see nasty comments, but civil discussion that will get people to pull their heads out of the sand and recognize that SP panicked and went to EXTREME MEASURES to avoid what narcissists hate above all else - criticism and humiliation. Had she simply acknowledged her 16 year old daughter was pregnant and had Trig, she could have just said it was a private family matter and no one would need to know about the father. But her narcissistic personality, her fanatical religion and her dishonesty compelled her to lie about Trig and think she could get away with faking a pregnancy. THAT is why she now has to be disclosed so that she never gets into a position of power again.

  20. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I love Letterman all teh tome but last nights Top 10 was priceless :)

  21. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Viginia Voter...

    I don't agree, I think Palin responds to things in the MSM. If its just on the blogs she ignores it. Thats why this needs to break into the MSM, to make her respond. If the bloggers never manage to get it to the MSM, I'm afraid she will win this battle...sad.

  22. Lawrence O'Donnell described Sarah Palin perfectly the other day when he said

    "Sarah Palin is a Bridge to Nowhere"

  23. Here is why I don't believe in the God of the Bible. Why does Jesus let a-holes like those GA church people hurt others in his name? And this goes on century after century. Jesus preferred to hang out with society's marginalized. I often say I prefer gay people to straights most of the time! Better sense of humor from adversity.

    The only truly Christian church I have been to is a renegade American Catholic church in Minneapolis, St. Joan of Ark. They do "weddings" for gay people, the nuns are all living together, they provide partner benefits at the shelters they run....lots of love and caring about their fellow man. NO ONE turned away.

  24. Pro Choice Grandma, and others,
    *Let me first apologize upfront for this tiny OT rant, I will never mention it again after this :)

    I agree whole heartedly about Morgan's moderation at PD! Long ago I accused her of reposting one of my theory posts as her own. Since that time, she has openly critized my words, and has scolded me for "kindly" commenting on a regular poster that she allows to repeat his tired theory, adnauseum, in every thread. Now she refuses to post ANYTHING I submit, as if I am a friggin palinbot. I have been told by one of their team members that they have had numerous complaints about the moderation, but their hands are tied. It was then suggested that I post here or at palingates, to get fair moderation.
    It is not my intention to whine here, I just wanted to let you know, PCG, that you definitely are not alone!

  25. ProChoiceGrandma, I would be interested in a link to that medical journal site you mention: the one that links Down's with incest. If you could post that here, I would be grateful, to you and Gryphon. Thanks in advance,

  26. Sorry my post about the GA church was in the wrong thread.

  27. To peninparadise: I am not going to rant about Morgan, because I believe she was following certain guidelines, but I agree with you about Dan and the misleading Willow theory he consistently posted “adnauseum”, especially when he continued with his theory after seeing the video of the 1-15-08 state of the state address in which Willow was there wearing a sleeveless dress. I was concerned because anyone fairly new visiting PD would be confused and turned away, just when the puzzle pieces were all beginning to come into place. And I think that was his objective.

  28. To Ivyfree:
    This is an article from the British Medical Journal March 28, 1981:


    “Children born as a result of incest
    …Instead of a coefficient of inbreeding of one in eight for uncle-niece marriages, the true coefficient would be closer to one in four - that of incest - where the marriage has taken place against a background of consanguinity among forebears.
    The second factor is the speed with which a new mutation (to the carrier state) would rise in frequency in a family. This would be very greatly accelerated by inbreeding. Our hospital serves a number of areas where cousin marriage is frequent. A great deal of named autosomal recessive disease, mental handicap with or without dysmorphic features, and stillbirth is seen in these groups. A number of disorders do not conform to textbook or modern genetic-journal descriptions of named conditions and could represent private syndromes, unique to those particular families. Pedigrees of the index cases abound with consanguinity.”

    I had to look up:
    coefficient - a constant number that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic

    1. Relationship by blood or by a common ancestor.
    2. A close affinity or connection.

    and dysmorphic feature:

    Dysmorphic feature is a medical term referring to a difference of body structure that is suggestive of a congenital disorder, genetic syndrome, or birth defect. A dysmorphic feature can be a minor and isolated birth defect (e.g., clinodactyly, not accompanied by other features or problems. Alternatively it can be one of a combination of features signaling a serious multi-system syndrome (e.g., the epicanthal folds of Down's syndrome).
    epicanthal fold, epicanthic fold, or epicanthus is a skin fold of the upper eyelid (from the nose to the inner side of the eyebrow) covering the inner corner (medial canthus) of the human eye.

  29. "Long ago I accused her of reposting one of my theory posts as her own."

    I'm not surprised if Morgan took offense if you accused her of that.

    You'd be surprised how many times I've had what I think is a "brainstorm" about some Sarah Palin issue or other -- write it out and post it at PD, here, on Celtic Diva's Oasis, at Shannyn's blog, at Phil's blog, etc. -- and find that someone else has already posted a similar thought without either of us having read the other's comments beforehand.

    Either that, or I find my theories/ideas transcribed practically word for word without attribution either at the same place or elsewhere, even if there had been NO previous mention by someone else.

    C'est la vie. This isn't competition and we're not getting gold stars for having the best ideas or conspiracy theories.

    We're trying to get to the bottom of a strange story promulgated by a jumped-up small town public official who has dreams of grandeur far beyond her capacities.

  30. You have to go back to the basics: why in the world would Sarah fake a pregnancy?? If Sarah had simply acknowledged that Bristol was pregnant with Trig, no one would have gone to these lengths to prove that a candidate for VP of the United States had actually faked a pregnancy and continued to lie about it. No one would have known with any certainty who was Trig’s father. Levi thought he was the father. But the fact is, Sarah Palin used terrible judgment in concocting her fake pregnancy, putting her political ambitions above all else. I have to think how abusive the circumstances must have been on Bristol, to be kept in hiding until she gave birth to Trig, a Down’s Syndome baby, then having to continue the scam by keeping Trig in hiding until Sarah completed her 6 week pregnancy until Trig’s presentation on 4-18-08. But considering Sarah’s character, perhaps this was her method of punishing Bristol for getting pregnant and jeopardizing Sarah’s “family values” rhetoric and “abstinence only” political position.

    I believe Track was sent away during his senior year because of his drug use and the influence it was having on his sister. The podunk town in Michigan (Portage) was of no importance in furthering any hockey ambitions. I am hopeful he was actually in some drug rehab program, but I doubt Sarah would part with her money for that expensive treatment. He was probably placed with a fellow religious zealot like herself. I also find it curious that Track supposedly suffered a “career ending shoulder injury” and returned to Wasilla to graduate in the spring of 2007. (I believe Bristol became pregnant with Trig in mid May 2007 when she was 16 ½, Track turned 18 on 4-20-89). Yet he was able to enlist in the Army on 9-11-07 and get through boot camp – with a “shoulder injury”? How does one climb ropes, scale walls, do push-ups and crawl on your belly with a rifle under barbed wire in basic training with a shoulder injury that was significant enough to end his career in hockey?

    Everyone knows that when there is an allegation of sexual abuse to a minor, the alleged abuser must not live in the same residence. Instead of expressing pride in Track’s enlistment, Sarah’s spokesperson relayed this message: "Gov. Palin has declined to comment. The Palin family wants to keep private some aspects of his decision, spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said."

  31. TransCanada tipping point in just a few words: It is believed that the people in charge of TC are Scientologists, and that John Coale (Mr. Greta Van Susteren) is a Theta Clear Scientologist. Coale has gotten tight with SP; I don't know what they're cooking up regarding the pipeline.

    Definitely I'm showing my age in even thinking that GINO could resemble a "slutty," "aging" flight attendant: Until well after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, unquestionably "stewardesses" could be fired for being overweight (even a pound or two), wearing glasses, getting married, or reaching the age of 30 or 32, depending on the airline. The unequivocal rule against married flight attendants did not completely end until the early '80s.

    In a particularly bone-chilling piece of training prep, TWA once noted to its aspiring "hostesses" (as TWA's flight attendants then were called), "If you don't find someone to look after you by the time you're around 28, we don't want you either."

  32. Anonymous7:55 AM

    That is an article from 1981! Pretty old. Find some current ones... I do not believe Downs is associated at all with incest! Although other developmental disabilities can be.....

  33. Thank you, ProChoiceGrandma. Very interesting!

  34. Anon at 7:55 am – Sarah says he has Down’s Syndrome, but we do not know for a fact if Trig actually has Down’s Syndrome (Trisomy 21). But he has the APPEARANCE of DS (see “dysmorphic feature” above). SP can certainly clear this up by providing the DNA and amnio results proving it is Trisomy 21, of course along with the birth certificate. I have learned not to trust anything Sarah says. It is always misleading.

  35. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I agree about the moderation at PD. I know for a fact that Morgan has not posted inside information because the poster did not want to give thier name and occupation. Kind of hypocritical coming from those that wish to remain anonymous themselves. I don't go there anymore because of the censoring of opinions, but they have every right to do what they want on their blog. I think it only hurts the effort though.

    I don't see why something cant be done about the moderation though if they are getting complaints. How are their hands tied? Morgan is not the blogs owner.

  36. onejrkitty12:04 PM

    Palin complains about Letterman making fun yet, I do remember that radio show where Palin and Eddie Burke LAUGHED ABOUT LYDIA GREEN'S CANCER.

    Now THAT is ugly and unacceptable.

    Funny thought: If Todd thinks Letterman is "raping" his daughter, I would would Palin force Willow to have his baby anyway LOL

  37. This is great! Can't wait to see Jon Stewart and Colbert rag on this too. I hope she keeps talking smack. My evenings will be filled with laughter!

  38. MadCity Chick1:40 PM

    She's going after him again Gryphen and this time she's got The First Dude going after him too. And once again Sarah twists Dave's joke into something it wasn't and something he never said.

    Wonderful write up on your daughter by the way. I wish I coud be in Alaska to lend support, so I'll have to lend it from afar.


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