Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jon Stewart pokes fun at the people who claim that President Obama is not a US citizen.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
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Political HumorJoke of the Day

You know Obama actually PROVIDED his birth certificate. Do you hear that Governor Palin?


  1. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Am I the only one who sees the irony in that BO has a verfied birth certificate, but is believed NOT to be a citizen while Trig has NO birth certificate but is believed to be SP's son? Kind of counterintuitive. I love the Daily Show.

  2. bonsai-jay6:34 AM

    David Letterman got in a couple of diggs at GINO last night in his monologue. His biggest laugh was NOT making a joke about the ethics finding. approx at 6:15 minute mark.

  3. Just_a_Mote6:46 AM

    Anon @5:19AM, you are not the only one. Most conspiracy theorists cannot be reasoned with, they do not live in an evidence based world. They are passionate in their delusion. And, the Daily Show is hilarious.

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    To Anon 5:19 AM: You are not the only one! The only proof that Sarah gave birth to Trig was when she announced that Bristol was pregnant. Some proof!

  5. That was hilarious... I think I'm in love with Jon Stewart!

    And Anon@5:19am: No, you're not the only one who sees the irony.

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The GOP is exploiting the vulnerable with this nonsense. You can see it on their faces that they don't even believe what they are saying

    The truly sick part is, they know what they are doing. They are whipping up the impressionable, less-educated in their party.

    It's truly disgusting not to mention dangerous for our President.

  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Please check out Palingates. They have a whole bunch of thank you notes that $arah wrote, thanking donors to the Alaska Fund Trust. It's hard to imagine her thanking people in lovely handwritten notes and not being involved in any way at the same time. Oh yeah, and she never actually received any money, yet she thanks people. Give me a break!

  8. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The Obama birth certificate didn't stand up to close scrutiny. There's something being hidden.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Doesn't anybody remember 8th grade civics? Here, people:

  10. As the idiot @ 8:09 shows, there will always be the gullible fools who believe what they want to believe in the face of all evidence to the contrary, as in the case of Obama's birth certificate (which has been certified by Hawaii's REPUBLICAN governor and physically scrutinized by a bipartisan team), or who believe what they want to believe with no evidence at all (as in the case of $arah's phantom childbirth).

  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Doesn't anybody remember 8th grade civics? The whole discussion is ridiculous.

  12. Anonymous8:31 AM

    And you know what's even more ironic. These same people who won't take Obama's short-form birth certificate (Yea the one that has been confirmed by Hawaiian officials) get pissed off when we question why Trig's birth certificate couldn't be presented by Sarah to dismiss babygate. Also I continue to post wherever I can that not only have we not seen any birth certificate for Trig, his official birth announcement was not listed on the internet or in the local papers in Alaska on the date he was supposedly born. Now that is strange. Obama's birth announcement was even listed in an Hawaii newspaper back in 1961. I wonder why the son of the Governor of Alaska was not and it was 2008?


  13. He is funny but This will not stop it will only get worse as the angry whites of the Republican party get increasingly desperate of losing their grip on what they perceive is their America.
    Born in the USA prove it? That us insane. That is not their issue that is their excuse to continue to whip people into a frenzy. It was obvious watching and listening to the video being born in the USA is not the issue. Being Black is!

    I am sick of the lunatic fringe of the Republican party inciting unrest since day one. This is no joke!

  14. ANON 8:09:
    When I needed a birth certificate to get a passport, I was issued a COPY of a LIVE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. I have NEVER seen mine (or my kids) original birth certificate. I don’t know anyone who has an original. What State actually gives out originals? And YES, I was (and so were my children) born in Hawaii.
    I don’t think CRAZY people like you would believe that President Obama IS a Natural Born citizen no matter what proof is provided. I know that people will say that I am playing the race card but, I think that the ONLY reason that YOU don’t believe that he was born in Hawaii, IS because you are a HATEFUL, IGNORANT BIGOT. Why don’t you and your moronic tribe just admit that you hate him just because he is Black. You can save yourself a lot of trouble coming up with deranged theories by just admitting that you are RACISTS.
    But knowing that everyday that YOU sad little TROLLS are despondent to the fact our GREAT COUNTRY elected an African-American, brings me great joy!

  15. This is nothing but racist rhetoric from the rabid right. Enough already....did anyone remember that the other candidate, John McCain, was not even born on American soil...he was born in Panama!

  16. get real10:27 AM

    Please remember that most of the Obama "birthers" also think that Earth is only 6,000 years old. Enough said.

  17. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Well, I tried to post a comment and it went away...lost in cyberspace. So, let me try again.

    My father never had a birth certificate although his ancestors arrived in America from England way before 1800. Ditto for my mother. My father had to go to the school board to obtain a certified letter saying he was a certain age and the year of such age in order to retire and draw social security at 65. His church did not have a church baptism record. So, those two newspaper announcements of Obama's birth would have been accepted to prove of his birth by the SSA.

    I have never heard of an American birth certificate, rather a state issued certified copy birth certificate which is what I have, less than half a sheet of paper.

    And that lady spewed out her father's military service as if to dis President Obama like her family was better than his. President Obama's grandfather fought in World War II at Normandy. His uncle also fought in World War II. Funny, everybody ignores that.

    So, I see that lady and those like-minded as sore loser racists grasping for straws, plain and simple.

    As far as little Trig, only a DNA now. Especially since Palin put one of her cronies over the department that handles birth certificates.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for sharing Joe Stewart!

  18. Of course he is a citizen what he is not is a president. Know president can be as stupid as he shown last night when he called cops stupid. A sign of a man who is not able to be a leader an an embarresment to Americans,

  19. Red Baron:
    Aww, but those cops WERE stupid in the way that they handled the case.
    I don't think that you are in any position to call anybody stupid. Oh, wait, maybe you should join the Sarahbots. They are stupid and cannot reason. You would fit right in.

  20. Wait a minute here, folks. @ 8:09 I was posting that I think the people who are stating doubts about Obama's citizenship are the loonies. . . As the link I posted clearly states, Obama IS a citizen, because his MOTHER was a citizen. Sheemaneez. When you call someone an idiot, maybe you'd better check yourself in the mirror first.

  21. Anonymous5:22 PM

    @Red Barron, you are the embarrassment to America, with your lack of education and inability to process complex ideas.


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