Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sarah tweets her ignorance of breaking news on blogs.

So Sarah's tweets of the day are the following.

AKGovSarahPalinThis wk saw add'l violation of law:filer of friv ethics complaint leaks confidential documents out of context 2 create false headlines, pre-
from TwitterBerry

AKGovSarahPalinLegal Fees Fund trustee's press conf yest set record straight w/facts/truth re:recent complaint;read transcript in case press chooses not to
from TwitterBerry

(Actually Palin is having a manic twittering day and has at least four other tweets on ANWR and pro-drilling bills but let's focus on the ethics stuff for right now shall we?)

You see dear Sarah seems to believe that Kristan Cole's little miniature press conference yesterday put any ideas of ethical violations by the fund to rest. But she fails to realize that much of what Cole had said was already being refuted on the Internet within an hour.

You can scroll down to read what I said, so let me give you some links to what OTHER blogs are saying.

Hypocrites and Heffalumps certainly has something to say about Kristan Cole's statements.

Mudflats also finds numerous holes in Cole's press release.

Shannyn Moore opines about the source of the Daniel document link and distinguishes between Palinistas and Palin-bots.

And Palingates has actual copies of the thank you notes that Sarah sent out to those contributors that she apparently did not even know existed until the day before yesterday. (Who else is hearing the "Time Warp" song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show playing in their heads right now?)

Methinks Sarah may want to stop using her Blackberry's to baffle us with bullshit and start using them to learn just how deep the pile of shit she is standing in has become.

Here is a hint: It is damn deep!


  1. Nicely said Gryphen: here is an analogy I'd like to put out there.

    What happens when you trap a wild animal in an enclosed space and they have no escape?

    What happens when you trap a guilty human being with innuendo and evidence that what they say is a pack of lies?

    Something has her pinned to the wall and she's squirming for all she's worth. She is 100% card-carrying manic at this point.

    She's going to get carpal-tunnel of the thumbs.

    Will she EVER shut up?

    When she goes to jail, will she be able to quittertwitter?

  2. I'd also like to say thanks to all those bloggers who actually managed to READ Cole's unadulterated blabbery.

    Good grief - the lady doth protest way too much.

    oh Kristen....whatcha hiding????

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Sarah Palin and her Palinbots are scared shitless and I love it!

    The naked truth is always chasing a well-dressed lie.

  4. The woman is insane! She has 110000 people following her and a big portion of those like to watch her make a fool of herself.

    She obviously doesn't think too highly of her supporters if she thinks they"ll buy her lies and guess what, they do. It shows how plain stupid they are.

    This is a great example of Palins evilness. She's crazy and I feel sorry for her children. Very sorry!

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Oh Gryphen.

    That b*tch is now posting from her own bony fingers that Kim Chatman leaked that report?

    It is time to SUE her sorry little ass. She is STILL Governor, and she has no right to slander a citizen who has done NOTHING to her but point out her potentially unethical conduct, and ask the Personnel Board to look into it! Ms. Chatman is following the proper channels; GINO is off her f*cking rocker!!!!

    I apologize, but I just cannot get any more angry w/o swearing!!!!

  6. Oh look, her boots look dirty!

    Someone is standing in a big pile of steaming s*it. Let's hope she's wearing her red monkey shoes.

    They are losing it - fast. The fight is getting fast and furious.

    They don't get it. They've already lost.

  7. Has any one told Sarah to just put down the quitterberry? I love the entertainment Sarah provides, but shit, she needs to put down her shovel, and just stop digging her hole deeper and deeper. It has gotten more pathetic by the minute.

    I am convinced that she is truly manic depressive and/or bipolar. My late mother was, and Sarah's behavior are the classic symptoms.

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Dammit to hell! I wish I was a lawyer. Kim Chatman get $$$ in your eyes because the leak came from the Personal Board. Sue the hell out of them for deformation of charcter and TAKE all the Alaska Trust Fund money from them.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    So, dear Gryphen, is this it? Are we to pass several serene days until the big picnic event? Or is there another shoe to drop, another fragment of iceberg to drift in, another wiff of illegality to waft by?

    In short, do I have to check your blog hourly or just thrice a day?

  10. What Sarah needs is a daily dose of laxatives. Whilest you say that she is standing knee deep in shit, I say that she is full of it. That's why she is so irritable these days.

  11. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sarah Palin is on the run!

    (Yeah, and it's not to another RUNNER'S WORLD photo shoot)

  12. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Am I missing something here?
    Per the Washington Times post:

    "According to the AP, the board will say she improperly used her public image to raise money for the legal defense fund created to fend off complaints made against her as an elected official.
    No punishment is expected for violating the rules; the board will only recommend that Mrs. Palin not take direct payments from the fund. "

    If the AP report is true then....NO punishment is expected for violating the rules?? -- So no punishment for her, her supporters won't care regardless, so what good is it? It seems this doesn't matter one way or the other. Even if she is lying about it, nothing seems to be coming of it. So she can't use the money -- big deal to her, she is going to be swimming in book money soon, she won't care.

    So why is this such an iceberg? Is this it?

  13. Anonymous10:50 AM

    John Coale needs to be fleshed out some more, he's a well known ambulance chaser who's been caught up in some pretty high profile cases, in particular as an investor in a Ponzi scheme involving Scientologist Reed Slatkin.

  14. WakeUpAmerica10:57 AM

    The first tweet sounds like defamation of the ethics filer. The news came out yesterday, SARAH, that the personnel board leaked your unwecome news.

  15. WakeUpAmerica11:00 AM

    Woo hoo, Gryphen. It looks like I can post from IE but not from Firefox. Weird. I hope you read my email yesterday. It shows Sarah's involvement with the Alaska Fund Trust. (and my word verification is "sicki"? What's that all about? LOL)

  16. Anonymous11:08 AM

    For those of you who haven't seen today's Yahoo news there is an article about twittering. Guess who's name is mentioned? When you open up the Yahoo news page go to favorites. I think it is labeled something like TMT (Too Much Twittering). Don't forget to read it all the way through. There was a quote from a blog where they were debating whether politicians who are twittering are either MORONS or on the cutting edge (something to that effect). I think we all know where Buttercup stands on that issue:)

  17. OT - Sorry Alaska, but New Jersey wins the prize...the Garden State has been deemed "the most corrupt state"...once laundering, the selling of body parts, pay-offs galore, corruption off the charts...arrests of mayors, assemblymen, assorted other political and non political figures - and of all things - orthodox rabbis...darn, I missed all the fun as the FBI was swarming only a town away to round-up some of the "religious"...

    With any luck, you too may have some CW's (cooperating witnesses) who would like to sing to the does take some time, so be patient...always remember - "What goes around comes around"

  18. she is MISUSING her state issued BB for her personal crusade!

  19. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Anon 10:48 The AP can report that her punishment is that she cannot take any money from the Fund. Big Dead. It never was about $arah taking money directly from the fund. The description of the Fund is that it was formed to pay her legal bills, any legal bills of her family and staff. The check goes to the law firm.

    Sarah's benefit is that she doesn't have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. Someone paid her bill for her. That's one honking big gift, and if Alaska doesn't care about it, the IRS should care that she and Todd were relieved of their debt by having someone else pay the bill.

    Why say $arah and Todd? The thank you notes to her adorning fans tell them how much she and Todd thank them for their donation. She didn't get anything yet she writes a personal note (or has someone write a personal note for her??) Come on, she is making out like a bandit.

    And where does that money go after $arah's bills are paid? The trustee, her BFF, gets to decide. Maybe into the SarahPAC?? That's a nice charity.

  20. pacos_gal11:47 AM

    Something Palin and friends should keep in mind is that Palin herself does not need to have money deposited in her bank account to have benefited from said funds. Any payments from the Fund on her behalf for bills, or any other reason, constitutes "profiting from". I noticed that Cole was careful in how she worded her statement yesterday and did not address this.
    Which is why there will have to be an audit of the fund, to actually find out who has been paid out from it.

    The only way that Daniels recomendation works is for no monies to have been paid out on her behalf by the fund for any reason or to anyone else either family or friends. That is very clear. If any of this has happened, and I'm sure that Daniel has an opinion on that, then it would have to go to the board, and they would have to forward to the AG, who then would need to make determination of whether any criminal activity has taken place.

    Discovery will need to take place in part due to the statement made by Cole yesterday and I'm surprised at Van Flein's lack of judgement in this matter. Although I suppose if you are under the gun and trying to run damage control, the thought process might not be up to par.

    Ms. Chatman if she chooses to has a whole host of people she can sue for defamation. Personally I'd file individually for each one. This one is a slam dunk and each statment, blog entry, tweeter, would be admissible.

  21. Well, it's my time to RANT AND RAVE...
    Let's stop picking the woman to pieces it just gets our blood pressure up. It's time to "storm" reporters with the truth and pictures.

    How much would it cost to put an ad in the Wasilla newspaper or the ADN showing the palinsdeception composite picture and a bit of narrative? Gryphen, if you will do it, I will contribute and I bet a bunch of other folks would as well. Can't Shannyn get to KO??????????
    Can't Shannyn write a piece and put all the pieces together??????????????
    The iron is hot - STRIKE.

  22. Amazing post by Celtic Diva - she has some real details - and it involves the emails she obtained for her Arctic Cat Complaint and her investigator who just happens to be ... DANIELS!!!

    Take a ride on the Diva Train! You'll love it. I'd post a link but cannot do that here. Grab a cuppa and sit back and ENJOY.

  23. Celtic Diva has a post up explaining the ins and outs of the ethics investigation, what things mean in English, based on her experience/ correspondence with the Arctic Cat investigation. And she points out this gem: Sarah can't spend one dime of that money for the next 2 years without it being a violation.

  24. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Off topic; Does anyone have any info as to why "Palin's Deception" has not had any new enties since the 15th???

    Just curious.I miss it.

  25. According to Linda, even after Sarah quits, cannot benefit from the fund for 2 years or that would be a violation of the Act.
    So, unless Sarah can prove (which she can't) that she had absolutely nothing to do with the Trust, looks like she is just going to have to use her book money to pay her legal bills. Filing that ethics complaint against yoursel don't seem so smart now, does it Sarah?

  26. Interesting debate going on at C4P between Juju and RealAlaskan. This is one of RealAlaskan's comments:

    RealAlaskan said...

    @Juju, I was only giving my opinion on a legal defense fund not influencing an elected official, not what the ethics act says. I think most people here don't have a clue about the ethics act Sarah pushed for and signed a couple years ago. It needs to be changed for sure, but right now it is the law. Daniel may have been correct in his interpretation of it, not sure.

    Either way, for me all that is moot. What I am concerned with is why Kris Cole is lying about Sarah knowing about the Fund Trust and having something to do with setting it up. Alarm bells! The only reason I can think of why she would lie is because something is not right.

    I don't recall when I donated to the Fund. A group of us in the Valley wanted to help Sarah with her legal bills and anklebiters and were told this winter (Feb I think?) that a legal defense fund was going to be set up and that maybe we could hold off giving to SarahPAC and instead give to the other fund. Then we got word in late April and we all donated to the legal defense fund. We assumed Sarah would start using that money to pay her and Todd's legal bills. Now we find out from announcement from Sarah she hasn't used any of the donations. Well why the hell were we even donating then? And what is really going on, so many conflicting reports from people who helped Sarah set this all up.

    July 23, 2009 4:05 PM

    In addition RAM insisted in quite a few posts that Kim Chatman is the one who leaked the report. Here's one such comment:

    R. A. Mansour said...

    The leaker was Chatman. She is the one who was quoted in the D'Oro story. Daniel could be disbarred for leaking that document. Kristan Cole didn't have a copy of it. The only people with copies of it were the governor, Daniel, and Chatman. The Personnel Board certainly didn't leak it. Chatman did. She has broken confidentiality in the past and flaunted the fact that nothing will happen to her in doing so. Well, I hope they are exploring all legal options now. I think someone should finally throw the book at her.

    July 23, 2009 3:28 PM

    When RAM was asked if she had proof that Chatman was the leaker, Juju commented in her defense:

    juju said...

    Ram or any of us don't have to prove anything to you ankle biters. We just use "common sense" and the proof is right before your eyes. LOOK...SEE ... IT??

    July 23, 2009 4:09 PM

    There's a lot more but I needed to come up for air!

  27. I keep asking ram for PROOF that Chatman leaked it...She told me that Christ commanded me to leave or some shit like that.

  28. juju must be a lawyer, right? I mean, no one needs any evidence/discovery to actually PROVE anything when all the Peeing in the Sea people know the absolute truth?

    Juju is nuts right? No I mean certifiably nuts. Obviously juju has never heard of truth, honesty and of course, we know they have no clue about ethics.

    I don't believe KimC is the leaker. I don't know WHO leaked it, but what would KimC gain by it? The batshit crazies coming after her? Anyone in Daniels office had access, the Personnel Board, all their staff - the only way KimC can be proved to be the leaker is if no one other than her had the document. That cat has left the bag. And personally WHY would she leak it? It makes no sense. If as the Pee-People say it means nothing, then why all this freaking out? Supposedly it lets Miss Poopydrawers off the hook is how they read it? So what's the problem?

    I'm leaning towards one of her PersonalPersonnel Board. They have the report, it was obvious PrincessPoopydrawers was trying to keep it secret and maybe someone actually found an ethical bone in its body? Maybe even the PersonalPersonnelPeople are sick and tired of her wacky antics? Face it, being in hock to a loon for years could get a bit wearing, even for a ProfessionalPersonnelAssKisser don't you think?

    I love it - TWO YEARS she has to wait to keep her mitts off the money? That means it can't be used "for her benefit" right? That means to pay her bills right?

    Isn't karma a bitch?

  29. penelope2:18 PM

    Patti - Scarah thought that the McCain Campaign as going to pay the (approx.) half-million dollar debt she incurred when she filed that complaint against herself re Troopergate. From what I have read, she did have some reason to think so. When the McCain camp got the bill, they sent it back to her! She got thrown under the bus - awwww, couldn't happen to a nicer gal.

  30. Look NO ONE has ethics issues like she does. It was her own stupid move to file a VALID complaint against herself and LOSE.

    If she would stop violating the Ethics Law that she instituted, she wouldn't have all these costs.

    How dumb is she anyway?

  31. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Because you were writing about the kerfuffle regarding Obama's birth certificate, I'd like to add some thoughts here, even if I'm OT.

    Chris Matthews just interview G.Gordon Libby who is one of the nuts leading the Birther charge. Chris showed him photocopies of Barack's birth certificate from Hawaii, along with announcements that appeared in Hawaiian newapapers, and the endorsement from the Governor of Hawaii saying that it all was authentic. Libby insists on the original, although we all know that remains in our local county records. The best that any of us ever hope to get is a copy embossed with the county seal (or whatever procedure your area has).

    Libby's only proof was a "statement" by a step-grandmother of Obama's, who claimed to have witnessed the birth in a hospital in Mombassa. No birth certificate, no papers, no nothing. If Libby insists on strict proof, he ought to supply some of his own.

    How in the world does an 18 year old girl from Kansas end up in Kenya, giving birth. And, how in the world did she bring that baby back here? On, I can trace my father's immigration to the US, leaving a harbor in Germany, arriving in Baltimore. His name as a young child, along with his sisters and mother's names are also on the manifest. Census records show where he lived. All that was much longer ago than the recent travels of young Barack.

    Where are the records from Kenya? How about immigration in the US, unless the mother smuggled that kid back in her luggage. Libby provides nothing, and no one has held him to account. Time to get tough. Jon Stewart is fighting this fight pretty much on his own. Thanks for airing his clip, Gryphen! These people are up to their old Swift Boat tactics gain: If you tell a lie long enough and tell enough people, some one might believe you.

    (Oh, and it seems that Palin follows that same line of thinking. If she says it often enough, even she and Todd might believe it. I think that it's all about the money).

  32. "R. A. Mansour said...

    The leaker was Chatman. She is the one who was quoted in the D'Oro story. Daniel could be disbarred for leaking that document. Kristan Cole didn't have a copy of it. The only people with copies of it were the governor, Daniel, and Chatman. The Personnel Board certainly didn't leak it. Chatman did. She has broken confidentiality in the past and flaunted the fact that nothing will happen to her in doing so. Well, I hope they are exploring all legal options now. I think someone should finally throw the book at her."

    Now THIS above comment by Mansour is very interesting isn't it? Is Mansour actually IN WRITING coming out and making an allegation that KimC committed a criminal action?

    And then has NO PROOF to this allegation?

    Is this not libel AND slander (since it is written)?

    Mansour had better be very careful - last time I looked, the flunkies could be sued too. Accusing someone of an illegal action and admitting there is NO PROOF (aside from Palin'sPixieDust) is really legally STUPID.

    Kinda fits the mold doesn't it? Hold onto this Gryphen...could be a legal issue down the line. Lawyers LOVE this stuff.

  33. I think R.A. Mansour has some personal investment in suggesting so adamantly that Kim Chatman is the "leaker" to the AP/Rachel D'Oro. I can't imagine (yet) what it is, but we can speculate as to why R.A. Mansour and her sidekick Tim Lindell were up in Alaska last week...

    Here's a compilation of R.A.M.'s rather vehement assertions in the comment section of the "leak" topic over there at C4P:

    "R. A. Mansour said... Chatman is the leaker. Plain and simple. She either passed it to D'Oro herself or gave it to someone else to give to D'Oro. Either way, Chatman broke the law by passing along confidential information. July 23, 2009 3:19 PM"

    and "R. A. Mansour said... Betty, No way Daniel would have leaked it or anyone in his firm. No one would risk being disbarred. It was Chatman. She was interviewed. She has a history of leaking. July 23, 2009 3:25 PM"

    and "R. A. Mansour said... The leaker was Chatman. She is the one who was quoted in the D'Oro story. Daniel could be disbarred for leaking that document. Kristan Cole didn't have a copy of it. The only people with copies of it were the governor, Daniel, and Chatman. The Personnel Board certainly didn't leak it. Chatman did. She has broken confidentiality in the past and flaunted the fact that nothing will happen to her in doing so. Well, I hope they are exploring all legal options now. I think someone should finally throw the book at her. July 23, 2009 3:28 PM"

    and "R. A. Mansour said... Betty, Remember Occam's Razor - the answer is almost always the simplest explanation. Chatman leaked it. Look what she told Rachel D'Oro in the AP story. She said she was outraged that even after receiving this report Gov. Palin was still accepting donations via the Alaska Fund Trust. That right there gives you Chatman's motive in leaking the report. You are overthinking this. July 23, 2009 3:37 PM"

    "R. A. Mansour said...sandra, I realize that we need to use small words in speaking to you because you're brain is not functioning on all cylinders (hence, your belief in Trig Trutherism), but really that question/supposition is beneath even your limited grasp of logic. July 23, 2009 3:42 PM"

    R. A. Mansour said...I am making a straight forward deduction here. There is no way Daniel or the governor leaked the report. Who does that leave? Hello! July 23, 2009 4:02 PM"


    Additionally, R.A.M. ranted about Celtic Diva, saying C.D. "...has decided that Palin resigned because she knew that she was going to be found guilty of violating the ethics act if she used the money from the AFT...
    Diva really has lost it completely. The Daniel report is dated July 14th. Palin resigned on July 3rd. *face palm* July 23, 2009 4:22 PM "

    Does R.A.M. honestly think Thomas Daniel came to his conclusions and issued his report without saying one word -- like interviewing her for the report, then trying to reach a mutually agreeable solution -- to Sarah Palin before July 14th?

    Talk about *face palms*...

  34. Also found over "there", the latest blog entry -- is this R.A. Mansour backing down from her previous adamant assertions about Kim Chatman, without actually saying so?:

    "Parnell Wants to Stop Ethics Complaint Leaks", with the quote from KTUU reading, " ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who takes over for Gov. Sarah Palin on Sunday, said that he wants the Department of Law to come up with recommendations on how to stop leaks of confidential reports from ethics investigations.

    An unknown source leaked a Personnel Board report Tuesday that found probable cause that Palin violated ethics rules with a legal defense fund, the Alaska Fund Trust.

    Now Parnell wants Attorney General Dan Sullivan to come up with suggestions on how to stop future leaks.

    'These leaks must stop,' Parnell said via press release. 'If we allow public officials to be tried and convicted in the press through abuse of the legal process, then the Executive Branch is at risk. The rule of law is threatened.' "


    But....but...Gov-to-be Parnell, your boss and future shadow governor set up the current system herself? Are you saying she made a mistake in allowing the legislative ethics complaint procedure to remain confidential, but the executive branch ethics complaint procedure with no such restriction?

    Are you saying you're actually, purposely MISREADING the law, not the way Sarah Palin set it up, but just like her legal lap dog Thomas Van Flein did?

    I'm wondering if the Alaska Bar Association is ever going to look into the credentials of certain Palin-associated lawyers, if they're this lousy in interpreting the law.

    Maybe judges ought to get into the act. Tell these lawyers where they're wrong, and get busy administering the law as it's written.

  35. You are making an assumption that R.A. Mansour has a brain. Initially I believed that some of Palin's mouthpieces had some intelligence and left the actual criminal allegations to the little people (all the people they hand that kool-aid to).

    Obviously Mansour is on EXTREMELY thin legal ground that is about to collapse (hopefully) under her feet. She has made an accusation against KimC accusing her of a criminal act, in public, on a chat forum using her own identification. This was not an allegation, it was a STATEMENT OF FACT that KimC has committed a crime.

    Think about this a minute.

    Someone is decompensating here. Someone's brain has cracked and the fluid is spilling out.

    This is not a smart move and indeed is an open invitation to a lawsuit by Kim. She indeed, has been accused by a crime by R.A. Mansour in public and in writing.

    Defamation of character?

    R.A.M. (a suitable set of initials) is a fool. And basically, R.A.M. has committed criminal defamation of KimC. She has also libeled and slandered her in pubic.

  36. Bones AK3:26 PM

    I keep saying this whole thing can not get any more bizarre and it does!

  37. Anonymous4:04 PM

    RAMansour is not too bright is she? To put statements in writing about someone like that without really knowing? She doesn't know. She doesn't. Very very stupid person. She better have deep pockets.

    Kristin Cole and Sarah Palin better have deep pockets too.

    Big trouble, financial and other are headed for these people. Cole lying in writing like that was very very stupid. And Sarahs tweets look like she is having s nervous breakdown.

    I heard the personnel board has had it with Sarah. They have never seen anything like this/her and they are tired of her manpulation, threats and constant lies. They finally see her for who she really is. Sarah doesn't listen or take advise from anyone. She believes she can lie, threaten and bribe her way. People are getting real tired of this and her drama. A lot in the church see her clearly too and are done with her.

    Sarah Palin is a petty, lying, manipulative phony. It is over Sarah.

  38. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I'll bet that RAM's mouth, or fingers in this case, has gotten her in trouble throughout her life.

  39. Look, the PersonalPersonnel are probably sick to the teeth of her (honestly wouldn't anyone be????) Someone drew the short straw, after having decided to toss the princess under the bus (do we have video?)

    These people are only human. Not everyone is as sick and twisted as R.A.M. and some of the other "groupies" (I prefer this to fans, which implies these morons worship a rock stars).

    The simple fact is that they accused someone of a criminal act - defamed/slandered/libeled - on a political message "tool" with no evidence offered.

    Perhaps the entire world thinks these individuals are all crazy - one can only hope.

  40. FEDUP!!!4:50 PM

    Well, me thinks she complains too loudly... R.A.M., that is.

    THE FOLLOWING IS PURE CONJECTURE ON MY PART - I do not know if it is true!

    So, here is my conjecture:
    Last week, R.A.M. was up in Alaska, very likely visiting $arah, her 'iconic idol' (BARF!!!).
    Talk is sweet and easy, and one thing comes to another, and eventually, $arah tells her: 'You know what, there is ANOTHER ethics complaint out there, and there was some independent investigator, who says simply outrageous stuff about me and the AFT. Wanna take a look?' ... Of course, R.A.M. says yes, and she gets all riled up and outraged, just like her iconic idol, and she asks for a copy, and $arah, of course, gives it to her, but also tells her (maybe) that it is supposedly confidential, but 'wink, wink' it *could* be leaked, and as such be made invalid, 'wink wink', and it could be blamed on Kim C., 'wink wink', who could be made to have a bone to pick in this, 'wink wink'...
    So, R.A.M. takes the copy and forwards it to whoever.
    THAT is why she is so adamant that actually it was Kim C, that leaked it.
    R.A.M. simply states the rumor as fact - several times, as we can plainly see in the above quotes - and thus is hoping that Kim C will have to pay for it by having the complaint thrown out.

  41. onejrkitty5:03 PM

    CHATMAN needs to get advice from a good attorney and file a lawsuit against Palin and Van Flein for slander/libel ( one is for the spoken word and one is for the written word and I forget which is which.)

    In the first tweet in this article, Palin STATES AS FACT that the file of the compalin leaked the article. True, she does not give Chatman's name, but I think a judge will rule that is not a problem and it is clear to any "reasonable person" ( a legal term ) that Palin was referring to Chatman.

    Yesterday, Van Flein stated as fact that Chatman performed the leak and threatened to sue her for doing so.

    Once might not be enough,but with this tweet, Palin hangs herself. IF THERE IS ONE MORE STATEAMENT OF FACT FROM PALIN OR VAN FLEIN CHATMAN'S CASE WOULD BE IN THE BAG ( well, as much as any case can be considered in the bag prior to completion of a trial) and I think she would have an excellent chance of winning such a lawsuit.

    Palin and Van Flein ( as Palin's representative) are on very thin legal ice here ! !

  42. onejrkitty5:13 PM

    Bar association has no authority to take action against lawyers until 1) a complaint is made to them about the attorney and / or 2) that attorney has been found guilty (if the complaint is that the attorney committed a crime.)

    I know as I filed a complaint against Colberg and was told by bar association that until he was found guilty of witness tampering that they could not censure him for doing so. Makes sense, as the Bar is not a legal arbiter as to criminal acts.

  43. Anonymous5:29 PM

    RAMVO should lawyer up fast.

    It's going to be a bumpy ride on the sea.

  44. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Hearing the name Kristan Cole didn't quite jump out at me right away, until someone on the internets pointed out that she use to go by the name of Kristan Tanner.

    Tanner, as in Don Tanner ?

    This is from a 1993 Anchorage Daily News Opinion piece about Don Tanner, Kristan Cole's ex husband.

    "During his previous stay with the governor, Mr. Tanner combined the energy of Dennis the Menace with the brains of Jughead to make a mess wherever he went."

    Dig through the Daily News archives for that gem, and others, including this gem from October 31, 1992 by Brian O'Donoghue....

    "in her letter outlining the terms of the settlement, Kristan Tanner wrote: "We will let the apology go for a more informal time in the future."

    Blatchford said Friday the future is too soon for any apology from him.

    "I've never done anything I should apologize for," Blatchford said. "Everything was above board. He's the one who wanted the press coverage."

    Tanner spent a tumultuous 15 months as a high-profile member of Hickel's administration. He began as the governor's headhunter, purging hundreds of old political appointees from state boards and commissions and replacing them with friends of the new administration. Later, Tanner took an active role in marshaling legislative support for Hickel's programs."

    And don't forget the Frontiersman, where you can find this story, MEA employee alleges racism, written by Andrew Wellner of The Frontiersman on October 18, 2008.

    Here are some of the comments from that story:

    And Justice for All wrote on Oct 25, 2008 12:52 PM:
    " As a former employee of Mea and a friend of Donte's I witnessed first hand how the management ie Carmony,Babcock,Willis, Tanner,Kelley and others routinely promoted and accepted racist practice's towards Donte with inccidents of managers of Mea using the N word at him and another manager telling him being black was his cross to bare. Very appauling and disturbing but business as usual at the little utility of Mea. I kept close records of things while I was there and Wayne and Tuck and the others mentioned should be nervous because justice wlll be prevail. "

    Things that make you go HMMMM wrote on Oct 19, 2008 7:53 PM:
    " What if Tuckerman Babcock or Wayne Carmony or Steve Willis or Heidi Kelly or Tom Kelly and do not forget Yukon Tanner are the parties named to the complaints? I do not think that making a complaint to MEA or Tuckerman is going any where! Just Ask Janet Kincaid what happens when you challenge the authority of King Wayne. I think if you go South of the Mason Dixon line this behavior is called a Lynching. "

    CHANGE NEEDED wrote on Oct 19, 2008 2:13 PM:
    " Willis, Tanner,Tuck, Carmony, are examples of the fine supervisors at MEA – it just doesn’t get any better to demonstrate how poorly these clowns control the show. It is a Wayne’s World Circus. What has been resolved to date? Private club members get pay increases and title changes to perform what duties? but to treat employees poorly, some worse than others. HR Tuck lives on intimidation not mediation, wonder what school he learned that from? His resume must show extensive human resource knowledge? Change things please. "

    And Justice for All wrote on Oct 19, 2008 12:37 PM:
    " Babcock states Mea took appropriate action in these cases, here is the action they took they made the employee the one that hung the nuice over the desk of Mr. Kelley promoted him to be his supervisor. Almost sounds unbelievabal but it is the truth. These people ie Carmony, Babcock, Willis, Tanner the management of Mea are without shame and moralls. There motto thru their actions should be White power for a new generation. "

  45. the problem child5:53 PM

    Agreed about the thin legal ice for Palin, VanFlein, and Mansour.

    My bet is on someone in Daniels' office as the source, although someone at the Personnel Board is also an intriguing possibility. I'd just like to point out, though, that whoever did it, it is not a criminal matter. The Ex. Ethics Act provides for no penalties whatsoever with breach of confidentiality.

  46. Anonymous6:22 PM

    If an attorney for Chatman sent a cease and desist it would not necessarily be made public. They could ask for a retraction and apology.

  47. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:28 PM

    Does anyone consider that...
    RAM is still in Alaska?
    She is not making these accusations on her own?
    Does anyone think someone might be whispering in her ear?
    This is grifter talk if I ever heard it! RAM is not that stupid, but with Grifter over her shoulder might be...keep it up RAM/Grifter I'm going to screenshot and Kim's Lawyer can contact me on Mudflats or here.
    Rats on sinking ship, eh, ManSour????

  48. just curious7:06 PM

    How can anyone other then C4P know where Mansour is? How are you certain she is in Alaska? Has anyone learned where she is staying? Who knows what she looks like? Are there pictures of her in the area?

  49. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:08 PM

    Speaking of Tanner what about Yukon Don's B & B in Wasilla? Didn't one of Team Sarah (Adriene) gush about sitting on a bear? Wonder if RAM and VO are staying there? didn't he just get in trouble for shooting Bears???

  50. Switching off Mansour for a minute. The trolls are really out now at ADN's Kristan Cole story. My post has disappeared three times all for asking questions. Here is what I posted:

    Hmmm, last posts disappeared. I wonder why. All I did was ask if anyone has actually authenticated $P's claims of owing $500,000. It would be easy to show her itemized bills - wouldn't it? Can any claim of hers be believed? I think not!

    Do we believe $P's statement that she's never received any money from her "Official" slush fund? I don't. One of the provisions in the fund is that she and any/all of her friends, family or staff can receive $13,000 a year with no reason given for the gift. Maybe that should be investigated too. Or how about the fact that her BFF Kristan Cole has SOLE discretion on pay outs & cannot be made to disclose the transaction. Or that the fund specifies it can pay $SP's taxes? Seems like the surface has only been skimmed on this bogus fund but thank you so much Kim! You are a hero!

  51. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I just call them RAMVO.

  52. Anonymous7:07 AM

    For someone who has committed legal defamation of character, libel and slander, I'd suggest RAM shut that big mouth she has hanging open...the flies are getting in.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.