Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just for fun.

You want to know a secret? I got this off of Levi Johnston's Twitter page. He and Tank are in Texas. No I don't know why.


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    This is PRICELESS! Truly, I needed this kind of laughter!

  2. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Oh please, Gryphen, don't hold back. Please list some of Levi's twitters.

    Levi lists a rumor that Sarah and DA gang will move to a ranch in Texas or Helena, MT

    He gives a shout out to Sarah that she did it for the money, and that goes to you, too, Todd, get a job.

    He does tend to hit that send key several times, hence repeat messages, or he can't remember that he just sent it He did watch himself on TMZ. And, there's some swearing!

  3. Video original. Audio...not so much. But hilarious nonetheless.

  4. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Do your children know what you do? They must be proud that you obsess on any way to twist the knife. Think about it. You delight in another's downfall. Sad that this stuff makes you all drool with giddiness. Isn't it enough that she's out?

  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Levi spells better! He also converses with Hello Dolly.

  6. Let's see. Yes. Yes they do. I did. Yup. Isn't it though? And not quite, but almost.

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I wasn't expecting that.... Thanks--that's hysterical!

  8. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Is that really his twitter? (there are so many mock)
    What is July 28th?

  9. Anonymous @ 8:56pm-Have you heard the expression, "What goes around comes around"? Sarah has delighted in throwing people under the bus for years. Running for city council, running for mayor, running for lite guv, running for VP. She is willing to do and say anything to get what she wants. We are enjoying her downfall, which is entirely her own fault. She had the world in her hand and she crushed it. Schadenfreude. She's a Bitter Quitter on Twitter.

  10. I don't know why this would be knife twisting. We all have funny looking old pictures. A sense of humor is healthy.
    Palin has the attack dogs out for her constituents that stood up. That is knife twisting. Look at what her public relation teams are doing to McLeod now.
    Don't forget who she has helping her and what she is doing to Chatman. She'll get worse before she is stopped.

  11. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Should be 'yes they are'.

  12. Well, Annonymous some of us pulled the knives out of our own backs before we stabbed and started to twist the blade. You disregard the fact that she harmed a lot of people out of vendictiveness and egocentrism. Since she controlled those who we could use to get justice the only thing we could do was tell the truth, laugh about the obsurd things she said/did, and perseverate over it.

  13. Just_a_Mote10:13 PM

    This clip encapsulates her essence.

  14. Anonymous10:27 PM

    This is priceless....

  15. So, Kristan Cole, formerly Tanner, is just another fancy pageant walker?
    More background on Kristan (Tanner) Cole I found on Palingates:

    Valley Resident said...

    Anchorage Daily News (AK)
    February 6, 1991
    Daily News Reporter

    The wife of the top state official in charge of screening nominees for state boards and commissions was named Tuesday to a slot on the state Agricultural Revolving Loan Fund Board.

    Kristan Tanner, a real estate broker, Republican Party activist and former beauty queen, is married to Don Tanner, Gov. Walter Hickel's director of boards and commissions.

    It's Don Tanner's job to solicit nominees, collect resumes and make the early cuts in people vying for positions on state boards and commissions. The appointments are made by Hickel.

    Neither of the Tanners returned telephone calls Tuesday. Hickel Deputy Press Secretary Ed Wicher said the administration expected questions about the appointment, but he said Don Tanner did not use his influence to get his wife appointed.

    (Sure he didn't!)
    24 July 2009 07:22

  16. Anonymous11:21 PM

    So do tell, what were the personal knife attacks in the back? What did she do specifically to you? I really would like to know because from the outside, it just looks like a witch hunt to be honest.

  17. Shannyn's got another great article up on Huffington Post. Very funny. Brilliant. "Palin Caught in a Naughty Monkey trap." Enjoy!

  18. the Flinstones reference, hee, hee. Check out Washington Post...latest poll shows overall favorability for $arah at 40%. One thing disturbing is that over 50% said she was honest and trustworthy...looks like not enough people are reading the blogs.

    Also, too, $arah gets the smack down from Sen.'s Kerry and Boxer on Cap and Trade.

  19. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Anybody who believes that this is Levi's real twitter account is a twit themselves.

    Either that or they have been reading too much of Sarah Palin's twitter.

  20. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Anon: I will never forgive her for driving the idiot racists out of their holes and into her rallies and the hate I continue to see directed at the President is a result of her allowing these people to think their "opinions" should be given legitimacy.

    And Liars for Jesus deserve a special place in hell. I am no longer a Christian but I respect the commandments of Jesus and I don't see that his commandments to love everyone, including enemies, being spread by these fake Christians, CINOs, Christians in name only.

  21. Anonymous5:31 AM

    I sure hope you Alaskan bloggers go after Sean Parnell like you have Sarah Palin. I mean that is your point right? To help Alaska. I hope you don't forget about Alaska and just obsess over Sarah Palin forever. Sean Parnell is just a Sarah Palin standin with the same values and ideas. I hope the ethics continue with Sean Parnell. I know he will do the same things as Sarah Palin. Don't forget about Alaska!

  22. Anonymous5:52 AM

    @11:21 p.m.
    What did she do to me? Well, I'm an American. Sarah Palin is a mentally ill secessionist. She openly tries to rally hatred against my President; she began doing this in 2008 at rallies which were filmed. So she is a direct threat to my country, and to me as an American citizen. Among her followers are people like the man who killed people at the Holocaust Museum in June.

    I have a family in America. We are all threatened by her violent and manic secessionist tendencies as well. I want to protect my family from mentally ill secessionists who believe in "bringing about the Rapture."

    So that's what Palin has done to me personally.

  23. Anonymous6:00 AM

    OMG! The awesomeness! Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. Bear Woman6:34 AM

    Anonymous@5:31 am

    You obviously are not an Alaskan by this message. I am.....

    Sadly, I'll admit I voted for SP for governor because I did not like my other choices. Sadly I did not check with people from Wasilla about her actions before her election to governor -- I personally know some who have been harmed by her.

    The woman who appeared after her VP nomination and unsuccessful run is by far worse than any other politician in Alaska. It is sad that you and others continue to support Sarah with your bits of money despite her striking a multi-million dollar book deal.

    What has she and her supporter sites done anything to help those in need in Alaska? Why haven't her support sites run food drives for those along the Yukon last winter and now after the floods? For those of you who support her values, I guess that is why there haven't been those drives on yout sites to get food, clothing, supplies, etc. to those in need. Sarah could have done much good for those causes. Instead she only took cookies to the villages on the tails of a Christian group's trip. This was 6 weeks (or more) after there was info put out about the dire needs. In those 6 weeks many of us who are glad to see SP go raised funds, sent food, supplies and money. What did you and your friends do?

    Yes, we will watch Sean closely -- he at least has the respect (for now) of legislators from his own party. We will all see if he has been influenced too much by SP or if he is the person he was in the legislature several years ago. We may question his logic and disagree with his policies. If he becomes totally self-serving and taking advantage of every crack that is not nailed shut (such as claiming per diem while living in his own home in Anchorage instead of the capital -- Juneau) then we will be filing ethics complaints, requesting very tight statutes and regulations to prevent these kinds of abuses.

  25. I think that's the major thrust of most of the progressive-Alaska blogs, Anon @ 5:31 AM -- not forgetting about Alaska.

    It's just an unhappy circumstance that Quitter-Grifter Soon-to-be-EX-Gov Palin has been front and center for the past year.

    And like most crazy folk bear watching, she bears watching even if it's figuratively out of the corner of the Alaskan eye from now on.

  26. Anonymous8:05 AM

    @Pro Choice Grandma - The Don Tanner stories are endless, here's one from Mike Doogan from June 14, 1991.

    Anchorage Daily News (AK) - Friday, June 14, 1991
    Author: Mike Doogan Anchorage Daily News

    Call me Che.

    As the leader of the press conspiracy to overthrow the Hickel government, I've decided I need a way cool, revolutionary name. The Palestinians make up noms de guerre by putting the Arabic word Abu in front of a first name, but I decided Abu Mike just doesn't sound like a serious conspirator. Would you storm the National Guard Armory because somebody calling himself Abu Mike told you to? I didn't think so.

    As you can see, picking a way cool, revolutionary name is no day at the beach. Che is supposed to have one of those slanting lines above the "e" so people don't read it and pronounce it Chee. No revolutionary leader wants to be called Chee. When people call you Chee, you can be sure somebody who isn't paying attention is going to think they said Cheese. Once people start calling you Cheese, the revolution's over.

    None of this would be necessary if Wally's crack spymasters, Cheech and Chong uh, Bruce Kendall and Don Tanner hadn't found out about the conspiracy from one of their secret agents. According to the dynamic duo, this nameless agent even tape-recorded me and the other conspirators plotting to get Tanner.

    Rats! And we thought we'd been so clever, going to a busy restaurant within walking distance of the Capitol and talking in really loud voices. That should have thrown off suspicion, don't you think?

    Anyway, Cheech called my boss to rat me out, and told him Chong had the tape. My boss called Chong. Eventually, Chong said he'd sent the tape back to Cheech without listening to it. Then Cheech told my boss he'd destroyed the tape without listening to it. Nyuk-nuk-nuk-nuk.

    Are these guys crafty or what? A lame story like this might make you think they are a couple of total bozos, and that what really happened was something like this:

    A bunch of us pressies went to lunch together I had the halibut sandwich and talked about, among other things, which of Wally's clowns might be the next to fall off his unicycle. Tanner's name was mentioned; I mentioned it. Somebody overheard this and maybe taped it. The story, and the alleged tape, got to Kendall and Tanner and they decided to see if they couldn't make a little trouble.

    But in the middle of all this, somebody read the eavesdropping law. It says that it's illegal not only to tape-record somebody else's conversation without their knowledge, but also to "divulge, or publish the existence, contents, substance, purport, effect or meaning of any conversation the person has become acquainted with after the person knows or reasonably should have known that the conversation or the information contained in the conversation was obtained through the illegal use of an eavesdropping device."


    Suddenly, having listened to that tape became downright dangerous. So the boys made sure to say they hadn't. And the tape itself ceased to exist.

    Not that I think this is what happened, mind you. Bruce Kendall and Don Tanner are far too wily to have done something this inept. I figure the whole comedy including yesterday's announcement that Kendall's been fired and Tanner reprimanded is a cover story to lull us conspirators into a false sense of security. Then, the Hicklets could nab us all at the big secret meeting we're having next week in front of a standing-room-only crowd at the performing arts center.

    Look, if you don't tell Bruce and Don, I'll tell you the truth. There's no press conspiracy to overthrow the Hickel government. Who has time? Wally's guys are shooting themselves in the foot so fast there's a shoe shortage in Juneau, and we've got to write about each bullet wound. We're too busy to plot.

    Besides, Kendall and Tanner are worth a couple of great columns a month, maybe more. Firing one of them is the worst thing Wally could do to me.

  27. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Interesting footnote to this 1991 piece, notice who the Commissioner of Public Safety is.


    Anchorage Daily News (AK) - Wednesday, June 19, 1991
    Author: GEORGE FROST Daily News reporter ; Staff

    The Alaska State Troopers and the Department of Law have begun investigating whether two of Gov. Wally Hickel's aides one fired, another punished with two weeks unpaid leave perpetrated a hoax or violated state law when they told journalists they had a secretly recorded tape of an alleged press plot "to get" them.

    "The governor wants us to find out what happened," said Dick Burton, commissioner of public safety, who is assigning a trooper to the case.

    "We are going to get to the bottom of it," said Attorney General Charlie Cole, who promised to prosecute anybody who broke Alaska's law against taping private conversations without the permission of at least one participant.

    The investigation centers on a tape recording that may or may not have been made in mid-May by an anonymous eavesdropper and may or may not have been played by ex-legislative liaison Bruce Kendall and Don Tanner , Hickel's director of boards and commissions. Tanner and Kendall first told reporters that the tape captured a conversation at a Juneau restaurant in which reporters talked of discrediting Tanner. Neither official would say who provided the tape. The reporters involved denied there was a conspiracy.

    Kendall, who was fired over the incident from a new position in the governor's office in Washington, D.C., later described the tape as a joke.

    Tanner and Kendall both said the tape was blank. Both claimed they never listened to the tape. They said the tape had been destroyed.

    How could they know it was blank if they never heard it?

    "For every question you have, we have two," said Burton.
    Edition: Final
    Section: Metro
    Page: B4
    Record Number: 161547
    Copyright (c) 1991, Anchorage Daily News

  28. I remember the infamous flute (talent) video and her darty eyes peeping around .. look at me! Anyone that plays an intstrument knows you kindof zone out and feel the music.. you look around seeing whose watching you .. unless you are like 5 in your first performance
    Her pageant walk is the most tense Ive ever seen.. haven't really watched pageants since I was a little girl.. but could her hiney be more clenched?
    Im sure she was a great bball player but to be the star of the team doesnt mean she had exceptional talent.. i bet the first time she heard her name over the speaker when she did a good move.. told her yes! that's it.. i gotta do this and that and this.. no more team sport.. let everyone focus on me!

    i know this is nit picky but she throws herself out there like look at this .. blah blah blah
    I just have yet to see something she has done that is admirable.. once things get all self centered it loses its flair

  29. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Bear Woman,
    Anonymous@5:31 here

    I am not a Palin supporter and quite proud to say that I did not vote for her, sorry you can't say the same

  30. Oh my, Gryph! You went and done it now! There's a big, creamy mess in the underpants of the sea of pee'ers! LOL


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