So the (soon to be ex-)Governor is very pissy that somebody (Personnel Board) leaked the Daniel report which kept her from hiding from the public the fact that she did indeed break an ethics law/rule/guideline/whatever in the hell they call it.
So she (I am just guessing here) tweets a message to Sean "I can't believe I am about to be the Governor, oh what will I wear?" Parnell, that he damn well better do something about this if he ever wants her to tell him where she hid his balls.
So quick as a Palin-wink Sean puts out this announcement (which I will help translate for you):
(July 23, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska) - Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell today asked Attorney General Dan Sullivan to provide recommendations on how to prevent leaks of confidential information in ethics probes. (Hey Beav, Moms pretty PO'd that everybody is revealing a bunch of stupid truths about her. We better do something!)
Parnell’s request comes after the leak of an investigator’s confidential and preliminary report related to an ethics complaint filed against Governor Sarah Palin. (Somebody snitched!)
“These leaks must stop,” Parnell said. “If we allow public officials to be tried and convicted in the press through abuse of the legal process, then the Executive Branch is at risk. The rule of law is threatened.” (Hey guys knock it off! Or else Mom is never going to leave and let us have the house to ourselves!)
Parnell said that leaking the investigator’s preliminary report is just like walking into a courthouse, lifting some notes from the jurors’ break room and publishing them before all the evidence is in and before a verdict is reached. (Actually it is more like taking the juror's decision and publicizing it so the crooked judge cannot ignore and let the criminal off scott free.)
Parnell recognized the need for accountability for public officials, but said the ethics laws are being abused. (Look I know she is a huge fuck up but I am afraid of her and don't want to make her mad.)
“If confidential information was leaked from our courts, there would be an outcry,” he said. “There must be respect for the law when it comes to Executive Branch ethics investigations.
(Of course Sean fails to realize that respect is earned and not given. If the Executive Branch had been behaving ethically all along they would have all of the respect they could handle. But they didn't, therefore.......not so much.)
Are you wondering how I located this little nugget? Do you really have to ask?
Palin tweeted it of course:
Lt Gov says law must be fairly applied to protect public servants from malicious attacks & empower them to best serve the people.
Major gag response. I hope Parnell finds his backbone sometime soon...
ReplyDeleteEven if she's in jail, I'm not going to miss her.
ReplyDeleteParnell wants to make to the picnic intact. After taking the oath of office, he goes direct to the de-programmers for re-wiring.
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand what happened to Sean Parnell. He used to be such a stand-up guy who followed his very intact ethical compass before becoming LTG. How could he let himself turn into Palin's lap dog??? Bring back the old Sean!!!!
ReplyDeleteI only wish he could be de-programmed but fear that he is a true believer to the very marrow of his bones. Are his strings still attached so the puppet master can continue to control his thoughts and actions behind the scenes as all good puppet masters do? Only time will tell.
ReplyDeleteoh, noooosss, noooosss,
ReplyDeletePULEASE don't destroy Sarah the Grifter.
I know she is a pustulous canker on the great state of Alaska, but the lower 48 really need her as an anecdote to the so-called "moderate" Dems.
They must be called out and she is the best, most brilliantly highlighted example of how, for instance, climate change denialism is calibrated to balance precisely with the equally moronic and anti-education/intellectual/nerdy "theory" of evolution.
I hope Sean Parnell leaked the report – payback on Sarah for governing by twitter during the campaign instead of turning the reins over to him during her absence!
ReplyDelete“There must be respect for the law when it comes to Executive Branch ethics investigations.
ReplyDeleteHas he considered that JUST MAYBE, the Executive Branch should NOT engage in unethical behavior?
Are we going to have to rename Parnell PIP? (Palin in Pants)... Hopefully he is going to grow a backbone or a set of stones here pretty quick & bring some credibility back to the Gov's office.
ReplyDeleteAnother thinking person calls BS on Palin and Cole....
The ethics laws are being abused, by "Sarah-Lies Like-a-Rug-Palin".
ReplyDeleteAnd, Parnell's remarks do not bode well for those wanting ethics, accountability and transparency in their Alaskan government.
Since when is it the priority of government to protect those who are supposed to GOVERN from what $P calls "malicious attacks"? Hillary Clinton was accused of everything from changing her hairdo too often to the murder of Vince Foster, but she's still standing. Still learning. Still working hard.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone besides me notice that $P was wearing her full makeup when she gave all those press interviews in chest-high waders? ("Well, how would I know?" asked Mr. B, testily.) But she did, you betcha.
Why does Parnell need to get involved if, as Palin tweeted earlier this week, the report is NOT final? It makes no sense at all. One would only have Van Flein, Cole, and Parnell get involved if one wishes to control the message and try to intimidate people into not discussing it. Daniel found what he found, and that's it. Usually when people do something wrong, they apologize and ask for forgiveness. We see this everyday. We raise our kids to acknowledge when they are wrong feeling that by doing so, they will be better people for it. This is what Palin should have done instead of sitting on the results of the report until someone felt morally compelled to let the public know about it,leading that person to "leak" the information to the Washington Times. Palin's failure to admit her wrongdoing and efforts to implement a coverup says to any sane, rational person that she is guilty of that which she is trying to conceal. At least that is the way I see it.