Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No way did Buttercup write this.

Apparently now that Sarah Palin is no longer screwing up Alaska she has decided to become a political pundit.

This article which is purported to have been written by her (Ha! Fat chance!) seems to be an attempt to reinvent her as a thoughtful critic of the Obama administration.

Of course anybody who has had to sit through one of her speeches, or watched her struggle through a television interview, realizes that the words written in this op-ed did not spring forth from the mind of Sarah Palin.


  1. I was about to send you this:
    So you're always ahead of me, my dear, and I'm on Eastern Time!! And I certainly would like to see Fred Hiatt justify sacking Dan Froomkin (hired, fortunately, by HuffPo) while providing grace-and-favor op-ed space to... to... oh it's too much to be borne!

  2. Just_a_Mote6:35 AM

    The article was obviously not written by her. She is like a pesky gnat that keeps buzzing around your head. In order to be an anti-Obama conservative she calls (actually, not her, one of her minions) 'Cap and Trade'... 'Cap and Tax'. So now she is an expert on 'Cap and Trade'. Yeah, right, and the moon is made of cheese.

  3. It doesn't matter that she didn't write it herself. To be taken seriously politically at this point, I think Sarah Palin would have to be able to discuss this topic coherently, on live television or radio, and answer HARD political questions about it with depth and clarity. We all know THAT ain't happenin', and I suspect the Sarahcites know it too!

    I do hope she keeps up the "I Am Too Smart Also There" campaign, though--it's really funny. Note to Sarah: If you're so brilliant and have such relevant ideas for our country, it probably would have been a good idea to bring them up LAST FALL.

    Oopsie! *wink*

  4. majii6:51 AM

    I read the WP article last night and came to the same conclusion. A poster on Huffpo intimated that part of the op-ed was lifted from another article:

  5. Typical Palin doubletalk: a number of derisive comments over at HuffPo are reminding us, $illy $arah was FOR Cap-and-Trade in that Palin-Biden debate last fall.

    When you think about it, this flip-flop is right in keeping with her decision-making lately.

    It makes me wonder about her recent suggestion about campaigning for Dems OR Repubs, "the right things" -- if other politicians PAY her enough to campaign for them, is that what she means by "the right things"?

  6. I think she may have "written" some of it ... clobber? "I am going to clobber you ..." a phrase I probably used to my brother when I was about 8 and he was a mean 6. Maybe the coherent parts were copied per majii's post.

  7. I read it before I read this and of course, she did NOT write this. Except for that snarky little "politics of personal destruction" implication in the beginning.
    First of all, it had sentences and punctuation and "g's". It wasn't THE brightest written column ever, but it had a bit of coherence.
    It was all about an excuse for why Alaskan's annual dole is going down. And a sorta explanation that Alaska is NOT the leading producer of natural gas at this point since there are now other states so we don't need as much as they want to sell.
    But it was grammatically pretty correct and Sarah Palin is incapable of stringing together a column even remotely readable.
    She did not write it ... I betcha...

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Todd built the boat and the house.

    Trig said yes to Sarah quitting.

    Bristol practices abstinence.

    Sarah wrote the article....

    does anyone believe this crap?

  9. SoCalWolfGal7:55 AM

    I have had a headache for four days now and I am blaming Buttercup. I am so absolutely sick of this woman, but I guess I had better "suck it up". I agree, if she wants to be taken seriously, let's get her on Hardball and Jon Stewart! She can plagiarize all she wants to but I agree with indy girl, the Word Salad Queen speaking coherently, with depth and clarity is NEVER going to happen. Stay tuned.

  10. While I was reading it I was thinking, there is no way she wrote this. No one will be fooled by it.

  11. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Why would the WaPo carry this? So they can sink to the same depths as Sarah. Best leave her writing for World Net Daily and the other right-wing rags.

  12. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I really had to laugh at the idea that she wrote the op-ed piece! Remember folks, this is the person who thinks Africa is a country, and reads whatever is put in front of her. Oh wait, during the campaign didn't McCain say she is a leading energy expert, and she explained to us all how fungible molecules move? Yeah, right!

  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:25 AM

    Well she wrote the first part "gossip of the day" (sorry can't cut & paste) and why do we care what the QUITTER has to say??? She is nothing now! I hope the Leg. when they have their special session impeach or censure her, she certainly can't be called ex-gov now can she? When will she STFU???
    I can't wait until "something" slams into her and makes her STFU! I am sick of HER telling PO what to do! She is nothing, she is nobody, she is a dead fish!!

  14. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Has anyone run it through the plagiarism detection program?

  15. Thanks, Gryphen, for the WaPo link and your astute words. It sickens me to see her name in that newspaper.

    I second indy_girl's comment. I'd love to see her discuss her new cap&trade views on a Sunday interview show, with the interviewer throwing in a few other topics as well.

  16. Sarah twitted this morning: "Criticism is something easily avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing. --Aristotle"

    Supersensitive Sarah just solved her own problem of how she can avoid being criticized by the mean ol' gotcha media, the mean ol' pajama bloggers, and the mean ol' Non-Pro-America types!

    I award 1 point for getting the quote correct; 1 point for spelling; and 3 points if she can repeat the quote from memory again in 3 months without looking at notes.

    Reduction of 1 point if any of the following apply: one of her children googled the quote for her; Newt Gingrich used it recently; she can't explain who Aristotle was other than to say "Some really smart Greece guy from the olden days!"

  17. Of course, she doesn't know how to write, so how could she write that piece? She doesn't know to speak, she doesn't know how to raise funds, she doesn't know how to draw crowds. The only thing she knows how to do is drive you people crazy, win ethic complaints and melt your iceberg. Looks good to me.

  18. Bones AK8:57 AM

    That article IS NOT the Sarah Palin I know.

  19. Anonymous9:33 AM

    How the article got written is not that important.
    What is important, is, her handlers have seen fit to throw down the gauntlet before she even passes the gubernatorial baton.
    That is how snakes work. Mesmerize, then strike.

    The comments are much more important than the article.
    They show how polarizing Miss Sarah is.
    As the economy keeps crashing, her appeal will grow.
    How many states are bankrupt now ? 37 ? And banks in California will no longer honor IOU's issued by the state to vendors ?

    Please realize that this is all being choreographed WAY behind the scenes with the persona of Miss Sarah as mouthpiece. It is not a laughing matter whatsoever.

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    @juju. You are a bad campaigner. You represent Sarah Palin to me.

    I will never vote for Sarah Palin now, because you're so bad at math, and such a hostile troller.

    Sarah didn't raise much $$. Mitt out-raised her in 3 months!

  21. Anonymous9:40 AM

    This would be fun: what if a reporter actually asked her....how is President Obama's cap and trade plan different from the one you supported last fall?

    Could she answer this?
    I know she couldn't.

  22. FEDUP!!!9:41 AM

    Compare THIS article to ANYTHING she has written previously, and you *KNOW* it was not her words.

    I bet you anything that she is paying someone to write for her (just like in the 'good ol' college days...), then she takes credit for it - AND GETS PAID FOR IT! (Check it out, Alaskans, because she is NOT YET the X-GINO, and as such is NOT ALLOWED to take outside money!!!)

  23. juju:
    poor little Sarah Troll. Did you miss the part about $arah campaigning FOR Cap and Trade? IF she wrote this, was she lying then or is she lying now?
    Personally, $arah does not drive me crazy.
    You see, I was worried about my granddaughter being lazy and hating school and that there might not be a bright future for her. But I realized that she is just like $arah. She expects me to give her money even if she hadn't earned it, she wants me to tell her that she looks pretty even if I think that what she is wearing is gawdy, and when she does something wrong, she blames someone else. She even gets into petty arguments with her friends over ridiculous issues. I tell her to let it go but, she gets all mavericky. Yep, there is a future for my granddaughter after all.

  24. If none of you have found this yet over at HuffPo, it's a rather amusing compilation of "$arah Palin's Most Cringe-Worthy Moments: You Choose the Worst (A Poll)"

    When people talk about her being "the gift that keeps on giving", this is a great reminder of how great it is that you can return gifts....

    BTW, I've captured screen shots of all 12 of them. As soon as I can I'll put them up on my PhotoBucket album.

  25. SoCalWolfGal10:44 AM

    Juju, I've got a great idea, why don't you tweet
    Queen Buttercup and convince her to go on the Jon Stewart Show, Hardball, or better yet, get back to Couric and see she if she can answer any of the questions she could not answer when she was the candidate for VP? THEN, we might all be impressed. A little. We are not unreasonable people.

  26. Did all of you read the comments? I wouldcsay they were 90% negative until someone told her fan sites and then came along the hostile Palinbot comments.

    How to spot a Palinbot comment;
    1) they ate usually childis and hostile in their comments
    2) they usually name call "you friggin liberals"bad grammar and all
    3) they almost always say something like "you people are so afraid of Sarah" and
    4) last but not least they bring up President Obama in extremely unpatriotic and nasty ways. Isn't that kind of un Christian? Just a question!

    They rarely can discuss the issue at hand in an intelligent way. It's pretty sad.

    It would be quite entertaining to see $arah talk live about this issue in a debate with President Obama or other smart, articulate people. Hey Sarah if you really think you can compete nationally now is the time to go on the Sunday shows. Pretty please? How about if you and Mitt have a debate on business and the economy and how you would solve the problems! The reason she doesn't do this is because she can only talk in sound bites.

    How many times do you think we are going to hear this;: "I believe in small limited government, strong defense, individual freedoms and low taxes." What a joke. I am sorry but this woman is ridiculous and her supporters are delusional.

    It would be entertaining only it is frightening that 20% of this country is so stupid they think she is capable of being president! She wants the title but she certainly is not intellectually or emotinally capable if this job. I guess she thinks the White House Department if Law will take care of anyone who doesn't agree with her.

    And one more thing: Screw you John McCain for unleashing this power hungry narcissist on our country! If you had any honor, you would apologize to the nation. (people keep tweeting him this)

  27. Anonymous11:23 AM

    There's a gnat flying around again. Quick, get the spray!

    Andrew Sullivan has an article about this recent article as well.

    From all the comments all over the place, the majority believe Palin did not write that article. Ghost writer would be my guess.

    Palin's handlers are trying to reinvent the Palin brand. Won't work.

  28. They can try to reinvent $arah all the want. She is set in stone. She has flip flopped on cap&trade (well whoever wrote it did). That is not personal, it is the truth. She has switched her position.

    She is not a competent person and there is no doubt in my mind she did not write the editorial. She does not have the mental capacity to construct a sentence, much less multiple sentences together.

    I suspect $he is laying cover for why the Alaska dole is in the tank.

    If $he is so intelligent, let her debate the issue anywhere except Faux News.

  29. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Let me confirm this, as a branding expert: The Palin brand is gone. It's over. Finito. All of this is just to raise $$ for her own coffers. You know, presidential "candidates," even if they lose, often do make a profit, even if they only run in the primaries.

  30. I wrote a nasty letter to the Washington Post. This is my local paper that I love to read every day, and I don't appreciate them giving valuable space to a quitter who self admittedly could not handle the national media and the criticism of bring in the spotlight, and then writes a OP-ED? Are you kidding me? Sarah is the last person who has the right to criticize anything...she could not even govern a state that has only 600,000 people in it without becoming unglued.

    Where does Sarah get the idea that Alaska has all this oil? Oh, yeah, her church told her so. What an idiot.

    I think she wrote it with Meg's help...only Sarah uses "progressing" as a verb.

    Sarah only did this because President Obama wrote on a couple of days ago. She's such a wanna be, but unfortuantely will never be.

  31. ugh...juju alert. lol...by the way juju...I am casey. I posted on your home site, used your name to say it was ok. How long before I am called names and then deleted? What a joke.

  32. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Juju only an emotionally stunted juvenile petty person like yourself would go on a liberal blog to try to piss people off. It doesn't work and you do nothing to help Sarah. You and your cult could help Sarah if you got together and had intelligent responses to various topics. But alas you are as superficial and empty as she is! 80% of Americans laugh at Sarah, they don't hate her. They just think it is pathetic.

    Someone wrote on Huffington that Sarah is like a bratty spoiled woman that probabl grew up with no one ever telling her no. They wrote something like "is this what happens when someone is never told no?!"
    Doesn't that seem accurate. It's one thing for a woman to be confident,but a wise woman knows her limitations and weaknesses and openly admits them and works on them! Sarah plays the victim and clearly does not take advice.

    I think she is INSANE.

  33. SoCalWolfGal1:44 PM

    Just to think. The Washington Post has gone from being one of the finest publications in this country; I am sure Watergate springs to mind, to printing anything this incredibly idiotic woman claims to have written. We all know she couldn't if her very life depended on it. It actually makes me want to throw something. I am going to have to take up Kick Boxing!!

  34. Unfortunately, many in the national media would rather focus on the personality-driven political gossip of the day than on the gravity of these challenges. So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be

    Did this stand out to anyone else? It sounded like a preemptive strike against more "gossip of the day". I agree its an attempt to rebrand herself, but why bother when she's quitting the political arena?

    Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but is she afraid of the "gossip" that's yet too come? Is this a last second shot to sway her legacy before the buzzer sounds? (pardon the basketball metaphor).

  35. Anonymous1:57 PM

    @juju -
    the only thing she knows how to do is sucker the mindless and the angry, juju.

    And, juju, the next time you get a chance to talk to (soon to be former 32-month gov of Alaska) Sarah Palin, ask her to read up on Aristole 'cause he was not a model of heterosexuality. Palin might want to be more selective in her quoting.

  36. Some ch!ckensh!t Anonymous from C4P just spammed Phil Munger's PA blog with a few copied-and-pasted diatribes from C4P. Didn't even have the courage to use their usual pseudonym.

    Don't be surprised if they try the same thing here.

  37. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Some great responses to Sarahs "op-Ed"

    Read John Kerrys response on Huffington post

    And on Mother Jones there is a great response.

    Sorry I can't cut and paste the links but these are easy to google.

    Let's see if she responds to critics. Kerry tore her to shreds

  38. I imagine that Katharine Graham is rolling over in her grave!

  39. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:27 PM

    3rd Predicted Ethics complaint (by Dennis Zaki) filed yesterday!!!!
    Can the *iceberg* be far behind???
    (can't cut and paste link, got to KTUU website)

  40. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The Wa$hington Po$t was recently embroiled in a different scandal-- selling access to important muck-a-mucks in Washington DC, including lobbyists and leading Democrats. The story broke at the beginning of the month; all you have to do is Google Washington Post Sells Access.

    Perhaps Wa$hington Po$t didn't pay $arah for her ghostwriter's article. Perhaps $arah paid the Wa$hington Po$t as one would pay a Vanity Press! The newspaper does need the money!

  41. omg, the big one is gonna hit soon!

    Dennis must have had an inside track. I'm standing by for the wave.

    wv = ouste = OUST her on all fronts!

  42. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Here you go, crystalwolf aka caligirl:

    The Associated Press
    Tuesday, July 14, 2009

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Another ethics complaint has been filed against Gov. Sarah Palin, alleging she abused her office by accepting a salary and used state staff while campaigning as the Republican vice presidential candidate last year.

    It's the 18th ethics complaint filed against Palin, and the third since Palin announced her resignation July 3.

    In her resignation speech, Palin cited the complaints as taking a personal toll and crippling her ability to govern effectively.

    She officially steps down July 26.

    The latest complaint was filed Monday and is the fifth by outspoken Palin critic Andree McLeod of Anchorage. Three of McLeod's grievances have been dismissed and another remains active.

  43. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:22 PM

    Thanks Anon@ 2:50 :)

    Eddie burke is lying and saying Andree said she would stop filing ethics complaints if she got a job...AS IF that was true!!!!
    Andree...SUE HIM!!!!!!

  44. A good response to "Sarah's" thoughts:


  45. Another excellent read in he WSJ: "Poor Persecuted Sarah Palin".


  46. Of course she didn't write it. Just compare it to her "resignation" on her website.

    Not enough ......, !!!! or quotation marks.

    I wonder where it's plagiarized from?

  47. Here's a brain virus for you, the original "Build Me Up, Buttercup," by The Foundations, complete with lyrics. They are an eerie description of Palinbots' dependence of $P:


  48. Anonymous @ 2:04 PM referred to John Kerry's rebuttal at Huffington Post of this Palin op-ed yesterday.

    Now Senator Kerry has surfaced over at dailyKOS with another vigorous rebuttal, adding several other points he didn't make at Huffington Post.

    He responded in an update at the dailyKOS article, "Someone asked ‘why respond to Palin?’ – my take: when something’s flat out wrong and it’s part of the news cycle, you use the truth to crush it before it takes on a life of its own, and climate change legislation is way too important to topple under the weight of distortions from anywhere or anyone."

    Go Senator Kerry!


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