Sunday, August 23, 2009

It is time to stop f**king around about health care.

After the last few weeks of watching phony demonstrators disrupt health care town halls to protect the profits of insurance companies, after seeing the elderly frightened by our ex-Governor's lies about 'death panels", and after watching President Obama lose his focus and actually considered taking the public option of of the table, it is time to stop dicking around and to get serious.

If we allow this circus to continue then the anti-health care reform groups will win and the American public will lose. It is that goddamn simply.

So we need to get organized and we need to get organized fast.

If you live in Alaska call or write Senator Begich. Here is his contact information:

Peterson Tower, Suite 750510 L St
Anchorage, AK, 99501
phone. (907) 271 - 5915
toll free. (877) 501 - 6275 - good only for area code 907 callers, but good everywhere in Alaska
fax. (907) 258 - 9305

101 12th Ave, Room 206Fairbanks, AK 99701
phone. (907) 456-0261
fax. (907) 451-7290

One Sealaska Plaza, Suite 308
Mailing Address:P.O. Box 21850Juneau, AK 99802
phone. (907) 586 - 7700
fax. (907) 586 - 7702

(Hat tip to Phil Munger for getting this info together.)

Take a moment to tell Mark Begich how important it is that he support the public option and that you don't want your health care left in the hands of companies who pay their CEO's tens of millions of dollars a year to save money by keeping their customers from getting the medical procedures that they require.

The public option will dramatically bring down the cost of health care across the board and cut into the profit margin for these jackasses, which is the real reason they oppose it so aggressively. If you don't believe me then just read this AP article:

Proponents of a government plan say it could restore a competitive balance and lead to lower costs. For one thing, it wouldn't have to turn a profit.

A study by the Urban Institute public policy center estimated that a public plan could save taxpayers from $224 billion to $400 billion over 10 years by lowering the cost of proposed subsidies for the uninsured, while preserving private coverage for most people.

"Right now, there's no incentive for insurers or big hospital groups to negotiate with each other, because they can pass higher payments on through premiums," said economist Linda Blumberg, co-author of the report. "A public plan would have the leverage to set lower payment rates and get providers to participate at those rates."

"The private plans would come back to the providers and say, 'If you don't negotiate with me, you're going to be left with only the public plan.'" Blumberg continued. "Suddenly, you have a very strong economic incentive for them to negotiate."

You say you don't live in Alaska? Well that is no problem, you can find contact information for your Senator right here. Take a few minutes to tell them just how important it is to you that we really do something about health care in this country. If you have a story about a health care tragedy then perhaps you could share it. You know how these folks like to tell anecdotes about their constituents.

If we do not get this reform passed now there is no telling how long it will take before we will have the opportunity again. And after two strikes WHO in the Democratic party would be wiling to take on such a hot potato again? Nobody, that's who.

So please do yourselves a favor, and the countless Americans that will benefit from our actions today, and make that call/send that e-mail/write that letter. Just think of how proud your children will be that you helped solve one of the biggest problems facing Americans today.

Need some more inspiration? Well then head on over to Celtic Diva's site to watch President Obama talk about health care in a forum organized by the Organization for America. It is powerful stuff indeed.

P.S. Yes I know I did not include Alaska's other Senator Lisa Murkowski in my request for phone calls and e-mails, and that is because I attended her town hall last week in Anchorage and it was clear that she was sticking to the party line and was completely uninterested in doing anything that will upset the health insurance industry. But if you believe that contacting her will help then you can e-mail her here. I guess anything is worth a shot.

Oh and by the way my friends. YES WE CAN!


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I totally agree, gryphen! I am tried of the bullsh!tting around on this issue. the truth is that we should have changed the healthcare system a long time ago, but there are people who still insist on playing politics - and playing with people lives. so tired of it!

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Ok this one brought me out of lurkerdom! Gryphen, I'm so impressed with all the work you've done. Unfortunately, one of my senators is Republican Minority leader McConnell. :( My healthcare tragedy found probably won't move him!

    Reya's Mom

  3. Right on the money... People need to get pissed off and let their members of Congress know how they feel about real health care reform.
    Giving out the info. on members of Congress for people to contact is indeed a great idea... I did the same on my blog site for Illinois reps. in Congress three weeks ago when they went into their break.
    Keep up the great work you do... I always look forward to the posts on this site.

  4. Begich needs a good solid foot in the behind. Who the he11 does he think voted for him?

  5. Gryphen, please send emails, letters, and phone calls to Sen. Murkowski as well. One never knows what will change hearts and minds. We all need to stand up and be counted and contact anyone we can in asking for health care for all.

  6. I totally agree with you Gryphen - this is what we get when we attempt to share our toys with people who really don't want what is best for American citizens.

    The redistribution of wealth that took place during the past Administration is horrible. People who were staying even or head out of water are now way under water, losing their homes, and unable to get affordable healthcare.

    And where is Congress? Private government funded health care, so why should they give a damn?

    People like John Slimeball McInsane? He has had at least FOUR melanoma surgeries paid for by taxpayers. And his latest "spew" is that Pres. Obama MUST drop the Public Option?

    Our Congress in this country stinks. They are all on the take and on the dole - WE are paying THEIR platinum health care while they deny ours.

    When does the citizenry of this country say enough to these idiot farmboys?

  7. Gryphen:
    Kitsap River tells of a vetting committee and a "God committee" - two actual death panels to determine who would get dialysis in the 1960s: History for Health Care Reformers: Real Death Panels. (ItsJessMe)

    From Daily Kos: This actually did happen, although I must say, it was done ONLY because there were not adequate facilities at that time to take care of everyone who needed dialysis. Things have changed and this is not happening now.

  8. There is no changing Murkowski's mind. Or Begich apparantely. After multiple calls and emails never recieved a reply from either one. Both have lost my support.

  9. Anonymous8:52 PM

    It would be interesting to know how Senator Murkowski's insurance worked for her due to her recent ski accident and recovery. I'll wager it was fantastic and obtained w/no problems!

  10. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Well worth the $5:

    He hit the nail on the head, and showed how many BILLIONS of $ we could safe by having a public option...

    I will write to my congress people, too.

  11. Hey all, thanks for this post- excellent work, this is an important matter- 50 Million UnInsured, millions more UnderInsured, and 14,000 a day losing care , that is 400,000 more a month,and 22,000 dying each year without ANY Healthcare, and add to this....( over 167,000 died without Care during the Bush Years)....

    I have many helpful links, videos and also resources linked to my blog at watergatesummer, ALL Health from NOW on until we win this Battle....

    Keep up the great work....

  12. Anonymous6:11 AM

    People NEED to flood their senators and congresspersons email boxes, mailboxes and phone lines with the demand that healthcare reform with a public option be passed OR that they will personally work to get them out of office. It's now or never people. WE are the lazy ones. If you have issues with health, your healthcare provider or cannot afford insurance, time to speak up or loose everything when nothing gets done.Your elected officials NEED to know where you stand regardless of what side if the aisle they are on.Flood Murkowskis office with comments.

  13. majii6:37 AM

    I have two republican senators and a democratic weasel for a congresscritter. I wrote Isakson and Chambliss and received a reply straight out of the GOP playbook authored by Frank Luntz. I'm going to one of the weasel's townhalls today with some other MoveOn members. If I get a chance to ask a question, I want to know, if he opposes hc reform with an American option (same as public option), what is his plan? I want to see him squirm as he tries to answer the question. My daughter and I will be taking pics and making a video of his response(s).
    There is a proposed rally in DC scheduled for September 12-13. Dr. Reich wants this to happen in a big way. I'm going to try to attend.
    I've noticed a correlation between how well or poorly hc insurance stocks do when there is talk in the media about either keeping or stripping the American option from the bill, and it doesn't seem like just a coincidental occurence to me. We need to fight for hc insurance reform with an American option just like we fought to defeat the republicans last year.

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:17 AM

    Anon@6:56 and others who have GOP'r "weasels" for Senators...Write to them anyway! IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THEY WANT...they are supposed to represent their constituents, not their GOP playbook! Remind them if you have too! You put them in office and can vote them out!
    Also I heard about McInsane yesterday saying for awhile he had health ins"with another country" I'm so tired of whenever he's called about something he uses that POW card, who took care of his when he got out? The VA that's who!
    Thanks Gryphen for this post, I have Senator's Boxer & Feinstein, who are D and are for health-care reform, but I wrote them anyway, and used part of the AP article you quoted as reference!

  15. Gasman7:57 AM

    I know that Murkowski seems like a loyal Republican foot soldier, but contact her anyway.

    What she says in public and what she really believes may not be one and the same. As long as she perceives that it is politically in her best interest to toe the party line, that is precisely what she will do. However, if she perceives that her party's stance is not in her political best interests, then she may be inclined to be a bit more independent.

    I was actually surprised by her admonition of the craziest Republican b.s. surrounding healthcare. It was not nearly harsh enough, but how many Republicans have been critical at all about "DEATH PALNELS!" or any of the other silliness.

    Even if you think it unlikely to change her mind, let her know the extent of the support for reform in your state.

    Meanwhile, I've got to write to my Sen. Bingaman, one of the "Gang of Six" that is holding the process hostage.

  16. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Billionaires for Wealthcare

    "If god loved the poor people he wouldn't let them get sick. Privatize the government, that's what I say! Wealth care, not health care!"

  17. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Come on, America. Let's do this! The time is now.

    How many of you know people who are uninsured? I certainly do.
    How many of you suffered something health-related last year that was beyond your doing and was catastrophic? I certainly did.

    We can be smarter and healthier. Let's do it, Americans! CALL YOUR REPS! GO TO MEETINGS!

  18. Ya see what I mean Gryphen, a smallish response to the issue of healthcare reform on this blog, compared to other issues. They don't care Gryphen, they just don't care. Or at least not enough of them care.

  19. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh, straight goods! We do care. We're busy contacting our reps.

    Anyway, summer is slow on blogs, esp. these final dog days of August.

  20. I will be writing a letter and sending it off. I have seen health care from both sides and watched it evolve over a twenty-five year period from a place where health care was delivered with an attituded of excellence for everyone into mediocre to crappy, except for the very well to do. Health care needs to be made into a basic right.

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl said, "I have Senator's Boxer & Feinstein, who are D and are for health-care reform"

    I remember Feinstein in SF in the 70s on the city counsel. I was there a lot speaking about a lot of issues. Alaska feels like it is just entering the 70s on civil and human rights.

  22. I was going down the left column of your blog like I do 2 or 3 times every day when I saw you had linked to mine. Thank you Gryphen for helping me get my message out.


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