Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just how crazy is local homophobe Jerry Prevo? I thought you would never ask.

Part two

And that my friends is the largest and most powerful church in Anchorage.

NOW do you know what is wrong with my city?

I agree that we need religious freedom in this country. But religious freedom is NOT the freedom to impose YOUR religious beliefs on everybody else. It is the right for ALL religious people to worship based on the tenets and guidelines set forth by their own personal religious faith. Regardless of whether they are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Taoist, Scientologists, Buddhists, Rastafarians, or even people without a stated religous prederence. It means loving and accepting ALL people. Not just the ones who think and believe like you do.

And by the way, I don't hate God, or Jesus, or Christians. I just don't want them to tell me how to live, how to raise my children, or how to think.

If I wanted to think like they do, I would be sitting next to them on Sunday mornings. But I live in America, and I have something called "freedom", and I am exercising it.


  1. Polly9:14 AM

    I respect what you are saying Gryphen. I have studied Christianity (many of the variants), Buddhism, Scientology, gain insight and knowledge. Prevo's Church are hypocrites. Here is the scripture that explains how to identify a true follower of Christ (by their fruits, you will know them):

    Gal. 5:22, 23: “The FRUITAGE of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.”

    None of these fruitages were displayed at the Ordinance or Healthcare events by Prevo's church members.

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM


  3. I tried, but 3 combined minutes was all I could take. That is some kind of extra special crazy.

    What language is he speaking?

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    re: part 2

    Wow! Can you say lip sync? And Oh the Theatrics!

    Here's an article to read about brainwashing techniques used in religion and the military. It's a bit long, but really worth the time. The author's background is a bit questionable, but I don't think it impedes what he has to share. I'm sure you'll have lots of OMG moments, as you recognize various elements from your own experiences.

  5. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I am so tired of these christofascists putting false "quotes" in the mouths of Jefferson and Madison and Washington, and relying on the fact that their listeners are too stupid to know they're just makin' stuff up. I want God in America, too. My version of God. When are these political activists going to lose their tax exempt status?

    And someone please tell him that if we have all those teens getting pregnant we're obviously not handing out ENOUGH condoms. And that teen pregnancy rates are HIGHEST amongst fundamentalist christians.

  6. Irishgirl11:21 AM

    Holy Fuck. Excuse my french, but people like this would be a laughing stock in Ireland. America, you are going backwards.

  7. Holy dogshit Batman! something smells!
    The people of Anchorage are getting taken by these charletans. TAX them!
    So sad the majority of voting Anchorage supports this malarky.

  8. Yeah it's crazy, but more importantly, it's a really well-crafted propaganda show. The right has been winning because they have a keener intuition for how the human mind assigns meaning. According to cognitive linguist George Lakoff, the right and left see America as a family, at least metaphoricaly. The difference is that the right sees the ideal family as a "strict father" model, whereas the left sees it as a "nurturant parent" model. An appeal to the strict father model shines through in these videos. Also, your comment box isn't letting me copy and paste for some reason.

  9. yukonark12:25 PM

    Prevo makes ALL people of faith look judgmental, homophobic, narrowminded, bigoted, and just plain crazy. His brand of Christian Dominionism is just an excuse to hate and wrap prejudices in the flag of "holier-than-thou." What a pathetic representative of the one who said "love your neighbor as yourself." Jerry Prevo's self-loathing must know no bounds.

  10. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I've been following your blog for some time, without commenting, but I really do have to say: that is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. Now, if I admit that I'm in Europe, does that make me a "socialist"? Well, even if so -- it is precisely this kind of mindless religious fundamentalism that affects people all over the world. It really does frighten the **** out of me.

  11. crystalwolf aka caligrl12:50 PM

    Irishgirl...LOL! You are right!

    Gryphen, how does Parnell's church stand up to Prevo's? Leah wrote on her blog Parnell's church is a Dominionist church. Not sure if Jerry's is one, but he does sound like it.
    The problem IS these Idiots BELIEVE this stuff! They are brainwashing people and they want to take over everything. They are Evil! They are trying to take over more and more regular churches with this dominionist shit!

  12. "religious freedom is NOT the freedom to impose YOUR religious beliefs on everybody else".

    That right there is what I WISH these freaks could comprehend!

    Plain and simple...but they simply don't GET IT!

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Anyone taking their children to a church like that is guilty of cruelty. That is brainwashing pure and simple. Idiots.


  14. Excellent, excellent post!

  15. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Having seen this, it seems as though America is perfectly poised to negotiate with Iran. Ahmadinejad and Prevo have so much in common: the religious Dream Team!

  16. SoCalWolfGal2:08 PM

    Wow, the guy at the end looked like he was representing the KKK!! Yes, sadly this
    is widespread across the country, from Anchorage to Atlanta. I guess they forgot why our ancestors landed at Plymouth Rock. Remember regligous freedom? For ALL people, not just those who think like you do. Although I do not believe in organized religon, I do consider myself a spiritual person. I do not hate Jesus, those who do attend the church of their choice, nor do I hate people who do not follow my political choices. I just do not want anyone telling me what to think, how to vote, or how to live my life. Why they find that so threatening, I wish I knew.

  17. I watched the 1st & 1/2 of the 2nd. Could not take anymore.

    Jerry IS a PAC he needs to be taxed.

    He is all about the money. Talk about wrapped in the flag!

    Fundamentalists (be they CHRISTIAN or Muslim) terrorists need to be watched and fought, if, necessary.

  18. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Ah, yes. Fomenting hatred, intolerance, and political revolution all in the name of Jesus. Is that what what the Founding Fathers meant by "The Land of the Free"? Did they mean to say Land of the Free for White Fundie Christians only? Jerry Prevo is one sick piece of work.
    So does the IRS need ANY MORE BLATANT evidence than this video to yank the ABT's tax-exempt status? I'm sick and tired of subsidizing Prevo's sick little empire with my own tax dollars!

  19. Anonymous6:01 PM

    WHOA! If these wingnut zealots spent half as much time & energy actually living what they say they believe as they do trying to cram this propaganda down the throats of others this world would be a much better place!

  20. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Well, I couldn't make it though the second video, Gryphen. History is full of zealous religious fanatics who murdered millions and millions and millions of people.

    I am a strong advocate for separation of church and state. You must have the freedom to your beliefs in order for me to have the freedom to mine. Because without choice, there can be no free will.

    The churches have failed. Instead of pushing for a morning prayer in a state school, why are they not telling their children they can pray all day long? When a child is being mean, just think a prayer asking for God to help him/her. When that teacher says something snarky, she may be having a bad day; just ask God to bless her. And when a problem seems too hard, ask God for help. In other words, pray any time, any where, all day, nobody has to know; don't put God on a shelf after a morning prayer!

    The religious political extremists are dangerous because they want to rule the world, i.e., playing God.

    Oh, and The Heritage Foundation favors lax penalties for child porn and child sex trafficking. That's right, trivial conduct is often punished as a crime. See the article below for info.

    If the link doesn't work, just google "Heritage Foundation slams anti child rape bill as overcriminalization" for the HuffPost article.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for sharing those videos.

  21. Anonymous6:47 PM

    SoCalWolfGal " I guess they forgot why our ancestors landed at Plymouth Rock. : "Remember regligous freedom? For ALL people, not just those who think like you do."

    Not quite true. Those early Puritans were escaping religious persecution in England and Holland, but they weren't interested in sharing their new world freedom with any one else. You either believed as they did or you were out. In that sense, the Puritans were the natural ancestors of Prevo's bunch.

  22. Anonymous6:55 PM

    All of these churches should be taxed...I'm sick and tired of religion being mixed so strongly w/government! Sullivan should look at the deficit he is noting to all of us w/help from Prevo - ChangePoint, etc. He had better not increase our real estate taxes w/o taking them into consideration! Somehow - someway!

  23. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Sadly enough this is not anything new or surprising.

    Americans can state without hesitation that they believe in the separation of church and state but for the most part they require a person to be a christian before they will vote them into office. Look at the last Presidential campaign. How many were and still are terrified that President Obama is a Muslim? Would the reaction be different if he was a practicing Wiccan? Or Buddhism? Look at how difficult it is for Mitt Romney simply due to his being a Mormon. This country may say they want freedom of religion, freedom for all to practice their faith as they each see fit, but what they really mean is that they want those people to be "christians" (and I used "c" on purpose rather than "C") and only a specific variety of "christians" are acceptable within our government/political makeup. We don't have separation of Church and State, what we have is a neatly disguised religious Country who will fight to the death before those who are the majority in this belief system will admit to it or be accepting of any change to that set up.

    This country is headed towards a theocracy more and more every day. People who truly believe that we should keep religious beliefs out of politics and our government are the minority and are nowhere near as vocal as those who truly want their brand of religious beliefs to be enacted into law.

    Prevo and his kind are just a vocal bunch of the majority in this country which is why we still allow discrimination against the GLBT people out there. It is why we won't have an admitted atheist as a President or Vice President for a long time. The extreme fringe in religion is the most vocal, and they are the ones who fight the hardest to get their voices heard and recognized. Look at what they were able to accomplish in Anchorage.

    In Texas they have gotten H.B. No. 1287 signed by Rick Perry which *requires* the bible (the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New Testament) be taught in schools.


  24. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Nothing wrong with teaching the Bible - as literature.

  25. Anonymous10:39 PM

    This reminds me of something Gandhi once said 'I like your Christ , I do not like your christians .Your christians are so unlike you Christ' And I also agree if church wants to be involved in government they should loose their tax exemption.

  26. Anonymous@1:50 - I agree, raising children by those principles is abusive. I think teaching Hell is a form of spiritual terrorism...
    funny though - on a discussion board about paganism and Wicca, I've seen the same dogmatic assertions and divisions, the same kind of bullying disguised as information.
    I'm currently reading again Starhawk's Truth or Dare, a discussion of "power to" rather than "power over"...very interesting to apply the model to what we are seeing around us in the death throes of authoritative-think.....WWSD?

  27. Anonymous9:51 AM

    American Taliban


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