Sunday, August 30, 2009

Now we have a video which makes understanding health care reform simple. A sort of "Idiot's Guide to Health Care Reform".

There! Now do you get it?

(I have to give a hat tip to my friend Leah L Burton of Theopalinism for finding this clip. If you have never visited her site before I suggest you do so posthaste. It is just filled with interesting facts about Sarah Palin, Dominionism in America, and political skulduggery.)


  1. Very good - but, (sigh), I think 4 minutes and thirty-eight seconds is longer than the attention span of the ignorant. I hope I am wrong - they seem to be able to watch an hour of Beck, but Beck uses clown antics, crying jags and high emotion to entertain them. Palin uses red high heels, lipstick, and a bumped up hair-do to "entertain" them. The stick men figures in the video may not "excite" them enough (to sit through it). I am thinking maybe Disney characters or pro wrestlers in this presentation might do the trick.

  2. allison1:16 PM

    i love it. but fyi, typo in the title: "simply" should be "simple," no?
    thanks again for the hard work!

  3. Thanks Allison. I fixed it.

  4. That was excellent.

  5. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Thank you so much for posting it. We absolutely have to distill it down to the basics, and this clip suceeds admirably.

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Nice video. Very educational for us over here in Yurp, where America is seen as the land of the FREE:
    where EVERYBODY can drink clean water (cos they pay their taxes)
    where EVERYBODY can learn to read and write (cos they pay their taxes)
    where EVERYBODY can call the cops if needs be (cos they pay their taxes)
    where EVERYBODY can call the firrefighters if needs be (cos they pay their taxes)
    where SOME PEOPLE can call the doctor if needs be (cos they can afford insurance)
    OOOH... I feel a sudden wave of nausea coming over me... I might just have to call my (free, taxpayer-funded) 24/7 healthcare service ....

  7. Agreed, it is a bit too long. Most people don't make it past 1 minute unless it's a really funny animal.

  8. SoCalWolfGal2:21 PM

    I love this analogy of why we need public healthcare. If people can't follow this, well I'm, afraid there is simply no hope for them. Thanks Gryphen and thanks to Leah Burton for finding this wonderful explanation of why this is so important; to all of us.

  9. Carol2:25 PM

    Very clear, very explicit. Excellent!

  10. I like the "idiot's guide" bit. God knows there are plenty of idiots talking about health care reform and they need this.

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM

    It's great, but frankly I think the "socialist" reference will make too many people just tune it out.

  12. I saw this a few days ago, and think its bang on.

    As a Canadian living in the US I cannot believe how poor it is. It took me 6 months to get a back xray going in to the doctor's with severe back pain and shooting pain down my leg. My doctor did not want to fight with the insurance company abotu an xray, so I had to see a specialist, that she new the insurance would accept. WTF is that? In Canada I would have had an xray within an hour of seeing a doctor.

    This is one reason why my American wife & I are going to move back to Canada. I have zero faith in Obama to actually get real healthcare reform. Greg Palast wrote an article about the deal Obama made with bigpharma. That is pretty messed up right there.

  13. Michelle8:05 PM

    The dining room tables wont pay attention. But the reasonable undecideds will.

  14. Anonymous8:30 PM

    But Brad - everyone in America knows that Canada's healthcare stinks. The long lines at dr's offices and hospitals, the long wait for tests and surgeries. Canadians coming to US for quicker service. It's all over the news!

    Maybe what this country needs is more Brads ON the news. Maybe then we'd get the truth out.

  15. LOL GenieO!

    Not if I have to be interviewed on Faux!

  16. Excellnet. simply put video. There just is no arguement to keep having the insurance industry guide the health care industry. All the insurance industry is doing is robbing us. I would also suggest going to Leah Burtons blog, Theopalinism. She discuses how Dominionism got started in our country. To understand our problems making advances in our country we have to look at the ideology which is blocking us.

  17. Wow. This is simple enough for Glenn Beck to understand. Wait. I just saw his book cover. I take that back.

  18. One thing I would like to point out is that Canada's healthcare stinks because there are so few doctors and so many patients.

    Why are there so few doctors? Oh yeah! It's because they are all moving down to the US to make more money off of the sick and injured. (A successful strategy)

    There is certainly a bucketload of improvements that could be made to the Canadian healthcare system, but it works. And one thing reformers and non-reformers alike have to realize is that the proposed insurance reforms are a far step removed from the full-on government run healthcare plan up here in Canada, and who knows it might even work out for the better. It certainly can't get any worse.

    To be honest, I hope that one day Doctors in the US start to get paid less and less. We might see more Canadian doctors sticking around.

  19. @Canadian follower...good comments. I too, am Canadian, and I agree. For many years now...our docs and nurses too for that matter, are training here, and then moving to the states. Its about following the money.

    It seems odd to me, as I have 2 sisters who are nurses. Both make excellent money, and enjoy their jobs. They have been recruited by american hospitals..but have not gone.

    In Toronto for example, it was explained to me, that docs had a cap on salaries at around 3 hundred thousand a year. This is going back a few years, so I am not sure what it is now.

    However...they can earn as much as they want, if after they reach the cap, they travel to northern parts of of the province to provide service as locums to the various hospitals. I always found this to be great when I lived there. We always had access to specialists, because the docs wanted to earn more money. It was a win win situation.

    However, I suppose some docs found that if they relocated to the states, they could make as much as they wanted, and perhaps not work as hard for it.

    I believe, that if the US has health care reform, more of our docs and nurses will stay in Canada. I hope so anyhow.


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