Saturday, August 15, 2009

More details emerge concerning racial attack against Native Alaskan man in Anchorage. This is hard to read.

Details of a racially motivated attack on a Native man in downtown Anchorage were released Friday as one of the accused assailants appeared in court to enter a not guilty plea.

Anchorage residents Robert Gum, 19, and Deanna Powers, 20, have been charged with assault and harassment following the attack they themselves recorded and posted on YouTube late last month. Powers posted $500 bail after her arrest Thursday, but Gum remained jailed with bail set at $1,000 and made a court appearance Friday.

According to charging documents, Gum and Powers, both white, spewed venom at their victim as they pelted him with bottles and eggs, mocking a Native accent and saying "I want my Monarch (vodka)," while the target of their fury meekly tried to walk away, according to charges filed in court Friday.

The victim told police he was walking to Bean's Cafe when a car pulled up alongside him and the occupants began throwing things at him, taunting him with remarks including, "I hate you Eskimos," the charges say.

The first video posted on YouTube -- which Powers recorded with a cell phone camera -- was about a minute long and showed Gum and Powers pulling up to the man on the street with Gum yelling, "Hey, you want to get shot?" He then got out of the car and threw a plastic water bottle at the man, hitting him in the head, as a woman in the background laughed, the charges say.

In another video clip from the same encounter, Gum and Powers -- who Gum identifies as his sister in court documents -- throw eggs at the man and threaten him as he tries to walk away, the charges say. The man turned to his assailants, saying he didn't have any money and asking that they leave him alone.

"Are you getting hard? I'll hit you in the face and knock your (expletive) teeth out,' " Gum said, according to the affidavit. The man walked away, only to have Powers run up from behind and push him, almost knocking him down, the charges say.

"I was just playing. I didn't mean to push you like that," she says, according to Summey's affidavit.

The victim stood there, extended a handshake and said, "Please don't bother me."

Gum replied, "If you touch my sister, I will cut you," the charges say. Powers pushed the man again, and, at Gum's direction, kicked the man in the behind. After Gum threatened to kick him in the head, the man protested that he wasn't dumb.

"You are dumb," Powers said, according to the charges. "You're a f-----g Native."


This kind of unwarranted hatred is the result of ignorance. And no it is not an excuse.

These two punk kids somehow believe that they are superior to the native Alaskans, and can therefore victimize them with impunity. Fortunately these two they are learning the error in that way of thinking. I hope that their time in jail will help them to learn humility and what it feels like to be a victim.

The facts are that the native Alaskans may be some of the toughest human beings on the face of this planet.

They have survived and prospered for thousands of years in one of the harshest environments on earth. They used ivory in place of steel, they used seal oil instead of kerosene, they had a beautiful complex religion and lived their lives in harmony with the world around them. The native Alaskans did not deplete their resources nor scar the earth with large excavations in search of minerals or oil.

There is clearly much the white man can learn from the indigenous people of Alaska, and perhaps the first thing would be tolerance.

Even after suffering incredible abuse at the hands of these two criminals their victim held out his hand in friendship. The two assailants clearly thought that this was a sign of weakness, but in reality it was a demonstration of the kind of compassion and humanity that reveals the quality of this man's spirit.

I am still waiting to see an example of that kind of humanity from Mayor Sullivan and Governor Sean Parnell. I do not understand how they both can remain silent on this act of racial hatred.

Update: After reading the charging document I have learned that the two assailants are only being charged with 4th degree assault and harrassment. That does not seem an adequate response to this kind of racially motivated hate crime. I know these kids are young but what they did was horrendous and their punishment should serve as an example to other racists in my city that these kinds of actions have dire circumstances.

This seems a limp response to such a terrible crime. Is there no justice in Anchorage for the victims of racial hatred?


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    How can you plead not guilty when you yourself posted your actions on You Tube?


    As far as Sullivan and Parnell, I'm not sure the etiquette of commenting on a pending criminal case.

  2. "I know these kids are young but what they did was horrendous and their punishment should serve as an example to other racists in my city that these kinds of actions have dire circumstances."

    Agreed. And why don't they add a hate crime charge as this is proven to be a hate crime by their own tapes? I am just a year or two older than you Gryphen, but I clearly remember African Americans being treated this way during the 60's. My Mom made us watch it on T.V. (we lived in the North East) so that we would know just what hate is and does. She wanted us to know that you never, ever treat anyone with this kind of venom. I hope that I've passed this onto my children so that they can speak out and help people who are innocent victims. (So far so good)

    Is Anchorage all republican all the time? Isn't their any kind of diversity training these criminals could take up while serving their sentences? Because they really need to be locked up for this. There has to be a punishment that works. And not just punishment but education, too. I wonder how the perps would feel if someone had done that to them or one of their loved ones?

    The legacy of Sarah Palin dies hard........

  3. Gryphen,

    Why has this case not been sent on and reported to the FBI? This is a federal crime not a state crime. It was racially motived and is video taped.

    Young or old it does not matter. They should be charged to the full extent of the hate crime laws. It is the only way to stop these types of assault. IMHO

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    It is shameful that these two racists are not being charged with a hate crime. Only people condoning this type of behavior would not see it as a hate crime. I hope that citizens will protest this injustice and ensure that their elected officials are booted out at the next election if nothing more is done.

    While ideally we should turn the other cheeck, in reality, if this type of behavior goes unchecked, it becomes acceptable. What sort of lesson is being sent by the legal system there?

    My husband is only one-quarter Native American. We live in the Midwest. When he was growing up in the 1960's, his family drilled into him that he should never divulge his racial mix, fearing the exact kind of treatment this Alaskan Native endured. I would have thought we had moved on from this, but racism still causes pain and shame.

    I hope this incident will be a call to conscience for Alaskans and the entire nation because it is past time for us as a nation to admit to the hidden racism against Native Americans. It has always been there, but no one seems to have faced it. To evolve past this, we must face it and denounce those who practice it.

    Perhaps this will help shine the light of reason upon this unreasonable hatred.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Thank you for posting this. I needed to be more pissed off this morning when I woke up.
    They are being undercharged. This IS a hate crime. Big shock though because it is still OK to hate gay people too.
    Sorry for the cynical response, but at a time people are carrying guns to political gatherings and shouting people down to STOP any progress or gain, this just seems to be yet ANOTHER thing set in front of me to piss me off and make me react.
    It feels like we are all living ontop of a big poweder keg waiting for someone else to push someone one far enough to react.
    Don't push the shiny red button.

  6. It physically hurts to read that this crap still happens. I don't care if the assailants were teens. It shows such a lack of empathy for a fellow human being. If they were attcking and abusing puppies it would be a red flag for behavior of a future serial killer. If it's a Native American it's ok?

  7. womanwithsardinecan7:29 AM

    Throw the fricking book at them. This makes me sick to my stomach. My grandmother was full-blooded Native. They are young but have already learned to hate in utter ignorance. I doubt they will change. They are disgusting.

  8. When will this idiocy END?

    So much I'd like to say, but can't decide which would be least inflammatory.

    I did read the charging document, and noticed the sentence about "some of this assault took place on the property of the Social Security office."

    Above, someone mentioned the FBI getting involved as it is obviously a hate crime. I believe that if some of it *did* occur on federal property, such as the grounds of the Social Security office, it absolutely would be a federal offense.

    That's my two cents, hope it's worth a lot more.

  9. Anonymous8:00 AM

    What a disgrace. These are not 'kids'...19 and 20 year olds should be part of a productive society. Not assaulting those people who they perceive as weaker than them. I'd suggest they be sentenced to spend the winter in a native Alaskan community. Perhaps there they could learn.

  10. Gryph, thanks for highlighting this news article. I've passed it along to family and friends. Someone taught those two degenerates to behave that way -- they weren't born hating native Alaskans.

    You wrote "Fortunately these two they are learning the error in that way of thinking." I don't think they'll ever stop thinking the way they do. It's conditioning that goes back to their roots and we haven't figured out how to control a criminal's mind... yet. What they may learn instead is the error of their actions, so they never act out their disgusting thoughts again.

  11. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I heard a segment on NPR the other day about Woodstock and the "Summer of Love" 40 years ago this month. And now we are mired in the Summer of Hate. Hatred for the Federal Government, hatred for the GBLT community, hatred for people of color, hatred for anyone that isn't like "them". This is sick, sick, sick. The Eskimos and other Natives of Alaska are just like the Native American Indians. They did live in harmony with the world around them, they only killed animals for enough food to feed their families and for the pelts and fur to keep them warm in the winter time. They were and are honorable people. I will never forget reading "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" thirty something years ago. It made me ashamed to be a white person, whose ancestors totally obliterated a way of life forever; a way of life that was certainly better than what we have created. I am still ashamed.


  12. mlaiuppa9:13 AM

    They're not kids. They are legal adults. Both are over the age of 18.

    I think the charges are lame. It's obvious this race hatred is condoned by the legal system. This is a hate crime and should be treated as such. Because the prosecutor is charging them with the least possible crime he can, it's obvious justice will not be done.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but is it true that in th native languages there is no word equivalent for "war"?

  13. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:22 AM

    Gryphen thanks for a follow up on this article. The book needs to be thrown at them, and if it did indeed occur on federal property the FBI brought in. Alaskans need to complain to their Leg and NEW Gov. that they will not accept this type of Hate crime. Natives need to complain they will not be made victims!
    There are some people in Alaska who will rise up against injustice. But unfortunately only a few, which is why sarah palin was able to continue acting unethically b/c few cared enough to DO anything, or speak out.
    I have to agree with all the other poster's. They made very valid points.
    These 2 young adults were riding around with Eggs looking for a target. They should receive maximum sentencing and be made a example of.
    But being Alaska, they will probably get a slap on the wrist and WAR or one of his ilk... is probably their lawyer.

  14. SME1319:27 AM

    The attack IS a hate crime, but as always APD has shown they do not care for the homeless. This is total bullshit. This is a lot like how they are treating the recent deaths of the homeless. No big deal it was all their fault. That is also bullshit.

    Is there a way we can demand to see what tests were requested for those autopsies? They wrote them off way too quickly as natural deaths in my opinion.

    Back to this story....yes this was a hate crime and those two little shit knew better. Maybe we should all call the FBI and insist they look into it further.

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    These are definitely hate crimes that should be prosecuted under federal statutes. At the very least, these should be felony counts of assault so the State can prosecute the crimes.

  16. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Where is the ACLU in this?

    Oh, I see... the man was 'only an Eskimo' - he was not BLACK.

  17. Anon@10:11AM--When the ACLU hears about this it will defend this man's rights just as it would yours if you end up in a similar situation. What makes you believe that you can bring your hate onto this blog? We already know about the ACLU's record, and you probably don't, which is why you made your asinine comment. It is because of people like you that this country is as divided as it is today.
    We respect each other here. Go find the others who share your ignorance. You're looking in the wrong place.
    Better yet, find the nearest mirror. Yeah, that'll work.

  18. Anonymous12:01 PM

    It pains me to say this, but white people feel as if they are the rightful "owners" of the United States, and simply hate all those who are not "like them".

    You saw this during the last presidential election campaign and it was truly evident in the documentary "Right America Feeling Wronged". People claiming they want "their America" back. What they really mean is that they don't want people of different colors and nationalities being considered as "real Americans". These are the kind of people who will look down upon anyone whom they see as "different". Much like those religious folks who feel it is okay to slam the GLBT community for not conforming to their own beliefs, it is the same kind of "I'm better than you" attitude!

    Until it is not just discouraged by members of our government, it will continue to happen. Until it is punished and denounced this will continue to happen. You will never eradicate hate, but you can hold it up, showing it for what it is and demand action be taken against those who encourage it, act on it and allow it even by way of silence on the actions of those who participate in it.


  19. I'm pretty pessimistic about ever 'changing' the mindset of adults. A bigoted, hate-filled (FEARFUL) adult will most likely stay that way. It's the kids, the children, I think about and worry about. Hatred and racial bias are passed on from generation to generation-through parents, relatives, peers, and (sadly) churches. Seeing such young kids carrying hate spewing signs at rallies breaks my heart. So, what can we do? Education? How? What can be done to lift these young people - their minds, their spirits, out of the muck? How do we provide an influence that they can admire and aspire to?

    Anyone have any ideas?

    I may post this query in several other blog comment sections. I would be so glad to dialogue publicly - or privately - with anyone who feels the same as I do. Probably someone somewhere has already come up with an idea or two. I'd love to know what, and be a part of the solution.

  20. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Wow. Sick!! The slap in the wrist is only going to perpetuate this kind of treatment among the natives.

  21. majii,

    Amen to that! That is precisely why I love this blog. Gryphen is a great writer and he has a wonderful community of commenter's.
    And you are right about the ACLU. They will help this man who was so horribly attacked because of ignorant racists. They have also in the past defended Nazi's the right to march. They may not agree with peoples philosophies but they will defend anybodies rights if those rights were abused.

  22. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Not to impugn all Alaskans, but this IS the state that couldn't be bothered to recognize Juneteenth two years ago, in spite of the tremendous contribution African Americans made to that state during WWII.

    You can try to lay that on Palin's shoulders to a certain extent, but I didn't see a whole lot of outcry from the populace. A lot of blog posts ran along the line of 'what does this have to do with US'?

    No big stink about it not being highlighted this year, either. Respect for minorities from the TOP DOWN in government would at least make it more difficult for people to turn away from incidents like these, because, after all, it has nothing to do with THEM. Oh no. . .

    The relatively light sentence was unbelievable.

  23. I hope you're all going to keep on this. It's not a minor offence. All racist killers started somewhere.

  24. Wow--are these some of Alaska's famous drop outs?? What morons.

    "These are not 'kids'...19 and 20 year olds should be part of a productive society."

    No, because they have no moral compass and probably a low IQ to go with it. There is actually an excellent chance they will end up living on the taxpayers' dime in our jail system, watching TV and eating three meals a day....because if at 19 and 20 they are already that hateful toward other human beings, it is probably just a matter of time until they kill one just for kicks.

  25. This type of thing goes on all the time. The natives just do not report it due to being ignored by the police in the past. I have heard the feds are looking into it to see if they can be charged on civil rights violations. That does not mean they will charge them however. The ACLU in this state is from my own experience with them almost useless. They are underfunded and blocked by the judicial system at every move. That of course would not prevent them from putting out statements against civil rights violations which they rarely do. Hey ACLU where is that report on the prison system?
    I remember when I was a child we had information at school, on television, etc about prejudice. My parents were from the deep south and very prejudiced against a lot of different groups of people. I learned it was wrong outside the family. One of my sisters has a low IQ and low self esteem, she has continued to hate all her life. The movement here in Alaska to keep the government from having any influence on raising or educating children is harmful. It helps those who have people who have no bussiness being parents to begin with from being as damaged as they could be.
    I lived in a village where not too long ago the police would take intoxicated natives four or five miles out of town in up to -50 degree weather and leave them. In Anchorage I have had people equate alcoholic behavior with native behavior. I have news for them white alcoholics act the same way as native alcoholics.

  26. Just_a_Mote9:07 PM

    Bigotry is a terrible thing. When I read stories like this I get depressed. This is such a short journey, why the hatred because someone is different from you? I know that almost all of the people who post here are not of that mindset, I just need to let a little out. People being ugly toward other people is something I will never understand.

  27. Anonymous6:21 AM

    This is the legacy of hate. They probably learned this behavior at home. So sad and heartbreaking.


  28. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I wish instead of jail, those two thugs would have gotten community service as sentence. Not ANY type of community service, though, but LIVING WITH THE NATIVES in bush country for six-12 months, where they have to pull their own weight in order to survive.
    I firmly believe this would give them a new outlook on live.

    BTW, I am the one who spewed about the ACLU at 10:32. I meant it in dispair, because I do not see how the ACLU has immediately gotten involved, and immediately helped Mr. Barr. IMO, if Mr. Barr had been of African decent, they would have come to his defense immediately.

  29. Anonymous1:41 PM

    This makes me feel so sad for our nation. Most of all for Alaska right now. The laws in Alaska do not respect natives or children. I pray this will open up a new heart and change of the oppressor's laws. The legislators that turn their backs are as shameful as your last Governor.

  30. Anonymous3:48 PM

    These are not kids, they are young adults. They should be treated as adults in terms of how the law deals with them. Period.

    You can be sure that they've done far worse to other victims of their racial hatred. Except this time they got caught.


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