Sunday, August 09, 2009

President Obama vs Sarah Palin. Who do you trust?

Here is President Obama's explanation of his health care reform.

And here is what appeared on Sarah Palin's Facebook page on Friday.

I will add nothing more, except to say look at these both side by side.

Then decide who is making sense.

Who is trying to have an intelligent discourse.

Who is definitely not.

And who do you trust?


  1. Is there a prize for the right answer Gryphen????

    I thought I'd attach this too. There are some things being totally lost, that are very important to this debate. It's not about Death Panels or Acorn either (whew!):

  2. The Bat-Crazy Lady or the Man with the weight of the world on his shoulders right now..that is doing a Darn FINE job of maintaining serenity, common sense, and astute judgement.

    Uh the later

    I like the Jesus in Obama's heart.. I think his prayers work. God gives you peace and understanding right?
    Palin prays day and night and obviously has zero peace.. must be praying to herself and winding herself into a ball.. the ole girls' gonna blow!

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    But he didn't mention the troops!

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Well, Gryphen, the fact that the Federal Government took over Palin's Death Panel in June, 2009, should also be mentioned. You know, those poor 227 aged or disabled people who died because of lack of services; and 27 who died before receiving assessment for services. All during Palin's partial term of office. Here's some links...

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    On one hand, SP asks the media to leave her children alone. On the other, she brings out her child (named not by name, but by a condition) when it serves her purpose in inflammatory statements. It's nice she's so respectful of a person's right to privacy, even her own child's. I wonder what her child will think of that when he is old enough to be conscious of his condition. In fact, he is referred to so often by his condition, I can't even remember what his name actually is.

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Whay would you write an article comparing President Obama vs Carah Palin? I beleive that some of theblogggersa are playing right into her hands. It is the bloggers that keep her in the news. I must say some of the articles are worth follow up but some of them like this article is unecessary. If someone has to look at an article to decided who is the brightest between those two wont understand anyway. please stop giving her the attention.

  7. I trust President Barack Obama.

  8. Some of the conservatives and republicans have already begun to call Palin out on her erroneous euthanasia statement. Rep Kingston stated clearly earlier today that there is no death clause in any of the bills. David Frum warns the republicans that winning by inertia is no win at all and identifies what could happen without reform. Newt Gingrich backed Palin, of course. I guess he wants to pick a winner. LOL. Although the conservatives and their supporters are pushing the euthanasia fallacy as a result of the president and democrats in Congress, they shouldn't be because Senator Susan Collins(R) was the one who added it, and unless she has changed parties since yesterday, this is either just one more example of GOP ignorance or one of projection. I think it's both. Something else that republicans have their supporters shouting is,"Read the bill!" What their supporters don't know is that the republicans are lying when they say they haven't read the bill their commitee worked on. How do you take part in drafting a bill and then say you don't know its' contents? More lies.

  9. I wonder how many people posting that they agree with Sarah Palin's bizzaro view of this already have adequate health care coverage. Seems like the ones screaming the loudest are the ones who already got theirs....why should they give a crap about uninsured Americans?

  10. Lisabeth12:29 PM

    Sarah Palins statement proves she didn't even read the bill or make any attempt to really understand what that secion of the bill is about. It proves how irresponsible she is and how she does not care about her supporters. She is more interested in drama and getting on the news then God forbid adding any intelligent and positive suggestions to the health care debate.

    I of course trust President Obama over quitter $carah! He isn't perfect but he seems to be trying very hard to help people in our society

    Scarah is apparently referring in her "demented rant" to a few articles written by Rahm Emanuels brother, a physician who is one of the advisors to the president.
    But clearly she, or her ghost writer, didn't understand the articles at all.
    It is also obvious that Scarah hasn't a clue what typical parents with an I'll child go through in trying to get the right treatment for their child. Or how about the person with cancer who loses his/her job and can't afford COBRA.
    Right now all Medical decisions in our country are made by FOR PROFIT health care companies, not doctors!!! And these companies have panels now that decide what care little susy with Downs Syndrome gets or Martha the woman who has cancer. The insurance companies deny treatments, medicines nonstop to people. They are in the business of making money not helping people.
    Sarah obviously does not get this because she and her family have great coverage apparently.

    She has now scared, given totally false information to, and riled up her uninformed followers. This is EVIL!! It is immoral to do this when all sane people know health care is needed. Her references to Hitler or the Naxis are disgusting and offensive to all people who had relatives affected by the Holocaust!! Rush Limbaugh is a disgusting irresponsible pig for making similar statements!!

    I always disliked Sarahs political views but she has crossed a line now. She is slime. She is evil. Her presence is toxic for our country because it divides people and adds nothing positive. If she really cared about anyone but herself, she would participate in meaningful healthy two way debate and offer positive suggestions. She won't. She is a petty, shallow, nasty, selfish, emotionally disturbed and evil person. I never felt this angy until now. Her statement was sick and irresponsible and does not help the people who are so loyal to her.

  11. Gingrich has called upon ALL Seniors to give up their medicare AND Social Security.

    That's HIS way of punishing Obama.

  12. Newt Gingrich vs. Howard Dean on the Crazy Woman's Facebook Falsehoods

    (thanks to Progressive Alaska)

  13. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Gryphen thanks for putting that up. As i am home sick. Today was the first time i ever went to a Sarah site of anykind. Thought it was safe as i am sputtering and coughing on the keyboard as it is. I wont gointo what she was saying. as that best be left to those trained to evaluate and recommend proper meds.
    The thing that got me was all the comments! Holy scat!! I am thinking of this monday and am scared for those who plan to be at the special session. Folks need to watch each others backs as these folks from the vally are Not stable. Ok thats all from me.

  14. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Trust is earned, not given.
    so the answer is: not barry, or palin

  15. Wait a minute! Am I the only one who noticed that Health care Reform has been re-formed?
    It's now Health Insurance reform. Interesting.
    Both prior administrations took measures to rein in the Insurance companies reign. I hope this administration can succeed. I mean after Clinton did away with high end lawsuits in an effort to lower MD's insurance rates, and Bush tried to lower prescription costs nothing really changed. Well one thing did, the Insurance companies made even more money. They never lowered their rates any more than the oil companies have dropped their prices in relationship to the barrel price of crude.
    Wake up folks. We need to drive this economy and stop running to the White house every time we need help. Start where it should count in Congress and on the hill. Hold them accountable and the rest will follow. Perhaps I am still to altruistic, perhaps not.
    BTW Sure Mrs. Palin is a little of center, but do you think it's a coincidence that shortly after her tirade the Prez stepped in ?
    Peace Gryph and keep up the blogging!

  16. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Sarah Palin has written apparent outright implied lies about an Obama "death panel" to evaluate if her baby or her parents have a right to be treated and live. She refers to end of life planning with legal documents so your wishes may be repected when you can no longer make your wishes known. This planning and counseling is already being done at multiple medical clinics. This is so beneficial for everyone to have. We have had ours in place since 1996. Our attorney formatted and created documents to protect us. If patients do not want to pay an attorney thy may usually complete forms with medical personnel. How can she make these statements that are not true?? Did she real the plan??? Is she not the former Alaka Governor??? Yes, and as a former leader of Alaska she should possess the epxertise of reading and undertanding the legal formatting of bill documents. Yet I personally find she is not interpreting documents correctly??? Why??? As a Republican, I am asking why?? Either she is lying, she doesn't even understand what she is reading, or she is only making incorrect statements for political gain???

    Covered medical conditions are presently rationed by medical insurance companies. Insurance companies are presently quite difficult to deal with. Health Care Reform Plan will actually improve condition coverage. Citizens will actually benefit under reform plan. What plan will pay or depends upon what a patient selects. Reform will not differ much from present system. Hopefully by adding a government option, insurance costs for people can be decreased.

    Will some things not be covered? Yes, but condition coverage will be immensely improved. No more excluded prior condition coverage which is huge present problem. No down syndrome patient or elderly will be denied treatment if they are found they can tolerate medical treatment. Groups will not be categorized or targeted for what value they have upon society. This is not true as not in plan.

    If your medical condition has deteriorated to extent treatment will not be of medical value to keep you alive you wiil be most likely be advised by your physician. Best example understood would be cancer metastasis to point patient is no longer medically treatable and is in the end stage and close to dying.

    I believe President Obama much more than Sarah Palin. I have discovered Sarah Palin has lied just too many times, and never admits if she is/was wrong. And these prior statements were fact checked and ofund to be untrue. And Sarah Palin's statements made and written Friday were fact checked and found to be untrue.

    CONCLUSION: Sarah Palin made false statments Friday!!! This is just a fact, not a partisan political position. Fact check-these statments are not true.

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Sarah needs to quit makin' things up, in the name of the troops and American babies.

    comparing her to our President is an outrage, Gryphen:-) Love ya', but this needs to stop.

    She would very much like to be comparable to him, but she will never be a contender. She hasn't the brains he has in his pinkie, nor has the followers or the ability to organize. Ono top fo that, she lies almost every time she opens her mouth.

    No to Sarah Palin. For anything and everything.

  18. I would be interested in an answer to the following question (I'm not positive that the statement is true, attempted to clarify):

    Is Sarah Palin willingly giving up the medicare benefits that Trig is illegible to receive based upon his down's syndrome?

    Since she has evidently gone on record to urge her "followers" to give up all their social security and medicare/medicaid to PUNISH US.

    I believe that she receives medicaid for Trig and may also receive SSDI.

    Anyone want to run with this one?

  19. i dont get it
    Medicaid (infants), WIC and free Health dept Checkups (Pregos), Medicare (Old folk), Vets get something (Troops), SS (We all get one day)..
    ALL Gov run Health Care

    This bill is for the middle folk that are outta the loop
    Who gives a hooplah about peeps with facing death getting FREE counsel (IF they want it only).. that is a good thing

    ..and I have excellent Health Care (United Health Care. We pay $60 or something cheap for the 3 of us. Yet I am all for helping those out that don't have any..

  20. sorry if double post :( FAT fingers

    i dont get it
    Medicaid (infants), WIC and free Health dept Checkups (Pregos), Medicare (Old folk), Vets get something (Troops), SS (We all get one day)..
    ALL Gov run Health Care

    This bill is for the middle folk that are outta the loop
    Who gives a hooplah about peeps with facing death getting FREE counsel (IF they want it only).. that is a good thing

    ..and I have excellent Health Care (United Health Care. We pay $60 or something cheap for the 3 of us. Yet I am all for helping those out that don't have any..

  21. Just_a_Mote1:57 PM

    Basheert, thank you for that link.

  22. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hey Sarah - "in honor of our troops, ya quit makings things up"...there is NO death panel in the bill. If you had read the bill you would notice the fact 2 GOP Sen put in a living will clause or end of life measures, not a death panel

    Mrs. Palin you are a rabid divisive cancer in the political world.
    1) You are a liar & cheat
    2) You give women in politics a very bad reputation.
    3) You are a horrible role model.
    4) You should remain quite on things you have no knowledge of.

    Lady (and i use the term loosely)...I am D O N E with you, how dare you continue to spread more lies and hate to the America you love so much.

  23. Lisabeth2:11 PM

    Anon11:54 has some great points. What would happen if we totally ignored her false inflammatory statements and her poor sorry uninformed commenters here. I know we all get outraged but perhaps it's really worth a try. She isn't worth the attention and we can still talk about reform.

  24. Lisabeth, we can form a little splinter group called Jews Headed Straight to Hell But Not Without Dragging $P Along With Us. ;-)

    anne s, I really appreciated your description of how Jesus might function in the President's heart. Clearly he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he's working inhumanly hard while remaining No-Drama Obama. So where's the heavenly peace that $P thinks she's entitled to? Especially after quitting her job because governing was just too much work--oh, right, $P decried "politics as usual" [i.e., just let Parnell do the spade work]. I appreciated MoDo's remark that $P quit to "write" a book on "the pioneering spirit," and that the irony of this move is lost on $P. Like everything else!

  25. Lisabeth2:23 PM

    Basheert are you serious?? Newt and Sarah have asked all people to give up their social security, Medicare, and Medicaid if they have it? If this is true they have no clue! They are going to scare people!! Why? They scare me. I am not eligible for private health insurance.
    Where did you see this although I don't think I want to read it-it will make me sick.
    If either of those loons were ever elected, they would get rid of those programs. For many people , that is all they have. I can't imagine their fans -people who are elderly middle to lower class would survive. And what about all the disabled adults and children in our country who need those programs. No private company would help them.

  26. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The Newt and Bush wanted to give Social Security to the stock market. If they had their way, you wouldn't have Social Security to give up.

  27. Anonymous3:35 PM

    such an easy question!!!

    I'd trust the one with brains who knows how to utilize critical thinking! the one who should have been the dem nominee in 04!

  28. Frankly, I don't trust either with the health care issue. I trust Palin less. she did diddly squat as gov about it in her state, and president Obama is going a bit overboard and TOO FAST.

  29. Anonymous3:44 PM

    OMFG! There is no comparison! President Obama lays out facts in a calm way, while Palin spews vile garbage like a runaway garbage truck!
    Are you sick of it???
    When you see it to:

    Facebook statements, blogs, everything! I am sick of the lies on the blogs and coming out of certain has been politician's mouth's.

  30. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I trust President Obama.
    Why would I even consider listening to a lunatic woman who let people die in her own state because of her mismanagement and lack of attention to the needs of her people?
    Kallie in Texas

  31. Anonymous3:58 PM

    well look I certainly like obama, and I believe he knows what time it is. and without a doubt I would trust him over palin any day of the week.

    but watching this video, immediately I notice that the language has gone from "health care reform" to "health insurance reform."

    there is no need for insurance if you have a fair and equitable, single payer health CARE system.

    sorry for the cynical outlook, but I am just now beginning to come to grips with the fact that I've got 30 years left on this planet, and this country is so back-asswards that I will never see real reform in my lifetime. for-profit interests are too entrenched. this is what the system has evolved to be, and there's too much inertia.

    as bill maher said, just because a country elects an intelligent president doesn't mean that the country is intelligent. if the focus has become how to reform health INSURANCE rather than how to reform health CARE, then the for profit interests have already won. atleast for the rest of my lifetime.

  32. lisabeth: It was posted on another blog and I am NOT ABLE to locate sourcing on it - sorry. Sounds like something that Dumb and Dumber would say though.

    You all will please note that NO WHERE do the Republican talking points cover THE POOR. We have "Acorn", "illegal aliens", "death panels" - and yet the people who do not have health insurance are frequently the working poor. People who work but don't have health insurance. No safety net for them!!!

    This is NOT about health care, death panels, or killing babies. This is about a single issue. This is INSURANCE COMPANIES and their profits. The Big Pharma has a hand in it, but the bulk of all of this has to do with the insurance companies not wanting to insure sick people.

    Who do you think is paying for the buses for these rioters? The insurance companies do not want to insure anyone that is not in perfect health. And if we have either single payer or a Public Option they will have some COMPETITION (you will all notice this is - in insurance speak - a 4 letter word).


    Insured: I need cancer surgery
    COmpany: DENIED
    Insured: I need a colonoscopy
    Company: DENIED
    Insured: My child is dying
    Conpany: DENIED

    They've done this for YEARS. That is why physicians have become coding geniuses - it is widely known that they will deny EVERYTHING the first time they get it.

    If you push push push and ADVOCATE, you can get most necessary services APPROVED. But you have to be rude, obnoxious and not take "no". It is the business of the insurance CLERK to "just say no" (see they are all closet Republicans).

    Insurance companies make money DENYING claims. Just keep pushing - have your doctor PUSH PUSH PUSH. IT DOES WORK!!!

    Or, you can just opt out of medicare and social security which leaves more for us (BEING CYNICAL HERE).

    But for heaven's sake, ADVOCATE ... for yourselves, your family and especially your parents!!! The insurance company will steamroller over you if you don't do it. But if you keep at it, and fight for your rights, demand to speak with an adjustor or a supervisor ... push push push, you CAN get things covered.

  33. And I'll just betcha that SP is collecting MEDICAID AND SSI for her Trig.

    Let's see her "opt out" of that. Where IS his hearing aid and where ARE his glasses?

  34. anne: We also have UHC - the BIGGEST insurance company fighting the Health Care Bill. We have great insurance - but I hate their tactics.
    Fortunately I know how and when to fight them and how to arrogantly get what we need.
    They try to deny things but we always manage to defeat their little brainwashed non-medical clerk.

  35. Shannyn pointed out--thank you, Shannyn!--that $P and her family have access to state health insurance, Dud's North Slope job health plan, as well as Dud's access to benefits because he's one-eighth Yup'ik. That makes THREE wells from which to draw, when millions of people don't have any!

  36. "On Trig's prospects as an adult without single payer"
    "In the world that Sarah Palin would have us live in, the children of the poor are condemned to brief painful lives with no purpose and no safety net. The hypocrisy of her words sickens me."

  37. You know, I wish ONE member of the MSM would call her out just once!!

    Her ghostwriter writes an inflamatory rant, on Facebook for heaven's sake, filled with outright lies and no one asks her for an interview to clarify and explain her views!

    She wouldn't be able to articulate her views because she does not have the intellect to argue them. It is all a smokescreen ... and whoever wrote that for her, or was instructed to write it for her, knows it!

    I'm telling you, there is a load of money and power behind her and that is what terrifies me.

    The people who have all "the goods" on $arah need to speak up NOW!!!

    We need to be rid of her before something awful happens to people coming into contact at the screaming rallies. She has been fomenting this mob mentality for too long and I fear it will render very sad consequences.

  38. edited to add to the last paragraph:

    *people coming into contact with these loons ... (and I'm trying to be kind by not calling them what is really more appropriate.)

  39. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Lisbeth: BRAVO on the righteous rant! I agree and have felt everything you describe.

    People wonder why I have such bad view of Christianity. This woman and all her followers believe she is chosen by god for "this time" they swoon. Then they spew hate and bile and it can only be because they don't really believe in Jesus because would they act like that if they really thought Jesus was listening, that God is omnipresent and heard it all??

  40. I get it now. From her point of view, "useless" folks will be "eliminated".

    In that context, if I were her, I'd worry too!She is as useful as "**ts on a bull" Pop would have said.

  41. it's the the classic, "dont let the gov't mess with my Medicare!"...

    Locked, Loaded, and Liberal.

  42. Anonymous7:41 PM

    It does bother me that people in Alaska who know more aren't speaking out like these ones who told gryphen things but won't go public with it
    cmon guys now is the time
    and has she bribed/paid off sherry, Mercedes and Levi
    Levi doesn't even have a book deal why is that?

    Gryphen you said you had a great weekend with stuff to tell us?

    I think palin has hurt herself with this last crazy. The only one who stood up for her is Newt and i almost wondered if he was behind writing it see the video
    other conservatives are calling her harmful to our country; aligning yourself w bachman is not smart-2 crazy eyed snakes is what they are

  43. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Yes, perhpas Newt wrote it for her. It woulnd't be the first time she used his words without crediting him. Though if she's stupid enough to let him help her, when he wants to run against her, she's even dumber than I thought.

  44. There is a group of people in this country that "don't get it, won't get it". Even if it is shown to benefit them and their families, they will fight it all the way.

    Why, because (shhhhhhhhhhh) President Obama is BLACK. Therefore he does not care about them (isn't that the logical conclusion?)

    You are seeing two things here: you are seeing a broken health care system being bankrupted by the insurance industry who is paying off Congress as fast as they can - and 2) you are seeing our dirty secret. Racism. Yup - here we go again.

    We no longer actually have a middle class. We have an upper class/rich and abject poverty. We also have a huge % of our population on Medicare that don't know they are on a Government paid program. Evidently they believe their physician is the Tooth Fairy and health care just flows from the skies.

    These are people who believe they have GREAT health care. Why? Because they never see a bill. My mom was fabulous at that (her doctors were butchers). She LOVED her doctors because her bill was paid. She was pushed onto an HMO.

    As sad as it seems, you will not be able to change these people. They grew up in a society where racism was everywhere, it was the norm. And health care and medicare are so complicated, they actually believe their care is great because they aren't paying for it.

    Anyone with an IQ over 10 recognizes that no one wants to euthanize anyone. Both my husband and I have Living Wills, Medical Powers of Attorney and standing DNR's under specific conditions. Our kids all know this and have agreed to respect our wishes.

    The ONLY thing that might change with reform, is that the POOR might actually see a physician instead of having to use an E.R.

  45. Anonymous9:16 PM

    It is obvious non of you have investigated Obama and his wife as much as you have Palin. She is small potatoes compared to the Chicago machine. But go ahead and feel better since you deem yourselves progressive and accuse the rest of us as being racist. Ha. Michelle wasn't too concerned about local constituents when she sent them off to other hospitals so she could keep her beds open for insurance paying clients. Read up people.

  46. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:56 AM

    anon@9:16: decided to bite, Chicago machine... Is a LaCross team! WTF is wrong with you people?
    And how did Michele, the first lady send people off to "other" hospitals?
    To keep "Her" beds open for ins paying people. Give me a link.
    It is very common for Hospitals NOW to send a person with no ins to a "comunity hospital", is that what your talking?
    President Obama is trying to stop that b/c if everyone has ins. there won't be any comunity hospitals. EVeryonw will get the same care as a gov Senator, congressmen, etc.

  47. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Talk about crazies...I would trust Palin over Obama anyday. Obama has no moral character and is always poised to throw the next person under the bus like he did his grandmother and Ayers and the man who was his mentor and friend for over twenty years, Rev. Wright. But that is just politics as usual from the Chicago political machine. Obama had no, zero, zip nada experience other than to vote "present" for two years. And now his chickens are coming home to roost!!!

  48. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Crystal Wolf.

    Here you go-,CST-NWS-hosp23.article


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