Thursday, August 27, 2009

She only has two hours on the air once a week, and still Shannyn Moore is the second most popular radio host in Anchorage.

Two years ago you might have said “Shannyn Who?” but this year, Shannyn “Girl from Homer” Moore is in the No. 2 spot for favorite radio personality. Maybe it shows that raw talent (talking for hours without stopping is a talent, right?) can make up for lack of radio experience, at least if you’ve got something to say. Moore’s popularity is remarkable not just because she’s a relative newbie on the radio dial. She also pushes listeners to the left in a state where the push to the right can sometime feel overwhelming. The votes might also surprise radio listeners because at the moment Moore is a little hard to find (She’s Saturday only, 5 to 7 p.m. on AM 700 KBYR).

Just imagine how popular Shannyn will be when they finally giver her the amount of time that she deserves. I believe the term is, "the sky is the limit".

I just hope she does not forget the little people when she is the toast of MSNBC and crushing Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity in the ratings.


  1. Every time I talk to John Klapperich, I tell him that if he doesn't find Shannyn a better slot, somebody else will....

    They'd have to play Shannyn Moore 12 hours a day, though, to make up for the bad karma from three hours of Sean Hannity.

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Her air time is not listed on stations website.
    Would you provide so we can listen via internet?
    Otherwise the lineup is patent Faux brand.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    love shannyn

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Sounds great down here in Texas !!

  5. She is without a doubt, an extaordinary person.

  6. Philip,
    "They'd have to play Shannyn Moore 12 hours a day, though, to make up for the bad karma from three hours of Sean Hannity."

    That's an understatement...

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Considering Bob and Mark have 22 1/2 hours a week vs Shannyn's 2 hours a week of air time...this is pretty amazing. Shannyn is destined for big things!!!

  8. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Shannyn is one special lady and I think her good works will follow her to the top! She won't forget about the little people, Gryphen; always look at the heart.

  9. Tantef1:07 PM

    I work on Saturday nights (Delaware) and am just leaving the house when Shannyn comes on. Is the station releasing podcasts? Thanks

  10. SoCalWolfGal1:21 PM

    Shannyn Moore is destined to play a much, much bigger national role. I would give big bucks to see her wipe the floor with those two; or anyone else of the right wing nuts. Shannyn has intellect and a very firm grasp on so many complex issues, she would have them squirmming in their seats within minutes. Just the thought of it brings a smile.

  11. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Mediocre sort of pretty in an earthy way lesbian. Destined to become an Alaskan radio announcer? Providing she can ride on Palin's coattails?

  12. @anon an erudite post! Man...are you smart..not. Do you not feel a little foolish coming into someone else's home...just to be rude? Oops..forgot...Palinistas do not have couth..nor class.

  13. Anonymous4:53 PM

    As long as the topic is radio, I am going to vent for a few minutes. We are currently vacationing in the very red part of a normally blue state. The local Air American station was bought out by All Sports All The Time Talk, and there is no MSNBC. This is rabid Republican terriroty. Riding in the car, we have very limited choice- right wing radio or right wing radio.

    The only radio stations are far right talk radio, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, the full lineup. The way that they spew talking points, shout down callers, and use remarkable tactics to derail any kind of meaningful conversation are truly frightening. I can see them studying other world dictators who effectively used the airwaves to hypnotize and terrorize their citizens.

    As an example, one caller just wanted to discuss legalization of marajuana. It does have known health benefits for people with glaucoma, or who are taking chemotherapy. There was no reasonable discussion. The host screamed that heroine would be the next legal drug, and then what??? When the caller mentioned cigarettes and alcohol as equal opportunity addiction and harmful effects, the host went into a rant about one's right to do what they wanted with their body-- wasn't that their right?

    If you even tried to mention that would mean that the hyperbolic host was in favor of a woman's right to make decisions about her body and health, he would have chocked on his on words.

    If you tried to follow any logical line of reasoning, you would be hopelessly lost. These people take semi-truths, twist them and shape them to their own message, scream at and intimidate their callers, and spread false propaganda. What is frightening is the number of people who follow them, believe them and do not question anything that they say. Scary!

  14. Her doing so well is super

  15. Shannyn needs to be on every!

    Her 2 hrs on Saturday night goes by way faster than any other 2 hrs in the rest of the week!

  16. Anonymous said...
    "Mediocre sort of pretty in an earthy way lesbian. Destined to become an Alaskan radio announcer? Providing she can ride on Palin's coattails?"

    1. Shannyn Moore is ALREADY an Alaskan radio announcer - and has been for a couple of years.
    2. Her partner is handsome, intelligent, successful, caring - and all man.
    3. It wasn't Shannyn drawing attention to herself by having her lawyer threaten Mrs Palin - that was Mrs Palin using Shannyn to draw attention to herself.
    4. Australians have a word for you: f*ckwit.

  17. Australians are much more rightist than Canadians are and much more like Americans. New Zealanders are much more like Canadians. Good socially responsible people IMO!

    And Shannyn is of course a radio announcer and IMO won't be much more unless she gets her own schtick which doesn't depend on Palin. Just my opinion though, which usually doesn't get through Gryphen's censoring to protect Shannyn.

    Still kinda sticks in my craw that she didn't use the opportunities she has had to out Palin's baby lies.

  18. Anonymous12:25 AM

    The straight goods! @10:12am:

    You obviously never listened to Shannyn prior to Palin's VP run. Shannyn covered EVERYTHING but Palin. Shannyn covered the CBC better then anyone else on the air. She talked about FISHERIES and the sell out courtesy of Ted Stevens and his son Ben. The facts are, Palin is crazy, and when a crazy person runs the state and is in a position to run in 2112, she must be covered...but, frankly, I loved Shannyn when she never even mentioned Palin's name. She deserves a national show. At the very least, she ought to be on M-F for 3 hours a day.


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