Thursday, August 27, 2009

While Jerry Prevo and Mayor Dan Sullivan attempt to shackle Anchorage to antiquated prejudices, the country moves forward.

People who were once homosexual but changed their sexual orientation are a protected minority under human rights laws, a District of Columbia judge ruled earlier this summer.

The ruling, which was handed down in June but only brought to light when Washington City Paper reported on it Tuesday, sided against a support group for former homosexuals, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays, in their lawsuit against the National Education Association. But, in siding against the group, the judge stated nonetheless that homosexuals who have changed their sexual orientation to straight are a protected minority under DC’s human rights laws.

Oh come on! You mean that Anchorage cannot yet protect the rights of our gay community, but D.C. is already protecting the rights of people who "were gay", but now not so much?

The move is certain to cause mixed feelings in the gay-rights community, which is generally happy to see human rights involving sexual orientation expanded, but many of whose members reject the notion of homosexuality as something that can be voluntary changed.

“We’re sort of excited for these guys,” writes the Queerty blog. “We think the ex-gay movement is quite bizarre, and the idea of pushing it on young people revolts us. But if rational adults believe they can change their sexuality, or at least deny it, more power to ‘em. And let the law protect their rights the same way we demand it protect ours.”

Seriously? They are so open minded and accepting that they support the rights of people who are trying to undermine their very biology?

I feel like I should walk around my city looking for "whites only" drinking fountains and "no dames allowed" taverns. My calendar says 2009, but my city seems to be caught in a freaking time warp.

How long is Jerry Prevo, and his butt monkey Dan Sullivan, going to be able to deny rights to the citizens of this city? How long will those antiquated ideals prevail with a black man in the White House, MTV on three cable channels, and Ellen Degeneres forcing politicians and celebrities to dance on her show? ("Dance dammit! Dance like your political future and box office depended on it!")

First Sarah Palin made me ashamed of my state, and now Dan Sullivan makes me ashamed of my city. I am goddamn sick and tired of being embarrassed about my home! I want it back!

We have human rights being ignored all over Anchorage right now. Homosexuals are not allowed to express who they are without fear of losing their jobs or homes, native Alaskans are being found dead on our streets, and people are brandishing weapons at peaceful protests. What is happening to Anchorage?

We need to send a message to Mayor Sullivan, Jerry Prevo, and the closed minded morons that support them.

"We are the people of Anchorage, Alaska. We are NOT a place of hate and prejudice, but rather an oasis of love and acceptance. We will accept you whether you love differently, worship differently, or look differently than we do. Here you are safe, valued, and welcome."

Jerry Prevo speaks of hate wrapped in a protective veneer of Christianity. He uses the loving words of Jesus Christ to spew hate at the people he despises and asks his followers to give him money that should be spent on their families to further his hate filled agenda.

It is time for Jerry Prevo and his sycophant Dan Sullivan to go.


  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Jerry Prevo is ruining Christianity. Together, Prevo and Sullivan sound like they are out to ruin Anchorage.

    Why are these types of "Christians" so threatened by gay rights and so cruelly homophobic? My theory: because so many of them are like Ted Haggard, experiencing secret gay relationships on the side, trying to keep it on the "down low."

  2. Anonymous at 7:38am: You are more on target than you may realize.

  3. I agree with anon...those who scream the loudest usually have the most to hide.

    DC is a very socially liberal city...Anchorage and it's residents would have to come a verrry long way to even get close to being as open minded as DC is. Remember this is the city that pout Marion Barry back into elected office after he was caught on camera with hookers and crack.

  4. SoCalWolfGal9:55 AM

    I know it is not much comfort at this point Gryphen, but people like Prevo and Sullivan are everywhere. And unfortunately, they are getting more and more vitriolic in their rhetoric and "making people see the light", "returning American to its former glory", etc.

    I think one reason there is so much hatred from these supposedly "religious" people is they know "their" American is changing and changing at a very rapid pace. Change scares people, and they are scared. They lash out and make ludicrous statements they proclaim as "fact". Some of them know that they are distorting the truth and simply do not care; others don't bother to research anything but simply go along because it is what they want to believe. And let's face it, it's easier to listen to the rantings of the likes of Beck and Limbaugh than to become informed on a subject by reading, doing your own research, and watching something other than Faux News.

    We are winning the battle I do believe with all my heart, although a lot slower than we would like. We just have to hang tough and continue the fight.

  5. From all the research that has been done on the gay brain I would say those people in the ex-gay support groups either were not gay to begin with or they are pretending to be straight just like they had to do years ago. Pretending can only work for so long and something happens. I love that you called Dan Sullivan Jerry Prevo's Butt Monkey. I am trying to figure out how they would be a protected group. They now claim to be straight.

  6. Susie2:02 PM

    How can this “church” be doing formal political influencing and still get their tax exemptions? Jerry Prevo is VERY active in Republican politics that have local and national ramifications. Are there any actions or efforts going on to do something about their tax-exempt status? It’s even more important now that the municipality is facing such budget shortfalls, and we’re all having to pick up the slack for places such as this (and ChangePoint "Church" who are doing fundraisers and political events re: abortion legislation) who don’t pay their fair share or any share for that matter of local taxes. This stinks and needs to get cleaned up. Any ideas out there?


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