Monday, August 17, 2009

This just in!

There is going to be a protest outside of City Hall addressing Mayor Sullivan's cowardly veto of the anti-discrimination ordinance at 5:00 tonight!

If you can show up then please do so.

Sadly I am stuck with a prior engagement and cannot make it, but I hope that as many pro-civil rights people as possible will show up and let their voices be heard.


  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    So that means that your mayor is for discrimination? Is he for hate crimes? I think that there must be a federal law against hate crimes--

  2. Anonymous5:18 PM

    This is so sad.

  3. Damn, I am in SOL dotna.

  4. Lisabeth6:08 PM

    That is terrible!!! What year is this?? And your mayor thinks it is ok to discriminate against gay people?? What a low life!! Ugh I am just shocked that any mayor would go against the majority of people! I am very sorry! I am speechless.

  5. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Sullivan's action is no surprise. He has no moral compass. This so-called "Christian" parties until 4:00 AM with his young barmaids after closing time while his wife and kids are waiting for him at home. Sleaze...just the kind of guy to get into bed with the hate-monger Jerry Prevert. WWJD? -- Prevo and Sullivan obviously have no idea.

  6. In fact one of the signs at the protest read: "Headline News: Anchorage Mayor Supports Discrimination." I posted a slideshow of lotsa lotsa photos at Protesting the veto.


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