Monday, August 10, 2009

With all the crazy Right Wing talk of disrupting town hall meetings about health care it is nice to hear Sarah Palin's voice of reason. Wait what?

Tomorrow begins an important week for Alaskans.

On Monday, state lawmakers will meet to override my veto of stimulus funds. As Governor, I did my utmost to warn our legislators that accepting stimulus funds will further tie Alaska to the federal government and chip away at Alaska’s right to chart its own course. Enforcing the federal building code requirements, which Governor Parnell and future governors will be forced to adopt in order to accept these energy funds, will eventually cost the state more than it receives. There are clear ropes attached
(So now the "strings" have become "ropes"?), and Alaskans will soon find themselves tied down by codes which will dictate how we build and renovate homes and businesses. The state has hundreds of millions of dollars already budgeted for conservation, weatherization and renewable energy development. Legislators don’t need to play politics as usual and accept these funds and the ropes that come with them.

Also this week, Alaskans will join Senators Murkowski and Begich in town hall meetings to discuss the current health care legislation. There are many disturbing details in the current bill that Washington is trying to rush through Congress, but
we must stick to a discussion of the issues and not get sidetracked by tactics that can be accused of leading to intimidation or harassment. Such tactics diminish our nation’s civil discourse which we need now more than ever because the fine print in this outrageous health care proposal must be understood clearly and not get lost in conscientious voters’ passion to want to make elected officials hear what we are saying. Let’s not give the proponents of nationalized health care any reason to criticize us.

- Sarah Palin

Okay I actually read through that twice and I am suffering none of the usual effects of reading a Sarah Palin message. No nosebleeds, no headache, no disorientation, nothing.

In fact it seemed quite reasoned and, dare I say, intelligent. No really.

So what do you think? New ghostwriter?

Well anyhow, all snark aside, it is nice that Palin is calling for calm discourse. I hope that other Republican leaders follow this example. Wow did I just say that?

I am going to give her a very tentative pat on the back.


  1. Anonymous3:44 AM

    She doesn't deserve a pat on the back at all. She isn't calling for calm discourse, she's projecting onto the Democratic Party because she knows that is it her and other Republicans who are spreading fear and lies.

  2. Stop the Insanity3:58 AM

    She's still full of phony-baloney. What's "outrageous" about universal healthcare? The U.S. is the only wealthy industrialized country without it. The U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Japan, Singapore, etc., all have made their citizens' health care a priority. Why is the U.S. so far behind?
    And, where on her outrageous meter is the act of illegally invading Iraq and spending trillions on an unnecessary, immoral war?

  3. LMAO! Someone has hijacked Sarah's FB page and they own a dictionary! Wohooo!

    The tip off was "we must stick to a discussion of the issues and not get sidetracked by tactics that can be accused of leading to intimidation or harassment." Everything is spelled correctly but they are playing opposite day to make Sarah sound sane and reasonable.

  4. Anonymous4:06 AM

    WTF? She just said a couple of days ago that our President's plan will kill her parents and DS baby and now she is saying that we should not use tactis that "diminish our nation's civil discourse"! WTF! She should have told that to her damn self before she put that crap on her facebook.

    I believe someone got on her ass and now she is trying to back away from her careless comments. She won't get off that easy.

    I see she says that we must 'stick to the discussion of issues' but never mention any of the issues. That's because she hasn't read the plan and if she did she wouldn't understand it. This woman is a piece of work!


  5. Anonymous4:35 AM

    it's a last second disclaimer to protect her rear-end...after whipping the mob to a frenzy, and showing them the door, she's advising them to stay calm, as they roar by her at the doorway..think they'll hear it ?? Hell,no!

  6. It's gotta be a ghost writer, because Sarah would have written, "Show up to your town hall with a machete claiming you're right. And don't worry! Our soldiers will protect us!".

  7. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Glad to know that Sarah Palin doesn't support civil war. I am very relieved now. Thanks, Gryphen.

  8. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Definately a new ghost writer, maybe someone assigned to her from the publisher of her new book?

    Regardless, Palin does have a valid point and I am surprised at this.

  9. Helen4:40 AM

    So, one day it is "Obama's death panels" and the next it is a call to stop yelling and read the fine print in "this outrageous health care proposal"...Palin's people want it both ways - they want to throw red meat to the slavering base, and then release something "more refined" so that hopefully someone outside of the base may still plunk down money for Palin's book.

    Of course Sarah Palin wrote neither statement - she just phones in her okays when someone faxes her whatever is supposed to be released under her name these days. It's almost as if her ghost writers are having policy fights behind the scenes as they sign Palin's name to these various releases. Murdoch shill Lynn Vincent vs. Stapletongue?

  10. There must be new Republican talking points that came out from the RNC, and they made sure to send them to death panel doomsday naysayers Sarah and Megamouth first.

    As usual the Rethug tactics are backfiring, and now most of America's normal people see the crazy whipped up white folks who love guns shouting and screaming all over TV this week. It's just like the McCain racist rallies.

    Someone at the RNC wrote this for Sarah to put out ASAP since she got eviscerated this weekend.

  11. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Nice comment from Sad American on

    "Why have poor Trig be subjected to the government's proposed "death panels" when PRIVATE health care companies already do this so well!?

    Oh Sarah, you're so smart. Oh, wait, you're actually single-handedly making this country dumber every time we have to read about anything you ever say…ever. Literally every word that emanates from your torpid brain makes this country dumber for having heard it.

    You sadden Jesus. Jesus would DEFINITELY be for defending private health care companies and continuing to leave 40 million+ americans without health care. Especially in the richest country in the world. Jesus definitely NEVER talked about helping the sick, the tired, the poor. In my bible, I have him always defecating directly on top of homeless people's heads.

    For dumb right-wing nut jobs seemingly unable to pick up on thick sarcasm…that was a sarcastic comment. Jesus is currently ashamed to be associated with Sarah Palin. He doesn't like to "pal around" with heartless wenches."

    I loved it. It's amazing to me how so many Christians are so unlike Christ.


  12. Why did she call it "outrageous"?

  13. Anonymous5:02 AM

    She didn't write one word of this...except maybe the "rope" part. She has hired someone new to do her writing.

    Nice to call for calm discourse after stirring up the base with her outlandish lies about healthcare. Too late, Sarah. She may try to win over some moderate republicans and independents by pretending to be a voice of reason...but I hope no one falls for her manipulative bs.

  14. O, come on! A pat on the back for this lie???

    "There are many disturbing details in the current bill that Washington is trying to rush through Congress."

    Health care reform has been debated for DECADES. Somehow that is "rushing through"?!

    *throws up a little bit in mouth*

  15. TwoBlueJays5:23 AM

    Good grief, Gryphen! A "very tentative pat on the back"?? For what? Putting out another statement filled with lies, that she clearly did not write? There is no credit due here, and even if there was, she certainly didn't earn it. And as for "the federal building code requirements", it has been noted time and time again that this is another lie being put out there: the stimulus funds would not require code changes.
    I wish Sarah Palin would just shut up and sit down.

  16. She does not deserve a pat on the back.
    She lied about health care and was called out by enough people that she tried to take back what she said about death panels.

    How many of her followers will read todays message?
    No,they will remember the death panels.
    She has a big enough following that she needs to be reponsible in what she says. She cannot lie anymore with out the press following every word and calling her out on it.

    Miss high and mighty, do as I say, not as I do, is going to have a rude awakening now that she does not have her governors position to back her up. Leave my family alone and then in the next breath uses her parents and Trigg? Lying to her followers about the intent of the health care bill?
    I don't think so. She will be forced to comment on national and international issues now.
    She will prove herself a fool commenting on issues she knows nothing about.

  17. I am getting a spanking for giving Palin a bit of praise for this statement, so allow me to clarify.

    No I certainly do not think this is a statement that is factually correct. It is not.

    Nor do i give her a pass for her previous statement last Friday. I do not.

    But I feel that ANY prominent Republican who speaks out against the disruptions at these health care town halls should be encouraged.

    I certainly do not trust Sarah's motivations, but if she and the other GOP leaders will publicly decry the angry outbursts by their followers we may actually get something done.

  18. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Someone is clearly overseeing her remaking of herself. The Facebook wasn't written by her; it had complete sentences with noun, verb, etc. The above wasn't written by her, not even close. We're seeing a Svengali at work. This is really dangerous. Her hidden agenda in a new reasonable persona. Hopefully the mountain of mistakes she's made in the past will ruin any chances of her surviving a Presidential nomination campaign, I mean, so much ammunition to use against her, but kids, this is a wierd turn and one to watch carefully. Keep at her, AK bloggers!

  19. I have to agree with most commenters -- the crazy ex-governor lady deserves no credit for this statement. She didn't write it and she certainly didn't think it up for someone else to put into words. And the statement is still outlandish and fallacious - ropes, indeed! Disturbing details, indeed!

    Sounds like old Newt, smells like rotten fish, and it looks like someone is trying to cover her a$$.

  20. Gryphen, not to spank but I just disagree. Perhaps it might be so if she were sincere, and was going to stick with the line of civil discourse - but it's simply more distortions to cover up her real agenda, which is to make character attacks. You of all should know that!

    She's going to turn right around and incite the mob again, or some surrogate will do it.

    But hey it's your blog and I love it!

  21. I agree with Virginia Voter sbout the new Republican talking points being sent out; it's like, "Who, us? We wouldn't encourage mob rule at a town hall meeting. We didn't give those people their marching orders or talking points. We didn't do NUTHIN'!!"

    I could swear some Republican politician of considerably more import than Sarah Palin said yesterday EXACTLY the same thing she's parroted today about the town hall call for their minions to back, call for civil discourse.

    Was it the Newt? Nah, he was babbling Republican nonsense on MTN yesterday. The name will come to me...

  22. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Sorry that is naive!

    First she is lying outright again about the ropes and building codes. This has been proven yet now you don't call her out on her blatently lies

    Second, without a public option, this is not health care reform.
    The Republicans do not want that.

    Third she isn't writing this, give me a break!! It is dishonest to hide behind Facebook, refuse to talk with the media and to have someone else write for you because you are inarticulate. That is the same as lying period!!

    And you are giving her a pat on the back? Sorry she doesn't deserve it. She's full of crap and this is more lying to pretend to be capable of writing when you aren't!

  23. WalterNeff6:27 AM

    Each new Palin Facebook post is like a new bin Laden tape issued fresh from deep within a mysterious mountain lair. I don't think she's actually alive. Has anyone seen her?

  24. Ratfish6:40 AM Huffinton Post notes... "After making an extraordinary, unsupported and incendiary claim that President Obama's health care plan will result in a "death panel" that is fundamentally "evil," Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is now calling for civility in the debate on health care reform."

    So on Friday night she throws a bomb and on Sunday night she pretends to urge civility while condemning the "outrageous" health care proposal.

    Palin knows: no incitement, no adoring crowds.

  25. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sarah deserves no credit for posting this crazy contradictory crap- if she even has anything to do with the stuff that gets posted in her name.

  26. TwoBlueJays6:50 AM

    As I commented yesterday, Palin is a fraud but the MSM will not take her to task. It's unforgivable, but not hard to understand: they are ruled by corporations who are in the business of profit, not speaking truth to power (or fraud). While intelligent readers understand that Palin did not, could not, write any of her recent pieces, her loyal minions can't see the difference. Stupid or sly, it's all the same shiny object to them.

  27. Despite the hackneyed attempt at civility, the screed is neither reasoned nor is it intelligent.

    The message is nothing but a very lame attempt to slap on a decorous sounding cover to the unhinged insanity.

    Read it again, gryph. She's not trying to curb the mob, she's trying to paste a socially acceptable face onto the spittle flecked insane snarling.

    It doesn't matter who may have penned it, it's still duplicitous and treacherous.

    Lending such rhetorical sleight of hand any credence whatsoever is very wrong, and need I mention, self defeating.

    See it for what it is, gryph, just more deception and lies, but with a false decorous and patently fake demure face painted on.

  28. SoCalWolfGal7:09 AM

    Palin certainly did not write this. And she is definitely covering her ass. I hope the FCC is all over Palin, Fox and Limbaugh to tone it down - way down. How on earth does this woman have any credibility? Within less than a 48 hour span she goes from saying that President Obama's healthcare will possibly kill her DS baby, and now she wants civil discourse?! Bulletin Buttercup, the GOP and YOU have already given the proponents of nationalized healthcare plenty of reason to critize your scare tactics to frighten all people, not just the elderly.

  29. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Palin who? I mean, who is she now?

  30. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I think it's important for democrats to understand that if he is not already, there is the very real possibility that Roger Ailes will be heavily involved in the "rehabilitation" of Palin's public persona.

    I won't waste time citing his accomplishments as a "Kingmaker". Those interested can Google his name.

    Clearly, however, it was evident from Palin's "Why the long face, John?" remark was a retort written by a speechwriter or someone who has furtively joined Palin's team.

    So, the answer is, "Yes": this statement and its tone was crafted by someone who has a much more erudite--and less-caustic--way of making points.

  31. Anonymous7:25 AM

    totally schitzo.

    her family is being negligent. the woman needs some serious professional help.

  32. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Can there be two Sarahs, one is the crazy lady who told us to leave her kids alone and then put poor baby Trig in front of the Death Panel. She is the one who inspires crowds to yell "Kill Obama! but don't kill my parents or baby."

    The other is Good Sarah who says "Don't shout and disrupt meetings, you bad people.

    Or, maybe that kid in TN hacked her blackberry again and is sending contradictory messages in an attempt to drive her crazy.

    Or, the Republicans finally realized that Sarah is sinking them like she did last November, and someone told her to dial it back.

    Or, Sarah is really sorry that she quit that high profile job and wants her publicity back.

    I forgot, all that woman has to do is open her mouth and the press is there, ready to cover her. She has become the new voice of the crazy republicans.

    Sarah has done one good thing. She has certainly brought more traffic to Gryphen's website and brought him recognition for his good work. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that outcome when she sic'd her attack dogs on Gryphen.

  33. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Why are you guys so freaked out? Palin could have wrote this after she was spanked so hard in the media about death panels. Its a vague worded statement without any facts and you guys think a ghost witter wrote it? A PR person probably looked over it and chopped it but thats probably it.

    Nothing to see here. Move along...

  34. Anonymous7:37 AM

    You should watch for the pattern of messages happening.

    A red meat message will be tossed out to hang in the wind for a few days -- long enough to bait the blogs and MSM to give it an audience. Sunday morning shows talked about it, together with many others with pundits & panels.

    A few days later, a message with the appearance of an attempt to walk the first message back will drop so at a later date if needed, they can say it was walked back. It's like bait & switch as by then, they could say that was not their intent and the timeframe that it hung out there for days will be forgotten.

    It's knowing that their first message totally worked and got the reactions and coverage they were looking for. The MSM & bloggers have to quit being baited. Quit buying into what she's doing. Quit jumping all over ever word she puts out there. Many say she should go away yet fall for one of the oldest tricks and make her comments the center of attention.

    The fact that people are still commenting and talking about her comments -- their plan succeeded.

  35. Snowing in Alaska7:53 AM

    She's due for the Loony Bin. I don't believe a word of it - this is someone else's doing. She was criticized immensely for her stupid comments which came straight from her black, shriveled heart.

  36. Anonymous7:56 AM

    She's simply covering herself should the mob turn violent and lest they blame it on her very charged, recent "whip em up" rhetoric.

    She is an unethical woman.

    Do her followers and she not realize this behavior is diametrically opposite to what jesus preached down by the river to his followers?

    Peace and love and empathy are nowhere in her voice.

  37. Unfortunately, The FCC can't do much about Fox News because they are on cable, not the open air waves.

    There used to be a "Fair Use" clause that could be applied to broadcast television and radio, but it's either been repealed or is not enforced. If Congress tries to put "Fair Use" back in force, that's when we will really hear the crazies (Limbaugh, etc.) gin up the mobs for civil war.

  38. Before you know it SP will be urging her adoring fans to “Take the Civility Pledge.”

  39. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Gryphen, liberals have to stop trying so damn hard to be "fair" and find the middle. You're never going to find it with Sarah Palin.

    She did not take responsiblity for her comments on Friday, nor did she correct them.

    Therefore, her latest statement is crazy-making for her base.

    She says Death Panels are coming to kill you on Friday and on Sunday she says Be Civil.

    I'll tell you what this was: CYA. Glenn Beck just did the same thing. Why? Howard Dean came out and said Sarah Palin was inciting violence with her FB comment.

    Don't think that that didn't make the right shudder. No politician has said that until then.

    Sarah is doing a bit old CYA and as usual, taking zero repsonsibility for her part in the violence she incites.

    No, do NOT congratualtate her or think she's being reasonable. This is slimier than Friday's FB comment, because she's telling them to bring guns and start shooting to protect their babies and parents, and then as usual:

    covering her own ass while they do the dirty work.

    I kow you're trying to sound fair, but honesty is more important than fairness. Let's try objectivity instead of "fairness", since fairness gets crazy people like Palin air-time.

  40. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The election of 2012 is three years and a few months away. Americans have fairly short memories, politically speaking. After Richard Nixon's failed attempt to become California's governor, he pretty much told Americans, the party, and the press, to "piss off". Nixon was then considered political "road kill".

    And then he retained Roger Ailes as his media consultant.

    Almost as if the public had tasted the waters of the river Lethe. it forgot about his dirty campaign tactics and history of lying on the campaign trail.

    Ailes, by the way, not only put Nixon in the Oval Office but Reagan and
    Bush 42 as well. He's made Fox into the media's 600-pound gorilla.

    Democrats thought Carl Rove was a master puppeteer? Ailes has forgotten more than he'll ever know. Give Ailes three years and he'll make Palin look like a hybrid of Joan of Arc and Margaret Thatcher.

  41. Anonymous8:39 AM

    No spanks Gryphen - it was such a HUGE flip flop and such an obvious CYA that those of us who are sick to the teeth of this crazy woman just don't believe that she is credible on ANYTHING she says for ANY reason.

    ...there will be blood and she will be responsible.

  42. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I don't care if her puppetmasters figured out they made a mistake.

    They dug her grave and nothing will change that.

    She is known as a liar. She said she would stop being P.C. She hired a ghostwriter that is failing to present the new non P.C.product.

    Her schizo Facebook is a record of another Palin epic fail. The switch to calling for discourse is empty when her ghostwriter says it for her. She makes it worse because she is chickensheit to hide behind that curtain.

    Someone tell her she has had a fork in her for awhile now. Charlie Manson will be redeemed before she figures it out. She is not even going to fool all of her people part of the time. You already quit Sarah Palin! The desperation to sell your book and grab more donations is obvious.

  43. It's like Sarah screamed "Fire" in a theatre and then became appalled when the people started screaming and headed for the exits.
    And while there may be an attempt to rebrand Sarah to sell outside of her base, crap is crap, no matter how pretty the package.

  44. Anonymous8:58 AM

    This change from word salad to something coherent, regardless of its content, is frightening.

    We need to ask ourselves who has bought her in order to use her visibility and name recognition? If she is the dummy and a ventriloquist has taken over we could well be headed for another 8 years like the ones we just left. We recognize the Republican party has no other "celebrity" to "take over" the leadership. Whoever is behind this "speaking for Sarah" is paying big time to use her, and she is "off" just enough to allow herself to be fronted for a fee.

    We must all be mindful of the implications here, and that the bankroller for Sarah has a few years to craft her into a "dummy." A paid "dummy" that can get MSM press and carry their message as long as they keep her from using her own brain, words and mouth.

    Remember the comments and support she garnered when she read that first speech someone had written for her?

    To me, this new activity is the scariest thing I have seen out of her yet. Be alert!!!

  45. If I am to be subjected to the rantings of this blithering idiot (in print or in that screeching, squawking voice) I might seriously consider the euthanasia option myself.

  46. This bit sounds like word salad to me: "...sidetracked by tactics that can be accused of leading to intimidation or harassment."

    Can you accuse tactics? English is not my first language, but I thought only people could be accused of something.

  47. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sarah Palin is a schizophrenic or bipolar. Someone needs to ENFORCE TREATMENT.

  48. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Lots of comments about healthcare but very few about the totally bogus BS her new ghostwriter is spewing about building codes. It is important to look at both issues in order to see that, with miss sarah, the more things change, the more they stay the same. She is a complete chameleon. Always has been and always will be. Probably a survival tactic learned in childhood. (My husband, who is actually a very accomplished person, has similar chameleon-like tendencies, and I know enough about his family and his childhood to have a very good idea how that came to be.)

  49. "Such tactics diminish our nation’s civil discourse which we need now more than ever because the fine print in this outrageous health care proposal must be understood clearly and not get lost in conscientious voters’ passion to want to make elected officials hear what we are saying."

    This is someone's idea of intelligent writing? This poorly worded run-on sentence? Sorry, but my standards are higher. Not for Palin, mind you because she's an idiot. But I hope the average reader would find that sentence just as painful to read as I did. Or maybe I'm just above average ;-)

  50. OK sorry must now revise the diagnosis - she is psychotic, sociopathic, narcissistic and now


    Yes folks there are TWO of her (of course there are probably MORE but we can truly handle only ONE diagnosis at a time).

    Moving on to ...............MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER!!!

  51. barb wire9:23 AM

    If there are any Republicans left that can read, they need to understand it is too late where Palin is concerned. She can go back and forth for eternity, she is still the same hack. If anyone so much as makes up excuses for this incendiary reactionary they will doom their party. Kick her to the curb or go down with her and the other extremists. No one believes any of her performances. All who stand up for her are doomed and silence is not your friend. Speak out against the crazy quitting fool. For the moderates, she split your party. Are you too lame to see it and you can't take back your party? If you continue to do what you're doing you will help her destroy all Republicans and Conservatives.

  52. I haven't yet read all the comments above, but I have to get my two cents in ... and I may be redundant given I have scanned the other posts ... but there is NO WAY Sarah Palin wrote this last calm, pretty reasonable facebook entry. Besides, still on FACEBOOK she makes the comments? Why not go before a camera, microphone in hand, look at the rapid followers of hers and tell them to calm down, be reasonable? Because .... she did not say these words, she did not write them. She may have had a hand in writing the first post (I am sure the comment re: her baby and her parents was hers), but she did not write the second one. Now for a comment to be made on her behalf that calls for reining the terror and the anger, ok, that is a good thing. Now, will Newt, and McCain, and Glenn Beck, and .... you get the drift, come out and support her second comment. Sorry, I am pissed at the audacity of Sarah Palin to make the kinds of comments she does and then sort of a "I didn't really mean it." I have not been this scared since the civil rights movement and I am scheduled to attend a healthcare reform rally in early September.

    Ok, Gryphen, my wv is promsi .. as in you "promised" you were going to make her go away.

  53. Frankly,I think Palin has a serious manic-depressive personality, and her family should be concerned. I seriously think there is a room at Alaska Psychiatric Institute with her name on it. One day she's up; one day she's down. Palin did not write this little ditty, therefore she should not be given credit for it. Come on, Gryphen - you know the girl can't put a sentence together. Two days ago she was writing about "evil" and today she is writing about "good." And tomorrow's comments from her will be a surprise. I'm sure if someone put a mike in her face and asked her about this comment, she wouldn't be able to explain it.

  54. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Obviously, she didn't write this, but it's typical Palin. From "death panel" to let's play nice. Someone told her Susan Collins wrote the end-of-life services provision.

  55. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I'm tickled when Newt, Bill Crystal, Limbaugh, Bachmann, O'Reilly, Tammy Bruce, G. Gordon Liddy and any of the right wing nuts stick up for their biggest nut case.
    You are not going to support the "death panel" and "evil" talk if you are sane and rational. They are all equally dangerous and need to be singled out for what they are and what they could potentially continue to do to America.

  56. Anon 7:26, if $P had realized how much positive attention her attacks on Gryphen would have brought, she NEVER would have done it. Part of maturity is being able to appreciate, or at least tolerate, the success of others. $P wants to destroy anyone who either a) points out the extreme inconsistencies between her word salads and her actions, or b) gets plenty of attention for working hard at something over an extended period of time. Gryph has done both. And how she must hate it!

  57. Anonymous10:58 AM

    She incites erratic behavior among her followers, now she wants to calm it down. She needs to go somewhere and stay hidden for a long while. She doesn't deserve any pat on the back. she is pallin around with peoples lives.

  58. Palin: You're out, kaput, gonesville-- we don't care what you think, you quit your job as governor, so go be a mother & grandmother & change a diaper or something like that.

    What pisses me off about Palin is she DOES have a special needs baby, yet appears to be spending her time not attending to those needs.
    A parent w 4 kids, one special needs baby, and unwed teen w an infant should probably have her hands full with her brood.

    Cluck cluck.

  59. It's hard to believe that America has so many uneducated and/or racist people to actually support the likes of $P, MB, Beck, Russ, Dobbs, Fox, Conservatives, etc., but it is for real. These people are losing their minds and freaking out over what is good for the people and are so evil will do anything to stop it.
    Most of America does want change and things to get better. We can't let them ruin America, we must work, pray and support President Obama for this madness to end. I think Washington needs to be somewhat secretive to be able to get anything done. Every move will be criticized no mater what anyway. I trust President Obama to work for us he just has too many haters to get the job done. It's a waste of time to work with them.

  60. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Sarah's new ghostwriter is Piper Palin.

  61. Someone told her that she needs to cover her unclad behind for when the next winger goes loopy and starts shooting up the place. So she produced this li'l fig leaf to point to when the lawsuits gets filed -- same way her idiot-in-arms Beck did.

  62. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I was one who felt Mr. Griffyn really crossed the line in the issue that brought him both considerable notoriety and an equal amount of applause from those who felt he was bravely taking on a political "Goliath".

    I do, however, find his even tempered response to this entreaty by Palin

    Has anyone considered that the woman may have acknowledged, at least to herself, that her remarks were inflammatory, hyperbolic, and terribly ill-advised and that this may be indicative of a tentative first step to more moderate reviews?

    The woman quite likely will be seeking higher office and she is going to
    slowly and tactfully recreate herself to have any shot of that.

    As far as Mr. Griffyn goes, his hard-hitting candor is a blade that cuts both way. It's disingenuous to toss bouquets his way when he roasts Palin and then give him a good old fashioned trip to the woodshed
    when he, despite his lack of affection for the woman, is reasonable enough to acknowledge that to at least a small extent, she displayed
    the good sense to counsel outraged citizens to act and speak with moderation.

    Someone once said that there are two mistakes people can make: to see
    evil nowhere and to see evil everywhere.

    BTW, I'm not a shill for Mr. Gryphen; just someone who believes he is not necessarily a one-trick pony.

  63. I routinely go over to Crooks & Liars to read who's the latest crook or liar to be "outed" (sorry to use that word, Gryphen!), and found this link to "Southern Beale", another blog in the same vein as yours, only southern-oriented, of course.

    From the comments, it sounds like folks there think they're alone on an island, vainly talking amongst themselves about the insanity that's the neocons and Sarah Palin.

    Maybe a few of us ought to tell them they're not alone...

  64. Helen3:34 PM


    LOL funny!

  65. Anonymous3:54 PM

    2:08 PM - - - - Sarah Palin is a coward.

    She hides behind a social network program and a ghost writer. She has turned into a blogger like she hates, so weakened she has someone else blog for her. She is incapable of apology, she takes nothing back. Someone got it that the FaceBook statement crossed a line. Someone made certain another tone came out of FaceBook. Sarah Palin is undisclosed. She also lied about twitter it appears. "The woman," as you call her, can play at recreating anything she wants, she really is a mental case. No matter how much "the woman" and her packers believe in a myth, it won't happen in the GOP, they will eat her alive when she gets in the way of a serious candidate. When are Palin nuts starting their own party? That is the only way they can stretch out their circus.

    I don't know why Gryphen went with todays theme, I don't think it is as you imply. People have every right to express their take on it. Gryphen doesn't encourage mindless servitude like some are use to. The "death panel" ala Sarah Palin is out there and still inciting. If those words take a nut over the edge and people are attacked by a nut with "death panel" on their mind, that is on Sarah Palin, not her phony social network program or ghost writer. She took nothing back and she poured the gasoline. She can write lullabies, so what? She quit and now she is a Kate Goselin, OctoMom celebrity. A "the woman" with exploited children that she can't care for and who need her.

  66. Emily4:20 PM

    @regina: I think Palin is using the word "accused" to distance herself from the fact that the current tactics of the Right-- including scaremongering about "death panels" and tossing around words like "outrageous"-- really do encourage intimidation and harrassment. It's another way of saying "Hey, don't blame me". And as a native speaker of English, the phrase "tactics that can be accused", doesn't strike me as ungrammatical, just unusual.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.