Saturday, September 05, 2009

Al Franken gives lesson in how to handle teabaggers. Oh he is good!

He is calm, he is smart, and he comes equipped with a command of the facts to refute the Fox News propaganda.

This is how i want my Senator, Mark Begich, to handle these people. I wonder if Al could hold a seminar or something?


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    That was so refreshing. To actually have a dialogue with people of opposing views and to respond with facts, figures and reasons is something we all could benefit from. Brilliant.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Senator Franken is certainly making his state proud and living up to his old mentors standards, the late Senator Paul Wellstone. As an ex-Minnesotan Franken is making me proud and my family is certainly glad he is representing them. If all of our senators could be as intelligent, educated, and well spoken as Senator Franken our world would be a better place

  4. Wow, a man with a brain. He fights ignorance with the truth, what a concept.

  5. I've never particularly cared for Al Franken - of course I'm glad he won the race! - but he's impressive - very impressive.

  6. Al Franken is what all of our elected officials should strive to be - articulate, well informed, intelligent and having a wonderful debate style, patient, cooperative and not oppositional. That tea bagger woman, you can tell, was itching for a fight at the beginning of this clip, and he calmed her right down. Can we have about 99 more of these in the Senate?

  7. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Wow, I'm impressed! Good for him.

  8. I think Franken is surprising a lot of his critics that called him a 'clown'. Two things he does that really help him have a dialoge with the anti healthcare reform people.

    1) He says not everyone is going to agree with everything. To me this allows those who disagree the feeling that its ok to disagree, which it is, and that you can still have a discussion about it.
    2) He has them agree that there needs to be some form of reform. If you can come up with areas to agree on, its easier to have a civil discussion. Lead them through, one by one, of things that are horrible that needs to be fixed, as Franken did, and you'll find more points to agree on.

    I am really impressed with Franken.

  9. That was amazing. Thanks for sharing!! You guys in MN are lucky to have him representing you.

  10. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I had the opportunity to watch Senator Franken during the Sotomayor hearings and he was awesome. I knew then he would do a great job for the people. Respect was commanded by his behavior.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for sharing that video!

  11. Gasman3:29 PM

    Al Franken has shown that he does indeed deserve to be called Senator Franken. This performance is much more impressive than the asshats Grassley, Enzi, and McConnell. They are the ones that are the comedians in this debate.

  12. LOL- I think he began boring the teabaggers with his facts! The more he made sense, the less interested the people who disagreed with him looked!


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