Friday, September 04, 2009

Real American men (even those recently mauled by a bear) simply do not accept help from socialized medicine.

Okay the singing is a little weak but Thomas Hayden Church always cracks me up.

I thought I would end this week with a little humor. I hope it brings a smile to your face as well.


  1. Gasman9:44 PM

    Excellent! I wonder how many of the conservative wingnuts would have Gus Porter's convictions and die for the right to have ridiculously expensive and inefficient for profit medical care that probably won't cover you anyway?

    Oh, did anybody mention that Canadians live LONGER than we do?

    How is our system better?

  2. oh goody - me first- how are you up there ? yeah- it was quite a week...phew....lets' hope we can save the publicoption...and I gotta go get my vanityfair....take care up there- hope you have a good labor day weekend...

  3. Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. I needed one today.

  4. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Thanks for posting. We will win this battle with humor!

  5. honestyinGov10:49 PM

    Sorry to be OT... but the ADN posted a story saying the ethics complaint against Bill McAllister by Andree was dismissed. There is someone named Bill M. having a little ' fight ' in the comments section as well. He seems like the real Guy. I guess he took offense to something someone posted. Has an issue with Andrew Halcro as well... I think. Just a heads up. You can check it out.

  6. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Good morning Gryphen. What a great way to start off my Labor Day weekend, with a smile and a good laugh. Keep 'em coming!


  7. That was great, thanks. A lot of Canadians think our health care is about this stupid and so do I. The right talks about being brainwashed when new information is introduced to them. The truth is we have all been brainwashed by big business for years and they just can't let go of it.

  8. Anonymous10:42 AM

    That was unfortunately too close to the truth.

    That was clearly filmed in So Cal, based on the type of oak trees.

    Maybe we can get the ones that oppose health care reform to go bear hunting and just rapture already.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.