Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bottom feeders Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck exploit 9-11 for their own personal gain.

The Republicans have been trying to somehow take ownership of 9-11 since the day it happened. They want us to believe that only THEY feel the pain that occurred on that terrible day. Or only THEY understand the importance of that day. Or only THEY should receive the credit for how America came together after 9-11.

I'll tell you what. I will give the Republicans what they want.

I will give them the credit for 9-11.

After all it DID happen while a Republican president was in the White House.

It did happen while that same President sat for 7 minutes reading "My Pet Goat" to a room full of children whose lives may have been in danger just for the fact that he was sitting among them.

It DID happen after Rudy Guiliani moved the emergency-command center to the WTC where it was incapacitated by the attack.

In May 2001, by Presidential Order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control of all war game and field exercise training and scheduling exercises. Especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD exercises. Standard scramble and shoot down orders for hijacked aircraft were specifically removed from NORAD generals and placed in the exclusive control of Cheney. So Vice President Cheney(a Republican) is directly responsible for the fact that the jets were not shot down.

Republicans want to "own" 9-11? Do you really want to be responsible for the biggest terrorist attack in the history of the world? Fine you can have it. Because it certainly took place on your watch.

But what you cannot do is pretend that your pain was more intense then mine. Or that you were more shocked then I was. Or that you were able to turn off the television and stop watching the towers crashing to the ground over and over any faster then I was able to.

Three days I sat and watched that footage. Tears streaming down my face. My brain trying to make sense of it to no avail. Appointments missed. Children fending for themselves, as I sat immobilized by what I was seeing.

No my Republican friends, even way up here in Alaska I felt the debilitating impact of 9-11, 2001. Which is why I would NEVER use it to further my political agenda, or receive donations, or create a media show to increase my ratings.

Unlike the despicable Glenn Beck and the opportunistic Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sure would like them to explain the nano thermite which was recently discovered in ite ash from the WTC site

  2. Gryphen,

    I feel the same way. One of my sisters worked for Cantor, Colburn & Fitzgerald. She still works for them. Except that Fitzgerald retired after losing so many employees. She works for them in CT. She had left one of the towers 20 minutes before the first plane hit.
    This affected my Mom even more so than anyone else. And she was totally against either invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan. She knew Bush was going to use this for an excuse to invade Iraq. She was ahead of her time, especially politically. She always told us, during the 2000 campaign, that if Bush won, we'd be at war.
    Now that she is gone all I can think about is her telling me about my sister, who won't even talk about it. I am also reminded of what the rethugs have done to our country.
    We have to put a stop to all this tea-baggin bullshit.

  3. Anonymous7:23 AM

    he owns NOTHING

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Morgan, the PD moderator, has just posted a very scary notice there. Yes, Audrey, has been threatened, and under advise of her lawyer is suspending her post.

    People on the far right must be cheering. This repeats the same kind of tactics that characterized Sarah Palin's campaign rallies, where the only thing that she inspired were calls of "Kill Him" directed at Barack Obama.

    This is the same sort of thing that threatened Alaska blogger Grypen at IM. Another Morgan, a photo expert who enhanced pictures of Sarah Palin taken weeks before she "gave birth" to Trig. The enhanced photos showed Sarah with a trim, flat stomach instead of a swollen pregnant abdomen. Morgan, the photographer, was threatened and shut down.

    The rude congressman who shouted out at the President during a formal address to Congress is typical of the total hatred that the conservatives inspire. If anyone had shouted "You Lie" when Collin Powell tried to convinice the United Nations that Iraq had WMD, they would have been arrested as traitors.

    People attending Bush town halls, wearing the wrong slogan on a T-shirt or sporting the wrong bumper sticker on their car were arrested. There was no protest allowed in the past eight years. The only way that people could protest was last November, when they chose to turn the White House over to a different political party.

    Someone at PD pointed out that in Levi's recent VF article, he made statements regarding Sarah and Todd wanting to adopt the baby that he and Bristol were expecting. (We're not sure which baby). Where are the "Kill Him, Liar!" screaming conservatives now? They have not threatened Levi (as far as we can tell).

    This week we are reminded again of the horrors of September 11. And, people have offered their thoughts about the Bush administration using that terrible event to suspend constitutional freedoms and smother opposing points of view. Even though they lost last November, many of their crowd are hard at work, invading people's privacy, shouting them down, trying to shut them up.

    I don't know what we can do, but we must do something. We must find these terrible people, expose them, shame them, hold them accountable. They use the tactics and methods of a repressive regime, a cruel dictator, and they have no place in a free, democratic country.

  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Excellent post, Gryphen.

    Yes, the republican regime has blood on their hands. I would like a full re-investigation of 9/11, from the beginning. Forensic science proves those towers and building 7 did not fall without explosives. And Thermitic material was found in four samples of dust taken from those sites.

    Beck spewed venom and spit on those families who were still trying to come to terms with the death of their loved ones. There was over 20,000 pieces of body material, 6,000 pieces that would fit into a test tube, 200 pieces matched a single person, I don't remember the number of people unaccounted for. Body pulverization of those WTC victims, yet Beck said he was tired of hearing the voices of spouses who lost their world that day. He hated about ten of them.

    Oh, and that guy who said his wife called him from the phone has been proven wrong. Go fig.... And no black boxes were ever found from any of the planes from what I have read.

    The truth is out there, Mulder.

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    It is all about racism. The fear and hatred involved in being a racist will trump intelligence and logic every time. Corporate America wants to maintain the status quo, and they are using racism to do it. The Republicans in the House and Senate work for the corporations and are willing to use racism as their tool. They are using Rep. politicians and people like Limbaugh and Beck to stir up and spread the fear, hatred, and violence generated by racism. In this way, they hope to maintain control of our country, even though they are in the minority. It is useless to try to use logic or intelligent debate with these people; their fear and hatred of blacks will keep them from listening. They will choose to believe that facts are lies, even when they could personally benefit from the facts. Corporate America has chosen wisely; racism will always beat out facts and logic. Sadly, many Christians have chosen to join in this tactic. And even though the majority of people (Democrats, liberals, whatever) are not moved by this tactic of spreading racist fear and hatred, they may not be able to combat it. Fear is a formidable opponent.

  7. Anonymous8:04 AM

    They should own it, cause they caused it. Why did WTC 7 come down, and no plane hit it? And at free-fall speed? How did WTC 1 and 2 turn into dust on the way down, also at free-fall speed? How was it that no steel framed buildings have ever come down due to fire, but three came down that day? Why did they continue to burn below ground for six weeks afterwards, at temperatures hotter than any fuel present? Has anyone seen any evidence of plane remnants at the Pentagon? Any fuselage, engines, luggage, debris, anything? How did that large plane fit into the small opening? How did the green lawn remain pristine? How come 9 of the 19 named hijackers are still alive?

    Why don't people wake up? This was a false-flag black op, there is no doubt. MSM will not touch it, lefties are worried about being labeled "whacko", and Cheney got away with it.

    Open your eyes. Review the evidence. Get mad.

    Niko Sotiropoulos

  8. Anonymous8:18 AM

    A good site to start reviewing the 9-11 "evidence".

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Anonymous @7:31

    I think the adopting story was to cloud the issue. To deceive and cast doubt that she used a baby with DS as a prop for political gain.

    I remember seeing a picture of SP being handed that baby on stage, and the look on her face looking at that baby told the truth. She is not the mother of that baby. She deceived the people for votes; they wanted to win. Her pregnancy announcement came the day after McCain's. I think she was waiting to make sure he was going to be the one running first.

  10. Wow, Cheney put into command of shooting down planes and running drills right when the actual event was happening? Can some mathematician come up with the probability on this being a coincidence?

  11. phoebes-in-santa fe11:37 AM

    I'm commenting to those who are voicing the idea that 9/11 was "an inside" job, done by the Bush Administration.

    Done by the Bush Administration? The same group who couldn't organise anything involving more than one person? The group that couldn't clean up Katrina (not that they probably cared all that much)? The group that incompetently got us into a war they couldn't figure out how to win?

    That group? If what you all are saying is true, then buildings would have to be triggered to precisely go down when the planes stuck. Well, what if the hijackings didn't go as planned? What if no buildings were hit by the jets? I know that one or two of the adjacent buildings did collapse without being hit, but I assume they were put at structural risk by the collapse of the two main buildings.

    I know it's easier, somewhat, to blame things on the Bush Administration. But, the truth is that Osama Bin Ladin and his fellow band planned an ideal terrorist hit. They were aided by inept intelligence services and disregarded warnings by the Bush Administration. Bush/Cheney's action after 9/11 were completely disgraceful, completely. There was no excuse for the war in Iraq, none whatsoever. Or for the shutting down of our personal liberties and the shredding of our Constitution.

    No, I don't believe the Bush/Cheney administration had anything to do with the planning or execution of the attacks. I do believe they disregarded warnings, though.

  12. honestyinGov12:11 PM

    If Glenn Beck and the GOP think they have some sort of ' ownership ' and feel they are the only one's entitled to USE this day. Give it to them.

    9/12 can forever be renamed " Bush Day ".Fitting I believe. He was responsible and in charge when it happened.

  13. Anonymous1:22 PM

    If you research 9/11...the hairs will stand up on the back of your neck. There were so many coincidences!!!

  14. Susan in MD2:08 PM

    Hello Gryphen. I feel your pain. Except that I was was one of those people very close to the Pentagon that day, in more ways than one. In fact, I started my shift as a Paramedic,just outside of Baltimore city, at 7am that morning. Once I'd done the checkout of my unit we went for breakfast, as we often did if we didn't have a call. The security crew in the building of the cafe where we stopped alerted our attention to the tv where, they explained, either a bomb or a plane had, unbelieveably, just hit the WTC. As I was standing there I saw with my own eyes, wide in horror, as another plane sliced into the second tower. After much confusion and I admit, a silent panic on my part, we went back to our station where not long after, we witnessed the scene at the Pentagon. At this I went into a surreal mental state. Not just because I felt our country itself was being attacked and that we were now at war (a reality that for me, at age 39, then, was unfamiliar) but that also because the man I'd been dating and had fallen in love with, worked at the Pentagon. And I was unable to reach him.

    It was horrendous to contemplate the loss of so many lives. It's hard to put such a thing into any believable context. To have discovered later, that the loss of so many heroic responders(343)that day was actually planned for by the attackers was more than I could process. I and my friends spent days glued to our tv's, hopeful to catch a glimpse of Dennis, but also because we mourned for our brothers and sisters. There is a bond that all firefighters and EMS have. I just cannot put it into words for you.

    No one heard from Dennis until the 3rd day. I forgave him for not calling sooner because I understood that his attention was on rescuing people. He's a firefighter also and he was a member of the Pentagon Emergency Action Team (PEAT). He'd been standing in center court, smoking a cigarette, when the plane hit. They heard it first, then saw the tail of the plane just before the impact. They'd been blown back several hundred feet, just by the sheer force of the explosion. He and a co-worker, another PEAT team member, rolled themselves in puddles of water on the ground and began to run in the building to rescue survivors. My husband's office was in the next section over from where the plane hit. He did not even think about trying to get there for his turnout gear and SCBA, before trying to rescue people. He and his co-worker received medals of honor for what they did and for the people they saved that day.

    I wanted to give you some background before I went on to the points I wanted to make. The first is that my husband was standing in the National Command Center when the order was given to shoot down the plane over Shanksville, PA. Think about the fact that a major airliner crashed and left a field of debris over six miles wide. Any normal crash zone, of similar aircraft size and situation, would have left about a mile wide field of debris, if it would have made impact, intact, with the ground. No disrespect is meant here toward the passengers who were likely attempting to divert or thwart the plans of the hijackers. It is probable that they were trying to do just that. The forensics, and what my husband heard that day, however, just don't add up.

    Secondly, I have heard many people say that they don't believe it was a plane that hit the buildings (or at least the Pentagon). To which I will simply quote what my husband(who is also a former Marine) says, "since when do they strap people to bombs?" I know most all of what he saw that day. Horrifying scenes that you would not want to know. Way worse than I, a paramedic/FF who has also worked at a regional Trauma Center, have ever seen.


  15. The worst thing about Glenn Beck is that his WHOLE 9-12 project was based on who we were as country coming together, helping each other and being nice to each other. How he went off the rails with that one I will never know. His project is the opposite of every thing that is good in our country. The man needs serious help.

    I am sure you saw on Mudflats that the horrible horrible democrats were being accused of hijacking 9-11 to actually help people and do nice things for people. Talk about nuts. I don't know what kind of medication these people need but honestly I wish we would start putting in the water.

    OMG and I happened to see Gulliani on CNN the other morning talking about health care. That man is a pompous A**. I swear to god if he runs for gov. he had better not get one vote. I can't stand him.

  16. Susan in MD2:09 PM


    My point here is twofold. One is for anyone that doesn't believe what physically happened, I can assure you that indeed, those were planes that were carrying men, women and children. The second is that, should it ever be proved that the Bush administration was complicit, in any way, even by negligence, in this event having taken place, there will be much more than hell to pay.

    Thank you for indulging this post. Maybe it will make some of your readers feel a little better, or maybe, more of a sense of solidarity. If nothing else, I hope that it gives us all a renewed sense of conviction to demand the truth (and nothing but) and a conviction to be involved, so that nothing like this ever happens to any of us, ever again.

    God Bless,

    Susan in MD

  17. Oh and I wanted to add that there is NO way that the repubs were behind the attack. They couldn't find their own heads if they weren't attached.

  18. Thank you Susan in MD, I really appreciate that you took the time to tell your story. I have spent far more hours than I care to reveal researching 9-11. I have dozens of unanswered questions and I hope someday that we will all know exactly what happened that day.

    But until that happens I also want all of us to realize that the WHOLE country felt that pain, that loss, that fear. Every single one of us.

    And not only that, but the rest of the world felt it too. They reached out to us, even Iran, and wanted to help. But George Bush,and the neo-cons, refused their help and started looking for a way to turn it into an excuse to attack Iraq and Iran. He could not make the case for Iran, but he did manage to fudge the facts enough for us to go into Iraq. The rest is history, but hopefully it is history that we learn from, and not history we are doomed to repeat.

  19. phoebes-in-santa fe3:04 PM

    Susan in MD just above, thanks for your story. Susan, what you and your boyfriend (who I assume you married because you refer to your husband) saw and did that day to help others was outstanding.

    And gryphen is so right @2.51p is so right about how the world embraced us on 9/12. And we went and squandered that good will with a made-up war that killed and injured hundreds of thousands. There will be a place in hell (if there IS an afterlife) for Bush, Cheney, and the others and a place in heaven for Susan and her husband and the thousands of others who came together to help that day.

    deb in ohio@2.10p is so right about the ineptness of the Bush/Cheney crew.

  20. Anonymous3:27 PM

    To phoebes-in santa-fe:
    "but I assume they were put at structural risk by the collapse of the two main buildings."- Wrong. Why assume anything, instead of looking at the evidence? That is precisely what they want you to do, to assume they were incompetent, or that they wouldn't dare kill all those people. They were incompetent, in the sense that the evidence of the crimes is so easily found; however, it is the complete failure of the MSM that is really the height of incompetence. The other buildings at the site, the ones closest to WT1 and WT2, did not collapse, despite huge damage. WT7 was barely damaged at all, yet it went down in a heap in six seconds. Look at the video.

    Never underestimate both the power of those that control our lives, and the inexcusable blindness of the masses.

    Look at the films. Explain how the buildings all blew up in mid-air, turning the concrete (and bodies, and office materials) into microscopic dust, which was spread out all over Manhattan. Check out the works of David Ray Griffin, or Dr. Steven Jone, or Richard Gage. Don't be so sure of yourself.
    You don't need to be a scientist to know that you are witnessing explosions. Review the newscasts of that day-they all speak of explosions. There is not other explanation.

    As for Katrina/New Orleans, they didn't care about all those people. And Iraq, they got what they wanted, endless war, endless profits.
    Wake up.


  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:05 PM

    Gryphen, I will not forget how a Saudi Prince? I think... sent a check to NYC to help people/survivors and Rudy Guiliani tore it up on TV!
    That is what the repubs did made our country a laughingstock and run by wacko's like shrub & cheney.
    President Obama has gone a long way in mending fences, and of course they hate him for it.
    I agree with Susan, that if they had anything to do with it, there will indeed be hell to pay!!!
    It seems all of them get away with everything, from Queen Quitter to village idiot joe wilson.
    This needs to stop!!!!

  22. Anonymous5:03 PM

    "But what you cannot do is pretend that your pain was more intense then mine."

    If you lived in NYC as I did, there would be no reason to "pretend".

    Day after day, we, here, were in the middle of it. Churchbells tolled every day. Candlelight vigils every night well into November.

    Cars left abandoned in the Parking lots of Merrick, Syossett, Westbury,
    until they were removed weeks later because the owner had been identified as among the deceased.

    Conversations like this:

    "Do you remember the big guy who looked like Jim Kelley? The guy that took the 5:35 out of Penn?"

    "Sure, what was his name."

    "Paul, something."

    "He was in tower two."

    No matter how you slice it, while this was an attack on the entire nation. New York was the head of the snake that had to be chopped off.

    The rest of the nation could not feel the numbness and nightmarish quality like New Yorkers just like we here couldn't feel the hell of the
    '62 (?) earthquake in anchorage.

    The world saw images and videos. We saw the chard, tattered memos from Cantor Fitzgerald carried by the blast into the backyards of homes in Holboken and Bay Ridge.

    But most of all there were the funerals: day after day after day. Today
    a trader whose firm was on the 92nd floor. Tomorrow, the procession for a cop who lived on the Island but worked midtown. The next day a

    I can't imagine what it was like for the people of Oklahoma City when they experienced the attack on their people. There is no point of reference. It would be impossible for me to claim my horror was as suffocating as their own.

    And so, with all due respect, unless someone from another city lost a family member or friend on 9/11, as heartfelt as their shock and grief is, it is not that of the New Yorker who can remember the faces of the lost and who live daily under the very real threat that tomorrow or next week it could be the destruction of the Met Museum, Lincoln Center,
    or the horror of suicide bombers breaching security at Giants' Stadium
    or when the tree is lit at Lincoln center.

    Eight years after the event, when a backpacking stranger of apparent mideast heritage boards a Metro North train, we no longer lean back, close our eyes, and nap for the trip. We watch closely. We are never quite sure any more.

    9/11 left a visible scar on everyone who is in the City daily.

    It's just the way it is. We will never again be quite the same. I don't think people in North Platte or Laramie can say the event marked them in the same way.

  23. I'm with phoebes-in-santa fe on this. The Bush administration did not do this. First of all, if they were creating an excuse to invade Iraq, they would have planted evidence linking 9/11 to Iraq IN THE FIRST PLACE. We'd never hear about al Qaeda.

    WTC7 collapsed because it was on fire for about six or eight hours. The structural supports melted. It looked like a demolition because ***that's how buildings collapse*** Demolition experts use the same techniques, since that's how it works. Buildings can implode if damaged properly.

    Believe me, I understand the suspicion here; the Bushies ACTED guilty. But that doesn't mean that they WERE. The worst they did (and it is still very bad) was exploit a national tradgedy to launch their pre-planned invasion of Iraq. They let Osama go because they were already fixated on Iraq.

  24. Anonymous3:22 PM

    To Verbose:

    You have no idea what you are talking about. WTC7 was not "on fire for about six or eight hours" (look at the videotapes); even if it was, no other steel framed buildings in history have ever collapsed due to fire. And the minor fires burning there were inconsequential. Impossible that the building fell due to fires alone. And to come down at free-fall speed defies the laws of physics without the use of explosives. Demolition experts did use the same techniques; demolition experts blew the building. Even the owner, Larry Silverstein, admits that the building was "pulled", demo speak for blowing it up in a controlled way. Why are you people so blind to the evidence, and just make up assumptions without proof? Finally, has the Bush administration ever spoken the truth about anything? Why believe them about the events of 9-11, the biggest, most important event of their administration? Watch the movie entitled "9-11 Mysteries, Part 1, The Demolitions". Or check out David Ray Griffin's excellent books, some completely debunking the 9-11 Commission Report (which can't and doesn't explain WTC7, only saying that the fire destruction theory has a low probability of having been the cause-contrary to your statements).
    Before you jump to assumptions based on your own biased assessment of the capabilities of the Bush administration, please review some hard evidence.
    And the Bushies did want everyone to believe that Saddam had something to do with 9-11, over and over again repeating lies misleading the country to think that Al Qaeda and Saddam were working together. Remember, before the war, almost 70% of the people thought that Saddam and Bin Laden were working together.
    And we are still at war, and they and their friends are still making lots and lots of money. They did that without much trouble. They were not so stupid as you want to believe.


  25. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Those who believe the destruction of the twin towers resulted from anything than an elegantly simple plan by Mohammed Atta and his confederates are deluded. All delusions serve a purpose. All are motivated towards some psychological payoff. Some serve the individual and make an intolerable existence tolerable.

    All the theories of the conspiracy gurus become as insubstantial as a single strand of a spider's web with ONE single, unimpeachable fact:

    Dave Chalebois was handling the radios on Flight 77. It was his voice you could hear--just like you could recognize that of your own father-- communicating with company, ground, tower, departure, center... and then he was gone.

    That's just one of 100 facts that do not conveniently fit into conspiracy theories. What happened to him? Where did he (and Chip Burlingham the PIC of AA77 go)? How was enough DNA recovered from the Pentagon to I.D. them?

    If you believe the conspiracy buffs, it was planted. Witness after witness after witness described, in horrifying detail, 77 take out the Pentagon. USA today journalists on the scene; foreign exchange students in the area... . "They're all lying" we are asked to believe. The truth lies only in the "Black Box".


    Every pilot knows the data from the "Black Box" can be corrupted and that it is nonsense to assume a flight data recorder infallibly churns out data that can assign probable cause to a crash. A few facts those who
    use FDR data to "prove" 77 did not impact the Pentagon:

    1. The NTSB has investigated more than 140,000 aviation accidents.
    About 400 (?) have been major aviation accidents involving large jet aircraft and commuter turboprop aircraft.

    2.The NTSB has issued probable causes in more than 98% of all its major aviation accident investigations.

    3.Only four accidents remain unsolved, including the United Airlines 737 crash at Colorado Springs. Other unsolved major accidents are:

    Allegheny Airlines Convair 440, Bradford, Penn., January 6, 1969: 11 fatalities.

    Southern Airways DC-9, Huntington, WV, November 14, 1970: 75 fatalities including the Marshall University football team.

    Sierra Pacific Airlines Convair 340/440, Bishop, Calif., March 13, 1974: 36 fatalities including a David Wolper film crew.

    Sorry for the length but here's the bottom line: nothing produced by
    any organization can explain the disappearance of AA77 except eyewitness accounts of it slamming into the Pentagon.

    Since this is a federal offense, any alternative assumption of guilt on the part of another entity to be proved would require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. That is far from the case.

    To take out the twin towers and the pentagon was a remarkably easy thing to do. It required no airmanship skills at all. A few hours in a sim and a script printed on an index card to give the crew instructions would be enough to start the process. Simply tell them to return to engage the FMS. Order them to input direct to (->). When that was done simply tweaking the altitude and course "bug" on the autopilot would allow them to "thread the needle".

    You could teach a computer savvy 12-year old to do it in less than 30 minutes.

    That's all it would take to get to the towers from the north on a clear day.

    "You will not be harmed. Return to Laguardia 'direct'". This would have been done with the FMS coupled to the auto pilot. When the city came into view it would be like playing an EASY computer game.

    Occum's razor: Most of the time, the simplest explanation is the truth.

    No Martians.
    No shooter from the grassy knoll.
    No White House plot to take down the towers.

    A simple plan and a great deal of luck. If the ceiling had been 500' and the visibility 1/2 in D.C. and NYC mile none of this would have happened.

    And for what it's worth, NeilArmstrong did walk on the moon.

  26. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anonymous, it is you who are deluded. Your post should not be dignified with a response. A simple plan? A great deal of luck? Perpetrated by a man from a cave in Afghanistan? Against the greatest air defense on the planet? With box cutters? Please, you are insulting to those who have spent a great deal of time investigating this subject, and those who perished on that day.
    You cannot explain the free-fall mid-air destruction of the towers by "pancake collapse", completely pulverizing 200,000 tons of concrete while it was falling at the speed of gravity; even harder is the complete implosion/destruction of WT7 without anything more than a few isolated fires. You need to explore these subjects in much greater detail than you apparently have to this point. Where was the remains of the plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon? Has anyone seen it? I suppose you believe that it burned totally, leaving no remains (as a result of burning jet fuel/kerosene?), yet human remains in the form of DNA were recovered. Where did the engines go-titanium and steel, weighing six tons each?
    You give yourself away when you say that "No shooter from the grassy knoll". Even Congress has determined that there was a conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination case, but you still don't believe it. And when you say "conspiracy", isn't the Bush story a "conspiracy" as well, but a much more implausible one? Read David Ray Griffin, and then post. You are simply blind to the evidence based on your personal bias.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.