Tuesday, September 08, 2009

British paper lists 50 things killed off by the internet, and I get a vague mention. Does this mean I am famous?

4) Sarah Palin: Her train wreck interviews with NBC's Katie Couric were watched and re-watched millions of times on the internet, cementing the Republican vice-presidential candidate's reputation as a politician out of her depth. Palin's uncomfortable relationship with the web continues; she has threatened to sue bloggers who republish rumours about the state of her marriage.

Yep that is me alright.

Gee what do you think is in store for me next? Will I soon be question on Jeopardy?

"Yes Alex I would like Bloggers who piss off Palin for two hundred please."

The rest of the list is pretty interesting as well, and you can read it by clicking the title.


  1. Irishgirl2:41 PM

    Wow, you were number 4.

  2. Well I guess though since they haven't followed up, that makes you an "also-ran"????

    Congrats though. Well deserved.

  3. Dottie3:30 PM

    {{{{{ Congratulations! }}}}}

    Reading that makes me want to start an exclusive blog called Rumours About the State of Palin Marriage

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Most excellent - I'm sure that makes it all worthwhile :)

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Didn't Levi say some pretty nasty stuff about the Palin marriage in his VF article? Where's the outrage? Where's the lawsuit? Where is the consistency?

  6. nswfm CA4:01 PM

    Keep at it, Gryphen!

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:00 PM

    Hah! Kinda reminds of that game that was updated every so often, geese I forget the name...and it would ask questions like Jeopardy, was a common party game
    OMG! Shannyn is on KO! They are talking about her ebay thing and how Keith should bid and Shannyn is talking about queen quitters new FB her healthcare decision day...oooooh Shannyn is awesome! Go Shannyn!
    She just said Guano Crazy! Batsh!t crazy!!!! lololololol! They Shredded her!!!

  8. Nice chuckle! I actually read that article from another source because I was thinking about your recent post, mentioning how the internet has changed your reading habits. Mine, too; and many others. The reading item was downplayed in the list. But the 'rumours' is funny! grammy

  9. come on5:06 PM

    Sarah Palin is a complete fraud and hoax.

    Keep on getting the truth out!

    Never, never, never give in.

  10. Anonymous6:12 PM

    There is no question about it. McCain's group did not vet Sarah nearly as well as the Alaska bloggers. The Telegraph is saying that it was Katy Couric's viral video that sank Sarah. I think that it was a combination of information from the Alaskan Bloggers + the horrible interview. We never would have known the details about Troopergate, Housegate, Travelgate. Sarah was unmasked by the fraud that she is by the internet; the MSM never touched her until it was fahsionable.

  11. Anonymous7:17 PM

    What a hoot, Gryphen! You're not just famous, you're internationally famous. Way to go! Midnight


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