Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Shannyn Moore to appear on Countdown today. Update.

Everybody's favorite blond blogger and radio personality, Shannyn Moore is appearing on Olbermann today to talk about Sarah Palin's...ahem....ghostwriter's.....latest attempt to defend her stupid death panels comment.

Just click the title to visit Shannyn's blog and read her latest skewering of Palin's ridiculous claims.

I will embed the video as soon as it becomes available.

I kid you not this was one of Shannyn's best appearances. Now I will say no more and let you sit back and enjoy the smackdown.

Okay how many of you hope that Keith actually has the high bid on that Palin dinner? If he gets it I hope he DOES invite Shannyn, that really would be "priceless".


  1. CrabbyPatty4:01 PM

    Didn't Palin yammer on and on about how she didn't need a title? You know, to help Alaska, she didn't need to be governor. So, why the insistence in signing GOVERNOR to everything her ghostwriter pens? Perhaps someone is having a hard time dealing with being just Simple Sarah.

  2. and her minions are trying to keep her spirit alive by using old photos and old speeches and old everything...
    can you use the term ex governor for someone that didn't even finish their first term?

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    hi Sarah....ummm, you're just Mrs. Palin now. Stop pretending to be something that you're not.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    So the prize has to approve the bid. Some really liberal radical left wing guy (Soros?) should offer One Million Dollars-- go ahead, turn it down, Sarah!

  5. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Well, Keith tried to place his Ebay bid for dinner with Sarah on his show and discovered that the bidder has to be approved by Sarah. This calls for real imagination. Who should Keith (or anyone else) pretend to be to win the delicious evening with Sarah and Todd? I'll start the list with:
    Nicholas Sarkozy
    Nancy Reagan
    George W. Bush
    Laura W. Bush
    Michele Bachmann
    Britney Spears
    Paris Hilton
    Bill O'Reilly
    Glenn Beck
    any other looney tune from Fox
    Oh, and another thought. The bidder could just use any GOP-friendly name, but the deal is dinner for five. The bidder gets to bring 2 friends!!!

  6. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Shannyn you ROCKED THE KO HOUSE! How many times have you been on there now??? I hope they're paying you. You are definitely one of Keith's best guests...You ALWAYS make him laugh, and I laugh when he laughs...GREAT JOB!!!

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM

    So Sarah has to pre-approve the winning bid for Dinner With Sarah. Answering a couple of questions on the internet, posing as a staunch Republican, no problem. Wired for sound and picture, no problem. Asking Sarah intimate questions over drinks and dinner, priceless.

  8. Anonymous6:18 PM

    It is clear that Sarah did not write her facebook article. We have seen her talk and the person who wrote that article is not Sarah Palin. It is beyond strange that Sarah, who never met a camera that she didn't love, has been out of sight, writing those brilliant thoughts. No appearance, no press conference, she has never been so shy.

  9. Anonymous6:32 PM

    If I have said this once, I have said this a hundred times: Weekend at Bernie's. Just saying.

  10. onejrkitty6:44 PM

    Ya know, if the national media becomes more aware of how Alaskans and Alaska bloggers deny that Palin is even writing the facebook entries, they will eventually realize that unless she steps forward and speaks publically, it will be more and more a risk to assume any written message is really from her.

    Palin cannot avoid public appearances and more importantly, publically speaking, without people starting to wonder if she is still alive.

    Just because a face book posting is signed with her name will cease to convince people she is even still alive.

    There is no reason --even if she is working on her book with the ghostwriter, in or out of Alaska--for her to be keeping this low a profile unless she is reaching critical mass with her narcissism and just simply cannot hold it together if ANYONE in ANY venue asks her to speak extemporaneously (sp?).

    Even good con artists, when caught red handed, have a hard time thinking on their feet well enough to avoid detection.

    When the narcissistic reality bubble is threatened past a certain extent, the narcissist has no place to go except to avoid the situation entirely. This is one of the many complex reasons she resigned as governor. It was "too hard" to be the imposter she knew she was.

    Palin literally, and I mean literally, knows so much less about political issues, administration, economics, etc. than most people think that when it finally is found out, a lot of "higher ups" are going to be extremely embarassed.

    She is like the guy in the book/movie "Catch me if you can" who was an airline pilot, a doctor etc and knew almost nothing about those professions. He bluffed his way with a false sense of confidence.

    Baffle them with brillance and dazzle them with bullshit. Coworkers, legislators etc fell for it cause she charmed and showed confidence.

    People LOVE to be around and believe someone who exhibits confidence. Even if it's faked. I had a boss like that and by the time I had to do something important, I had learned the job and he never knew. Big lesson for me.

  11. Anonymous6:47 PM

    There is an undercurrent that is a lot more serious than Shannyn and Keith cracking jokes about the auction and a Facebook post. Check out this article in The Wall Street Journal.


  12. Just sitting here shaking my head. Sarah (ghostwriter) sticks her out up every time Obama says something to the Nation. Today times 2, FB and the AP piece. We will have to see about the dinner date.

  13. She did not write that WSJ article. Murdoch owns the WSJ, unfortunately. He is placing propaganda using Palin's name.

  14. Whoops there also the WSJ opinion piece.

  15. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I agree with your post, onejrkitty, so what is your guess? Is Sarah hidden away writing her book? Conferring with the ghost writer for her book?
    Still in rehab and out of touch.
    Still in recovery because plastic surgery did not go well?
    Someplace counting the money that Rupert gave her, while he ghost writes her face book and Wall Street Journal article. (He does own the WSJ; I don't know who owns face book).
    On a secluded island, cool drink in hand, laughing her guts out at us?

  16. Anonymous7:14 PM

    What if you held a party, and no one came? So far, the ebay site has zero bids for the $25,000 sarah dinner. What fun if it remains that way.

  17. Anonymous7:16 PM

    how funny that you have to be pre-approved for the expensive dinner with palin! hahahaa

  18. mommom7:24 PM

    I dont think Sarah has to approve the bidder.I think that the seller,Ride2recovery,has to approve the bidder.So it depends on if she told them "no bloggers,no pundits,no reporters,no one with more than a 10th grade edumation."

  19. Gryphen says:Okay how many of you hope that Keith actually has the high bid on that Palin dinner? If he gets it I hope he DOES invite Shannyn, that really would be "priceless".

    I'm guess that no one has really read the fine print on that auction.

    It says:

    ***Dinner shall last no more than four hours, but could be less, in the sole discretion of Sarah Palin.* Governor Palin reserves the right to refuse dinner with a winning bidder if, in her sole discretion, the winning bidder is not a suitable bidder based on her subjective standards of suitability, professionalism, background and other factors. In the event the high bidder is rejected for this reason, the high bidder's bid will be refunded, if paid, and the next highest bidder shall be notified, and thereafter, until a suitable match is determined**

    The winning bidder is going to be someone like Rupert Murdock or some other richy rich type who will do nothing to offend her delicate sensibilities donchaknow!

    It also says that she can bring 3 guests along so I am betting that they are
    Todd as proof of her happy marriage and then naturally there will be Megomouth & the Lawyer to answer any questions or deflect as needed.


  20. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Anonymous 6:47--Marc Ambinder, the politics blogger at the Atlantic, would agree with you, I think. He sees Palin's "op-ed" as a challenge to the media, and he's wondering whether they'll be gullible enough to take the bait from Palin's handlers this time around. See Ambinder's analysis at http://politics.theatlantic.com/2009/09/media_challenge_will_they_take_the_palin_bait.php

  21. As always Shannon dazzled on Countdown with Keith Olbermann.
    BTW... what's with the donate to Sarah Palin PAC on the site?

  22. mommom8:07 PM

    """"""""""A background check for all attendees is mandatory. Failure to pass the background check will result in the winner forfeiting the experience and a refund given. The dinner experience with Sarah Palin will take place at a site to be determined and at a mutually agreed upon time and date to be determined by Ms. Palin and the winning bidder. Ms Palin may bring up to three guests of her own. The dinner will be paid for by the seller. There are no age restrictions but anyone under 16-years-old must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Winner may take personal photos and allowed to bring one item of reasonable size i.e. no larger than what can be carried by hand (t-shirts, books, magazines, etc.) The decision to sign the item will ultimately be up to Ms. Palin. Respect for Ms. Palin and her guest(s) is expected at all times. Inappropriate behavior will result in the conclusion of the experience with no refund.

    Dinner shall last no more than four hours, but could be less, in the sole discretion of Sarah Palin.* Governor Palin reserves the right to refuse dinner with a winning bidder if, in her sole discretion, the winning bidder is not a suitable bidder based on her subjective standards of suitability, professionalism, background and other factors. In the event the high bidder is rejected for this reason, the high bidder's bid will be refunded, if paid, and the next highest bidder shall be notified, and thereafter, until a suitable match is determined."""""""""

  23. Ahahahahahaha..further reading on the Auction reveals this

    The winning bidder agrees, warrants and represents that you will not in any way advertise, promote, market or, utilize Sarah Palin’s or the Ride 2 Recovery’s name, likeness, voice, photograph, signature, logo or image in any manner, for any reason at any time without the prior written consent of Sarah Palin or the Ride 2 Recovery. In order to make the experience more enjoyable and interesting, the dinner will be “off the record,” and the winning bidder and his/her guests agree not to record the conversation, take notes or quote Sarah Palin in any manner in any media including blogs or other online communications.***

    She is absolutely terrified that someone might quote something stupid she says (which could be the entire conversation knowing the garbled mess that flows from her pie hole) but she is also absolutely terrified that what she says will end up on the blogs too!!

    Gryphen I think she might be just a tad worried about you progressive bloggers and what you would say about her! *wink*wink*


  24. God. The conditions make it sound like dinner with a three year old.

    I'd like to see someone like Scarbourough win...and then bring Keith as a guest. And smuggle in a camera to show that the Palin house appeared to be empty when they arrived.

    What a sissy.

  25. mommom9:46 PM

    Its bunk.What exactly is she able to do if someone is interviewed after the dinner and describes their meal with her?Get Van Flea to threaten them??

    We know how that works out.

  26. Wow, what a fun experience dinner with SP would be!!! Where do I sign up? Wouldn't it be fun if no one placed a bid? A background check - WTF? Who does she think she is, governor of Alaska or something?

  27. onejrkitty10:22 PM

    I think Palin has a lot on her plate, cannot face the threats to her reality bubble, is wirking with her ghost writer and they are throwing out Palin's barbs just to keep Palin feeling like she is still in the game. These barbs also help her release her anger at President Obama, the second black person to beat her in a competition-- and you know how she feels about blacks -- and you know how she feels about being second ( losing the spotlight ) and keeping her "alive" in the public forum in case she makes a recovery.

    I have now read 4 true crime tales about extremely narcissistic women who committed one kind of major crime or another, all ending with murder, and the extreme of Palin's narcissism easily reaches the same depths. Perhaps more so because she is such a well know national public figure. Her "heights" make her "fall" all the more egregious to her.


    There is no way she can continue to "not be seen" and have Facebook and the occasional article be her only expression, especially when so many people know she cannot write or speak (except for memorized speeches written by others.) Her resignation speech showed how inept she is and I think more and more the national media are going to catch onto the fact that even the Facebook is not being written by her. IT IS NO SMALL SIGNIFANCE THAT SHE IS "WRITING IN" INSTEAD OF APPEARING IN PERSON AFTER BEING INVITED TO APPEAR ON THE DEATH PANEL HEARINGS.

    She is starting to remind me of Howard Hughes who shunned all contact with the outside world and quietly went germaphobic and crazy in his later years.

    Time for Palin to come out or fade away. C4P even has to start wondering where she is sooner or later. HOw long can you worship someone who never speaks to you, is not seen in public, and writes only on Facebook, i.e. her "higher calling."

    Palin is a joke and even her "base" base need a leader who is present. Reminds me of Woody Allen's quote," 95% of success is just being there." :)

    Laying low is one thing. Appearing only via suspicious Facebook notes is another.

    THey are hiding her crackup.

    But, she will survive this first crackup.
    There will be more.
    And then she will lose it, draw blood and end up in a court of law. Too many people under her bus. Too many people hurt by her. Too many people losing their fear of her. Too many paybacks waiting for Missy Sarah.

    Narcissist always self destruct in the end. They win battles. They never win wars.

  28. Still no bidders, but still has 9 days+ to go, Sooooooo

  29. ...DIDN'T SHE MAKE A STINK ABOUT the official Gov Picture, and us common folk not using it without permission...even when the state paid for it...

    so why does she get to use the official picture on ebay?

    I have not, not do I planto every go to her FaceBook page, so I don't know anything about the photo she uses there...

  30. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I loved Sarah's hidden catch phrase, she has to approve the bid.
    Always the control freak, even with someone else's donation to the troops.

  31. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Do you think Palin is trying to get a date, since she and Todd are splitsville?


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