Friday, September 18, 2009

CNN's Rick Sanchez takes FOX News to the woodshed.

"You lie!" That was AWESOME!

Good job Mr. Sanchez, I am glad that CNN is finally starting to fight back against the smears that Fox has aimed at you and other news outlets for years.

By the way Brad Friedman of Brad Blog sent me the link to the video (Thanks Brad!), if you want to see his take on the story just click the title of this post.


  1. Lisabeth4:46 PM

    I think it's Rick Sanchez Gryphen. He is one of the very few CNN reporters that really investigates things. I try to watch him when I am home.

  2. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gryphen, I think you mean "Rick Sanchez," not "Mark Sanchez" in the head to this post.

  3. Oops! Thanks guys, yes I did indeed mean to write "Rick" instead of "Mark" but I must have had a brain fart.

    My apologies to "Rick" Sanchez and to my readers who expect more professional blogging than that.

  4. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Thank you Rick Sanchez for beginning to expose FAUX News for what it is....lies and made up crap..this needs to be done daily...truly I believe the only real news is on Public TV or BBC...I don't watch much teevee and I don't watch any of the MSM, except maybe MSNBC when I get some of it on the series of tubes, Rachel and Keith are my homies

    Thanks Rick ... Thanks Gryphen

  5. Gasman6:02 PM

    I’ve said it on other blogs and I’ll repeat it here: the best way to stop the fools at FauxNews and other bullying liars isn’t by ignoring them, it is by confronting them forcefully and repeatedly. Like cockroaches, they proliferate in the dark and scurry for cover when exposed to sunshine. If they know that they will be assailed every time they lie, at some point it will give them pause.

    In the case of FauxNews, I think that it has to be tied to network-wide sponsor boycotts. Media Corps., Murdoch’s overarching company, has been hemorrhaging money for quite some time. He is less the ideologue than money grubbing whore. If he thinks he can’t continue to make money by spewing demagoguery and lies on FauxNews, he’ll either clean up his act enough to ameliorate his critics, or more likely he’ll close up shop or sell it. If it’s losing money, who will want to buy it especially with a brand name that has all of the mass appeal of diarrhea?

    Props to Rick Sanchez and CNN. If he’s ever in my neck of the woods, I’ll buy him at least a few of whatever he drinks. Now if CNN would just jettison that xenophobic tub of goo Loud Obbs.

  6. emrysa6:05 PM

    what a f-ing smackdown!

    great job sanchez and team. faux news is bad news.

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:15 PM

    The problem is those "Reel Amerikin's" don't watch anything BUT Faux noise!
    Notice how BOR called it a "anti-Obama rally?" I thought it was a teabaggers 'movement'???
    They are all so full of shit. They are racist, pure and simple. I felt sorry to see Nancy Pelosi cry the other-day, but its got to be such a let down that Amerika hasn't progressed...there are still racist,neocon assholes out there who want to got after Gay, black, and other races, the KKK is still alive.
    And people like Palin, "The Queen Quitter" fan the flames....
    It breaks my heart that we are back in the 60's with idiot Rush wanting "segregated busing"?
    Its like a very bad time warp....

  8. Anonymous6:29 PM


    Good for you, Rick, thanks -- Keep up the good work. :o)

    And a BIG THANKS to you as well, Gryphen. Sure enjoyed this!!!


  9. Thanks for posting this, Gryphen! I don't get cable or satellite, so I'd have missed this otherwise.

    Fox News (and their rabid viewers) never let the facts get in the way of their agenda.

    Every news outlet has a bias, and savvy folks employ their critical-thinking skills when they watch/read the news. Fox is in a league of its own, however, especially with their claim of being "fair and balanced."

    I'm more than a little skeptical of a news network that is largely owned by a non-American (Rupert Murdoch) that is working so hard to divide this country.

  10. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Fox may have the viewers, although I find the numbers highly suspect, but they are having negative results. They promote the republican agenda, but lost badly against an arab, muslim, Kenyan, socialist, nazi, communist, black named Obama.

    I remember distinctly Hannity saying that the Dems would pick-up seats in the House, but that definitely the Congress would remain repub.

    So, Fox, like Palin, upsets our sensibilities of fair, balanced, and intelligent, but truth still wins. Palin has been neutralized, and Fox continues to lose the agenda.

    This Glenn Beck thing will be relatively short. It is just too easy to stir hatred against Obama. Beck is capitalizing on the moment in a way that only an alcoholic, drug addict would. But, anyone that psycho will have a Helter Skelter moment soon enough. And, again, I point to Palin as an example. With leaders like Palin and Beck, I'm not worried.

    I admit, however, that I am totally perplexed with the O'Reilly appeal. They have got to be REALLY fudging the numbers.

  11. Anonymous9:24 PM

    The Glenn Beck thing won't be short anon, it's a sensationalize routine which sells t.v. advertizing. For every advertizer who pulls out there are two to take it's place. It's what Americans like to hear for news because it's much more entertaining than real news such as BBC's.

    Glenn Beck is who you are girls. He's your media persona to hate while Olbermann is your media persona to get wet panties over. You require daily doses of both or you wouldn't be watching them would you.

    Sarah Q.

  12. mommom9:32 PM

    I find it funny that Fox news is ecstatic with viewership that is lower than Lettermans. Many people in this country don't watch cable news at all,many people watch ABC,NBC,CBS nightly news and thats it.

  13. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Somewhat OT, but I have had a special hate for Fox ever since they cancelled a favorite series of mine, after airing 11 of the 14 episodes out of order.

    Also cancelled by Fox: Arrested Development, Dark Angel and Harsh Realm.

  14. CNN got it right??? One time in years these slanted commies have nothing on FOX they are lucky to be in buissness. All ten of their viewers post on this site. Get real FOX fugging the numbers. LIK....FOX MAKES THE NUMBERS IDIOTS please!!!!!

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:30 AM

    Heh! KillerCon showing us "Fair & unbalanced"

  16. @killer Con...have you ever heard of a dictionary? When you come to someone's house spewing idiocy, it helps if you can spell. I just am too busy chuckling at you, to really pay any attention to your rant.

  17. CNN hitting back at Fox with their own advertising.

    Too bloody funny!

  18. Anonymous7:24 AM

    As it is, this minor event, the teabagger protest, was blown all out of proportion. Then Fox squeezes more media time out of it by taking out a scurrilous ad. Then the non-event gets more media time when stations respond to the ad and show more clips of the protests. Now Fox will be able to devote more airtime to an event most Americans weren't originally very interested in by responding to Sanchez's accusations that Fox lies. Meanwhile, blogs and news sites continue to to whip this dead horse by yapping on about this bogus fight among news media.

    Here's the real angle:
    A major corporation owned by a guy who only became a US citizen for business purposes deployed his formidable media empire to organize a protest against a popular and duly elected president and his plan to clip the wings of excessive corporate greed. This plan would also provide healthcare to the citizens of what is billed as the most powerful country on earth.

    Despite months of relentless and breathless promotion, the protest event attracted a mere 70,000 mostly fundamentalist ill-informed nutcases in a country of 310 million people.


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