Monday, September 14, 2009

Countdown points out the hypocrisy of the Republicans 9-12 protest. Not hard to do as now the GOP hypocrisy can be seen from space!

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I would have liked it better with Keith at the helm, but Shuster did pretty good.

I would like to say I am amazed at the hatred on display at these rallies, but sadly I have become accustomed to seeing that kind of ignorance and unabashed prejudice. We are entering a very sad chapter in the history of our country to be sure.


  1. This is like putting a hot compress on a pimple. It brings it to a head so we can drain it. It's gross and disgusting in the meantime, but necessary.

  2. Is it not absurd to the point of Irony, that Sarah Palin's first official speech and/or public appearance happens to be in the financial center of the largest Communist state in the world?

    From Alaska Governor to Rented Comfort Girl?

    Sarah Palin's speech to investors in China later this month will be closed to the media, as the former Alaska governor is set to address the annual CLSA Investors' Forum September 23.

    Absent media, and thus eliminating the possibility of any sort of confrontation or vetting by the media, regardless of whatever garbage she delivers, Sarah Palin should feel quite comfortable having a Chinese translator- morph her traditional word salad into some sort of Cantonese dialect.

    Even though Origami arose from across the Sea of Japan, by the time she is done, all of those listening will be looking at their napkins for at least some flourish of art and intellect- or in the worst case scenario a means to relieve themselves.

    The topic of the speech remains undisclosed and no doubt whatever topic is eventually chosen- by the time it is sliced and diced to edible portions of rat meat- it will take a lot more than soy sauce and rice wine to make it economically coherent or intellectually palatable.

    Does she not realize the ramifications of blowing off countless offers to speak in her own country in lieu of bedding with a country that up until the last few years was our greatest natural and idealogical foe?

    This is worse than Hanoi Jane, and should be viewed in the same vein afforded to Tokyo Rose. She dares to scream "socialism" or "palling with terrorists" when she is indeed too cowardly to speak in front of her own people- yet more than ready to deliver some incomprehensible balderdash to a bunch of foreign business men that are more used to seeing girls like her stripping for them during the midnight hours in their hotel suites.

  3. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Gryphen - see this diary in kos re: Robert Stacy McCain

    Teutonic - saw your diary too!!

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Teutonic, even better, by the time she gets up to give her chat, it looks like we'll be in a pretty full-fledged trade snit with China. Pallin' around with America haters, eh, Sarah?

    Pat in Texas

  5. Maybe after her speech the Chinese will arrest and detain Palin, in retaliation for the tire tariff.

    Not a peep of complaint from Todd or the girls, or the rest of us...

    Gee, I wonder if Te@mS@r@h and that other place have put enough money in the kitty to ransom her? SURELY they can use SarahPAC money for that, can't they? (NOT!!)

    I would give anything to see The Other McCain, John Ziegler, and Rebecca Mansour be forced to petition the State Dept. to intercede...because I don't think HRClinton will say anything otherwise...and I sure don't think her husband will fly a mission of mercy.

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Gryphen please post the billionaires for wealthcare video that was on Rachel Maddow's show tonight. They showed up at the 9/12 march and it is hilarious!


  7. Laura8:10 PM

    I just saw the Billionaires for Wealthcare video on Shannyn's site. It is very well done. The teabaggers were so clueless.

  8. SouthernMiss8:11 PM

    Anon at 7:45
    Just watched the Billionaires for Wealthcare on Rachel Maddow. What a scream. I watched it several times. Couldn't quit laughing. Especially loved the ending where the 9/12 protester didn't realize he was being mocked and gave them a thumbs up.
    This needs to go viral.

  9. 6:26 PM
    Teutonic13 said...
    Is it not absurd to the point of Irony, that Sarah Palin's first official speech and/or public appearance happens to be in the financial center of the largest Communist state in the world?

    It is indeed. What could they possibly expect to get out of anything she could say? I have a feeling there is something behind the scenes. Perhaps a dominionist made a deal with someone in China. Otherwise it is too strange to comprehend.

  10. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Aw, crap. It just dawned on me that this week's little trade squabble with China would give Barbie the perfect excuse to...wait for it...CANCEL.

    Pat in Texas

  11. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I couldn't help but notice the striking simularity of bin Laden coming out of his cave to post some tirade against who knows what, and Palin exiting her cave to post on Facebook.

    I'm just not sure if Palin is taking cues from bin Laden or vice versa.

  12. have you ever seen this site?:

    it's an interesting way to display SP's "greatest hits".

  13. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Sarah will appear where Rupert Murdoch can get his friends together. He has to make her look good enough to go on a tour to promote the book he is paying for. The trouble is his timing. She is going to be so out of date after her absence from the limelight-- how can we adore her if she isn't covered by the media?

    KaJo, if they arrest her, watch over at the website-that-won't-be-named for a new fund raising effort: Get Sarah Palin Outa Jail. In return for your generous donation, you will get one Get Out of Jail Free Card from the game of Monopoly- never know when it will come in handy.

  14. Anonymous4:05 AM

    As a Canadian, when I see these kind of demonstrations - the people and the sentiments they are so bold to express - I fear for your country. It also makes me fearful. Why would I want to visit Washington or anywhere else in the US really, when there are so many haters getting away with saying and doing (ie bearing arms to public rallies) anything they want. I am shocked and disgusted - these kind of events and the kind of tv and talk radio fomenting such anarchy, intolerance, racism and just plain hatred make the US look like some tin pot third world country. And definitely not a country when I'd even dare to visit.

  15. Anonymous4:54 AM

    The America the world sees is the America of crazies - where are the voices of normal caring non racist folk. Why aren't you out rallying FOR America, FOR your President, FOR progress in healthcare? You have to make your voices louder than the lunatic fringe. The world is watching.

  16. David Shuster was just on the Stephanie Miller Show. He is hilarious - and really does deserve his own show. He isn't afraid to call anyone out. According to him, the crowd estimates for the tea baggers really is about 35-50,000. He based it upon the landmarks on the Capital Mall and previous REAL demonstrations with REAL people.

  17. Teutonic13:

    OMG- just caught that.

    Rented Comfort Girl?

    More like "Sloppy Seconds"


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