Sunday, September 20, 2009

FOX News not only reported on the "9-12" protests, they organized them, and encouraged them to appear excited on camera.

Did any of you see this report on FOX News?

Were you struck by how energized the crowd was? Well don't be. They had more than a little help from a Fox producer to reach that level of excitement.

Did you see her? The producer in the green shirt, waving her arms to give the "grass roots" crowd direction on how to behave? Now Fox News wants to you to believe that she was just a "young, relatively inexperienced associate producer who realizes she made a mistake and has been disciplined". But of course we know that is just bullshit.

This whole "9-12" movement came out of the schizophrenic mind of Glenn Beck, and has been promoted non-stop by Fox News ever since. Don't believe me? Well here is the video from Beck's show the day he introduced the "9-12 Project".

How "grass roots" is a project that is conceived by a giant corporation right on national television?

I have personally been involved in a few real "grass roots" projects, like the Obama rally on the Park Strip, and the "Hold Sarah Accountable" rally, and the upcoming "True Diversity Dinner" in Anchorage. I can honestly tell you that each of those was imagined and brought to fruition by regular people who came together in support of a cause. We sought media coverage AFTER we organized the events, not the other way around.

So the 9-12 teabaggers rally was the sole creation of FOX News who then pissed and moaned when the other news outlets did not share their enthusiasm over the event.

Which of course brought this famous response from Rick Sanchez.

CNN became so incensed over the accusations coming from FOX News that it is now broadcasting this ad.

Damn I love that ad!

For years the only news outlet to regularly go after FOX was Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. Sadly that was labeled a "rivalry" and the accusations by Keith and other MSNBC hosts were minimized by creating the meme that it was simply a feud.

However those of us who have been paying attention to what Keith, and Rachel, and Ed, and Chris, have been saying, (not to mention Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central) are aware that this has not been simply a feud. It has been ONE cable news network pointing out that another "so-called" cable news network, is NOT a cable news network, but rather a propaganda tool for the Republican party and big business.

So I encourage CNN to stop trying to play referee, and get into the game. When FOX News makes a false report, call them on it! By doing what they have been successfully doing for the last fourteen years, pandering to a specific demographic and shaping the message specifically for them, they have damaged the credibility of ALL news outlets.

Including CNN.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I sent that clip to some family members who only watch FOX. I'm sure they will 'splain it all away. How people watch that horseshit and believe it is beyond me.

    Pecan Farmer

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "How people watch that horseshit and believe it is beyond me."

    Sadly it matches what is spinning around inside their heads.

  3. Right on the money with this report my friend.
    There are other blog sites and web sites that have been going after Fox "News" (quotes are there for obvious reasons) regularly and that is great to see.
    As I have said before (and others as well) theme for Fox should be "We Distort, You Comply" rather than "We report, you decide."
    Unfortunately, there are a lot of "braindead" people who watch that so-called "news" channel and probably cannot be convinced.

  4. FEDUP!!!9:32 AM

    I bet her 'disciplining' consists of a pay raise and/or promotion to a more prominent position!

    This illustrates why 'Fox News' is actually 'FAUX NOISE'! (faux = false in French...)

  5. Watch faux news?? You'd have to pay me to do that.

    CNN "fair and balanced" one can only dream.

    I can only imagine how these mainstream media types will direct their questions to O today.
    We can forget about whitehouse influence on DOJ investigations. No we will hear about teabaggers and racism adnauseum.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    If it was Glenn Beck's party, why didn't he go to it?

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Unfortunately Fox News is broadcast all over Europe on Sky Satellite (owned by Murdoch),in Australia and probably parts of Asia. There is no counterbalance of US news at all. CNN World is pretty ineffectual in fact it is so bland it is boring. In fact a lot of CNN World feels like paid programing. NBC should air MSNBC in airs CNBC

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Im anxiously waiting for the next BabyGate post.. for SP to be thrown over the fence once and for all
    As I read on a few other blogs
    Hold onto that story until AFTER Sarah's book hits the shelf..
    If before.. she can scramble and cross out and fit in her own twisted tale..

    Yes Trig is not my own child, but You see.. I was so heartbroken and afraid.. I know someone out there can understand.. It was the most loyal, giving gesture I could do given the trying circumstances.. but I held True..

    Wait until it is in her own words on a page with the cover a big photo of her and her big chicklet teeth..

  9. get real11:47 AM



  10. Glenn Beck didn't go to the party he organized because he's not one of them. He's sees himself as a powerful puppetmaster, and his viewers are the puppets.

    Rush Limbaugh is identical in his tactics, organizing "Operation Chaos" during the election knowing what he told listeners to do was illegal in some states (register as a democrat solely to cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order to cause Obama to lose the election).

    It never dawns on some of their dumb followers that these men can buy their way out of trouble, while they're telling their sheep to go out and do something neither Beck nor Limbaugh would ever do.

  11. OT for this post, but the lady who won the auction is no stranger to Sarah Palin. This will be the third time they have met.
    Here is a tinyurl for the article.

    Happy reading

  12. Anonymous2:22 PM

    oh Vaughn..

    See I believe the whole dinner charity ebay thing was staged just to get Palin back in the news.. get her base all riled up and anxious for the outcome.. and to make her look so dang "charitable" and even more "Troop lovin'"

    The Alabama mention on ebay was telling

    Palin can't even lie well.. she always goofs things up

  13. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I used to think this site was a blog...

    then it turned into a self masturbating anticipatory launch of more gossip/dirt/who knows what...

    we are now reduced to another aggregate of online "news" and video embeds, if it could even be called that....

    Gryph, get a grip, get your mojo back and quit fucking your audience around... many of us are going somewhere else, and will continue to and forget about you altogether....

    Post the Levi shit, the WHOLE babygate shit or just STOP teasing....

    foreplay is only fun and only lasts for a short period of time...

    your time is up.... you've worn me out after over a year... have to wonder if there aren't more of me who are SICK of being strung along...

    spill it... shit or get off the pot....

  14. It amazes me how some people can be convinced to help others make their lives worse. Some on the right are always comparing progressives to Nazis and Obama to Hitler, but they never give one thought to how Hitler got almost an entire nation to support him by pushing fear, racism, and nativism, among other things. They just don't get how Fuchs Noose and the other rw media entertainers are using the same tactics on them, and they're willingly accepting it.

  15. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Way to go Rick Sanchez and CNN. Let's work together and stop this gross distortion by Fox.
    Kallie in Texas

  16. Pox news sux, but Julie Banderas is way hot.

  17. Gasman8:42 PM

    Murdoch may have finally overplayed his hand. If CNN, ABC, NBC & MS-NBC, & CBS decide to unite and go after FauxNews, I don't think they can survive. The braindead imbecilic sheeple that look to FauxNews for instructions as to what they should think will not waiver, but everyone else and advertisers will take note.

    Now is the time to write to FauxNews sponsors. Murdoch is not invincible and he's not even that smart. They lying, bullying, fear mongering, and race baiting has worked up until now because nobody stood up to it. If there is a widespread reaction to their deliberate lies, it may be the end of FauxNews.

    We can only hope - AND write to FauxNews sponsors!

  18. Fox "News" is a fraud. They fought in Florida court for their right to lie, distort, and bend facts to fit their agenda. It is propaganda for the extreme right-wingers.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.