Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I wonder if Max Baucus watched Countdown today. If he did he must realize how badly he just screwed up.

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Now look I know that Keith does not speak for ALL progressives in this country, but fortunately he does no have to.

Senator Rockefeller does not much care for it either.

Writers for the Daily Kos are not exactly jumping for joy.

Raw Story reports that BOTH the left and the right hate this thing.

Crooks and Liars is unimpressed as well.

That may not reprsent ALL progressives but it sure as hell represents a large chunk of us.

I am not sure what Baucus was thinking with this thing. Either he tried to make the worst bill ever written knowing that he would be excused from the rewrite, and therefore could get on with his life, or he was actually moronic enough to think this thing had a snowball in hell's of passing. It doesn't!

All I know is after waiting lo these many months for a bill, we now have to go right back to square one. Not only is this NOT the change I voted for, it is making the Republicans rub their hands together in glee.

We are supposed to be showing them how good government works. What say we stop fucking around and get started doing that very thing shall we?

Okay now I am pissed! I need to see something that will put a smile back on my face.

What else did Countdown have to offer today?

Well you know that actually does make me feel a little better.

I LOVED footage of the meteor crashing to earth. If that does not encapsulate Sarah Palin's fall from grace I do not know what could.

However I do not suffer from ADD and watching this shiny little distraction does not change the fact that I and the majority of Americans want health care reform, and we want it now!

If the Republicans want to play the spoilers, then roll over their sorry asses and push a bill through that will actually deliver what President Obama promised that it would, REAL HEALTH CARE REFORM! They are going to try and tear it down anyhow. Let them try it while millions of Americans are getting affordable health care for the first time in their lives, and the rest of the country is finding that THEIR health care insurance has suddenly become more affordable.

When that happens the Republicans will stop trying to demean it and start trying to take credit for it.


  1. 'Why the Baucus Plan is Dead, Why Co-Ops Won’t Work, and Why You Should Be Happy About It.'

    "As anyone could have predicted weeks ago, the "alternative bill" Max Baucus has presented is a complete and utter joke. But don't be mad, progressives. Be happy. Before this piece of crap appeared, there was all sorts of speculation about what an alternative might be. Talk of “co-ops” actually sounded like a feasible idea to a lot of people. Now, however, they can see them and read about them, and now, we can demonstrate that the alternative Blue Dog plan is, well, a dog. If we play this right, we can make a strong reform plan with a robust public option a reality. " /

  2. The Baucus bill is a P.O.S

    Write and call your senators today!

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    While it is understandable that this is not the change you voted for, it is not entirely Barack Obama's fault. It's not his fault progressives do not have the majority in the senate. He's not a dictator. If he were, he would have easily gotten everything he wanted by now. But instead of wasting time on bi-partisanship, he should have been trying to get the democrats in line. It is those blue-dog "democrats" (like Max Baucus) that are the problem. President Obama needs to grow a pair.

  4. You're probably right that Repubs will be trying to take credit for healthcare reform after it's proven successful. They'll probably say they are responsible for firming up the final bill because they toughened up the Dems to get it right.

    I recall that's what Hillary said about Pres. Obama when he won the nomination, that her being hard on him helped toughen him up for the general election. I remember not liking her much back then.

  5. Baucus what a frikin tool.

    shot, hung, dragged down the street,and not in that order, the whole lot of them. How do they even face their own family?

    I cant wait till caribou constipation ends and turds start flying.

  6. Anonymous7:55 PM

    How much money did Baucus accept from Health Care Industry to throw the game?

  7. Gryphen,

    I guess that you--and I-- are not NORMAL people. This comment from a reader at Politico about Palin signing on with the Washington Speakers Bureau:

    "Those who disrespect Gov. Palin are only disrespecting themselves. If there were a compilation (and there may be somewhere) of all the unprecedented vitriolic slander directed at this absolutely charming, intelligent and RESPECTFUL woman, it would deserve a place of honor in a Hall Of Shame. I have come to the conclusion that certain of people need scapegoats and sacrificial victims to satisfy some kind of atavistic sadism that compels them to attack what is beautiful and good. Any NORMAL human being would be able to see that Sarah Palin is a down to earth good person and agree or disagree with her policies and positions, afford the high respect that is her DUE, that she DESERVE, for her honest work on behalf of the American People and her lifelong efforts to live in a loving, intelligent and moral life."

    Posted by: AKReport/Sept. 15, 2009 at 4:30PM

    I would be proud to belong to this Hall of Shame for disrespecting this charlatan and grifter.

    (By the way, are you familiar with who this AKReport is?)

  8. AKReport is a regular at the Sea of Pee.

  9. Aussie Blue Sky11:31 PM

    AKReport is a c4p cultie; one of the few who can spell. Who else would describe her as "loving, intelligent and moral" when half the world knows her to be a vengeful, ignorant adulteress?

  10. Anon 7:37 - It's been reported that dear ol Max has receiver three million dollars from the health care industry. The Blue Dogs need to be run out of town on a rail. Hopefully sporting tar & feathers.

  11. hey there- thanks for this- I did tear apart the Bill tonight- new post up- make some good points( yeah I am asking for a plug) but reading that bill was horrible- NO Public Option and yes, UnInsurd ppl would be fined 750-3800 ....and there is had to have been written by insurance wonks- there is no way he wrote it...

    it's a giant piece of crap- and that is being nice.

  12. Anonymous6:58 AM

    This is my first post after lurking for a long while. So... hello!

    I cannot for the life of me understand why it took Baucus MONTHS to write this piece of garbage bill. Oh yeah. He's in the insurance industry's back pocket.

    Call your representatives. They need to know we won't tolerate this guano bill.

  13. kassie9:33 AM

    OT to some extent ....A certain blog that shall not be mentioned has turned the Olbermann report into another attempt at "Bashing Palin AND her children" wtf? Anyway down at the bottom in the comments I found this defense of Palin very odd ...
    PEC, September 17, 2009 1:08 PM
    I thought Democrats were sympathetic to the plights of Single Mothers. Instead they go out and criticize them. I guess the truth of Democrats is coming out more and more

  14. re: the KO piece on Pain's new "speaking" career.

    Anyone notice that her "resume" says that she was Governor of Alaska from 2006 - 2009?

    Uhhhh....shouldn't some one should tell them that Miss Quitty Fish quit?

  15. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Why hasn't Sarah bin Ladin stuck her head out of her cave to jump on the immigration distraction bandwagon?

  16. CorningNY11:51 AM

    I think the only way to get both the Congress and Senate to come up with a workable bill that actually helps average Americans is to immediately STRIP them of their health care coverage and make them go buy private insurance. Let them see how they like it.

  17. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Speaking for myself (and probably 50,000,000 other males in this country, if a gun was put to my head, I'd much rather own Lowery's giddy, schoolboy admission than Chris Matthew's,

    "I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often."


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