Sunday, September 06, 2009

If you are a regular viewer of the Glenn Beck show, or attend Sarah Palin's old church you should probably skip this video. Exploding heads are messy.

Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life.

I just thought with all of the talk today about religious intolerance, dominionist Republicans, and the rise of the uneducated, that it might be nice to take a moment to marvel at the TRUE complexity of the world around us.

I love science, and it pains me to think of all of the children who are told not learn about things like this for fear it will damage their faith.


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I love listening to David Attenborough. He also narrated the "Planet Earth" series which I highly recommend, but try to watch it in Blue Ray.

    I love science too, and it pains me to see statistics which show America way behind so many other nations in scientific literacy.

    Gee, I wonder how that happened.

  2. Absolutely wonderful video. Thank you for the break from the rest of stuff crashing about in my head. I needed that.

  3. Always find this fascinating.

    BTW, as a Christian, I feel like I have to tell SP and Glenn Beck this:

    If your faith would be destroyed by evolution, then you never had any faith at all. Sorry!

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    This is a question for Basheert, or anyone else who knows the answer. So, the more we click on the ads by Google posted here, Gryphen gets credit for their advertising? How about the advertisers? I hate to give Sarah PAC any kind of credit, but if it's costing her money, then we all ought to be clicking on her ad, or any ad for than matter. Tell us how this works and what we should be doing, please.

    (Reminds me of the mail I would get during election season, filled with return envelopes printed with a mailing permit. When I received info from the GOP, it was my please to stuff that envelope full of all the junk mail I got that week, and send it back to them on their dime).

  5. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Love it! Nice to see something rational today. $P and her ilk will certainly ignore this as it doesn't address their "fact" that the earth is only 5000 years old and the dinasours did indeed walk with man.

    Exploding heads cannot happen when there is no brain matter to begin with.

    Thanks Gryphen for lightening up my day. I needed that!

  6. Anonymous9:02 PM

    OT, but I thought you would all enjoy this.

  7. Beautiful video! So much scientific discovery, so much more still unknown.

    I'm with Verbose on Christians whose faith rests on literal interpretation. Why couldn't God create life through evolution? And how the heck did Noah get 2 of every species on the ark?

  8. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:25 AM

    Awesome video... thanks Gryphen :)

  9. BuffaloGal3:55 AM

    I'm another believer in God and the spiritual realm and am of the mindset that God is the ultimate scientist, mathematician, gardener and alchemist.

    I'm ALSO of the belief that our knowledge of science is always changing and I have a feeling there's a whole lot more to evolution than what we have on paper right now. I hate when science speaks in absolutes. As beautiful as this video is I just can't buy into the idea that "that's the way it happened". Too much missing data and too many unknowns.

    When I was growing up I got hushed for asking my 3rd grade teacher how we knew that atoms were the smallest particle. She answered "because science tells us so." I asked , "but what if scientists just can't see the smaller things?"
    She then hushed me and moved on.

    There's always more to the story, I say! And faith should be strong enough to handle some questioning. I agree with Verbose @8:27

  10. Great video.
    I can't even begin to imagine how anybody could believe the earth is 6,000 years old and the bible is the exact truth.

  11. Buffalo Gal,

    The teacher hushed you because he/she didn't know how to answer the questions.
    I was fortunate to grow up in the North East where science is still interesting to the Board of Education.
    But I moved South, and my poor kids are probably suffering lack of knowledge because of it.
    But thankfully, they are very curious and like to read and learn.

  12. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Thanks for sharing that video, Gryphen. I do not believe that evolution disputes creation. Genesis 21:20 tells of first life from water, than fowls of the air. And the Bible says that knowledge will increase, i.e.,

    Daniel 12:4
    But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    II Peter 3:8
    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    Oh, well, FWIW. Anyway, thanks, again, Gryphen. I can't wait to read your posts about those two books.

  13. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Great special effects and hyperbole; it would be nice to have some science to go along with it.


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