Sunday, September 06, 2009

The internet, and how it stole my attention away from the written word.

I used to read, oh God how I used to read.

I read books on politics, on history, biographies, religious tomes, magazines, even comic books, if you can imagine such a thing. I was well known for reading up to three books at a time, all on completely disparate topics.

I read at work, I read in bed, I read on the toilet, I even brought a book to a nightclub because I thought I might get bored. (I did.)

But then I discovered the Internet. Oh don't get me wrong, I still read. But at nowhere near the breakneck pace I used to devour books. No these day I am on sort of a literary diet.

So why am I telling you this? Because I just finally finished reading a book that I have owned for over four months. Now I did read a few other books in the meantime, but still FOUR MONTHS! That is a sin, don't you think?

Especially since the book actually features a section on.....wait for it.....Alaska bloggers! Yes the book that I have repeatedly put off finishing is Eric Boehlert's book "Bloggers on the Bus". And right there on page 223, is a chapter entitled "Saradise Lost", and in it is a great deal about my friend, and fellow blogger, Phil Munger and a slight mention for the rest of us.

But I have no hard feelings. I was contacted to participate, and because I was still protecting my anonymity, refused to be interviewed. It is kind of hard for an author to talk about somebody he has never met now isn't it.

However since I did not get to meet Mr. Boehlert, and explain what I blog about and why I often focus on the babygate story, he essentially dismisses it out of hand, and then blames it for damaging the reputation of the netroots nation.

Someday I look forward to sitting across from Eric Boehlert and watching him eat a huge meal of crow. It really is too bad for him that he did not get the chance to talk to me. But once again that is my fault and not his.

And to prove it I am going to completely change gears and tell you why I LOVE his book. (If any of you just suffered whiplash I apologise profusely.)

The book is filled with wonderful anecdotes and behind the scenes stories of many of my favorite bloggers. Jane Hamsher, Digby, Glenn Greenwald, Arianna Huffington, just to name a few. For somebody who has toiled in virtual isolation for over four years, reading about so many fellow travelers is very cool.

But there was one section that I found particularly interesting.

It was in Chapter Twelve which discussed the making of a YouTube video that many of you may have seen and the backlash that the creator suffered at the hands of the Palin-bots. (Sound familiar?)

The video was created by Ethan Winner, and it featured some archival tape of Sarah Palin talking to the Alaska Independence Party (AIP), and a narrator explaining her connection to the secessionist group. I think most of you have probably seen the video or somebody else's version of it.

Anyhow it went viral, and the Palin-bots lost their shit!

I am going to transcribe this section directly from the book and see if you are not amazed by the similarities to my experiences early last month.

During the next week rabid conservative bloggers attacked Winner, his company, and his family for their involvement in the Palin video. Led by a site dubbed the Jawa report, the online masses became completely fixated, almost fanatically obsessed, with revealing Winner's identity as the creator of the video, which they deemed to be a "vicious" and "malicious" "smear" because he mistakenly claimed that Palin had been a member of the AIP. (In fact it was Todd who had been a member.) For some reason unmasking Winner became a paramount pursuit, so much so that the Jawa blogger announced ominously that he had applied the same online detective work to root out the YouTube creator as he had previously used to uncover the identity of "terrorist supporters".

As part of the cyber deep-dive aimed at outing Winner and then unraveling the larger (alleged) conspiracy in play, bloggers quickly posted Winner's photo online, his e-mail address, information from his Facebook page, his cell number, and even details about a boat he sometimes chartered. Out of their respect for privacy, his pursuers announced that they would not post pictures of Winner children.

But bloggers didn't stop with uncovering Winner's identity. They suggested that because his YouTube clip looked and sounded so professional, it must have been bankrolled by an outside group. They suggested that the Obama campaign, or some other nefarious, left-leaning outside entity "likely" helped Winner's PR firm peddle the video. In fact, Obama himself may have "funded or knowingly supported" the online effort according to one breathless online allegation.

Wow! Is that freaky or what?

When I read what the Palin-bots had done to Mr. Winner, and then compared it to my experiences, Shannyn Moore's episode, and attacks currently being directed at other Palin-critical sites, it left no doubt in my mind that these are not simply coincidences. Something stinks in Palin-ville.

I have seen the supporters of political candidates or movie stars get worked up before, but this seems to follow a particular formula.

If they are anonymous, out them.

Then get their picture on the Internet and television (In my case Bill O'Reilly did the honors).

Accuse them of some made up nefarious actions (Like being a pervert).

And then try to connect them to Barack Obama (In my case the abstract logic they used to make that connection was laugh out loud funny.).

So now, thanks to Eric Boehlert's book, and our own experiences, we will be much better prepared for the next cyber attack against anybody pursuing the truth about Sarah Palin.

So if you at all interested in blogs, or bloggers, or Alaska bloggers, or how the internet has changed politics, or how far behind the conservative blog are compared to the liberal blogs, or anything else connected with cyberspace, then go out and buy this book. If none of those topics interest you then just skip it.

And if none of the above is your cup of tea then perhaps you would be interested in joining me on my next literary journey.

I went to my local Barnes and Noble today and picked up not one, but two new books.

The first one, which should come as no surprise to most of you is Max Blumenthal's amazing book, "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement That Shattered the Party". The second on is by Robert Wright, and it is called "The Evolution of God". Those of you who are somewhat new may not be aware of my absolute fascination with religion, and religious beliefs, but I am absolutely driven to learn as much as possible about the subject and have read probably almost three dozen books on the topic.

I have no idea how long it will take me to work my through those two masterpieces, but I will endeavor to read at least a couple of pages each day. If you finish before me, please don;t give away he ending. Especially of "The Evolution of God", I want to be surprised. What will God evolve into next? The mind simply reels.

And before i close out this post let me do just one more piece of house keeping.

Many of you have commented on the addition of an ad to this blog.

I decided that it would be nice if I could make a few dollars off of my work once in a while, and I will probably add a few more as time goes on. Personally I am not a fan of advertising, but as you may know we are in a recession.

Now I have no control over what Google decides to advertise on this site. Some of you have been tickled or offended by the SarahPAC ad that seems to pop up occasionally. I apologise if it bothers you, personally I have never seen it.

But remember, you do not have to click an ad if you do not want to. And having clicked it you do not have to make a purchase or donation. So I leave it up to you to decide how to respond to an ad on this site.


  1. Go Heath Care!3:40 PM

    Perhaps you should consider running an online discussion group of chapters of the Blumenthal book as you read it. I'm sure enough of your regular readers will be poring over it, so there could be lots of participation! It could be an online progressive book group lead by you on your blog.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    hi gryphen, i don't read nearly as much as i should either! i do feel funny complaining about the ads; the only one i ever saw was the sarahpac ad and i thought what! who is doing this to gryphen and does he know? so, good, all is well!

  3. I know what you mean about eschewing reading for the web, because I did the same. I love to read.
    I just downloaded (to my kindle) "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement That Shattered the Party". I have a LONG flight tomorrow, so I look forward to READING a book again.
    I suppose Scarah is back in Wasilla visiting her family for a short time before she hits Hong Kong. Poor kids - some mommy, huh?

  4. MadCityKaren5:24 PM

    I've not seen the SarahPAC ads either, but love the irony of potentially "pro-Palin" ads running on your page. (Right now there is a "Will Palin run for President in 2012?" ... I misread the answers as "yes", "no" and "vote no chance" [instead of "vote now for a chance at winning $50K].) Not offended here, but simply amused.

  5. OT, from Bill Moyers:

    "...we should be treating health as a condition, not a commodity."

    "Here's a suggestion, Mr. President: ask Josh Marshall to draft your speech. Josh is the founder of the website He's offered the simplest and most accurate description yet of a public insurance plan — one that essentially asks people: would you like the option — the voluntary option — of buying into Medicare before you're 65? Check it out, Mr. President."

    link to the transcript:
    link to the webcast:

  6. Laura5:49 PM

    I can relate to your post since I used to be an avid book reader also. Now, not so much, thank to the internet. I keep thinking that I'll get over this, but it hasn't happened yet. I still read books, just not as many.

  7. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Gryphen - could you clarify how the ads work? Do you get paid for them just appearing on your site, or do we have to click on the ad for it to credit to your account?

  8. Genie, the ad I currently have has to be clicked to pay. However, and this is very important, the agreement I signed to place the ad restricts me from encouraging people to click the ad.

    What you do is entirely up to you.

  9. Hey but if we don't click, the site doesn't earn anything right? so the best thing to do is to go ahead and click the ad then decide that you don't want to buy anything (if you don't). What's the big deal? It's an easy way to support the liberal alternative press.

    I am able to say I still keep three books at hand. I just finished a biography on 19th century spiritualist Home, "Vile Bodies" by Evelyn Waugh, and am starting on William Shatner's memoir which a very trusted source told me was actually LOL funny throughout - apparently he's just damm funny. In between I'm perusing "The River Cottage Cookbook"...all from the library. It's simply a relief to get away from the online hum and hold a book.

    Rep Gomorrah looks fascinating and I also recommend "Crazy For God" by Frances Schaeffer - definitely a must read on that list. If you haven't heard of him, Schaeffer's father is the person considered the most responsible for laying the foundation of the Moral Majority, and the work of Dobson and Focus on the Family, Pat Robertson, Jack Abramoff, and many others of that shady ilk. He appropriately bashes them all and their nutso movement as well. And he was very much on the inside of it all at one time.

  10. With blogger, you can turn off the ads of you want. It is a setting in your control panel. You aren't going to make anything from Palin's ads. They don't bother me (except seeing her face!) but I wondered if you just recently turned them on.
    About the book , it's something how vindictive these "Christians" are. These are a sick twisted group of people. Imagine how their children will turn out. Such wonderful children learning great morals. Such hypocrites!

  11. Oh i see (duh!!!) if we click you get a payment haha like we are going to give sarahpac money. And then Sarah PAC gets charged for every click. It's great. And no you did not encourage us at all but I will be clicking!

  12. Kelly6:16 PM

    I can't wait until you're watching Eric Boehlert eat his crow! I have a couple of friends that will be doing the same! ;-)

    Keep posting, baby!

  13. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Does anyone remember that lady who said she was a "God Warrior" on Trading Spouses? She was absolutely nuts, as was the group of judgemental friends who came over to meet the lady she traded spaces with. I wonder if it is the same religion as Palin's?

  14. Gryphen.. one of my regular commenters left me this after seeing the video of Max's interview.. It might be something else you would be interested in about religion.

    The Unlikely Disciple (Rouse), a Brown University student's account of a semester he spent at Liberty University. The student body isn't quite as lockstep conformist as you might think, and the writer makes friends there. But he keeps running up against the wall of wondering how all these nice people can believe what they believe. For example, many students have legitimate angst over their conviction that loved ones are damned to hell because they refuse to be saved.

  15. Susie6:36 PM

    I really liked the idea the person with the first comment on this thread had, to ask you to write up a summary/review as you read each chapter so we could all learn and comment on it and have a sort of on-line book club going. Thanks!

  16. Anonymous6:39 PM

    If you like books about religion & especially about the strange stuff going on w/ C Street politics (Mark Sanford, John Ensign), I highly recommend The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power by Jeff Sharlet. EXCELLENT read, and fascinating subject.

    (This is Sarah in SC. I can't get the google thing to work)

  17. Anonymous7:04 PM

    In regard to the "outing" of Winner, yes, it bears an uncanny similarity to the hit job they did on you, Gryphen. Why are we so surprised? Remember the swift boat tactics used against John Kerry? Dan Rather's information on GWB was never in question, just the document. They still strong-armed him out of CBS. Using a campaign of well orchestrated lies, they changed Kerry from war hero to something else. The same kind of thinking must have been behind the dirty campaign tricks used by Karl Rove against John McCain in the 2000 Republican primaries. Then,during the South Carolina primaries, they accused McCain of fathering a black child, where the rumor was sure to sink him. (He had adopted a dark skinned girl from India). There was that Willy Horton ad that the Republicans used against Dukakis, and Lee Atwater was the ruthless advisor to both Reagan and Bush Senior who was reknowned for his brutal tactics. If someone wrote tried to write the book about political dirty tricks, it would fill volumes. Still, the dirty business that you had to go through was terrible. I remember there was a discussion about Rebecca Mansour's personal life here, and you, as a gentleman, decided that your blog was not the appropriate place for the discussion. You are the better man, and the Republicans and their fanatic followers have nothing positive to offer; all they can do is to try to obstruct Obama and tear down his suppporters.

  18. justafarmer7:10 PM

    I have Google ads on my website and you can opt out of some ads. I've done with "adult content" ads, I'm pretty sure you can do it with sarah ads.

  19. ah but if we click but don't "buy", then Gryphen gets "credit" and a little bit of cash and the advertising has to pay right?

    Sounds like a whole lotta clickin' goin' on....I have no problem not buying "shit" on the internet. But I'd love to click for Gryph!!!

    I read 3-5 books a week - voraciously - all topics. I love to read and if I don't get a chance, I get really really cranky.

  20. Just want to add my 2 cents re ad clicking. IF you are sure you DO NOT intend to buy, please think twice about clicking. As a business owner, I know many of us are struggling. Why make the biz owner pay? Think about it. Better to throw a few bucks to Gryphen via paypal if you can. Thanks.

  21. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Gryphen, I appreciate all the work you do, which is why I have contributed through Paypal a couple of times. I encourage everyone else who enjoys the blog to do so as well. I can only imagine how much work it is to put the blog together every day.

    These idiotic trolls who appear from time to time like to taunt those who give to you through Paypal since there has been no "iceberg" as of yet. But why I contribute has nothing to do with any iceberg, forthcoming or not. I give because through your blog I learn about books I might never have heard of otherwise; because you post hilarious stuff from John Stewart and I don't have cable, so I "watch" John Stewart through your website, and just generally because I enjoy reading your blog. I even loved the post you did awhile back about working out in the gym - an important reminder about strong mind, strong body.

  22. Anonymous9:25 PM


    In your Adsense account with Google, you can block certain websites from showing in the ads on your page. Most people don't know this, but it's there. Why let SarahPac or whomever gain notoriety from your work here on this blog.

    I hope this helps.

  23. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Ella I have no problem with Sarah PAC being charged for clicks, sorry. Other businesses sure, but I'll be clicking and not buying on that one.

  24. Anonymous10:21 PM

    The ads are understandable and OK with me. They are triggered by the cookies we each have on our own computers. I keep seeing ads for - which I recently visited. If any of you are getting Sarahpac ads then you must have been prowling around that site and got her cookies attached to your computer. Yikes. Like cooties. I don't go near that site, so I'm not getting those ads and hope to remain sarah-cootie/cookie-free.

  25. Gryphen, Since you are interested in religion, may I suggest reading "The Bible Unearthed."

    A well-known archeologist went looking for evidence of the Exodus and forty years of wandering in the desert. NONE In none of their extensive writings do the Eygptians mention the fact that there was a massive Jewish population. Just a few teasers. Will post more when I get my hands on the book.

  26. Hi...I had a Barnes and Noble coupon, and I went out and purchased Max Blumenthal's book yesterday. I already read like 60 pages, I was so riveted. I planned to take it to the pool today to read, but the weather isn't cooperating.

    Basically, this fundamentalist movement has been exerting it's influence in politics for the better part of the 20th century to day, reaching it's zenith with GW Bush. Blumenthal does an excellent job explaining the key players (even the ones behind the scenes), and how they came to prominence. One thing all of the fundies have in common, is that their attraction to this fundamentalism is caused by trauma and fills a void in their own lives that they have not found anywhere else. Their unconscious desire to be dominated by someone or something else leads to them to blindly follow their religious leaders like sheep. They willingly become indoctrinated because they've surrendered their free will, since making choices and decisions in life become too difficult for them.

    James Dobson of Focus on the Family takes advantage of these people...he uses his training as a child psychologist to help people thru crises, then suckers them into donating and becoming "warriors" for his cause. It is crazy.

    This movement exploits crises to further their radical agenda...the current economic crisis and health care debate plays right into their hands. Democratic presidents have always been targets, but Obama is even more so because of the color of his skin. It is frightening, and explains alot about what is going on behind the scenes.

  27. Olbermann Wants Dirt on Glenn Beck

    Take a breather, Bill O'Reilly: MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has turned his sights to O'Reilly's colleague at Fox News, Glenn Beck. Olbermann took to DailyKos to implore readers to "Find everything you can about Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, and Roger Ailes," after White House advisor Van Jones resigned over the weekend following attacks from Beck and Fox News over his previous signature of a 9/11 Truther petition. Olbermann hopes "to remind everybody to walk softly and carry a big popsicle, and most particularly to save this nation from the Oligarhy of The Stupid." He will designate an email address for accepting leads and will take his campaign on-air on Tuesday.

  28. Morning, Gryphen and All!

    I, like you, read everything I can get my hands on. I cannot even sit down to eat without something to read. Also, since we've gotten a computer, I read more blogs than books. I always wanted a laptop for myself because if any other family member gets on the computer, I have to wait usually until the next day to get at it.
    So, I guess it's not so bad not having a laptop. That way, I read books.
    As to "Bloggers on the Bus", I bought that book about six months ago specifically for the "Saradise Lost" Chapter. But I still haven't finished the book. It IS a good book, though. I have three different ones I'm reading right now.
    I wanted to again, Thank all of you for providing links to information about "Republican Gomorrah". The link to the interview at "Democracy Now" was especially good.

    It also seems as though Palin has an outright obsession with our President Obama. That woman really needs some psychological help. Not in the abstract, either. Can you imagine waking up every day doing the hardest job in the world, only to have to deal with all the crazy?

  29. Hi all, I think I've discovered how to cut and paste to Gryphen's site. (you must be logged in first)
    This morning's St. Pete Times had a letter to the editor asking what's going on with our country. Below is my response:

    Editor - via e-mail
    St. Petersburg Times

    Dear Sir:

    I would like to respond to a letter written by Bob Lonardo on Monday, September 7, 2009.

    Mr. Lonardo makes the point that we need to get back to people power. His first sentence says it all, “Is it just me or are we all more annoyed and agitated than we used to be?”

    The answer is yes and I can illuminate the situation. I too, have asked myself the same question. I grew up in Washington, D.C and politics was mother’s milk to me, but never since the days of Joseph McCarthy have I seen such vitriol as we are experiencing today.

    I, too, puzzled over the cause. Then last week I watched an interview with Max Blumenthal author of an amazing book, "Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement That Shattered the Party." I have not read the book, but expect to receive my copy this week. However, the three part interview was illuminating enough and should be viewed by anyone asking the same questions about our divisive society. The message is truly scary and has been brewing for more than twenty years. We must take our beloved country back from those who seek to destroy it.



  30. Well, unless your internet use is restricted to YouTube you are reading. You're just not reading full length novels. But you are probably reading more than you were.

    I used to read a few books a week. I'd read for at least 20 min. before bed every night. But now it's a few books a year. First all of my extra time was spent on a masters degree. But now work and taking care of the house take up all of my time. I'm trying to eliminate all processed foods from my diet. That means a lot of cooking from scratch. I won't lie; I do surf the internet too. But because of work I have to go to bed an hour earlier than I used to and eliminate my late night reading in order to get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. So there went my reading.

    I did manage to read for 3 hours last Saturday. I was having the car reupholstered. I'll read some more next Saturday while I'm waiting for it to get tinted.

    You find your time when you can.

    But the internet is reading. Think of it as a giant, disorganized e-newspaper/magazine.

  31. Anonymous9:55 AM


    Check you P.M.'s. I don't think they did this. Someone has figured out yet another way to mess with their political opponents. There looks like there's some suspicious code on your page.

    I don't know how it got there but I don't think Google did it.

  32. Anonymous2:37 PM

    By the way. anybody read the President's proposed speech for tomorrow. There's not a THING in there that is dangerous to kids. On the contrary, it's wonderfully inspirational and his counsel--the wisdom he imparted--
    IS more of what kids should be hearing.

    I give it Two thumbs up and this is from one person who gives his performance to date two thumbs down. If he can deliver more of that kind of leadership he should be fine.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.