Saturday, September 05, 2009

How much are you willing to spend to be stood up by your dinner date? What if it were Sarah Palin?

Want to have dinner with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin? Plan on writing a big check.

The ex-Republican vice presidential candidate is offering the dinner as part of a charity auction on eBay for the Ride 2 Recovery program, which supports wounded veterans through cycling programs.

The 10-day auction starts Tuesday. The opening bid for dinner for five with Palin is $25,000, and organizers say the winner will have to foot the travel bill to meet up with her, likely in Alaska.

There have been so many false stories and parodies printed concerning the Twitter Quitter lately I literally do not know where to file this.

Is it on the up and up? I think whoever is promoting this thing believes that it is. The question is, how seriously is Sarah going to take this?

As seriously as she did the Alaskans for Parental Rights campaign?

Personally I would not be willing to crack open my wallet for this long shot dinner date.

And if it DOES happen who actually believes it will take place in boring old Alaska?

Knowing our Sarah she probably wants to be flown to Paris and have dinner under the Eiffel Tower.


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    If I had the money, I would pay almost any price to support wounded veterans, but only if Sarah guaranteed that she WOULDN'T show up.

  2. Over on Palingates, an anon commenter posted these enlightening videos. Please take a few minutes, you'll be glad you did!

  3. Why any organization would believe she is going to show up and promote it I can't understand at this point.

  4. Anonymous6:02 AM

    It costs that much to dine at taco bell?

  5. mommom6:30 AM

    Wonder if the winner will sit there and discuss the birth of Trig with her?

  6. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Yuk, I just lost my appetite! I agree with GenieO, if I had the money, I would give it to the vets, but certainly wouldn't want her any where near.
    Kallie in TExas

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I will dine with Palin ONLY if I can stick a fork in her, since she seems to be unaware she is DONE.

  8. Anonymous6:55 AM

    This has the potential of the worst dinner date since a few weeks ago when a blind date stuck a woman with the dinner tab, and then stole her car!

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    peninparadise - thank you for posting those video links. You are right - they are definitely worth watching! And I have just ordered Max's new book.

  10. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Is dinner going to be a Taco Bell wrap or Moose Stew from the freezer of Charles Heath?

  11. Anonymous7:08 AM

    The key word is "have dinner with" Sarah Palin. Well, according to Levi, she won't be cooking it. So where will it be? Michael's in New York? The apartment complex in San Diego? I don't live in Alaska, so the Alaska posters will have to offer local suggestions. Since Sarah came this close to getting in the White House, my suggestion would be White Castle.

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    So, Sarah cancels speech after speech, and she is willing to sit down for a whole evening with a perfect stranger who just donated money to a charity-- and she won't be paid?????

    Come on National Enquirer, you can do it. Bid One Million Dollars for Dinner with Sarah and you will have the story of the year!

    I remember when Larry Flynt offered one million dollars for real evidence of a congressman or senator fooling around during the Clinton impeachment business. Remember what happened to Henry Hyde, Bob Livingston??? Maybe Larry would like to have dinner with Sarah.

    Who else would like to have dinner with Sarah? Inquiring minds want to know.

  13. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Maybe Todd & the kids will offer the winning bid just to be able to sit down to dinner as a family one last time. In fact, if Sarah's fans really care about her, they should take a big collection to make the winning bid for Todd and the children. Do it for the children!

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    i think that the winner of the dinner with sarah auction should be john mccain. That way, he might be able to slip something into meal to get even with her for the way she cooked his goose.

  15. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Here is my suggestion for dinner with Sarah. The Alaska bloggers should start an on-line collection so that they can sit down with Sarah. It will be hard to swallow, but you guys can do it. And, think of the material you will get! That meal alone will keep you blogging for months!

  16. I don't see Sarah doing anything for the state of Alaska.
    Isn't that the reason she gave for quitting, so she could better serve the people?
    To bad the state could not sue for breach of contract.
    She is better serving her wallet.

  17. peninparadise BIG THANK YOU astonishing. Please Everyone please watch and forward!

  18. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I'd do it if I could bring along some lie detector equipment.

  19. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Thanks to everyone who is recommending the Max Blumenthal REPUBLICAN GOMORRAH videos posted on this thread.

    Gryphen, you have to watch them! Please! They are so worth a post! And you will be able to connect the dots in such a specific way as an Alaska blogger. Blumenthal totally explains the sado-masochistic "Extreme Christian" approach to child-rearing as promoted by child psychologist "Rev. Dobson." He explains "Sarah Palin culture" and these whackos in the GOP. I cannot wait to read the book. PeninParadise posted the links at 5:43 a.m. (Thanks, Penin)

  20. Anonymous8:29 AM

    winner of funniest post this thread:

    Anonymous said...
    I will dine with Palin ONLY if I can stick a fork in her, since she seems to be unaware she is DONE. 6:47 AM

  21. gryphen, i hope you watch the three videos from peninparadise. Then I hope you do a story. I've watched the Republicans all my life and never could figure them out. "Republican Gomorrah" tell it all. MOST FASCINATING AND SCARY TOO.

  22. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Best candidates for dinner with Sarah:
    Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, David Letterman, Gryphen, AKM, Audrey, Regina, Celtic Diva, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow.any reporter, blogger, or comedian in search of good material. Thank you, Sarah, the gift that keeps on giving.

  23. Anonymous8:53 AM

    We will see how she fairs with Warren Buffet's Annual Charity Lunch Auction:

    "A chance to have lunch with investor Warren Buffett has been sold for $1.68m at a charity auction - 20% down on last year's winning bid of $2.1m.

    The online eBay auction saw a sudden final spurt, as in previous years, with bids rising from $810,000 in two hours.

    The auction, in its 10th year, raises money for the Glide Foundation, which offers social services for San Francisco's homeless and poor.

    Despite the economic downturn, this year saw the second-highest bid ever.

    The winner - whose name has not yet been announced - is able to take up to seven friends to have lunch with Buffett - the world's second richest person - at Smith & Wollensky's steakhouse in New York.

    Last year's winner, Hong-Kong based investor Zhao Danyang who runs the Pureheart China Investment Fund, had his lunch with Mr Buffett on Wednesday. "

  24. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Can anybody find the ebay link? I've had no luck so far....

  25. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I think Katie Couric should bid BIG (under another name, of course) and surprise her old friend. Maybe bring Charlie, Olbermann and Madow along. Just for fun..

  26. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Her True supporters must be feeling left out. She doesn't twitter anymore and she doesn't facebook often. She only invites them to hear to Glenn beck to keep them on her supposed message.

    How sad none of them can afford the dinner inviation with her idol? The don't even have a 'chance.'

    Remmeber, Obama invited 7 lucky grassroots donors (who donated $5 or more) during the presidential campaign, twice, for 'Dinner with Barack' to discuss issues with them first hand.

    Too bad, she doesn't care about her carzy supporters who donate to SarahPAC to emulate the object of her obsession; Obama.

    As someone said, a successful narscissist is someone who has convinced his/her followers that he/she truly loves them.

  27. Anonymous9:23 AM

    @Anon-9:04 AM

    From the Fox report quote:

    "The 10-day auction starts Tuesday."

  28. To the Editor:

    Anonymous at 7:08's suggestion that Larry Flynt buy the dinner is a spectacular idea. Don't get me wrong--I'm a good liberal, and almost a civil libertarian, but Flynt is a complete pig & a wholly despicable human being. But, he does have the capital to win the bid--and he would have the wherewithal to invite all the Alaska Bloggers to the dinner....That would be interesting.

    What I bet would happen is that Private Citizen Palin would just sit still, and refuse to answer any questions.

    Anonymous at 7:33's suggestion that the bloggers throw out a call far & wide for donations is a good idea (and if there is such a call, I'm good for a C note), but I doubt they could scare up the capital.

    Maybe Seymour Hersh, Victor Navasky, Taylor Branch, or one of the Fab Columnists at the NYT--PAUL KRUGMAN!--could headline a fundraising benefit, and then invite the bloggers......But again, I doubt they'd have the capital.

    Push comes to shove, I can imagine that Murdoch and Fox News would get behind Glen Beck and Sean Hanity--and have them "win." If that happened, then any team short of Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Vishnu, Gotama Buddha, and Bertrand Russell isn't going to do it.

    The guy's another pig, but Hefner's Playboy Enterprises could also come up with the money, with someone like Robert Scheer and the Alaska Bloggers having the dinner....

    If our esteemed Gryphen or La Belle Moore would be interested, I think they have the gravitas to reach one of those folks with the idea. Maybe Keith O could raise the money, and he'd return Ms. Moore's phone call.

    But whatever else may happen, if the Alaska Blogers decide to put together a dream team, I'll skip a few meals & do what I can to scare up some more green......

    I remain:
    Hopeful yet skeptical.
    Bill Abendroth
    Samsara Samizdat

  29. I agree! I'll throw in $100 to get the Alaska Bloggers to this dinner. Obama won with micro transactions.... Surely we can all rally and donate a bit to win this thing. Even if she didn't say a word for the entire meal, the comedy of her having to sit there and be asked questions by Audrey, Reginga, Gryphen and Shannon would be SOOO worth it.

  30. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I live in a place where a loony Murdoch-Fox star lives. We have watched up close several of the charity scams they do. They are putting Palin through the same grind as the other circus animals. They think nothing of exploiting charity.

    One of the funniest win a dinner with celebrity turned out that no one bid. They actually left notes in whatever was passed around for the bids, not the nicest notes. This was local, not an e-bay extravaganza. The newspaper reported one story for celebrity to save face. There were other prominent people who witnessed the scene, which was embarrassing for celebrity to be so disliked while their promotions are all about being popular.

    Palin be more like a Rush Limbaugh auction. The super rich are already set up to bid. It is nothing but a show to make her look good. Pure crap.

    You can follow the bids on e-bay.

  31. I think I could probably squeeze about $25k from the equity in my house for an opening bid--but not much more than that. If I did, I'd have to quick sell it to Jon Stewart (or larry flynt) or some jobber who would know how to flip it for 20 times the price......Or I'd have to give up lunches for the rest of my life.

  32. OMG, I can't believe anyone would pay $25K to eat with her. I think that John McCain should pay the $25K & I wish he would have spent $25K vetting her. I am sure he would love to have dinner with her now:)

  33. I would like to see the dinner won by Oprah Winfrey. I would like to see her invited guests include Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and the woman who beat out Palin for Miss Alaska. I am trying to imagine winky's horror at being surrounded by this group - and her attempts at conversation. SP would need to bring out all of the "props" (aka children) to protect her.

  34. meg vs deng1:04 PM

    You can afford the $25k for a bid b/c it is the high rollers that are going to win. This is promotion. If she goes for under a million she will look pathetic. They know that and have her ready to sell for several mil.

    If the final bid is not several mil that is b/c they continue to allow Meg to handle things. She will make sp look pathetic. If Murdoch docked Meg and let Deng have a say, Sarah will have a huge final bid.

  35. Notice how rethughs use the military. It does not mean they are coming through for the soldiers. It means good publicity for rethugs.

    it's an abomination!! it's an outrage!!

  36. Anonymous6:32 PM

    On the other hand wouldn't it be hysterical if you did have the bucks to put up and won, and she had to have dinner with you and four other Ak progressive bloggers?

    And she could live tweet the conversation.

  37. Gryphen, please don't insult the Eiffel Tower like that.

    I want KO to win! Or at least bid!

  38. Sarah Palin is no Warren Buffet. For one thing, Buffet actually shows up.

    Anyone that pays that amount of money better make sure it's refundable if she backs out at the last minute.


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