Friday, October 09, 2009

Countdown reports on how much money Keith Olbermann's call for donations to has helped raise and that Rep. Grayson is the new Dem hero.

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Rep. Alan Grayson is quickly making a name for himself by refusing to allow the GOP to shut him up and for demonstrating what a Democrat with balls really looks like.

Here is Laurence O'Donnell's interview with Congressman Grayson.

I pretty much agree with EVERYTHING that Rep. Grayson says. I am a little jealous of Florida for having such good representation. I hope that my Democratic Senator, Mark Begich, is watching this guy.

By the way if YOU want to donate to than you can do so by visiting here.


  1. phoebes-in-santa fe6:42 PM

    Thanks for the clinic link. I sent a donation.

  2. I donated, too. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I agree with you Gryphen, Rep. Grayson rocks. He really is doing the job which we expect our elected Democratic officials to be doing.

    I wish I could exchange Senator Specter for the likes of Rep. Grayson.

  4. The rest of the Democratic representatives and senators need to get fired up too! Way to go Grayson.
    Good thing donating to the free clinics.

  5. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Finally, a Democrat with balls. I just went to and donated money to Rep. Grayson.

    I also donated to the Free Clinics through the clinic link.

  6. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Get out of the way....I love this man. . . .Representing the People . . .

  7. Gryphen,

    I agree that Rep. Grayson is the kind of voice that Democratic officials need to get their message out to the public.

    However, Florida does not have a monopoly on good representation.

    If you have a spare five and a half minutes, you can listen to my congressional representative speaking out against the Bush-Paulson handover of federal money to bail out their cronies on Wall St.--the very people who started this whole economic mess that we're in.

    I can't say that she has balls, but she has a lot of backbone.

  8. WOW! that makes at least 2 of my FL politicans, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz being the other, that I can be proud of.

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I watched this guy last night on K.O. and he's quite the hoot!
    I loved it :D

    Eh, one note.. anyone know why Keith is gone so much? Perhaps he has been there forever and has accumulated hoards of vacation time?
    I know there was a spilling out over him yakking about O'Reily.. is he being "disciplined" somehow? He also is in cahoots with S. Moore :D.. although, now that Rachel Maddow had on the Mudflatter gal.. MSNBC can't be censoring their two best show hosts.

    It is funny about this feller Grayson
    I am NOT giving props to freak girl Palin.. but he is kindof going down that road Palin by stepping "outta the box"
    But HE makes sense! It is actually quite entertaining and refreshing

    Palin's "outta the box" was like a rabid bat being given a forum.. Where's the cage?? Put her back in quick!

    He also has that humble edge about him.. he kept saying I am just saying what everyone is thinking.. don't give me props.. I just represent.. humble and articulate and makes sense!! .. sounds like a little mini-Obama :D

  10. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I absolutely love Alan Grayson! He represents the very ideal of why we elect our polititians - to represent the people!

    I, like many others, wish my own state representatives were more like him.

    I wish I could donate to both him and and freeclinics. Unfortunately, I am one of those without a job and health insurance.


  11. Laura9:49 AM

    Rep. Grayson gives me hope.

  12. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I am hoping the Senator Begich will realize that the State of Alaska has a lot more Democrats and Independents who would give him more support if he would also come forward in such a way, instead of one step ahead of being a Blue Dog and placating the entrenched conservatives here.
    - Hedgewytch


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