Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Following SNL's lead Jon Stewart also decides to confront President Obama concerning his disappointment.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Gay After Tomorrow
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

And yes I am posting this, even after I received so much shit from the SNL bit and my follow up comments.

I still believe that it is up to us to express our concerns and disappointment in how our President is doing his job. Don't worry. When he does the right thing I will gladly praise him, but I am not a lapdog. And neither is Jon Stewart.

Okay if posting that clip made you a little cranky then watch this next one. It should cheer you up. It has CARD TRICKS!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Playing the Race Card
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview


  1. Chowtime, indeed. DADT seems to be an easily correctable problem, so what's the fucking holdup?

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Hey, that "shit" that was posted by your regular visitors was also "dissent", because we are also not "lapdogs".

    My objection was that you said Obama gave us no change, and that was an inaccurate criticism.

    he has given us plenty of great change.

    So, the accurate criticism would be that he has not given all of the change you dreamed of yet.

    And my other criticism was that attitude from the left and as Frank Schaeffer puts it, the lack of loyalty from the left and inability to see when it' would behoove their long term agenda to stand firm and loyally by their President.

    I don't call that "shit", I call it valid objection, but it's your blog.

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    See, this is what I meant. SNL has been fact checked and they weren't being exactly accurate:

    'Adair found that SNL missed the mark on a few of the failed initiatives on their checklist, including Afghanistan and health care. He did, however, say SNL was correct in their judgment of failure on closing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. Adair concludes that this sketch won't have anywhere near the power to shape public opinion as the one in which Tina Fey skewered would-be vice president Sarah Palin.

    Read more at:"

  4. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I too believe that we have to stand behind OBAMA, as far as I'm concerned he's doing great...he's been in office what about 9 months, what's the problem?????
    There's a lot of work to be done and it's gonna take alot of hard work and it's gonna take time....
    It's change...change is difficult for alot of people, as you can see by the teabaggers...

    I saw a stat that in 2012 gen x'ers will outnumber babyboomers...this will bring great change...

    so let's stop our crying and work to help the POTUS.......
    Put your big boy pants's gonna get messy

  5. emrysa6:13 AM

    well there are times when obama needs to get called out by those of us on the left. if there are people who really have problems with that then they're just naive.

    I agree with bill maher - it's time for obama to start railroading some shit thru. obviously being mr. nice guy doesn't get you anywhere with the federal lawmakers. it's gone on long enough.

  6. I am with you anonymous 5:49.


    It was not what you said; it was what you did not say and how it came across. I knew that you meant well and only wanted to hold our President accountable but to say that he has given us no change is completely false IMO and I objected to that accusation. I also stated in this discussion that I thought it was just a little too early in the ballgame to be giving up on our President. Yes, hold him accountable but don't lose faith in that more change will come. We have a black President with (using your word) 'shit' being thrown at him daily. It's going to take time. Give him a chance. He told you that it wouldn't be easy so why do you think it will be?

  7. emyrsa,

    I agree with you and Bill Maher but keep in mind it's not sometimes what you do; it's how you do it. Obama trying hard for the bi-partisan way is calculated IMO. I think he never want to give moderates and independents an opportunity to say that he didn't try to be bi-partisan. This country is still too divided for a black man to shove shit down people's throats. Soon I think we are going to see our President 'show his ass' and prove he's 'got balls'. And I can't wait.

  8. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I am getting to the point as to why I even voted for him. I didn't like McCain at all, the McKinney--my would-be choice--really didn't even have a chance.

    I am in a state of buyer's remorse. I want him to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan because soldiers shouldn't need to die. I want him to close that hell hole Gitmo, because those men don't deserve to be there. Health care? Why is it taking so long? We have the Congress and we were told it would be done right after August recess initially.

    I like Obama still though. Really though, how is he different that f@#%head Bush? He needs to put up now and walk the walk. I am growing tired.

  9. I voted for him and totally agreed with Bill Maher when he held Obama's feet to the fire. I'm for holding any politician's feet to the fire even I voted for him/her.

    But he has dropped the ball on not meeting with the Dalai Lama and kowtowing to China (I mean kissing ass.) what an insult! The DL is a NOBEL PRIZE WINNER! Even Pres. Shrub met with the Dalai Lama. Obama needs to grow a set in this regard.

  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Easier said than done my friends. Don't expect every maneuver by the President and those working on a health care solution to be showing their cards in public. Besides Gryphen, sometimes in politics if you act like you want something too much, that weakens your hand.

    I'd be happy if they would start by shifting more money towards taking care of victims. Right now the prisoners are getting benefits victims will never qualify to receive and that burns me.

    Anyway, now is when the President needs solutions. No other President has taken on this issue like this. I'm an optimist. Obama has drawn much more attention from Americans towards the health care issue than anyone before him and it may take longer than some of us like but that's politics. Patience - is all part of the solution.

    Good griefness people, don't expect everything to be done in broad daylight, unless you are also too, Sarah Palin.

    AK Sisu

  11. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Oh, Gryphen! You've got to watch this right away:,28804,1854557_1854530,00.html

    It's a faux movie trailer for a hockey mom who becomes VP: Head of Skate. (And be sure to catch the line in there about incest and rape)
    Midnight Cajun

  12. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Count me in with Anon 5:49. Well said. President Obama has not yet been in office for even 9 full months. This is why progressive can never get anything done: did you think someone was going to wave a magic wand? Roll up your sleeves, Gryphen. Get off the keyboard and make some of the "change" you believe in. That goes for everyone reading this, too.

    He said he would close GITMO within a year. Don't think he will? Then what are you doing to make sure that it happens?

    Don't like the wars that Bush started in the Middle East? Join some progressive campaigns. Call your officials (although, as M. Moore's new film CAPITALISM shows us, they ignore us most of the time). Start working NOW for a progrssive candidate in your area who WILL end wars and is for health care, etc. Give Pres. Obama some good people to work with. Get out there and do something.

  13. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Oh, get over yourself. You are a blogger. Barack Obama is the President. He is getting a lot more "shit" than you are. From both sides.


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