Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rachel Maddow makes the obvious point that Fox News is NOT a news outlet.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Rachel has a real talent for cutting through the BS and getting to the facts.

And she does so without unnecessary theatrics, or obfuscation. She just calmly allows the facts to make her point.

Now just for juxtaposition let's compare the above clip to this insane segment on the Glenn Beck Show.

Can you believe this ass-clown is comparing the calm, cool style of Barack Obama with using a baseball bat to beat people into submission? Apparently Beck believes that using intelligence and a command of the English language is on par with having your head caved in with the a blunt object.

And Jesus what is with that horrible accent?

Doesn't that kind of illustrate the difference between the audience that watches Rachel Maddow, and the knuckle-draggers who listen to Glenn Beck? One group is informed and interested in learning the facts, and the other is still trying to get the child proof cap of of their bottle of Aricept.

Update: Crooks and Liars makes the point that Beck may have jumped the shark with this segment.


  1. If Rachel Madow ever comes to a blog that I know it will probably be this one. On behalf of hundreds of other watchers, bloggers and commentors who want to say this, THANKS. The archetype of rational discourse walks among us in the work of Rachel Maddow.

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Beck, Rush, and Hannity
    True American patriots.

    Palin and Bachmann our future political leaders

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Rachel was actually rather kind.
    Fox also cherry picks how it presents the news to fit their anti-Americans slant.
    It also intentionally invents "news," that is to say, it lies, and presents those lies as factual "news." And the lies all have the same political slant.

    It is obvious to the meanest intelligence that Fox, and all the MSM parrot Republican talking points, sometimes even getting the "canned comments" of the RNC onto the air before any Republican gets to showcase the latest talking point.

    This has been going on since at least as far back as Nixon when the news media trumpeted the “reality” of Nixon’s secret plan to get us out of Vietnam. Many of us knew then and we now have seen some of the proof, that the Nixonites were doing the exact opposite.
    But MSM blindly parroted Nixon’s propaganda and talked it up day after day.

    That is why the internet sites and blogs have become so huge so quickly. Americans really want the news, and they are willing to hunt the internet to find sites that give the fact based news and opinions.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I applaud you and second your statement, Helen.

    On the other hand, in the case of Glen, he has obviously forgotten, or chooses not to remember or acknowledge, that the last White House administration had more than a few "bats in its belfry."

    Anyone disagreeing with or calling Geo Jr (or God forbid the brains behind his operation) on the lies they were actively trying to sell and selling to the American public regarding yellow cake and Iraq, got slammed right out of the ball park. Example: Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame. Yup, that happened in about the second or third inning of the Bush Administration ballgame, as I recall.

    So, when Poppy Bush tried to brand Rachel as a "sick puppy" the other day, it could only leave me to wonder:

    --has he ever actually watched and/or listened to Rachel Maddow?

    --has he ever actually watched and/or listened to Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh etal?

    --does he have any concept of what damage his son did to the people of this nation and our nation's relationship with the rest of the world?

    --is he really so arrogant and out-of-touch that he truly believes that we are all stupid enough to take him, his "sick puppy" statement, Fox News or the Republican Party seriously?

    Quite frankly, I feel much safer these days. Just feeling confident that Oliver North isn't lurking around somewhere in the dark reaches of the White House basement helps me sleep better at night, thank you very much.

    ..And knowing that Dick Cheney no longer has a key to the White House mens' room makes me rest assured that my grandchildren will have a kinder and more just future to look forward to.

  5. b w d9:23 AM

    The facebook ghostwriters and all mechanism behind SP must believe it is time to strike and amp up their power.
    SP herself seems to be going for the dollars and a top position after the coup d'état.
    Seymour Hersh on the military and Obama

    Oatkeepers formed in March of 2009

    Propaganda and so-called news is a vital part of strategy. Fox entertainment and opinion.

    McCain hates the internet

    I also posted this on the "Tao of Rogue"

  6. SoCalWolfGal9:23 AM

    I saw Rachel's calm, very factual explanation last night as to why Fox is not a new organization. She is absolutely the best at cutting straight to the heart of whatever she is dicussing and always uses FACTS to illustrate the point she is making. I rarely miss her show, she is truly a treasure in this continually and ever increasing insane world we are living in.

    Glenn Beck is undeniably insane. There is simply no other way to explain his rantings. He really needs to be in a mental ward to protect himself, not to mention the poor uneducated, ill informed idiots who follow him. Out of all the nuts on Fox he is the worst.

  7. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Rachel is my favorite show and I try never to miss her! She's so sharp, calm and funny! Keith O. runs a close second. I continually shake my head that Fox is followed by so many that actually believe their garbage.

  8. We know for sure RM frequents AKM's blog,as she has said so on her show.

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Rachel Madow is quite popular in Alaska - I'd love to fly her out to Glacier Bay and show her Southeast Alaska, also too. Alaska has a lot of Rachel Madow type women which is why people can mingle regardless of their politics. Alaskans first type of attitudes.

    My leetle Rogue to Nowhere is not a reflection of the women of Alaska. Many of us actually hunt and fish and gather and share(we don't just talk about it)...Sharing is a huge part of the gathering. That seems to be the way of the Rachel Madow that is reflected in her personality. Also too, I've said before that I'd like to send her some of our Southeast Alaskan X-TRA TUFF red boots if she doesn't have them in her wardrobe!
    Alaskan Sisu

  10. (also posted this and more on Crooks 'N Liars":

    I've never seen anyone who in "real life" on TV look as much like a cartoon as Glenn Beck does. His bland homogeneous features only need to be outlined in black ink, and he could appear on an episode of "The Family Guy".

    The above video still shot is a great example. Someone "cartoonize" him!

  11. Anonymous2:19 PM

    HuffPo has a post up about Don Young and the FBI....on the Politics page. UP NEXT: $arah Paylin

  12. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Well said, Helen @7:38, I would consider Rachel one of those jewels in time.

    The problem with that guy, he's playing a non-reality show, to folks who believe it to be reality. Highly dangerous to the psyche of some, being within the realm of politics. Unfortunately, most of his fans will never listen or watch Rachel long enough to see her sparkle.

    Guess he's endorsing bats, I better pick one up. Sorry, I just can't watch his video, I have no desire to listen. I watched him on CNN years prior; he has progressed into an extremist, self-proclaimed whatever. I watched him rant against my beliefs many times. He uses falsehoods sprinkled with truth.

    Thank you Gryphen, for sharing Rachel! And he is a person to watch, no doubt.

  13. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Seriously, some of Beck's audience are home bound seniors on medications...these people are already depressed. What does he ever say that makes someone want to move forward and be part of the solution? He's nothing but a scammer of people who don't know that he is nothing but a doom and gloom wack job. Could you imagine Beck in a camo outfit teaching seniors how to fish or something positive, ever!? Have you seen him give people hope? He's a male liar, liar pants on fire that's fer' sure.

    I guess this means "No More Business As Usual" to all Alaskan politicians who thought they were above the laws. To me, it's a shame that more could not have been done at a state level. As Palin's behavior becomes exposed, it creates more uncertainty towards the Governor and a lack of respect for the current administration for their continued cover up of her mental state. This is no more right than the McCain cover-up, also too.

    Alaskan Sisu

  14. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Rachel is my priority daily and Olberman is 2nd. The fact Fox supposedly has the majority viewers is mindboggling to me! Do these followers read, follow the facts, etc.? They might want to try. Thank God we have President Obama as our leader!!! And, as to Palin - what a disaster!

  15. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Rachel Maddow is a journalist in the truest sense of the word, a class act. The other faux noose folks don't even deserve being called news casters.

  16. Man, things are heating up! Coming to a head...getting very, very interesting. Is it just me or does it seem like the sickest elements are being flushed out like cockroaches in a room full of fogger, running and squeaking desperately? All lies and no substance, they can't help but show their true colors.

    And Rachel Madow has finally called the situation publicly that Gryphen mentioned the other day - that the right wing has moved from opposition to sedition.

  17. “you can all sit around the table, like those people did, and then you can say which one’s gonna to get whacked? You can sit there and you can live in fear. Or you can stand up and say ‘Enough of your bat!’ I warn ya, that means that some people are gonna get whacked…You gotta take a stand, even though you know, in the end, you pull out a knife and they’re gonna pull out a gun. The question we have to ask ourselves , what is it we truly believe in? What do we believe in? Who are we? Are we the guy who sits around the table in fear? Or are we the guy who stands up and says, ‘Hey! What the hell are we all doing? He’s one guy! There’s more of us than there is of him!’ But I warn you, you have to ask yourself, if you stand up, what are you willing to do? Sure, you might get whacked, but let me tell you something, if you spend too much time in the bed with the mob, if you spend too much time at that table, you’re gonna get whacked eventually anyway.”

    This is incendiary transcript of the end of that frightening Glenn Beck piece. After watching it at Crooks and Liars, I went to his homepage to read the transcript, because I couldn't quite believe what he had said. I imagine my (lack of) surprise, when these words were ommitted from the transcript there and the video matched with the piece was of a different segment. Fox may be tryign to cover their tracks, but that doesn't change the fact that possibly millions of people already listened to those words, saw Beck waving around that bat, and may even now be considering how they can "take a stand" against the president.

    I fear that this country is headed for a sharp and violent divide, and Glenn Beck is both a symptom and an accelerant.

  18. Anonymous3:38 PM about faux noise and how they can embellish about any news they want to.Fox claims not to be a news station but an infotainment station only
    I wonder if keith or rachel saw this article about a lawsuit where Fox admits it is not a news station but an infotainment station


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