Friday, October 23, 2009

Sarah Palin seems to be embracing the "Tao of Rogue" as she endorses third party candidate over Republican.

These are some statements from her Facebook note.

Our nation is at a crossroads, and this is once again a "time for choosing."

When Republicans were in the wilderness in the late 1970s, Ronald Reagan knew that the doctrine of "blurring the lines" between parties was not an appropriate way to win elections. Unfortunately, the Republican Party today has decided to choose a candidate who more than blurs the lines, and there is no real difference between the Democrat and the Republican in this race. This is why Doug Hoffman is running on the Conservative Party's ticket.

Republicans and conservatives around the country are sending an important message to the Republican establishment in their outstanding grassroots support for Doug Hoffman: no more politics as usual.

Does anybody else smell that? It smells like a bridge is burning. A big giant Republican bridge.

Whenever I see Sarah do something that seems a little odd, I always wonder "What is in this for Sarah"?

We know Sarah has started this new political movement called "Stand Up For Our Nation", for which details are still very sketchy. So the question to ask is "Does she really believe that SHE can start a viable third political party in this country?"

We all know she suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but can she really be THAT delusional? Yes, yes she can.

Let's look at the facts that we know.

She faked a pregnancy while in the public eye which, on the face of it, would have seemed impossible to pull off. Yet so far she has been successful.

She ran her little town of Wasilla into the ground, leaving it 20 million dollars in debt, yet STILL managed to run for, and win, the Alaska gubernatorial race.

Then against ALL ODDS she is picked as McCain's VP candidate in the 2008 election.

They lose and yet Sarah still enjoys more popularity among the Republican base than John McCain.

Eight months after the election Palin resigns from office, to almost universal ridicule.

Yet not too much later she starts sending out messages via Facebook, which get national coverage, and actually receive a response from President Obama!

Directly after the date of publication is announced Sarah's book hits the top of the bestseller's list.

So you ask does she really believe that she can change the face of politics in this country?

And my answer is, "Has anything happened so far that tells her she can't?"


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Our nation is at a crossroads, and this is once again a "time for choosing."

    When I read this, I hear Bush in my head yelling "I'm the decider!!".

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    yep, she's unstoppable. Congrats GOP, you helped her reach the top. Glen Beck,, you really did the nation a service promoting her. Great work.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Does she realize that she is biting the hand that once fed her and hid her dirty laundry?


  4. She gets attention - the same way a two-year-old child throwing a tantrum gets attention. People cannot seem to ignore this whackjob - they are aghast, mortified that the MSM covers her every move. Trainwreck watchers join her facebook page, just to see what a ghost-writer will pen for Miss Wasilla. I, for one, cannot wait until she goes the way of Brittany Spears - she is a joke, a liar, a fraud and a grifter - but the dregs of society embrace her like they do their favorite soap operas and reality shows. She is merely the result of the dumbing down of America, a refuge for the teabaggers and the bigots. The only way to make her go away sooner (rather than later) is to IGNORE her - but at this point, she is too entertaining I guess.

  5. Two Blue Jays8:51 AM

    I must be cranky because usually I read the Spokesmodel for The Real Handmaid's Tale comments and crack up...but today this crap is particularly annoying. "Our nation is at a crossroads"??? According to whom? Isn't she referring to an upstate NY election? Hardly a national issue. "...this is once again a 'time for choosing'" WTF? I need a nap. Her ridiculous and erroneous quoting of Reagan needs to stop. She needs to stop. Or be stopped. Anyone?

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

    "A time for choosing."

    Or, in normal parlance: An election.

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Gryphen there is one thing that will tell her that no, she can't and that is if her candidate is soundly defeated. I live in this NY district and so far the comments I'm hearing are very negative toward a candidate that would actually want her endorsement.

    If we could get the word out to publicly and, if possible financially to back Bill Owens it would send a clear message to Palin that she has no place in politics. It would also deter other candidates from allowing themselves to be aligned with her. I signed up to volunteer for Owens but there's not much time left and the WORST thing that could happen is Hoffman to get elected based on Palin's endorsement.

  8. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Gryphen, I have a bone to pick.

    Just because you link to a story that says Palin pushed the "death panel" meme doesn't mean that Pres. Obama was responding directly and only to her. Grassley also pushed that death panel meme, and we all know that it originated with Betsy McCaughey.

    Pres. Obama "responding" to Palin is a Palinbot meme. I heard Shannyn Moore say it, also, in the past 10 days on MSNBC. But it is not technically correct. He never named Palin in his response.

  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Here's why the GOP is dropping Sarah Palin:

    1) She's crazy.
    2) She makes women lose money (by giving it to her).
    3) She makes men lose money and testosterone.
    4) She's starting a third party.

  10. Anonymous9:14 AM

    You think she would have more sense than to mention the word doctrine.
    I guess the sting still hurts...

  11. Anonymous9:14 AM

    That good ole Rovian philosophy of divide and divide some more. Rove was successful as a splitter. Scarah is following that path. Let's hope that there are too few left to really matter or that they actually splinter.

    And people wonder why the bloggers call her down?


  12. Anonymous9:22 AM

    She never was a republican. She only said she was for a win. Remember that photo back when she was on the city council, before becoming a mayor? The one where she's sitting at her desk with con-con material laying in front of her.

    That would explain her video message to the AIP before her VP pick; why she wanted Schmidt to bury her husband's AIP connection; that book title; and even her recent statement. But it's more than just the AIP; even former Governor Hickel turned against her. She is deceitful; and a seven mountain spiritual warrior.

  13. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Don't knock the "Tao of Rouge." Samarai warriors wouldn't be without it in case they had to slit their gut and die. Now you wouldn't expect them to go down looking pale, would you?

    She just needs to fire those handlers and let her twitter fingers fly for free. Don't forget your rouge, Sarah.

  14. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Show her the GOP's money - she's robbin' them in broad daylight, clearly and transparently.

    Knock Knock GOP - anyone home? I'll take that as a no.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    But I thought she was against choice.

  16. phoebes-in-santa fe9:42 AM

    Evidently so. By the way, Dylan Ratigan today spoke about Palin's book hitting the top of the Amazon chart, WITHOUT mentioning the book is now priced at $9.00 - 79% off the regular price!

  17. To your last question Gryphen ... No it hasn't BUT I REALLY WISH IT WOULD (and hurry please). I am thirsty for my champagne.

  18. Gryphen,

    Did you see the article on HuffPost (World) about a woman giving birth on a plane at 27 weeks. She was 31. I tried to post Sarah's story but I am not sure if it went through. There is no way that the 'wild ride' is true. Sarah was not that careless; she was just not pregnant.

  19. Anonymous9:57 AM

    We, all the people who have watched, kept track of her and who saw through the lies are the ones who have to send her packing.

  20. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "Has anything happened so far that tells her she can't?"

    No. But it soon will won't it Gryphen? Please reassure us that she will be stopped.

  21. Lisabeth10:25 AM

    Gryphen, I truly believe Sarah is certifiably insane. I do think in her sick sick mind, She thinks God has chosen her. She definitely has narcisstic personality disorder and is delusional. Look how she has manipulated her family-that says a lot. You can't have a real relationship with someone with NPD -the only reason Todd must still be with her is money. He is a kept man. She has manipulated Levi and Bristol too.
    She seems to get away with whatever she wants whether it is immoral or illegal. So all of these things just ad to her delusions.
    This is exactly why she is a very scary person poltically and must be stopped. She is dangerous because she would step on anyone, and do anything to get what she wants. She probably justifies her illegal and immoral actions by telling herself God wants her to do this. It's really hard to understand the mind of an insane delusional person. All of us see this very clearly because we follow her but look how many she has fooled.
    People joke about her now and say she is finished. I won't rest until she REALLY is finished-truly finished. And she isn't yet , do you think??

    Liberal writers and bloggers like you help expose her but I am not convinced this is enough to bring her down. I think it will take more local people telling the truth about her (which doesn't seem to be happening) and also people from the McCain campaign. The McCains infuriate me. He unleashed the insane beast and won't tell the truth about her. His daughter or wife could speak out bit heaven forbid John looking like the feeble minded puppet he was during the election.

    I hope all of this changes because she isn't through yet. I admire you because you live in Alaska and have risked a lot ( much more than the other Alaskan bloggers sorry) to expose her as the sick demented person she is. I do admire the other bloggers too I am just saying you have really taken risks to expose things that others won't touch. So thanks! I admit I have been disappointed that babygate and some other things haven't come out yet but I don't blame you and others shouldn't either. They aren't in your shoes, they don't live in Alaska and they aren't the ones taking the risks. So don't give up-you have lots of supporters .
    We have to all keep fighting to bring down this nutcase who thinks she is Reagan reincarnated or Margaret Thatcher. We all know what a sick fraud nasty user opportunist she is! She isn't even writing that stuff on Facebook! It's a huge sham!!!! And no one should hope for any exposure from Opeah-no way! I guarantee Oprah agreed to not bring up certain issues or Sarah wouldn't have accepted.

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I think that this is the beginning of the end. I guess that she dosen't think that the rebugs would come after her. She is taking donation money away from them. And money will be the demise of Sarah Palin once and for all. Her hillbilly staff can't shine the shoes of the crooks in the rebug group. They are the best at it. They have stood back, blocked (GATES) emails and even tried to run Alaska in her stead. They showed her a golden carrot and she grabbed it. I bet that alot of the money is marked and she has already been set up it's just a matter of timing before the rebug say hey lookie what I found.

  23. Anonymous 9:07, let me address your concern.

    While you are correct that the first person to talk about "death panels" was in fact Betsy McCaughey, NOBODY paid any attention to her. Do you remember the media covering "death panels" when SHE said it? No, you don't.

    But the minute Palin wrote about it on her Facebook ,the ENTIRE media covered it. And then other politicians, and talking heads, started to promote the idea. Like it or not, Sarah gave it wings.

    Now the argument can be made that she would be irrelevant if the media ignored her, and that is also correct. But they are not yet doing so!

    But at least the MSM is acknowledging that SHE is not writing those Facebook notes, and at least some of he credit for that can be given to Shannyn, AKM, and myself. We called her out on that right away.

    But it does us no good to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that she is not having an impact, because dammit she is!

    And yes there is definitely something in the works that should strip virtually ALL of her support away, but until that happens I am not turning my back and the crazy bitch.

  24. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Naked Truth - it's stories like that one that almost convince me the Wild Ride was true - she was trying to get free airfare for life. But Trig wouldn't cooperate and she's still peeved about it.

  25. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Somehow I think she does not realize that she is supporting an non-rethug candidate. She only sees that 'Conservative Party' title, and thinks by implication it means Rethug party...

  26. Everybody:

    Please comment on this article on HuffPost right now, the comments are still unmoderated!

    "Liew Siaw Hsia Gives Birth On Board Plane Over Malaysia, Will Get Free Flights For Life"

  27. Anonymous11:02 AM

    9:07 AM
    "Pres. Obama "responding" to Palin is a Palinbot meme."

    I agree. I cringe when anyone implies in the slightest that she is even behind any of what they say is Sarah Palin of ideas and writings.

    Whether you're yin or yang she is not doing the research or writing and she has no voice except as twisted through a Stapletongue or notes on a social network. Don't give power to a dead battery that has no recharge left.

  28. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "But it does us no good to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that she is not having an impact, because dammit she is!"

    Her handlers and puppetmasters are having an impact.

  29. Anon@ 9:0711:07 AM

    Gryphen, thanks for responding but you need to see TalkingPointsMemo on this for the complete history of the death panel meme. It was pushed by other politicians first. The media covered all of it.

    You may think Palin's use of it resonated the most, but then in the lower 48, it didn't quite seem that way.

  30. Thanks Anonymous 10:52. You might be right. I guess that's why she shows no affection for little Trig. Still pissed off at him because he ruined her chance to have free airfare for life.

    She wasn't pregnant and the 'wild ride' didn't happen.

  31. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Did whatshisname ask for her endorsement? Is he happy about it? Is it OK for him to be associated with her? Why is she sticking her nose into New York politics? Since when does her opinion count for anything?

    But, YES, our nation IS at a crossroads. Are we going to pull together and take care of each other through the help of our collective government--which IS WE the PEOPLE, or are we going to sit in our compounds with our cash in our safes and our guns under our beds and say "to hell" with everyone else? THAT is what we need to decide.

  32. Anonymous11:27 AM

    This third party thing will end it for her.

    She will split the GOP and DEMS win.

    She blew off major oppts to speak at GOP events, even Iowa. Third party baby!

    A third party means no primary, just a coronation.
    and it also means no debates and no real interviews. Tailor made for Miss Wasilla.

    The Potemkin Candidate.

  33. Anonymous11:27 AM

    President was not responding to SP. he would never do that.

    Period. I know this for a fact. He never did it once during the campaign, either.

    She was irrelevant to him.

    he was responding to Grassley, who is an elected official who still has a job.

    Obama would never give Sarah what she most wants; to be addressed directly by the President as if she mattered.

    He is not that stupid.

    Did the media repeat her? Yes.

    But the media is not the POTUS. I agree that this is a wish of the Palinbots and I do hope you will review the history of it and not keep repeating this.

    Thanks Gryphen!

  34. I think that Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes are pushing Palin to become more involved in politics at the national level. They are manipulating her. Were Palin to become POTUS, Murdoch and Ailes would be the true powers behind the public facade. I was on ThinkProgress a little earlier today and someone has suggested that Ailes run for president in 2012 because if anyone knows anything about framing, (read: taking lying to a new high) it's Ailes. I have my eyes on all of them, and I don't plan to let any of them make 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue their address in the near future.

  35. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Ok, everbody. Get out your copy of Jerzy Kosinski's book, "Being There." It's only 118 pages long, and short enough that it could be the only book Sarah has ever read. In fact, I read it in the early 1970's precisely because it was a skinny book on the library shelf, long before it ever became a movie. Sarah IS the female Chance, the gardiner or aka. Chauncy Gardiner. To understand Sarah and the Sarah phenomena, you have to understand the book. Yes, Sarah says stuff, and yes, she has followers, but her success is that people think she is brilliant while she in fact has borderline intelligence.
    So the endorsing of a third party candidate may have a simple explanation like the guy is an old boyfriend of Meg Stapleton, not that Sarah is starting a third party movement. However, after Sarah reads her press clippings she might think, "That's A good idea!"

  36. SME13111:42 AM

    Never under estimate a crazy like Palin. Cults pop up all over and they are always led by someone like her that has listened to their own craziness for so long they believe it. Between her extreme religious and political views she is capable of a lot of damage. Combine those religious and political views into a third party and we may well see violence as never seen before. The oathkeepers, birthers and all these other crazy ass folks could join forces with her (they already believe the same shit) and God only knows what that could lead to.

    As far as her not endorsing a republican, that shouldn’t surprise anyone. She never was a republican in the true sense. She registered as a republican to accomplish her goal. That was it. Let’s not forget her involvement with the AIP. She may well start her own third party as a leg of that.

  37. Ha ha. Palin backs a sure fire loser. Yes She Can!

  38. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I log and write into to a site that is currently gloating about Palin apparently stepping into the third party field. My own blogging there is very anti Palin.

    I refuse to spar with the two main promoters of Palin, and write my own views about what I see her doing. Many of the posters follow the two ultr right wingers lead, and the owner sees me as an instigator 'cause I post what I choose, and ignore the Palinites.

    These two are ultra right wing individuals. Very articulate and argumentative who will steam roller any one who dares disagree with them. It is never a debate, it usually is a mugging, and they work as a team.

    So every one of us, just keep plugging away and hoping that what WE communicate about Palin, will wake a few people up.

  39. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Will the old school Repubs cover for McCain and honor him for his foresight in sexing up the 2008 campaign for his desperate greedy arse? Without McCain there would have been no Palin and epic fail the GOP could have lasted a few more years... possibly survived?

  40. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Chauncy Gardiner was innocent.

  41. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Its not Palins fault. Every one lets her get away with anything she wants.
    Her evil will prosper as long as the good people of Alaska stay silent...

    They have all this time, I do not see anything changing in the future.

  42. This is MY Congressional district that she and michelle B. are messing with.
    All of a sudden, the RNC are running dirty campaign commercials.
    Bill Owen is a great, knowledgeable guy. He is what we need in our rural district.
    Palin's candidate is behind the republican who is 6 points behind Owen.
    Hoffman is way right of De De who is a moderate republican. They are going after their own and it is not pleasant.

  43. phoebes-in-santa fe12:08 PM

    I left a comment at 9.42a saying that Palin's book was now $9.00 on Amazon and that was 79% off the price.

    I mistyped and the real rate should be 69% off the price. Sorry.

    I just went over to ActBlue and donated to Bill Owens. He is now #5 on the Hot List of campaigns. I don't think he was there yesterday or the day before. It must be because of Palin's endorsement of his Conservative Party opponent.

  44. mlaiuppa12:20 PM

    Since the endorsed GOP candidate is a woman and the teabagger Palin endorsed is a man, does that mean Palin gets to go to the spot in hell she says is reserved for women that don't support other women?

  45. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Also on the Dylan Radigan piece one of the talking heads noted that the two republicans will split the ticket and Palin will be responsible for putting the Democrat in office.

  46. This statement is NOT true.

    "When Republicans were in the wilderness in the late 1970s, Ronald Reagan knew that the doctrine of "blurring the lines" between parties was not an appropriate way to win elections."

    Reagan, typical lying rethug, more or less stole the election. President Carter also inherited a mess, though not nearly as bad as Obama did. And when the Iranians took the hostages, Reagan took credit. Reagan did NOT get those hostages rescued. Carter did. Doesn't anyone find it odd that the hostages were released within a few days of inauguration?
    And don't forget about Iran-Contra.
    Reagan was a crook. A big, fat, lying, MoFo, crook. And, Reagan started all the deregulation that almost bankrupted our country and put millions out of work, losing homes, and living well below the poverty level.
    Scarah's type of guy.

  47. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Chauncy Gardiner was innocent.

    Good point, but both fictional characters are perceived into being something they are not.

  48. This is from anon@9:00
    "If we could get the word out to publicly and, if possible financially to back Bill Owens it would send a clear message to Palin that she has no place in politics. It would also deter other candidates from allowing themselves to be aligned with her. I signed up to volunteer for Owens but there's not much time left and the WORST thing that could happen is Hoffman to get elected based on Palin's endorsement."
    I agree with anon@9:00. I just heard on HLN that Hoffman is hauling in the cash. We need to get the work out to back Owens.

  49. SoCalWolfGal12:59 PM

    Anon@10:26am I would love it if you were right about the GOP and the carrot and Palin soon to be trapped, but unfortunately I just do not think anyone in the Party of NO is that smart. As far as I am aware no one in the GOP has called McCain's sorry ass on the carpet, though there have been quite a bit of negative comments from the right about $P. Unfortunately Gryphen is correct, as long as she is having an impact she is a real danger that we cannot ignore. I hope now that the article on HuffPo broke yesterday on the Trig issue, we'll continue to see more and more of MSM asking relevant questions and digging for the truth and exposing not only the Trig issue but everything else we in the blogosphere have been writing about for the past year. I'm still not giving up on Oprah. But until she is irrevocably stripped of all her support it is still game on.

  50. Aussie Blue Sky1:06 PM

    The Facebook ghostwriter carefully noted that SarahPAC is donating the maximum legally allowable ("now that we know what it is").

  51. Anonymous1:07 PM

    11:50 AM

    I am thinking someones are setting her up to fall hard. She is deluded and no doubt certifiably insane, making her the perfect foil.

    She is a part of the gang that wants sedition. Others may want it but not think it will work. Others can use her to split the GOP. Her church and C-street types have convinced her handlers it is time to carry out their mission. Palin's political suicide mission.

  52. Anonymous1:08 PM

    What 11:27 points out is scary. I've been confident that 2012 would not happen for her b/c of the primaries, interviews, scrutiny. She might be able to escape all that with this 3rd party scheme. She'd never win, of course, but we'd be subjected to another round of what we had to stomach last Fall. Vomit. Gryphen, I'm losing faith in what you said just a couple of weeks ago - how soon is she going to be brought down by your source?

  53. Let's see just who Sarah is endorsing ok?
    Doug Hoffman didn't want to be in the Conservative Party. He's not crazy. He wanted to be the Republican nominee. He applied, but the party chose someone else; a woman named Dede Scozzafava. Doug Hoffman was shocked by this decision, since he had that gas station experience going for him, and all Scozzafava had was six terms in the Assembly and four years as Mayor of Gouverneur. So he did what any modest, principled, grass-roots-centered, we-the-people-type citizen legislator would do: He got in touch with a fringe party and told them he was wiling to spend $250,000 of his own money to run.

    Because that's what it means to have a servant's heart.

    And a midlife crisis.
    According to the Watertown Daily Times:

    Aside from his own personal wealth, Mr. Hoffman has paid for his congressional campaign almost entirely with money from outside New York...

    The Club for Growth PAC, based in Washington, has contributed more than $95,000 to Mr. Hoffman's campaign through bundled funds, out of $307,888 he has raised, according to the FEC report. The Citizens United Political Action Fund, a conservative group, gave $10,000.

    He also accepted $1,000 from the God is Not Government PAC, based in Washington, which describes itself as a "real religious right Political Action Committee" that can "run radio and TV ads favoring conservative Christian candidates" and requires its recipients to affirm in writing that they "are pro-life, pro-family and stand firmly against the unbiblical welfare state that is destroying the spiritual and economic greatness of our nation."

    Oh I'd say that this man is just exactly like Sarah Palin. He will do anything, say anything, be anything to get elected. That is right up her alley.

  54. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Yes, $arah Palin has an impact. But mostly only on the small, right-wing, lunatic fringe, "birther" minority in this country. The majority can't stand her. So far, the only damage she is doing is to the republican party, and herself. If she starts a third-party, and causes the republican party to split, then it's a win-win for the democrats. The powerful, mainstream republicans with the money, won't like that. They might end up having to take her down, themselves.

  55. Doesnt the ice queen owe APOC some stuff on Monday?

  56. Anonymous1:26 PM

    anon @11.59

    Not everyone in Alaska is keeping quiet. Believe me there are many, many people there who are as sick of the Crimplene Queen as we are. And they are busy, busy, busy. ;-)

  57. Anonymous1:39 PM


    You are teasing us. When will someone tell, tell, tell?

  58. Sarah has taken the new GOP instructional video too seriously:


  59. Oh, good grief, once again Sarah Palin will do anything to distract us from talking about her kleptomania. Don't you think it's kinda strange that no one talks about this anymore?

  60. ICstraightsSEAK2:19 PM

    You said "there is something in the works that should virtually strip all her support away..." And NONE of us plan on turning our backs on the crazy bitch until she is finished, esp. here in Alaska.

    Can you give us a hint though? Is it the state, or you guys the bloggers that are going to bust this pinata open? Really, I am so sick of her but we have been beating this thing to death and it just won't crack! Is it legal issues with the state of Alaska or WHAT?! The effing babygate sitch?

    WE ALL need to know this will end well and end soon! PLEASE?

  61. Anonymous2:29 PM

    She can't distract me from talking about her kleptomania because I've never even heard about it.

  62. Anonymous2:34 PM

    It's always been that Sarah will take Sarah down, because that's what idiots do. Next the Republicans will take her down because they all look like her now and we can't tell the difference.

    Except for a few that have already spoken up the rest of the Republicans will always wear her face, she is them forever because they didn't speak up soon enough. Mitt and Huckabeen look like Sarah Palin.

  63. Anonymous3:08 PM

    anon @1.39

    I am not teasing anyone at all. I am merely responding to the fact that anon @ 11.59 appears to think that Alaskan people do not care about this issue.

    It is simply not true and I know this because I have seen Patrick's correspondence between himself and many Alaskans who are sick and tired of Palin's deceit. I also know that they are prepared to put substantial efforts into helping us to unmask Palin. For instance, where do you suppose that we obtained the photos of Palin's new "chateau" from? I can tell you that a lot of effort went into organising that and all the praise goes to those brave Alaskans who did so.

    That's what I want you all to know. To know that those people do care what the rest of the world thinks about Alaska. And that they are doing absolutely everything possible to make sure that truth, finally, prevails.

  64. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Actually, if the Dem. wins, doesn't that mean that Palin was possibly instrumental in taking enough votes away from the Rep. candidate? In the eyes of her fans, anyway? Will this woman ever go away?

  65. Anonymous3:57 PM

    This dude is invoking the wrath of Nancy. What is he thinking?

    "In June, Gaffney wrote a column insisting that President Obama might really be a Muslim. In March, Gaffney argued that "evidence" exists connecting Saddam Hussein to 9/11, the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, and the Oklahoma City bombing. Last September, Gaffney argued that Sarah Palin has learned foreign policy through "osmosis," by living in Alaska."

    I can't believe Nancy Reagan is still a Republican. She loathes John McCain and sucked up to lend support anyway. Palin makes sure that when you hear Reagan you will automatically think of Sarah Palin, who is just like Reagan or better. All the people who can remember Reagan will die off and it will be Palin who is like Reagan that is left. Nancy is fierce and protective and she can't say or do a thing.

    Don't forget Palin dumped on the Reagan Library event and they all sucked up to save the face of the GOP. I am so disgusted with these sadomasicist Republicans.

  66. I had mixed feelings about this but the more I thought about it the more I think this is pathetically predictable for the quitter. I stopped trying to understand her motives as it only made my brain shout out Warning...does not compute. But today it dawned on me that she will always have to be looking for the next scam. Because she is a mere shell. Her sense of entitlement blinds her to the incredible opportunities she was given. She never appreciated them but instead let greed guide her. Her problem is manipulation will only go so far. Her incompetentcy is always going to catch up with her so she has to run off to the next gimmick. For the first (and last!) time, I truly pity her. She will end up a very lonely bitter loser.

  67. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I have nothing but respect and admiration for all the Alaskans and others that had to endure Palin. Most of all those that are doing their best to end her farce. We are all frustrated and feeling jerked around. So I understand that side of it, also too.

    I don't know the time frame but I am thinking it will be around the November 17th date when more will happen. If Gryphen, Kathleen or anyone can speculate on time it would be something. Before or after Thanksgiving? Christmas? New Years?

  68. gregory5:11 PM

    The REAL Conservatives know that Palin is a fraud, NO Ronald Reagan - she is a JOKE to them, no wonder she has to go third Party. Good luck with that, Scarah and fans:

    Apparently Nancy Reagan views Palin as a sly, cheesy upstart too. Does anyone doubt it was Nancy who nixed Caribou Barbie at the Reagan Library?
    (from a poster at Politico in July 2009)

    Ron Reagan, 50, told WND he cannot speak for his father, who died in 2004, but doubts the 40th president would approve of Palin if he were alive and well today.

    "Sarah Palin," he said, "has nothing in common with my father, a two-term governor of the largest state in the union, a man who had been in public life for decades, someone who had written, thought and spoke for decades about foreign policy issues, domestic policy issues, and on and on and on." (from World Net Daily, Sept. 2008)

    There were just three things the classy, former First Lady Nancy Reagan would NOT discuss when she was last interviewed by "Vanity Fair" rights, abortion and Sarah Palin.

  69. Anonymous5:20 PM

    kiki.. you put in words my thoughts exactly

    Ive always just seen her as a "Shell"

    Like her costume is the bumpit, lipstick, heavy rouge, shoes that make people "talk", weird clothing choices

    Then you have her family, roles she has designated
    Special Needs Baby
    1. Makes her look like she has a kind heart
    2. Makes her look definitely Pro-Life
    3. Makes her look "Fertile and Young"
    4. Makes her look like a mom who has to change diapers whilst Governing a State

    1. Makes her look like the busy working mom who still has time to bake cookies, set up a lemonade stand.. all with her little Elementary age daughter. Even brings her around like her little "buddy"
    2. Makes her look like a Home School type mama (big with church folks) as she preferred for her to get an "education" on the campaign trail .. Ah phewy to traditional "liberal" public schools

    Pro-Life, Screwed up but is redeemed by marrying Levi, prince charming
    That didn't work out
    Now Pro Abstinence

    That girl grins too much , can't figure her out

    Stud, loves his young, fertile wife that can do everything.. keep house, have babies, cook moose, bake cookies, Govern a State.. and keep her man warm!

    That's the image/Shell she put out there

    That baby.. the way she treats him before and after he was birthed, Piper looks depressed, Bristol always has a far off look in her eye, Todd never shows her ANY affection
    sorry so long

  70. Our nation is at a crossroads, all right. We either start "proGRESSing education!" (as syntax-challenged Sarah would put it) or we end up with more delusional, undereducated dimwits like SP.

    Our red state is full of people who barely graduated from high school, and boy, do they looooove silly Sarah. Her party should be called the "Party of No Clue." I say let her play her game--Tina Fey gets material, we can all have popcorn and watch the narcissistic train wreckage, and then stay tuned for the inevitable weeping and wailing of the evangelical nutjobs. (Just like last fall!)

  71. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Just thought y'all'd want to participate in this poll...Going rogue? or Going rouge...on NPR

  72. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I will say this with the Internet and enough friends in both low and high places anything can be accomplished.IMO after what the palins and heaths did to her ex -brother- in -law showed how vindictive that family is and how far they will go to get even.I think that people who live close by and don't have the clout of blogs etc are afraid to speak up.Andrea has name recognition so anything the palins or heaths would try would be publicized,just like it was when they went after Shannyn and Gryphen

  73. Bill Owens is running a campaign with ideas and examples of what he will do for us(this is my district).
    I resent the fact that Hoffman is running on money from out of state. And that palin, who has never met him is giving her endorsement.
    Palin has no moral high ground to endorse other candidates.
    She has quit 2 government job, one that she was elected to. She does not regard people who put their trust in her, as anything else as a gravy train.
    She is milking people with her 2 funds, one that is paying for her own legal bills while she builds her mansion in Alaska.
    She has done nothingfor Alaskans since she left office except fundraise for herself.
    Her book tour is Oprah. No true candidate goes on Oprah first to discuss their book.
    (although she does give books away and that must be paramount in palins mind right now, to get rid of the books!

  74. b w d9:17 AM

    The facebook ghostwriters and all mechanism behind SP must believe it is time to strike and amp up their power.
    SP herself seems to be going for the dollars and a top position after the coup d'état.
    Seymour Hersh on the military and Obama

    Oatkeepers formed in March of 2009

    Propaganda and so-called news is a vital part of strategy. Fox entertainment and opinion.

    McCain hates the internet


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It just goes directly to their thighs.