Friday, November 20, 2009

Did you see Countdown today? Well then take a moment to enjoy.

First up, Palin quits on her fans during her book tour.

Anybody else noticing a theme?

You know I wish Lawrence O'Donnell would quit calling Palin an "Alaskan Blogger". It just cheapens the brand.

This next segment is truly hysterical! "Sarah Palin jokes of the week'!

That Conan O'Brien bit where they re-edit the Oprah interview is my favorite.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Gryphen,thanks for posting these.

    Go over to FOX and check out her lengthy interview with Bill O'Reilly. It is in several parts. He is very clever in how he manages her and I feel she was WAY more self revealing than she intended. I watched on the FOX site and the downloan was slow, that may just be my aging laptop.


  2. SoCalWolfGal7:44 PM

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen, I did miss Countdown today. And I totally don't get why Lawrence O'Donnell calls Palin an Alaskan blogger. What is that all about? The re-edit of Oprah is simply priceless!! That and the Palinastas calling out to the Quitter Queen in Indiana tonight was the end to a very good week as far as I am concerned. I agree with the opinion I've seen on several bloggs today; she will use little Trig as an excuse to cut the book tour short. Can we say the Quitter Queen is showing her true colors? Why, yes we can.

  3. And so the hilarity that is Palin continues...

    You betcha!

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I did watch and loved it. Actually, I love that he calls her "an Alaskan blogger", because she would hate it. Lol! It is a noble title, but we all know she is not a "true" blogger who seeks truth and answers. She just puts her crap out on Facebook. He is totally making fun of her.

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I think he calls her an Alaskan blogger because she often dismisses you silly little bloggers at home in your Mom's basements in your jammies. I think he's trying to tell her that she is the one in the basement!

    Love it! No surprise things are turning out the way they are. She's a hypomanic and can't help herself. Any idea is a good one.

  6. Anonymous8:44 PM

    WE know what a true blogger is- fact-checking, truth seekers- but I think, the smackdown for Palin was he DIDN'T refer to her with the title "Governor" or "Former Governor" -- That was so cool! He basically was saying she is unemployed- lol. Quit being a Governor to become a blogger. (a very poor one)

  7. Anonymous9:20 PM

    He calls her a blogger because she POSTS ON FACEBOOK as her central media "platform."

  8. Gryphen,

    The Insider is discussing babygate. I suggest that everyone check it out and leave messages. Also click on "thumbs up" for the vote.

  9. Keith Olbermann calls her the "unemployed blogger". I love it.

  10. MARK my words9:51 PM

    Could Palin be on drugs or maybe be bullemic? This seems like the kind of thing someone amped up on drugs or experiencing bullemia would do. No explanation means she is covering something besides her being delusional. She was told? I wouldn't doubt that in a few weeks or months, something will come out on this type of thing.

  11. Anonymous10:43 PM

    If Bristol was pregnant with Trig, how did they keep Willow and Piper from knowing about it. So, does Todd, and all the family -including her parents- know about the deception? It would be hard for no one to give the secret away. If Bristol is the mother of Trig, who is the father? And did her and Levi, create Tripp, within a month of Trig's birth? How could Levi be "dating" Bristol while she was pregnant? Unless, could he be the father of Trig also?

  12. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Hilarious! Thanks for posting!

  13. Wow after watching, as mentioned above at 9:33p.m., I have bookmarked it. It is the perfect thing to show to those MANY people who claiam they have never even heard about the baby thing. Good job Reesie.

  14. Anonymous5:15 AM

    SoCalWolfGal: "I agree with the opinion I've seen on several bloggs today; she will use little Trig as an excuse to cut the book tour short. Can we say the Quitter Queen is showing her true colors? Why, yes we can."

    Right, but us logical thinking people know that is no excuse - if she had WANTED to finish what she started, she never would have allowed him on the tour in the first place.

    So still her fault. Good God, he's a baby, she's his mother, and he is currently in her care. EVERYTHING that happens to him is De Facto HER fault.

  15. Anonymous5:20 AM

    AK Sandhills:
    OT, but I just saw on the Animal blog that "Going Rogue" is British slang for unprotected anal sex. I just knew there had to be some kind of teabaggerish meaning to that title!

  16. Anonymous5:54 AM

    This doesn't fit with this picture, but coudln't figure out where else to share this. Stumbled on this through HuffPo and wasn't even thinking of SP. Got to go all the way to the bottom. LOL

  17. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I'm noticing a "theme", Gryphen: even writers for papers abroad who have a vested interest in trying to uncover the true zeitgeist of the time for the purposes of the interest of their own country are reporting a completely different picture than you and members of the press with an increasingly skewed take on the situation.

    This is from the Times U.K.


    You'll see it but I don't think your readers will. Either way it doesn't matter. There's something called reality and it's the same for you as it is with all of us: in a contest of a human being against reality, bet on reality every time.

    They had been waiting for more than 24 hours, camped out on the pavements in a frigid Michigan chill. Stepping off her bus, in four-inch heels, black skirt and red blazer, came their heroine — clutching baby Trig. A roar went up, acclaiming the woman who they passionately believe is going to save America.

    “Alaska and Michigan have so much in common — the huntin’, the fishin’ and the hockey mums!” she declared to chants of “Sarah! Sarah!” and “USA! USA!” She went on to pay homage to “just the hardworking patriotic Americans who are here”.

    It was like 2008 had never ended. The first event of Sarah Palin’s 14-state, three-week, book-signing tour had all the trappings of a political campaign: veteran White House handlers, an advance team, a security detail, VIP invitations to local conservative activists . . . except this time, the former Alaska Governor is nobody’s running-mate.

    Should anybody have doubts about what a potent political force Mrs Palin is — and what a formidable candidate she would pose if she chose to run in the next Republican presidential primary — attending this inaugural book signing in Grand Rapids, Michigan, would dispel them.

    Sarah Palin will run 'if people will have me'
    Palin's memoir: a thick book from thin material
    Palin says McCain kept her 'bottled up'

  18. Did anybody else pick up on the terminology that she used, "left behind"?

    Do ya think that was a shout out to the evangelicals?

  19. That Insider thing was published 9/3/09, submitted by a commenter/reader, and the video was unearthed by Audrey at PD MANY months ago.


  20. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Holy Cow - all you Alaskan bloggers out there, so the book signing thing isn't going so well, I mean we must all be psychic or something...quitty pants isn't getting as much attention as the people waiting in lines today! Oh, so typical Palin - belly laugh...youcan'tmakethisshittup,Alaska

    Alaskan Sisu

  21. Anonymous8:39 AM

    @6:03 -let her run! It will be the shortest campaign in history!

  22. Anonymous10:46 AM

    O/T - funny YouTube clip titled "New Moon trailer with Sarah Palin" in which a New Moon hottie transforms into a wolf to save Bella, only to be shot down by SP from a helicopter.

  23. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "Left Behind." Queen Sarah is letting you know, if you don't have an signed (full price) book, YOU WILL NOT BE RAPTURED, YOU WILL BE LEFT BEHIND.

    The "solution" Palin is working on is whether those with just a "stickered" book will have to suffer through the Tribulation for only 7 years, rather than the full 14 years.

  24. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I was reading the comments to an article about Palin not signing all the autographs, in the IndyStar newspaper in Noblesville, Indiana. There are many, many comments and quite a few are interesting - I guess everyone in those small towns don't hold her on a pedestal.

    Gryphen, I don't know how to paste the article and site, but if anyone is interested they can go to and search the article "boos erupt as hundreds of Palin fans left in cold." However, the article was on their "home page" today.

  25. Anonymous12:03 AM

    An Article in the Roanoke Newspaper about Palin's booksigning on Sunday, during the time of church services going on: "The time is very strange," said Mickey Mixon, a conservative activist, "I would have preferred, as someone who's a Christian and conservative, not to have to miss church."

    Then there is also an interesting editorial columnist at the same paper, about the Barnes and Noble Rules for Palin's booksigning. You can see it at:

  26. AWESOME! She's so full of crap...what a media whore!


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