Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Going Rogue Chapter one.

The first observation I have to make about this book is the unbelievable number of lies, and revisions of history contained within it.

This book belongs right in the middle of the "Fiction" section of your local bookstore. The "Bad Fiction" section of you local bookstore.

This book is 413 pages long (19 pages having been removed to placate a certain young ex-hockey player. I was able to contact "Team Levi" yesterday to ask about this, and while they could not definitively say they were the reason for the missing pages, they have little doubt.). As I have read through the first chapter, and a few pages into the second, I have come to the conclusion that if Sarah were to remove the lies from this book it would knock it down to just over two hundred pages.

This first chapter is the least interesting since it deals with Sarah's early, pre-political, life which I simply could not care less about. But it does offer a few tidbits worth mentioning. Such as Sarah's first impression of sixteen year old Todd Palin.

When I saw him, my world turned upside down. I actually whispered, "Thank you God." (Sarah mentions God in this book more than Jesus does in the New Testament.)

Todd Palin roared into my life in a 1972 Ford Mustang. Handsome and independent, he was part Yupik Eskimo and had moved to Wasilla from Dillingham, a fishing town on the chilly, rugged shores of Bristol Bay.(P34)

At first Sarah was a little hesitant about plowing Todd Palin like the back forty, until...

But then he told me he was a Christian and had been baptized at a sports camp a few years earlier, that was the clincher for me. (P 37)

Later in the book there is mention of Sarah and Todd's first attempt at a kiss, which I am guessing is a watered down version of events for Palin's Christian readers, but I lived in the Valley in the Seventies and there is no fooling me. A common term back then was "Ridden hard, and hung up wet", and I learned it from a young lady in Wasilla. I am just saying.

And later Sarah's ghostwriter engages in some very subliminal foreshadowing. Well subliminal if you are in a coma that is.

Todd absolutely loved children. He had a cousin with Down syndrome whom he cherished,(I put it in bold just in case you missed it because it is sooo subtle.) and even with all of my babysitting jobs I had no experience with children with special needs. (And clearly she still doesn't. Sorry, couldn't resist.) I always wondered how I would handle someday meeting this special relative. (P 37)

Okay now for those of you who may have missed the message. Todd LOVES children. He knows all about Down syndrome kids, because of that cousin and everything. Sarah is UNCOMFORTABLE with special needs children, which is why TODD'S experience is so WONDERFUL.

Hey you know what would be really weird? If Sarah and Todd actually HAD a Down Syndrome, special needs child of their own some day. Wouldn't that be the just be wildest coincidence?

Okay enough of that ridiculous revisionism about Sarah's "sin free" teenage life in Wasilla. (Sorry, I just threw up a little in my mouth.) Onto politics.

I registered to vote in 1982, at age eighteen, and proudly checked the Republican box on the registration form. I had read both major party platforms (I'm sorry what?), and the GOP just made more sense for someone like me, a believer in individual rights and responsibilities rather than heavy-handed government(Oh my God she is laying it on thick!); in free-market principles that included reward for hard work(Urp! Is she almost done?); and a belief that America is the best country in the world. (You know I might need to get a bucket and put it next to my desk, if this keeps up.) (P 45)

Seriously people? Do any of you (yes I am talking to you too Palin-bots) believe for an INSTANT that little Sarah Heath STUDIED both the Republican platform, and the Democratic platform, before scrawling an "X" on the registration form? If you do I have a question for you. Who turned your computer on for you? Because you are much too stupid to be working such a complex machine on your own.

Okay enough politics. I was wrong, that is even worse than her lies about her teenage past!

What is next? Oh yeah the story about how she sabotaged her son's life by naming him "Track". This is a cute story.

Todd and I had been counting the days to meet our son, always referring to him as Track, so we were used to the sound of the name. It took us aback to realize that the name sounded odd for others. After so many people did the double take, we sighed and gave in, joking that his real name was "Track? Oooh...Track!"(Sarah! IS that a SEXUAL reference? You better be careful or you will lose your easily offended Christian audience!)

Later, Track would come home from kindergarten and declare that he wanted a change, "I want to be named something normal, Mom!"

See the left wing bloggers aren't the only ones who noticed that Sarah gave her kids stupid names. Even Track realized, at five years old, that she had tried to make him a laughingstock.

By the way here is Sarah's memory of her first pregnancy.

While he (Todd) slimmed down, I porked up, pregnant with our first child.

Just in case you have doubts about this, based on her "fifth pregnancy", here is a photo. (Actually that might be Bristol in there, but you get the idea.)

Oh boy it is time for the abort....I am sorry, the "miscarriage" story.

The story starts with Sarah visiting the doctor's office for a routine sonogram.

The doctor moved the transducer back and forth and...

The doctor said coldly, "There is nothing alive in there."

Her bluntness shocked me. I felt sick and hollow, and burst into tears.

"You have a couple of choices about getting rid of it," She said.

"It." That's what she called our baby, whom we had been calling Tad for three months.

She went on to explain that I could go home and let "it" pass naturally. Or I could have a D&C. (P 56)

Todd flew home to be with me when I had the D&C. When the doctor's bill arrived in our mailbox, it came with a typo. In the box describing the procedure, someone had typed, "Abortion."

Instead of starting over with a fresh form, they painted it over with a thin layer of Wite-Out, and re-typed, "Miscarriage." For some reason it just felt like salt in the wound. (P 56)

Okay there is a lot going on here, and before I begin I need to provide this disclaimer.

I am a guy. I have never had a miscarriage, and never had to go through the emotions of such a horrible ordeal. Also, I was not there and cannot speak to the validity of Palin's account. And if this were just about ANY OTHER person I would simply take it at face value.

But it is Sarah. And we know that she constantly plays fast and lose with the facts. Constantly!

My first observation is that I don't believe this doctor is Cathy Baldwin Johnson. I don't know who this doctor was, but for whatever reason Sarah seems mightily displeased with her.

Next, what person working in a doctor's office would type "Abortion", white it out, and then type in "Miscarriage"? Doesn't that sound a little bit convenient?

And then of course we have to ask, WHY Palin felt she needed to include it in this book? Though I guess the answer to that question might simply be two words, Lyda Green.

Now let me add just two more details, and I am not making any assumptions I am just adding them because of their proximity to this incident.

On the preceding page (page 55) quite literally the back of the page with the abortion story, is this tidbit here:

Just before Track was born, Todd and I moved to a small apartment in Wasilla, next door to our good friend Curtis Menard, Jr., who by now was a dentist like his dad. (Curtis Menard Jr. was a boy that Sarah was desperately in love with in high school. If Todd had not come along, most of her friends agree she would have ended up with Curtis.)

Todd and I shared one car, and we loved our little life together, though with the Slope and fishing schedule we didn't see each other very much. (P 55)

Okay so here are just the facts. Sarah moves next door to her high school crush right before giving birth to her first child. Todd is away the majority of the time while she is raising her young son. She turns up pregnant, with a child that is due to be born about one year after the birth of Track. She goes to the doctor and has a procedure that is written in as an "Abortion". Then it is whited out, and the word "Miscarriage" is typed in on top of it.

Also remember that I find this information in a book chock full of lies, and revisionist history. Now I ask you dear reader, what do you think?


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I think I just threw up in my mouth, A LOT.

    All SP and I have in common is that we both have FOUR kids.

    I saw the "book" while out today and to make myself feel better bought Dreams of My Father...

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Todd being on the slope for many weeks during the year, left Sarah free to do as she wanted.

    On those cold winter nights alone, what does a person do to stay warm?

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    An abortion is a medical procedure - usually referred in my experience as a D&C. It may be for personal reasons or upon medical advice, particularly when it is clear that a miscarriage will occur, and believed that a D&C is safer for the mother than a natural spontaneous abortion.
    A miscarriage is a diagnosis.
    Ignoring the issue of whiting out (because it's already been ably addressed), I can't imagine a doctor's office whiting out "abortion" (a medical procedure) and sustituting "miscarriage" (a diagnosis). Particularly when this probably wasn't a case where someone entered something on the wrong line by accident, but rather went in to specifically change this line.
    Not making sense from my experience.

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    'Miscarriage' is not a medical procedure. Nor is it proper medical terminology. Nor would the terms 'abortion' or 'miscarriage' appear on a doctor's bill as Palin describes. Nor do doctors speak to patients in this manner.

    (I have a medical license. I work in free clinics. I know what I'm talking about.)

    Who knows what her point is in making this stuff up.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Me thinks Sarah was the one with the white out and type writer. If only we could get a hold of those records, darn!


  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Just wondering what Sarah did with the leftover white-out ?

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Palingates has had lots of talk about the "missing pages" over the last few days and the consensus from the comments is that Amazon counts all pages in the book-- blank, title, etc.-- not just the numbered ones. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that pages about Levi were excised (and I think that might be why there's no index, though that could certainly be attributed to Sarah's unorganized style and her unwillingness to let anyone have a "gotcha" moment with an index) but I think it's safe to say that you can't say that pages were excised just on the basis of the discrepancy in the page count.

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Will any of her high school boy friends add any details to her pure teenage years?

    I have had two miscarriages, two D&Cs, does any doctor actually say there are two ways to "get rid of IT?"

    I remember kindness and concern from my doctors.

    and no wite out

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Todd did not move from Dillingham to Wasilla. He moved from Glennallen to Wasilla. Another lie

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Leftover white-out could have been used on ... birth certificates ... !!!

  11. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If Palin supported health care reform, she wouldn't have received a bill for whatever she was having done.

    All she had to do was read the party platforms!

  12. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You may be on to something there. Because there's just TOO MUCH INFORMATION about a time in $P's life that is easily envisioned: pregnant bride, gives birth to first child, husband away a lot. And then $P goes into this whole song and dance about how she and Todd had PLANNED to have their first two children "a year apart," which sounds altogether too neat and pat, given that Track evidently was not planned.

    Also, you demonstrated a "woman's eye" (that's good!) in assessing her barrage of info about the circumstances of the D&C. Several years before the incident that $P describes, or fantasizes, I lost my first pregnancy at roughly the same stage; the hospital diagnosis read "incomplete spontaneous abortion/D&C." No Wite-Out, either!

    Note how in the $P version, the anonymous doctor is female, robotic, and "cold," referring to the fetus as "it." All the obstetrical professionals I saw referred to my "pregnancy," "embryo," "fetus," or "he," depending on how far along along I was and what, if anything, we knew about the gender.

    Though $P and Tahhhd allegedly fantasized about a boy, the only way they could have KNOWN he was would have been through chorionic villus sampling (CVS), which is the only sex-confirmining test performed so early. Given that $P was in her mid-twenties, it is hard to imagine a circumstance under which she'd opt for CVS.

    So again, why all the babbling? If the aftermath of the D&C indeed made $P "more empathetic" to other people's pain, as she claims, "Going Rogue" bears no evidence of this. Having wasted several valuable hours of my life reading this tome, even after more than a year's full immersion in Paliana, I was dumbstruck at how snippy and retaliatory she is towards... well, just everyone who doesn't show her uncritical, glazed-eye admiration. AKM made me laugh out loud at Mudflats when she noted dryly $P's remark that she didn't know how to pronounce the name of... John Stein.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  13. Sarah's new name is WhiteOut Palin. This discussion was on Palingates and many readers agreed that a doctors office would never use white out, mistakes, if any are corssed out, dated, initialed, and the correction is written next to it...doesn't happen. A miscarriage is often termed as spontaneous abortion, but only the name of the PROCEDURE THE DOCTOR PERFORMED is put on the bill, which the procedure that Sarah had was a D&C, which is the same procedure used to terminate a fetus, end of story.

    Doctors don't bill you for something that happened to you i.e. the miscarriage, they bill you for the remedy or service they provide, i.e., the abortion. See, simple as that Sarah.

    A misscarraige, is an unfortunate, yet common event that happens to many women. The real issue is why Sarah never disclosed this in her eleventh hour Dr. CBJ medical letter on the eve of the 08 election. Something stinks.

  14. Mrs. Biscuitbarrel: good point, I am not even sure she could get a CVS in Alaska that many years ago. I had one after 3 failed IVFs and 2 miscarriages and I was afraid of the risk after so much trouble to get pregnant in the first place, but I know it is not common outside of major metro areas and I live in NYC thankfully and I used the DR that pioneered this testing, to be safe!

    It would be CRAZY to have a CVS test 18 years ago in a small town, if it were even possible.

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    She says the doctor says "You have a couple choices about GETTING RID OF IT"??

    No doctor would have talked like that. Not even an abortion doctor. I don't believe it. Unless Sarah herself had said to the doctor "How do I get rid of it?" She does seem to project onto others what she herself thinks. I've noticed.

    So, your question, Gryphen, was, what are we to think? I suppose we are to think that maybe it got a little lonely in that apartment all alone with her abominably-named baby, and Curtis Jr was invited over to "keep her company". Sure, why not?

    OT, but Menard's here is a building supply/home depot type store. It's funny that it's Spenard's up there. Maybe if I dig around, I can find a dentist here named Spenard.

  16. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I don't know who the father was, but I think she had an abortion and is afraid it's going to come out and ruin her as far as the base she's pandering to. This is her attempt to get a cover story out there before the news breaks.

  17. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Oh it's better, Mrs. Bisquitbarrel, she could also tell just by looking at his (Jewish?) name that he was NOT a Christian. Kinda like the teabaggers know Obama is not Christian based on HIS name.

    Guess what? Mr. Stein and Mr. Obama are the real Christians, and Mrs. Palin is the fake one!

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Nice work Gryphen!

  19. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I remember on a KTUU thread in the past 6 months, there was a comment reposted here at IM which doubted the Dude as the dad of Track. Did anyone else see that comment on the KTUU thread?

  20. Anonymous10:19 AM

    A D&C is an abortion it is not a miscarriage.

    However, notice that the "bill" was changed. Odds are Sarah's medical records still say "abortion." The physicians notes would of course indicate why the procedure was necessary.

  21. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Books are printed on large sheets of paper (can't think of the name, but like greeting cards that are folded over twice) multiple pages per sheet.

    Sheets are folded bound and cut, or cut and bound, and the excess pages are usually left in since they were part of the original large sheets.

  22. Anonymous10:33 AM

    and so what does Lyda Green mean ? I am missing it entirely .. help please

  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Didn't her dentist wife start her on her road to Miss Wasilla, pluse the older Dentist father of her dentist neighbor tend to her stunningly whiter than white teeth?

  24. Anonymous10:35 AM

    If you talk to the people that were there, you would get an entirely different story. Sarah could only be described as "fast" as the old timers say. the guy that was getting most of her action was Joe Schmidt. The way the story goes she got caught in the old evangelical problem of poor birth control and Todd won the lottery.

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Too busy at work lately to reply much, but this is huge, i mean HUGE! You all have such valid points, and truthfully, no dr.s office is going to say the procedure was an abortion unless it was. If it was a D&C, it would say D&C. Sort of the same, but different. And no doctor would say there are a few ways to "get rid of it". The terminology would be "terminate the fetus or expel the fetus."

    Also too, there's just a little too much background information here ... for what purpose except to try to keep ahead of what's about to blow?


  26. Anonymous10:35 AM

    With all of the second guessing going on, here is another two cents worth. Sarah has just had Track, and by her own admission, Todd was away much of the time. The only reason to consider an abortion would be if the possible date of conception corresponded to a time when Todd was out of town. Given the fact that he could at least count on nine fingers and figure out that something was funny, it was a quickly made decision to "just get rid of it." She also set about to conceive Bristol as quickly as possible with Todd.

    Has anyone done the math and come up with a date for the second miscarrage? Does it correspond to a time when, once again, Todd was out of town and the rumored romance described in National Enquirer might have taken place????

    (Note: I would normally not write about such personal matters, but Sarah is the one who brought it up by putting it in her book).

  27. emrysa10:37 AM

    knowing how sarah reacts to things now, it seems to me that what she's really really doing here is talking about the doctor who performed the abortion - and remember, these doctors are evil, evil, evil, for doing such a thing. hence the portrayal of the doctor as a cold monster.

    I also bet that it was first trimester - but she has to say 2nd trimester to match up with when todd would have been home.

    from what I've heard and read of the excerpted pages, it's very easy to see how she finished the book so quickly - it's a bunch of fucking imagined garbage that's been floating around in her head and occupying all of her waking hours.

  28. These two "miscarriages" also give the lie to Dr. Cathy's little letter, since she says Sarah only had five pregnancies--four carried to term and one preterm. Are we to believe that a 44-year-old woman who'd endured not one but two previous miscarriages wouldn't mention that little fact to her doctor?

    And if our good doctor got that part wrong, despite the letter's single-minded focus on Sarah's reproductive history, we can only ask, what else did she get wrong?

  29. Wow. If she's had an abortion...and then trying to cover it up rather than performing the usual winger mea culpa conversion

    I thought it'd be some kind of affair revelation that would sink her,

    I'm reserving judgement,

  30. You ask what I think?10:38 AM

    I think Curtis Menard, Jr. was the one responsible for the abortion, I mean "miscarriage." Isn't he the one that tarts up the hockey rink with all his ugly advertising? He could be Track's bio parent for all we know. I haven't seen any pictures of him, but he can't be worse than Todd. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I don't share Sarah's opinion on Todd's looks. She protests too much and I wonder if she is not trying to convince herself that there is a reason to keep the marriage game going. He's just too yummy for Sarah to let go. gag... If you are feeling yukky....

    This will help revive you.

  31. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    I don't know who the father was, but I think she had an abortion..."

    If she went to a hack Md who did abortions on the sly that may be where the "get rid of it" term comes from. Then again Sarah may have made the whole pregnancy up.

  32. Anonymous10:44 AM

    My favorite musing is how did she know what was typed under the white out?

    By the way, I'm sorry that I didn't get the Lyda Green reference. I know who Lyda is but what would that have to do with the incident in question.

    Also thank you for being more sensitive to a miscarriage/abortion issue than our dear Sarah. Any incomplete pregnancy even those willingly terminated by choice is never to be taken lightly. An unplanned or medically complicated prengancy is a very complex issue that has no easy answers and is a very personal heart wrenching decision. Her latest "miscarriage" story infuritated me---there is real devastation when this happpens to a woman especially if the child is wanted as we are lead to believe and now we are to believe that after 4 live births and 2 miscarriages that she was still willing to risk the wild ride with a known special needs child.

    Please won't some reporter just put the various wild ride stories side by side with this new stuff. It's such an insult even right-to-lifers should have issue.

  33. Anonymous10:52 AM

    No doctor is going to make the statement "there is nothing alive in there".. omg.. Give me a break

  34. Gryph,

    You've got to see this. Jimmy Fallon's piece from last nights show. It's hysterical.

    Going Rouge shoots Rachel Maddow, FBI pursues.

  35. WalterNeff10:54 AM

    I am in publishing. Books and magazines are printed in forms or signatures. They can be 4, 8, 16, or 32 pages. You can't have a 413 page book—it's an odd number not divisible by any of those four "sigs". It was probably printed in 16-pages sigs, which would make a 432 page book, independent of how the leaves are actually numbered.

  36. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Anon 10:44am: Andrew Sullivan is doing just what you ask right now. His blog is silent while they work on the Trig lies and other lies.

  37. Deb in WI11:05 AM

    She might be legally in trouble if people decide to sue her.

    And the McCain staff, Katie Couric, et al, should sue Palin and Harper Collins for defamation for the obvious lies and mischaracterization against them for her own financial benefit.

    Which explains a rumor of a second printing -- maybe possibly to make changes or to place a retraction page for the obvious misrepresentations to avoid a lawsuit.

    A retraction page has been printed before in political publications. I wouldn't be surprised.

  38. SoCalWolfGal11:11 AM

    What do I think you ask? I think this is bigger than anything our fair Sarah has had to cover up in her sordid life. That is exactly what I think. It's like she was babbling the other day on Oprah about Levi and his most beautiful son. She is babbling in the book thinking she is being very clever and covering her ass in case the truth finally does come out. There is absolutely no way a doctor's office would use white out. My god in heaven, this woman thinks that anything that comes out of her mouth should be taken as coming down from the Mount with Moses. It's the gospel truth and not to be challenged. Period. I have said it before, but never with such conviction. Nothing this woman ever does or says surprises me anymore. Nothing.

  39. Anonymous11:12 AM

    "Are we to believe that a 44-year-old woman who'd endured not one but two previous miscarriages wouldn't mention that little fact to her doctor?"

    And this makes the "wild ride" story even more implausible-- why would she be so risky with her miracle child from God?

    Lyda Green, I believe, is the one who first mentioned that $arah had a miscarriage before she had Piper.

  40. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:13 AM

    I do think Track looks more like Joe than Todd. Apparently when Bristol is born she goes into detail how Bristol has black hair and shows Todd's native roots or whatever. One thing you have to notice with LIARS...TMI!!!!
    Is Joe even Married? He sure looked possessively at her during the governors quitter picnics. And at the last one in Fairbanks, I don't recall seeing him but that's when she left the dude in the dust...!

  41. At one point I had heard that Track was born less then 9 months after Palin was married.
    I personally don't care, but is this true and was it addressed in this book?

  42. Dan Fagan GETS IT -

  43. Anonymous11:23 AM

    You are doing yourself a disservice trying to make an issue of these "missing" pages. Books are printed in multiples of 16 pages - hences th e total of 336. Count the number of pages in the book, not including those numbered 1-319 and I am sure you will found that if you include dedications, indexes, all the prelim stuff before page "1" starts and possibly some blanks at end you will get to 336. Book pages are counted as number of pages in a book, not just the ones with text on them.

    By harping on about "missing pages" and stating as fact that they were removed to placate Levi, you look ridiculous and lose credibility, which is a shame as you have so much other valid information to diss the book about.

  44. Curt Menard Jr. died in a plane crash.

    Here is a link to the Frontiersman article that was published after Curt Sr's death. It has a great deal of info on the family for those that don't live here.

  45. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The medical term for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion." I had one at 12 weeks in the late 80's, and this term appeared on the statement that was submitted to Blue Cross (I had to call the doctor's office for an explanation). I then had a D & C to remove the placenta, etc. I was told that's standard medical procedure for a fetus that has died in the womb.

  46. About that familial history of Todd Palin, with Down Syndrome affecting his cousin...hmmm. Then, Trig. I wonder what the odds are, of two such cases in two close branches of the same family in such a short span of time.

    Either there's a strong family history of damaged genes or there's a family history of consanguinity. Or both.

    Sarah Palin, it apparently has never occurred to you that there is such a thing as "TOO MUCH INFORMATION".

    Trouble is, your fans think it's merely a sign of how "honest" you are, but to people with even a shred of critical thinking (I'm watching some folks in Michigan waiting to meet"parroting" describes what they're saying), your written babbling is filling in a lot of missing links in your Palin Saga.

  47. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sad to say, having a medical degree is no guarantee of sensitive social skills.

    My first miscarriage happened when my OB was out of town. The doc covering for him diagnosed that I was miscarrying and pushed to do a D & C immediately, saying exactly this: "The sooner we get rid of it, the sooner you can try again."

    I walked out of his office and found a new doctor. Lucky thing, because I miscarried twice more and he was warm and supportive, which is more the norm, IMHO.

    Not saying Palin didn't make her story up, but I wouldn't assume that no doctor would use the term "get rid of it" in such a situation. It does happen, unfortunately.

  48. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks in the late '80's. The medical term for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion." This was the term that appeared on the statement submitted to Blue Cross (I called the doctor's office to ask what it meant). I then had a D & C to remove the placenta, etc. I was told it's standard medical procedure when the fetus has died in the womb.

  49. Anonymous11:31 AM

    She is the lowest kind of slim. John Stein lost his election to $carah by her & the mommy gaggle running around Wasilla telling people at Cars groecery etc. that he was NOT Christian b/c of his last name and that the late Karen Marie was NOT married to him. We were there in Wasilla for that mayoral campaign.
    They are my in-laws. I am married one of John's sons. Karen was married to John and raised their 4 boys since they were babies.
    They both did SO MUCH for their community (Mayor & school teacher). She ruined their standing in community (with people that did not know John & Karen) then ruined Wasilla.
    She is the worst kind of slim and obviously NOT A CHRISTIAN. Her stepping on people on the way to the top has been 100% through trash talking & lying. It makes me so sick that she plays the victim now. You reap what you sow SCARAH! You are truly pathetic.

  50. Anonymous11:32 AM

    i think it's great! the more she opens her mouth, gives an interview, or shows her face, she makes a fool of herself.
    i can't get enough.
    news gets to me slowly so thanks for the blog!!

    bill in belize

  51. Anonymous11:37 AM

    You're right Anon 10:44 about the Wild Ride stories.

    There are so many contradictions now and the pure insanity of taking completely unnecessary risks with the life of child and mother.

    How can anyone who says they would do anything for their unborn child be so absolutely reckless as Palin was?

    Any true Right-to-Lifer should be truly appalled at what Palin did to her unborn child.

    The Wild Ride story on its very own is enough to ruin Palin.

    But then again, it never happened - which is another story that must be told.

  52. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I had two miscarriages, one in 1982 and one in 1983. One was at five weeks and one at six weeks. They were classified as miscarriages (I didn't need a D & C) from blighted ovums, which means there wasn't anything in there. There is NO WAY that Palin got to her second trimester with a blighted ovum which is when the embryo doesn't develop after a few weeks. She would have lost the baby way before 12-14 weeks. I am very suspicious that the second trimester date was given to Todd to cover the date of conception. It's been over 25 years and I still remember exactly which week of pregnancy I would Palin.

  53. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If she's claiming to have had a D & C for a 2nd trimester "miscarriage," I would need to double check the medical books.

    We lost a baby in the 2nd trimester, and had a D&E (evacuation), because by the 2nd trimester, the baby is too big to be "expelled" w/ a D&C.

    So, which is it? 2nd trimester? or D & C?

    I think I'll do some digging into medical procedures.

  54. Anonymous11:46 AM

    what the heck is Andrew Sullivan going for??? I'm dying here.

  55. Anonymous11:48 AM

    11.18 anonymous. Sorry, I need to edit that to 432 pages and 419, not 332/319.

  56. Anonymous11:48 AM

    So does anyone have high school photos of Curt and Joe? Photos we could maybe compare with pictures of Track?

  57. Anonymous11:56 AM

    So, what's with the 2nd "miscarriage". When was that? Are there details? And when did she supposedly have the affair with Todd's partner?

  58. Snowing in Alaska12:02 PM

    What a freakin' liar you are, Sarah! I'm just wonderin' how you knew that "abortion" was typed under white out? Did you scrape it off? New flash, liquid white out does not scrape off.

    Pants on fire, deary! Surprised you have any skin left on your legs, deary!

    Too much information - who cares, and you are only trying to cover up another huge farce. You disgust me like no other.

  59. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Sarah did a couple of phone interviews yeaterday. One with Rich Lowry and one with the guy whose book came out last week "The Persecution of Sarah Palin" Matthew Continetti or something. She is trying to talk "policy" it's beyond sickening. Then Matthew did an interview with Eddie Burke in AK and Chuck Heath called in! Chuck says that after
    SP was chosen by McCain that Obama"s people came to Wasilla and "Hit every liquor store and bar in town wanting to know what and how much Sarah drinks!" It's priceless! If you can hold your nose and go to C4P, they have the quotes and links.

  60. Anonymous12:05 PM

    If Palin had an abortion vs a miscarriage I sincerely doubt she would talk about it in her book.

    My guess this is just drama queen Palin making things sound oh so much more 'dramatic' than they really were. I doubt the bill was whited out with anything. It probably said spontaneous abortion or some such medical term to describe her condition for her insurance company and she is trying to draw the inference that the 'evil' doctors were trying imply she had an abortion.

    Of all the things I dislike about Sarah Palin (and that is most of them) I don't think this 'miscarriage' is as sinister as some would make it out to be.

    The only thing I find very sinister is that she thinks everyone is stupid enough to believe that she gave a speech, didn't see a doctor and took a 12 hour plane ride while leaking amniotic fluid. That is fraking unbelievable and I think it is about time someone nails her on it.

    I'm eagerly awaiting Andrew Sullivan's return to bloggging.

  61. Watching the mid-day (PST) programming on MSNBC -- they've been in Grand Rapids interviewing (sheeple) folks waiting in line for the booksigning.

    Big surprise -- the reporter just noted that neither cellphones nor cameras will be allowed -- what are Palin's people going to do, frisk everybody? Set up another metal detector?

    And oh darn! ...only two books per fan for signing.

  62. Dr Curt Menard was 64 when he died of cancer six months ago, according to the article. If Sarah Palin is 45 and his son was a "good friend" of hers, the son must have been born when the father was about 18. Not sure why I'm bringing this up except to say that babies sure can get started awfully early in an evangelical/Christian family.....

  63. Anonymous12:23 PM

    In the 80s, I carried a dead fetus and was unable to miscarry the baby and the doctor had to do a D & C (abortion) to remove the fetus. I've always called my procedure an abortion. Sarah can call hers a miscarriage or an oil change, but lets face it, it was an abortion.

  64. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Re Track's birth -- Todd & Sarah got married on August 29, 1988 and Track was born less than 8 months later, on April 20, 1989. Since her doctor's letter said her first four deliveries had been full-term, I think it's safe to assume that she was 1+ months pregnant when she got married. She claims that she eloped to save the cost of a big wedding, which may also be true -- but obviously she was pregnant at the time.

  65. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Gryphen you and other's accrding to you are holding info on bringing this lady down. Are you going to wait for it to break like you have all the other stories or are you going to back up what you preach and out this lady. I still think you are stringing us along. Shannon Moore and yourself are always coming to the front once the story breaks. When are you going to put out what you know or is it the same old johnny come lately

  66. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Well, she had 5 pregnancies, one pre-term. yes...she is saying that her miscarried baby died in the second term. Is that "pre-term" in her mind?

    Just wondering.

    I feel for all of the women here who've been through this, as well as Sarah if she went through it. I've been down that road, and it's exceptionally painful.

    That said, I can't understand any reason she'd include this in the book unless she's trying to get ahead of a story that might break.

    In PD, a woman who worked at a clinic (I think) quoted statistics about women who get abortions-- and she mentioned married women doing it because the dates didn't match up for when they'd had sex with their husbands.

    There's no way I beleive Palin was faithful to Todd while he was gone, earlier in their marriage especially. She was pregnant when they got married, still wild, and her ego needs constant reinforcing. She was also very pretty, and men always make themselves avaiable to pretty girls, allowing the girl to bury her issues in a revolving door of attention if she wants.

    It's a very common thing, and I'm not judging her, just saying that it would be ODD if she hadn't had an affair when you take all of those factors into consideration. She's a narcissist. She needs feeding.

    It's also probably scary to get married because you got pregnant, instead of out of choice. Maybe she wasn't sure she'd picked the right guy.

    I have never found Todd remotely attractive, but hey, he's not my husband. He seems very shallow and slimely, and not trust-worthy.

    But water seeks its own level.

    I believe Sarah had an abortion to cover up an affair. I also do not believe Trig is her biological child.

    I've never in my life been a part of any conspiracy theory. This is one where logic tells you there is a hole in the story. Only glossing over the information she gave us can allow anyone to believe it.

    It's simply not true.

  67. About the number of pages in the book:

    I understand the comments of those in the publishing business but the discrepancy between the number of pages posted on Amazon and Barnes & Noble (432) and the actual number of pages in the book as distributed remains.

    AKM from Mudflats, who is generally a conscientious reporter, has the physical book and reported on November 17th, 2009 at 4:33 PM:

    "If the blank pages in the back are counted it would be 418, not counting the end paper. Amazon could have been an estimate, or …who knows? AKM"

  68. Anonymous12:47 PM

    ella-thanks for that great link. Dan Fagan encapsulates everything i think about this woman - i can't imagine having said it better. I have already emailed the link to a number of people.


  69. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "By harping on about "missing pages" and stating as fact that they were removed to placate Levi, you look ridiculous and lose credibility.."

    I don't think you can call one mention of the pages "harping." And if you'd read the comments above yours, you'd have seen that the issue has been addressed several times. Talk about losing credibility...

  70. @anon 11:30,
    Sarah states that she received a BILL from the doctor, and that "abortion" was the PROCEDURE that was covered with wite-out and then "miscarriage" typed over it.

    It apparently can't be said enough times, that on a bill, you are billed for the *procedure*, which could be described either as an abortion or a D & C. You are NOT billed for the *diagnosis* ie. miscarriage OR spontaneous abortion. The diagnosis does not appear as a line item listing *procedures* ie "services provided" on a bill. It just doesn't.

    And Palin specifically stated that "miscarriage" was put in the box describing the *procedure*. I am looking at the page where she says this right now, just to check yet again. This would be like putting "heart attack" on the bill to describe the procedure when the procedure somebody had was a "coronary artery bypass graft". To combine this information with the bogus "wite-out" detail has to be an invention apparently made up made by Sarah. It's just too hard to believe that even in Wasilla they screwed up the bill that royally and then compounded the error by using wite-out, which is just not used on errors in medical offices.

    Perhaps in the late 80s they would have put typed out the diagnosis on some other part of form as part of the information provided to the insurance company. But the usual practice is to use numerical diagnostic coding. Either way, the bill would not have read "miscarriage" for the procedure.

    And why would she tell us all this anyway? Even if the doctor HAD said something about "getting rid of it", why in a cold tone? It just does not ring true.

    Also, the CBJ letter said that Palin had no known risk factors at the time of her last pregnancy (ahem, Trig) other than her age, and that supposedly routine followup that there was no condition of the baby that precluded delivery at her home hospital.

    The letter mentions nothing about the two "miscarriages" and completely begs the question of whether there was "nothing to preclude delivery at her home hospital" if she went into labor and started leaking amniotic fluid thousands of miles away in Texas and then flew for hours and thousands of miles to get back to "her home hospital". That is another situation entirely.

    Palin also actually DID have other risk factors besides age. The "miscarriage" in the 2nd trimester, as well as the other miscarriage should have been risk factors to at least consider in blithely flying thousands of miles in late pregnancy.

  71. ginny1:11 PM

    Anon@11:27 and 11:30:

    When the fetus dies in the womb, it is not a "spontaneous abortion" unless the fetus/placenta ("POC, or "products of conception") are expelled from the uterus. I have read that when the POC is not expelled from the body, it is sometimes called a "missed miscarriage" or "missed abortion" but not "spontaneous abortion."
    In any case, a missed miscarriage, a missed abortion, or a spontaneous abortion are NOT "procedures" and would not be listed under the heading "procedure" on a medical bill.On the other hand, an elective abortion IS a procedure, and would be listed that way.

  72. ginny1:16 PM

    Anon@11:29, I agree that while unlikely and uncommon, it's not at all unheard of for doctors, both men and women, to be impersonal and not have a great bedside manner.
    At age 18, I got my first gynecological exam. The Ob/Gyn was a woman. She knew it was my first time. After (what I now know was) the exam, she simply walked out of the room without a word to me. I assumed she was coming back. She did not say, "Okay that's it." Or "You can get dressed now, we're done." Or anything. After about 10 minutes, I started to wonder, are we done? Should I get dressed? I was so used to doctors leaving you waiting for up to 30 minutes, and so I didn't know what to do. Finally a nurse poked her head in and said "You're done! What are you waiting for?" Nice! I was humiliated! I'm sure people in the waiting room could hear (it was a very small clinic/office).
    But, I know how much $P lies and therefore, I take her account with a block of salt.

  73. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I knew Curtis Jr. He was an outstanding man - husband, father, son, brother and community leader. Please do not disparage his memory and his reputation by mentioning him in the same breath as Sarah.

    I will share an interesting little tidbit, though. I didn't know Sarah very well when she won her first term as mayor. Curtis and I were talking shortly after the election and he brought her up. He had such a visceral reaction when talking about her and how she wasn't what she pretended to be. He was vitriol about it. So much so that I remarked to another friend I was with and who heard the conversation that I'd never seen Curtis so visibly upset.

    That was way back when. I have often thought of how appalled he would be to know what happened. He saw straight through her ridiculous shtick and it disgusted him.

  74. Anonymous1:36 PM

    anon @10:44, i was wondering the same would she have known what's underneath the whiteout...unless she did the whiting out herself or watched them do it..

  75. Midnight Cajun, I too thought CBJ's letter said Sarah had five pregnancies, but I looked at it again and it says five "deliveries." I do not think CBJ should have discussed miscarriages in her letter. I don't think she should have discussed TriG's health in such detail either. But she should have told us what drugs Palin takes.

  76. mlaiuppa1:50 PM

    Let's talk a little about semantics since that seems to be both a GOP and a Palin weakness.

    A D&C is an abortion.

    A miscarriage is something that happens naturally when the body rejects a pregnancy.

    Palin had an abortion because her baby was dead. She was lucky in that this was determined early enough in her pregnancy for her to have a D&C. But for those mothers who do not find out something equivalent (your baby will be born dead, your baby will die soon after birth, etc) later in their pregnancy, those mothers she wishes to deny the option of abortion.

    Cruel and hypocritical doesn't even begin to describe Sarah Palin.

  77. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Menard and his wife, Republican State Senate candidate Linda Menard--the former director of the Miss Wasilla pageant--have known Palin since she was in third grade. She was a classmate and close friend of their late son, who, before he died in a 2001 plane crash, was the godfather of Palin's son Track. Their families attend the same church--Wasilla Bible Church, which Palin joined in 2002.

  78. Pathological liars lie even when there is no reason to. (Remember Scott Peterson?) They also just can't seem to say enough about something that's bothering them. Thus, Palin's extended flourishes about her abortion/miscarriage. TMI.

    In the same vein, publicity addict Nicole Kidman now tells anyone who'll listen that since she had a baby, her breasts are now larger. They are so obviously implants. These narcisstic types just don't know when to STFU, do they?

  79. To reiterate what everyone else is saying about the Wite-Out issue -- correctly...

    I worked in the health information services field in both a large (250+ bed) hospital and various doctors' clinics over 24 years from 1969 to 1990 and then from 2003 to 2005 (pre-HIPAA and post-HIPAA).

    I have never seen any health care professional use Wite-Out for written medical records. It might have been possible that chalk correction strips or Wite-Out would have been used in the steno pool (later called the transcription pool) if a typing error occurred -- in the days when IBM Selectrics were used, long, LONG before computer terminals and keyboards were available to medical records offices.

    But by the time Palin was talking about, in the early '90s, even in Alaska one would think the practically error-proof use of computers and printers would be used to produce medical records as well as billing statements.

    However, I can believe that Sarah Palin became aware of the various uses for Wite-Out in her mayoral administration as well as her later gubernatorial administration...

  80. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Anon 1:25, thanks for sharing your rememberance.

  81. A D&C is not an abortion. It is a medical procedure that can be used for a variety of purposes, one of which is an early-term abortion.

    D&C stands for "dilatation and curettage." The procedure involves gradually dilating the cervix to allow for insertion of an instrument used to scrape the inner walls, thereby removing the tissue that normally builds up during a woman's monthly cycle.

    D&C's can also be used to stem excessive bleeding caused by benign or malignant tumors, or certain chronic female conditions.

    Just sayin.

  82. I am flummoxed. This was way too much information! The only thing I can think of is that she told Todd that she had a miscarriage and that the baby was in the 2nd trimester, because that matched when they were together, and then on the doctor's bill she whited it out or perhaps convinced them to do it. But it still seems to me like the less said the better. Whynot just talk about a miscarriage without mentioning that the bill said abortion? Didn't her ghost writer give her any advice at all?

  83. Anonymous3:21 PM

    What do I think? How much time do you have?

    ...Todd was "baptized" at a "sports camp?" Say what? What kind of "sports camp" baptizes its happy little campers?

    At sports camp, boys may get swirlies in the boys' bathroom, or playfully tossed into the pool at swim time, but baptized?

    Seems there is a good possibility that a boy might get baptized at a mainstream church camp--or they might be scared into accepting baptism at Jesus camp--but getting "baptized" at sports camp? Jeezu Pete, Sarah! Somebody. Anybody. Quick! This woman needs meds!

  84. SME1315:24 PM

    She is so full of shit. I suspect she is afraid someone may eventually see her medical records. Recall she never did submit them during the campaign. N A doctor would NEVER write abortion on a bill, nor would the hospital. The diagnosis never appears on a billing statement only the procedure or a code for the procedure.
    Dilation and Curettage (D&C) can and is performed for a multitude of reasons, one being a miscarriage where the body doesn’t spontaneously abort the dead fetus. Other reasons include, irregular bleeding, too much bleeding, fibroids, polyps, endometrial cancer, therapeutic D&C, pelvic infection etc.

    Palin is lying her ass off.

  85. WOW!!

    I consider the "minor little detail" about Curtis Menard Jr to be HUGH!!

    I have no idea why the first thought that pops into my mind and refuses to be pushed out of my mind is "Curtis and the Grifter were playing a little one on one while the Toad was hopping around the slope" got a wee bit pregnant and decided to have a minor little miscarriage!

    Don't cha know little miss sarah must have been fuming when the bill comes in as ABORTION.

    Hey sarah, that dog gone KARMA sure is a whata ya call it!

    No way I'm believing the white out BS!

    After this took place, I wonder how long Curtis and the Grift remained neighbors?

  86. Now I'm wondering about the way the poor guy met his Maker, in that plane crash, after reading the entries from "Valley KW" about corruption in the AK law enforcement as well as what we already know about.

    Sorry, it seems like Death follows Sarah Palin around like some sort of creepy shadow.

  87. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I agree with SME above, who uses white out on medical records, "a thin line of wite out" - what a memory for details Sarah has all these years later, but when "the perky one with the microphone" asks her what she reads, she can't name one.

    Wow "drill baby drill", oil fields, a dentist... who knew?

  88. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Kajo - we own a plane in the valley & pay close attention to the reporting of plane accidents a little closer than many people. From what I recall, Curt Menard Jr. basically ran out of fuel as he failed to switch to the other wing tank in enough time. For those unfamiliar with small planes, there are typically 2 wing tanks that the pilot switches between to keep the weight even & ensure that you don't run out of fuel. It is a tragic circumstance & something that does happen to pilots on occasion.
    As for this fascinating post of Gryphen's, I too believe that the unnecessary info regarding the miscarriages was placed in the book for a reason. It is both a cover story in case other information comes out later & is embellished to appeal to the anti-choice people by painting the doctor as as a cold hearted abortion provider.

  89. "My guess this is just drama queen Palin making things sound oh so much more 'dramatic' than they really were."

    I agree--in addition to embellishing even the most mundane details of their life to make them seems more exciting, people with narcissistic tendencies are often histrionic as well. It's part of their desperation to be the center of attention: "Everyone has to focus on ME. It's all about ME! Look at what happened to ME. Me, me ME!!!"

    Sarah's perpetual victim mentality is also a part of this.

  90. Anonymous11:29 AM

    ugh, shes screwed herself even more.

    i truly do feel bad for Palin.

    i've always had a soft spot for people who aren't at all bright.

  91. Waaay late, here. Sorry 'bout that. I had three miscarriages and was never able to carry a child to term. Yes, it's a very emotional time. However....a doctor's office would never, never refer to that as a miscarriage. Not. Ever. A miscarriage is a spontaneous occurrence. What she had, whether the baby at that point was viable or not, was an abortion. By the way, how far along was she supposedly when all this occurred? She's huge! I lost my first when I was two and a half months along and nothing was even showing yet.


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