Monday, November 02, 2009

Joe Biden makes reference to simplicity of Palin's energy plan which inspires her ghostwriter to write him a note on Facebook.

Vice President Joe Biden showed up in New York state to provide a little support to the Democratic candidate for the Congressional seat that has received so much attention as of late.

He made a short speech in which he made this offhand remark:

“I like her. I really do – not a joke,” Mr. Biden later added. “The fact of the matter is Sarah Palin thinks the answer to energy was ‘drill baby drill.’ No. It’s a lot more complicated, Sarah, than ‘drill baby drill.’ ”

Essentially Biden pointed out what ALL Alaskans know to be a fact, that Sarah Palin knows NOTHING about energy development.

Apparently this angered Palin's Facebook ghostwriter who fired up her laptop and tapped out this response.

As the vice president knows, I have always advocated an all-of-the-above approach to American energy independence. Among other things, my alternative energy goal for Alaska sits at 50 percent because Alaska reached more than 20 percent during my term in office.

(What she fails to mention however is that less than seven months after introducing this plan she quit her job and left it up to others to move the ball forward. And while she was in office what did she really do to accomplish her goal?)

The Obama-Biden administration, on the other hand, recently announced a renewable goal of only 25 percent. However, domestic drilling should remain a top priority in order to meet America’s consumption and security needs.

The vice president’s extreme opposition to domestic energy development goes all the way back to 1973 when he opposed the Alaska pipeline bill. As Ann Coulter pointed out, “Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 percent of this nation’s oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and reduced money transfers to the nation’s enemies by about the same amount.”This nonsensical opposition to American domestic energy development continues to this day.

(By the way let me take a moment to say "Thank you" to Joe Biden for voting against the oil pipeline. There were a lot of promises made to the Alaskan people by the oil companies before we allowed them to come up here and rape our land and not very damn many of them were kept. They NEVER provided the jobs promised to the native people whose land they took, and instead hired hundreds of people from the lower forty-eight who treated my state like a giant cash machine. They worked up here for two weeks on and two weeks off, and on the off weeks they were flown back to their homes to spend their oil money in places that were NOT Alaska. In the meantime they spilled 10.8 million gallons of oil in Prince William Sound and kept the settlement fight tied up in court for years while the boat captains, who depended on the now dead fish, lost their businesses and were forced to sell their fishing boats. In the thirty plus years since the construction of the pipeline we have seen the tough, weather hardened Alaskans become soft and portly on a steady diet of oil money and no state tax. We also found our politicians prostrating themselves for years in front of the oil giants and putting their needs ahead of the Alaskan citizens at every turn. So no, I do not believe that Joe Biden deserves to be vilified for his wariness of casting a yes vote in 1973.)

Apparently the Obama-Biden administration only approves of offshore drilling in Brazil, where it will provide security and jobs for Brazilians. This election is about American security and American jobs.

There’s one way to tell Vice President Biden that we’re tired of folks in Washington distorting our message and hampering our nation’s progress: Hoffman, Baby, Hoffman!

- Sarah Palin

No Joe Biden did NOT "distort" Sarah Palin's energy policy. Her claim that she "knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America" is a big steaming pile of moose shit. She does not know a damn thing about energy.

Palin pinned ALL of her political energy bona fides on her plan to build the mythical gas pipeline that inspired more GOP erections in Alaska than a whole truckload of Viagara. However as many more knowledgeable Alaskans realized, there was a reason that it had remained a myth. And as we all know Palin jumped ship before it crashed into the rocks of a huge natural gas surplus in the lower forty eight and new technology which makes it possible to remove natural gas from shale, leaving her successor, Sean Parnell, bailing like a maniac as her ship of natural gas dreams slowly sinks into obscurity.

Her claims of energy expertise were as empty as her promises to show up and give speeches around the country have turned out to be. Who in their right mind would even listen to somebody so inept that they cannot even post their OWN notes on Facebook?


  1. At least Palin got to see Biden in action so now perhaps she knows what the Vice President actually does!

    Fact check had called her out on her 20% of US oil coming from our AK pipeline "fact" during the election last year....more like 4.8%. She keeps spouting lies about AK Gas and Oil production and I'm glad Fact Check still has this data available. She's telling the same old lie regardless of facts and data. Sorry for not imbedding link.

  2. And, who in their right mind would support someone who refuses to answer questions, who refuses to even allow the press into her events?
    No one, that's who - because they are NOT in their right minds, they are in a cult that worships religious zealotry and stupidity.

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Just hoping something breaks soon & SP will be laughed out of politics for good. She is truly one of the most infuriatingly evil people on the planet. She's like a snake, comes out visa the ghost writer makes her attack & then goes back in hiding waiting for the next opportunity to spread her vile venom. Good for Joe Biden for telling it like it is & good for you too. She leaves a path of destruction whereever she goes & Alaska has certainly suffered from her narcissistic pragmatism.

  4. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sarah is so full of shit that she better hope no one strikes a match near her; the methane explosion will kill her.

    You have it exactly right, Gryphen. Good post.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    what's up w/themudflats? The site doesn't come up when I try to go there.

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I'm missin' mudflats too.

  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Sarah's writer keys rubbish on a website & the true believers listen - most of them would not even have heard VP Biden speak, but they will have read what a ghost writer wrote.

    It seems after realising she cannot open her mouth and make sense in a face to face environment, we now have a situation where the next leader of the whatever party will be a facebook page - and that is probably the scariest part of the current politics of the USA. Science fiction come to haunt us.

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM


    What I noticed in her facebook rant is that the she-devil refers to Biden by his proper title, Vice-President Biden. She has not referenced, to my knowledge, President Obama by his proper title.

    Hmmmmm....wonder why?

  9. The Mudflats is having server difficulties, according to a message left after AKM's post. A little while ago I was able to get through on a second try. Just checked now again and can't get through.

  10. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Hear a rumor that Sarah offered to help Abdullah Abdullah with the election and that is why he withdrew!

  11. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Excellent post, Gryphen. One of your best. Now what are you going to do about this sorry state of affairs?

    Call me one of your "testy" readers. Fine. But I'm weary of media people who have the goods on a politician BUT: can't reveal sources, can't publish without more evidence or a more "suitable" (profitable?) outlet, can't scoop another reporter, have to wait until the "proper time," etc., etc. It's the same old strategy, the same old excuses.

    In the meantime, Sarah Palin is regaining the atteniton she craves. Soon it will be all Palin all the time. Her supporters will be ecstatic, she'll be giddy with power. (She/her ghostwriter even managed to revive the vice-presidential debates today!) Once again she'll be totally unaccountable--no interviews, no media coverage, Facebook edicts only, paid appearances only. And once again the majority of citizens will watch from the sidelines, wringing their hands, bewildered that such an imbecile could ever be taken seriously. The media love this scenario (the story has legs, by golly!). They eat it up. Do you?

    This is our country, and we--that includes you and your contacts--really need to care enough about it to stop Palin before the political discourse degenerates to the absolute depths. And it's going there, fast.

  12. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Thank you Joe Biden, also too!

    Let his "truthful words" ring throughout the United States. Alaskans have been trying to get the word out - we need all the help we can get. Our Governor and his administration should have stopped her madness a long time ago.

    Alaskan Sisu

  13. Stop this crazy batshit woman...she's out of control.

  14. Anonymous8:04 PM

    AKPetMom....Your comment is classic! LOL!

    Gryphen....Great post. A steaming pile of moose shit just about sums it up. I'm feeling a twitter explosion soon. Mark my words!

  15. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Another wonderful Post Gryphen...keep up the good work.

    Much thanks to Vice-President Biden for his usual gotcha truths. Maybe Palin's Facebook Ghostwriter will learn..when to keep her typing finger off the keyboard.

  16. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Oh anon @6:50. Sarah and her followers of gomers and barneys are too much fun to play with. They are the only people who take her seriously. VP Biden probably got a big kick out of issuing that smackdown to her birdbrain. I'll never forget his face during their debate. Priceless. It was all he could do not to bust of laughing. "Can I call you Joe?". lol What a hick she is.

  17. Lisabeth8:52 PM

    I am so sick of this facebook crap! I have zero respect for such a coward who would hide on the Internet! God this woman is one sick nutcase. Her ant Wadhington crap is so gross to. I know it appeals to her teabagger nuts, but most Americans want their government to be successful. Her ghostwriter sounds like someone in the AIP with the unAmerican antiPatriotic talk.
    And how can any American in their right mind think she is writing these posts. She can't discuss them. If she was such an expert then she could "intelligently and verbally discuss/ debate these issues.
    Instead she gets on the phone and rants her hillbilly poor grammar English to some one who can write and put it on Facebook.
    She is a complete FRAUD and the MSM ahold call her our on this not give her more air time!
    I am going to have to tune out all of this soon because it is unhealthy for me. This is a toxic woman on so many levels!

  18. Anonymous2:18 AM

    My guess is that Gryphen was one of the key players in getting someone to spill the beans, and in exchange he promised not to steal his/her thunder before that happens. My guess is the timing should be in a couple of weeks - right around when SP's book comes out/Sherry's sentencing. Close?? JJ

  19. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Well, Palin sure isn't against making money HERSELF from offshore drilling in Brazil. Her portfolio for the past couple of years holds a hefty amount of TRowePrice's Latin American Funds. . .which has a big stake in Petrobras.

    You guessed it, the same company she criticized the Obama administration for giving a US guaranteed loan to. Which was going to go directly for US jobs, services and materials connected with the project. Which was going to maintain a US presence in the project to balance out all the money Russia and China was throwing into it.

    Etc etc etc.

    Not that she has any grasp of the facts regarding this issue.

    Not only does she not know/care about the companies she herself invests in, she has no clue about global or national energy interests and issues.

    You could say that Brazilian oil paid for all those Imelda Marcos shoes she's got in her closet.

  20. ManxMamma4:20 AM

    Powerful post Gryphen.

  21. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Another great post, Gryphen!

  22. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Joe Biden likes everyone...he is a unique humanist. But honestly, he was correct in his energy comment.

    Personally speaking, Palin continues to be dumber than a box of hammers.


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