Thursday, December 24, 2009

Female Teabagger so angry over health care bill that she refuses to celebrate Christmas. WTF?

Let me get this straight. This poor delusional woman is so upset with the Senate health care bill, that she is punishing President Obama and the Democrats by taking down her Christmas decorations?

Well that should certainly show them!

Just when I think I have seen the dumbest people on the planet, somebody comes along to show me how wrong I am. You know this woman is making the baby Jesus cry don't you?


  1. This is absolutely ridiculous. How can you perform "genocide" on seniors. As far as I know half of the seniors are not fertile. This woman needs to have someone watching her for possible suicide. I will watch my neighborhood for trees in the gutter tomorrow.

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    *Twilight Zone music*

    The therapy for these brainwashed thumpers is going to be expensive. She's playing the Sarah Palin victim card well.. My son and I are going to be divided. OMG!

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Too bad ignorance isn't painful.

  4. Ohhhh JEEBUS!

    That poor woman is just looney tunes!

  5. Did I hear her correctly? She objects to HOSPICE being funded?


  6. Stupid is as stupid does and this woman is a perfect example of that.

  7. Probably, and hopefully, she is more upset about the schism between her and her son than the Health Care bill. Delusional in that she doesn't want to acknowledge what her real feelings are. It is very sad.

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    nice post at Sullivans. Levi is the real rogue.

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    My speaker isn't working so I couldn't hear what she said. I guess it must have been a real doozy by reading some of the comments here. We need better "mental" care in this country judging by the crazies that are out there. Thank God McCain lost the election. I never knew we had so many crazy nuts in this country. The Republicans and McCain have opened the gateway to hell with their lies and distortions. And their leader is none other than bitter, twitter quitter.

  10. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The Tea Party Patriots' next big deal is a Boycott America strike set for Jan.20, 2010. They are boycotting Big Business because their message of Socialsm is aimed to the Left. (We know that who they are because they advertise on CNN and MSNBC.)

    Let's get this straight. Big Business wants to give up Capitalism, in favor of being taken over by either their workers and/or the government. (No, I am not making this up; I saw the post at Talking Points Memo. I don't think that one can join the Tea Baggers if their IQ hits triple digits or if they read above the 4th grade).

  11. Anonymous6:50 PM

    these people must not have jobs, and just sit around all day making sh*t up.

  12. phoebes-in-santa fe7:12 PM

    Trish@6.11p - yup, she's objecting to hospice, it's very existence, evidently. She is saying that most countries in Europe are getting rid of hospice because it kills people. She also thinks that either health care or hospice or both are coming between her and her son, who's younger than she is.

    She's completely crackers. Hospice is one of best inventions of the 20th century, as far as I'm concerned.

  13. Anonymous7:13 PM

    hAHAHAHAHAH, Gryphen, I just showed my daughter your title for this article and she started laughing when I explained who the teabaggers are. She told me to Google the term. I looked at the Urban Dictionary. Yep, sums it up pretty well. Am I the only one who didn't know the other meaning?

  14. WTF???? The poor deluded soul made no sense at all.

    I went to a dinner party this evening. (I am Canadian) and I gave a copy of Palin's book to a friend because he is as disgusted with her as we are.

    What surprised me...and what made me feel bad though was the conversation the book brought up. America is being laughed at. People think your politicians are a joke...your political system is fucked...and they have no idea what is happening to the American people themselves. I did my best to direct them to this anda few other blogs...especially the Alaskan ones, so that they can see that sanity does reall prevail in the US.

    I will have nightmare about that ghastly woman on the radio though. It was funny if it wasnt so frightening.

  15. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Well, that was quite funny, Gryphen. She took down that pagan wreath and pagan Christmas tree. No more Christmas because this is not a nation under God. Uhhhhh

    Merry Christmas Everybody!

  16. BlueFranco7:20 PM,-Sniveling,-Coward-Of-The-Year

    funny diary and pic of Scarab on Daily Kos

  17. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I just found out my family is in the "stupid" category tonight. They are no brighter than this poor woman who thinks she is making a statement by taking her Christmas decorations down. They think Mark Levin is marvelous; they think Hillary Clinton should help Michael Savage get back on the air in the U.K. (gee I wonder why she won't?); they think the media are "liberal."

    Stupid seems to be contagious, so hearing this story about this poor stupid woman doesn't surprise me. In fact, after listening to my family blabber tonight, nothing surprises me at all.

  18. phoebes, that's what I thought she was saying! I just found it to be so incredibly stupid, I listened twice, to be sure!

    I agree with you, 1000%--Hospice is one of the best things to come out of the 20th century.

  19. Anonymous7:53 PM

    @anon 7:13, Their original name was Teabaggers. Jon Steward, Stephen Colbert, Keith Olbermann, even Rachel Maddow had a field day make rude and crude jokes about them, sending me to the Urban Dictionary. (In order to catch some of the wicked references, I really do have to look up everyday ordinary words that have a subtext and different meaning).

    When the Teabaggers found out about the Urban Dictionary meaning, they renamed themselves Tea Party Patriots. It is still our pleasure to call them by their original name.

    I also get a laugh out of Sarah's fan site, C4P, which is also the website of a group of swingers. These days, almost everything has an alternate meaning. For example, according to the Urban Dictionary, there are now six meanings for "Going Rogue," the title of Sarah's book. (Nobody does any fact checking before they rush to print, do they?)

    The least offensive of the definitions is "going without underwear - for women." When guys go without underwerar, it's called "going commando." Next time that you see Sarah's book jacket, you can have a good, quiet secret laugh.

  20. Anonymous8:10 PM

    What's really scary is that these fools are breeding more just like themselves.

  21. phoebes-in-santa fe8:13 PM

    Trish@7.44p - I had to listen three times to get the part about hospice. And, I don't know what point she was making about her son being younger than she was...

    About a year ago I was having a discussion with one of my closest friends, whose 87 year old mother had died under hospice care, after a long bout with cancer. She said she and her father were agreed that hospice was wonderful and had really eased her mother's last weeks, but that her sister had fought her father and her for weeks about putting the mother under hospice care. The sister, who lived in a small town in central Michigan, and was a looney-toons Fox News watcher, thought hospice would indeed kill her mother, rather than help ease her way to death. The sister was adamant on the subject and only my friend and her father, being equally adamant, could get the mother into hospice care she so badly needed.

    My point, and I do have one, is that there are so many of these white, badly informed people out there who are so scared about anything new or out of their realm of thought. They don't understand the world around them, so they retreat into shell of ignorance. My friend's sister is one of them, and I have come across many others, since the 2008 elections. They don't seem to have been politically interested before that scary, evil, Moslim black man was elected president, but, boy, they sure are politically motivated NOW. Sad thing is, they don't understand how politics and government works, so they latch onto the first person who comes their way, promising to - somehow - get "their" America back.

    If they weren't so scary, I'd feel sorry for them.

  22. I am totally convinced that Teabaggers and the rest of the bigots on that side of sanity are angry for one reason, and one reason only: that damned Nigger in the White House. You know, the one who isn't polishing the silver and vacuuming the rugs. The stupid ones are cutting off their noses to spite their faces, being manipulated by the smarter ones.

    If a Caucasian Democrat had been elected, we wouldn't be seeing NEARLY this amount of anger and turmoil. Just saying.

    Barack Obama has been pretty much a disappointment so far, but when one considers the alternative...................

    Enough already. From our house to your house: Happy Christmas!

  23. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I would like to add the amazing powers of Fox News to the discussion. This summer, we had dinner with two sets of friends, people that we had not seen for a while.

    Being a Keith Olbermann fan, I easily recognized some of the things they were saying, quotes that came from some of the Worst People in the World segments. Their only source of "information" (I should say propaganda) is Fox News.

    They are addicts. They have been brain washed. These are people with university degrees, in fact additional degrees; they are not dumb. But, it is stupifying to hear that Bush should have been elected to a third term when it was obvious that he had screwed things up for eight years.
    Mention Katrina, it was Brownie's fault. Mention Iraq, we were right to go there after they attacked us on 9/11. I'm serious.

    I actually said to each set of people, "Ya gotta stop watching Fox News." Their reaction was surprise, how did I know that what they watched.

    When we get past the stupid and theatrical stuff, some of what takes place on Fox is pure political propaganda, instingating and perpetuating hatred. These people really did believe that Muslim-from-Kenya stuff.

    I recall one conversation where Obama was called a Chicago Machine Politician. Nothing could be further from the truth. When Obama ran in the primary as one of eight Democratic candidates for Sentate, Chicago's Mayor Daley backed the party favorite. Only when Obama began to attract national attention, and looked like a likely winner, then Daley joined his team. That is not the description of a crooked Chicago politician.

    Glenn Beck orchestrated his 9/12 Teabaggers demonstration using Fox News to make the news. Jon Stewart showed video of a Fox director egging on the crowd and arranging a favorable shot. They are not supposed to create the news, just report it. And, the way that they manipulate the truth is truly frightening. No wonder it is the only safe place for Sarah Palin to do an interview.

  24. Insanity at its worst. I'm glad she clarified that her son is younger than she is, I never would have guessed. She did come up with a new one - hospice=death squad and all the countries she named have gotten rid of it. OMG! I have to admit though, since it's Christmas Eve, I feel somewhat sorry for this poor delusional creature. I feel even sorrier for her son.

    Here's an addition to your Post a Comment.

    Don't feed the trolls!
    It just goes directly to their-cottage cheese- thighs.

    Merry Christmas Gryphen and the rest of you fantastic "immoral" folks (like me).

    Thanks for my daily dose of knowing there are sane and wonderful people still out there fighting to rid the world of the "Magical" Palins and their robots. I heart you all.

    Peace and Joy,

  25. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2:14)

    I am sorry, I do not the Bible as well as I should - can someone explain this verse - "on whom his favor rests"??? Oh - this is Sarah's latest twitter...

    Thank you.

  26. Hee, check the time stamp on the Cspan feed. It's 6:21 AM Kansas time when Bunny calls in. And she's already taken down her tree, removed the wreath from the door, and taken down her outside lights.

    Thats one busy Bunny, so much done before breakfast.

  27. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Logic and truth are the enemies of fantasy.
    I think this is why Palin gets away with so much hypocritical nonsense. Her true believers see in her a perky but relentless determination to view the world as a Disneyesque confection where gays and libruls and coloreds will one day, again, know their place and where religious freedom means Christians only need apply.

  28. Anon 10;43 i am not sure of the quote but i am afraid of what may be played of it.

    Hope all will enjoy the day as well as we are.

  29. Anonymous12:34 AM

    She's taking away her Christmas Decorations and Ms. Sarah P. twits about a bible verse saying "Glory to God" .. once again can't bring herself to say "Jesus" .. the one who makes you humble and do good things.. nopeonly Glory to God (her magician in the sky)Hope everyone has a wonderful day today doing whatever it is you do :D .. sorry for those that have to work, but then.. working on holidays is usually the most peaceful and quiet

  30. I understand that Russian Prime Minister Putin has warned his citizens along the coast to turn their backs on Alaska. He's afraid Palin might rear her ugly head and blind them all.

  31. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryphen! I'm a Canadian too and for the most part we sit open mouthed at some of the things going on in your country. For the teabaggers and Palin followers it's time to stop drinking the koolaid - the US is not the best country in the world nor the richest or the most educated and for sure it doesn't have the best medical system on the planet. Maybe a bit of humility might get things right -- I think that's what your President is trying to do. The most Christian thing your country could do is ensure universal health care. To be the only industrialized nation in the world to not have done so for its citizens does not make you "best". I am sad when I hear of people who can't afford to see a doctor until they're so sick they have to go to emergency and even then they're only patched up not given the treatment they need. I am heartbroken to hear of people losing everything because a family member became ill. What the hell is wrong with the Republicans, the teabaggers, the Palin drones? They are heartless and, honestly, these people really confirm to me that you have to distrust anyone who wears their religion on their sleeve - hypocrites all!

  32. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I'm so mad that someone's trying to improve my health care options, I'm going to do away with the pagan symbols of a religious holiday.

    Wow...and I thought Palin was stoopid.

  33. Artemusg3:37 AM

    Palinbots / teabaggers are everywhere. Down here in the Lone Star State, redneck pickup trucks abound, all festooned with anti-Obama bumper stickers and others saying "secede". I'll admit it, the Texas public education system must suck, since we have so many graduates (or maybe near-graduates) who apparently never heard of the Civil War. The teabagger movement and the Palinbots are proof positive that large numbers of the American population are as dumb as a hammer. And they vote.

  34. Small footnote for Tom Degan @4:55 a.m. Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Unlike the rightwing crazies, God doesn't hate females, so He doesn't mind having daughters. ;) Another hater of Santa Claus, wishing everyone a beautiful, peaceful holiday. Grammy

  35. It's that ever intrusive "Evangelical God Factor" that keeps mucking everything up, doncha know.

    It seems that this woman's understanding of the Constitution is that this country was set up as a theocracy. Add a little Evangelical fervor to that, and you have a person who mimics the thought processes of a geological formation, otherwise know as a "rock".

    Happy Holiday,everyone!

  36. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:53 AM

    A merry and a happy to all IM-er's! We'll all bravely face whatever awaits in 2010 with a well-informed, positive attitude. Thank you, Gryph, for maintaining an open platform and dialogue for all of us!

    I haven't read all the comments as I'm still on my first cuppa java, but I agree with most. The TeaBags and TeaHags are desperate, as are their "shadow" leaders. The HC bill was passed, in whatever form for now, and low-information voters (i.e., people with no real political feelings either way) will just hear that our President has put through an historic bill that no other President has been able to accomplish in over 70 years. Well, dudes and dudettes, that just can't happen in the whirling world of Beck and Palin. I'm a real cynic, and believe that the freakazoid "from Kansas" was paid to call in with her dramatic little "pity poor me, no Christmas tree due to the nasty Health Care bill" tale. And to demonize hospice care is inexcusable. I don't know what my family would have done without the amazing hospice nurse we had during the last two weeks of my dad's life. He was a calming influence who did everything possible to make sure we all held together, was aware what was going on and that my dad, who was in extreme pain, was comfortable.

    The Fox News Movement is counting on the fact that the undereducated Palinites of America can't see past their own noses or experiences, and keep pounding misinformation at them to make sure they don't want to. And, of course, if the time came that they or anyone else in their family would need this sort of end-of-life care, all of their misguided rhetoric would be forgotten as they rush to get it for ther loved ones.

    Thanks again to all and enjoy the holidays. BTW, I LOVE the troll warning!!

  37. Anonymous6:01 AM

    What makes your statement even scarier?? The 'ones' you've referenced "...the dumbest prople on the planet..." so far have mostly been Americans !! This saya number of real embarassing things about us as a society but opens up the possibility that there are even MORE of these beck-esk folks out on a street somewhere spewing the same or een worse delusion somewhere else !!!! AARRRGGHHHH.........

  38. I'm sorry....did this woman just say that Hospice kills people? THE Hospice formed on the idea advanced by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who devoted much of her life's work to helping people face death with dignity?
    Just how stupid is this caller?

  39. Anonymous7:08 AM

    You Left Wing folks seem to think all the TEA PARTY protesters are the same. Every "Group" has its wingnuts and Moonbats. I offer Chris Mathews as an example of a MoonBat that cannot see facts for his own opinion. He would represent the NAME CALLING side of America, that is the side that argues but has no facts on which to base the argument. They turn to dehumanization instead.

    Sorry to have disappointed all of you. Conservatives at least convey messages that do not have to call everyone names in order to get the point heard. All the left can seem to do is TRY to debase the folks in America that stand for self worth.

    If you want Gov to run your life MOVE to another country. I want Gov out of my life. Gov is not here to make my life better or worse for anyone. That is not the job of Gov. Anyone who thinks so is very miss informed.... Go read the constitution and bill of rights. Tt does not include LOOTING from others to pay for my or anyone else health care, or any other ENTIGHTELMENT for that matter.

    If health care was a right it would be in the constitution as such. Also FDR would not have wanted to add it to the "2nd bill of rights" if he were not already painfully aware that it is in FACT NOT A RIGHT.

    You guys go on with your name calling, TeaBaggers, really..... Its seems to be all you are good at. No facts no credentials showing you of good moral fiber or anything else worthy of breathing.

    Well Merry Christmas for those of you not TOO politically correct to except today for what it actually is.

    Just keep this in mind.
    Democrats are not your friends!
    All they want is to control your every move.

    Bush and Obama have both gone too far on infringing on Americas freedoms.

  40. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I guess Rush Limbaugh told you that.

  41. Anonymous7:46 AM

    WHere do these teabaggers get these ideas? More importantly how can they possibly believe them? It makes my heart very sad on this day of peace and happiness that in America we have people who encourage such hate and ignorance. I blame Sister Sarah for taking advantage of the situation to fill her pockets. She is just the kind of person who my Christian leaders told me would "burn in hell forever". We were told to do unto others, to be the good samarithan, to not lie, fornicate or worship the almighty dollar. Her fomenting hate and insurection for her own glory and her own funding supply is very un christian and un American.

  42. The folks who work for Hospice are WONDERFUL. I COULD NOT DO WHAT THEY DO. They were there for my brother who died in 2002 because he did ABSOLUTELY NO PREVENTATIVE CARE in his whole life. He died of colon cancer WHICH IS PREVENTABLE. They made him as comfortable as possible and stayed to the very end. They even made him very presentable until the undertakers arrived. They really helped me and his wife deal with his death by being there. THANK GOD FOR HOSPICE!

  43. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:52 AM

    This lady is delusional about Hospice...course all the teabaggers are full of fear and especially about death, which is funny b/c they claim to believe in "God" so much?
    Hospice is where people "when it is almost their time" go, where they can make their transition without being hooked up to machines and IV's a peaceful goodbye with their loves ones in attendance. Thank god for Hospice!!!
    Since there is no drama, I guess the teabaggers would rather be hooked up to a ventilator, IV, feeding tube etc, to prolong "life" as long as possible (and how do they do that without healthcare?) to stay away from looming death and having to face "GOD"???
    They are so stupid. Its just unreal, their thinking processes?

  44. emrysa9:01 AM

    before al gore invented the internetS, these people were america's secret. now, everyone around the world gets to see the loonies that we've got here. it's a good thing (sunlight is the best), but it's embarrassing too.

    makes me think of the chinese and their "honor." you don't do things that dishonor and disgrace the family. we could certainly use that ethic here. for sure, if people took into account how what they do reflects on all of us, we would have less of these loonies.

    and to that "conservative" poster above who's pissy about the teabaggers - we're all in this together. this whole notion of "looting" from others is total bullshit. either you pay upfront to solve problems, OR you pay down the road which results in higher costs. apparently some would rather pay higher costs down the road (which is exactly what's been happening here for decades) - I see that as waste. something conservatives are supposedly opposed to.

    millions of uninsured and sick people is EVERYONE'S problem, not just the sick and uninsured. it's the problem with the system, not the individuals.

  45. CrabbyPatty9:19 AM

    I'm mystified WHY hospice is such a bad thing for the wingnuts like the CSPAN caller. As others have noted, to have a peaceful transition before death is a blessing.

    As with the whole Terry Schiavo circus, if death means going to be with Jesus, WHY fight it so much? Get off the ventilator, pull out the feeding tubes and wait to be reunited in Heaven. Am I missing something?

  46. Crabby Patty, yes, you are missing something. The wingnuts do whatever they think will garner them the most votes/sympathy at any moment. Tomorrow, well, it could all change with shifting political winds.

    And you're also making the mistake of using your intellect, logic and sense. Also, too, if you're thinking is fact-based, watch out. You know what that greatest of all conservative minds, Stephen Colbert, says about facts: They have a liberal bias.

    Consider yerself warned! -:)

  47. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Moonbats - That conservative got your number. You guys are lost. The hate stems from the left. anyone that would want to continue to give to the pour just enough to survive on rather that teach them how to survive is bad for America. I would much rather spend my hard earned money, "note the MY part of that sentence as I see fit. I used to dojnate thousands fo dollars of computer equipment to schools and daycares in the Atlanta Area. No more thougfh..Obama seems to think he knows how to spend "MY" money better than me. Blow off left. You are what is bad for America.

    The conservative that posted here is the only one that got it right. The reest of the left just like its FAKE GOD Obama is the Fear Mongering class. Blind too!

    Merry Christmas to all you Atheist and politically correct cancers on America.
    No one else reads this crap, I found it by accident. Now Ill have to sterilize my Ethernet cables.

  48. CrabbyPatty3:55 PM

    Well, Anonymous 10:03 a.m., you have a blessed and holy Christmas also! Did you write your little tirad BEFORE Christmas services or after?

  49. CrabbyPatty3:57 PM

    Sorry, sorry, I know it's wrong to feed the trolls ...... I apologize.

  50. Anonymous7:02 PM

    To the troll: as the church lady on SNL would say "Isn't that special!" You gave to charity before but because that bad old black man is in the white house trying to help us no more goodies from you. I weep for you truly I do. It must be hard to so full of hate. Second to all you "ebil" libs have a Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas or whatever you choose to do today. :-)


  51. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Well, that was just one big bowl of crazy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.