Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas to all of you wonderful visitors, and let me take a moment to tell you that I really appreciate the fact that you take the time out of your busy days to read about Alaskan politics, our crazy ex-governor, and the odd things that I find entertaining or provocative.

I really enjoy sharing them with you and love reading your feedback in the comments section.

Do you know who else appreciates you? The President of the United States, and he would like to tell you so in the video right below.

I also want to take a moment to thank all of you who have sent money to me over the last year via my Pay Pal account. Contrary to the belief of some, I am NOT paid by David Axelrod, the Democratic Party, or anybody else to spend my time to researching and writing the articles that I post. I do it because I want to. And also because it brings me joy to know that I have made somebody think, or made somebody laugh, or even, made somebody look at things from an entirely different angle.

If I didn't love it, I would not do it. But of course love does not pay the bills and your financial support has been much appreciated.

As we go into 2010, I hope to bring you more fascinating stories, humorous observations, and scandalous gossip, and I also hope that you continue to make a visit to the Immoral Minority part of your day.


P.S. You are definitely going to want to stay tuned because I have some truly amazing and shocking stories coming your way. Oh baby, do I!


  1. merry Christmas to you Gryphen.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Merry Christmas, Gryphen--thank you for your blog and I really look forward to the "big stories."

  3. A Merry Christmas to you and yours, thanks for all you do Gryphen.

  4. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Dear Gryphen -- A Very Merry Christmas to you and your daughter!!

    You are so appreciated for all you do, for all of us. Keep up the great work -- or, Keep On Keeping On!!


    LuvYa, BoJoFlo

  5. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I bet ole Sarah hates to see the nice picture of the president and his wife looking happy. Looking down the mountain like the GRINCH wondering who she could stop them. That should be her and Toad.

  6. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Wishing you & your daughter only the best in the coming year. Thank for making me a part of this wacky cyber family.
    Getting up to Alaska is a dream of mine, until then I will have to see it through your eyes.
    Can't wait for the dirt. Love your sense of humor.

    A shout out to our Troops. Peace to all.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Looking forward to a very Happy New Year.
    Blessings and peace to all.


  8. Merry Christmas to you and yours Gryphen. I found your blog earlier this year, and I certainly look forward to all the discoveries you will share in the new year. Keep your eye on the goal!

  9. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Scandalous stories! Gryph! You tease!

    I hope you have a holiday of joy and peace.


  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryphen! Thank you for all you do!

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The best of the holiday season to you, with thanks for all that do.

    An unexpected Christmas present from Talking Points Memo. They are covering Todd the Enforcer story and the black list from the last book signing. (I don't think that actually mention you by name, but we know that you are part of the story).

  12. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Merry Christmas to you and your daughter! Thank you for all that you do.


  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Merry Christmas to all!

  14. Merry Christmas to you and your daughter.

  15. Merry merry to you, Gryphen, and to your lovely daughter. Mr. Biscuitbarrel went out a-huntin' for tabloids for me this morning at the Quik-E-Mart; there weren't any. However, they DID have the Racing Form, and that really was the most important thing.

    Best health to you, and more snarky fun for us all in 2010!

  16. kdusmdd7:50 AM

    Gryphen..Merry Christmas to you and your daughter. Thank you so much for all the news that you have given us this past year. We would have never known most of the details that you have provided to us.
    Can't wait for the big big news to come through.

  17. Merry Christmas to you and your family Gryphen. I hope you have a peaceful and prosperous 2010.

    Thank you for all that you do. I love your site...keep up the great work. Can't wait to hear the new stories!

    Happy Holidays to everyone. I wish you all the best.

  18. Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas! Thanks for the info on Mrs. T. Palin & all the laughs. The Hawaii trip was quite a "hoot". Looking forward to more adventures in the New Year. I do believe that collectively we can drive her over the edge. You are doing your part & we do appreciate it.

    I'll be watching what I eat this holiday season because lord knows after seeing those cottage cheese thighs I sure don't want them on my legs.

  19. emrysa8:04 AM

    merry christmas gryphen! your blog is fun and I appreciate reading your take on things - so passionate! sometimes I feel like I am reading myself.

    I hope you have great holidays and a perfect new calendar year!

  20. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Merry Xmas Gryphen - thank you for the good work that you do...we really appreciate you!

  21. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Merry Christmas and God bless you Gryphen, hope the New Year brings us everything we're hopeing for.

  22. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Ditto to the comments above. Merry merry, happy happy. Looking forward to those shocking stories you have coming our way!

    -A fan in Oregon

  23. Merry Christmas Gryphen, I hope you and your beautiful daughter have a wonderful holiday and a prosperous and healthy, happy New Year. Your wonderful blog and all the people who comment here (well, most of them anyway) are a very important part of each day for me. I love your passion, your sense of humour and your unique writing style. I look forward to the upcoming stories. You betcha! Happy Holidays everyone!

  24. Congratulations on getting banned, Gryphen. This just confirms the effectiveness and the worth of you blog. Thank you for both entertaining and enlightening us this year. I send love, joy and hope to you and to all.

  25. Merry Christmas Gryphen and daughter!

    Peace, love and joy to all!

  26. Thanks Gryphen for your work. I discovered your site on September 1, 2008. I have given this site to many people that have wondered about palin. I have learned alot about Alaska that I never knew before.
    I can't wait for the new stories, the facade is cracking.

  27. Merry Christmas Gryphen. I have been reading your blog for over a year now and I appreciate what you do. You have a wonderful blend of intelligence, caring, humour and courage that makes your posts a joy to read. Thank you especially for taking an active interest in Sherry Johnston and showing us the decent human person she is who has raised two good kids under difficult circumstances. I believe the spotlight that you shone on her case helped get her home for Christmas. (Rex did a lot too.)

    And a present for you: Sullivan named Levi Johnston the real rogue of 2009.

  28. Merry Christmas, Gryphen, and to everyone else.

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Merry Christmas to one & all. Let's all be grateful for the little things in life.
    My Son is on his way back to Iraq so I'm sad yet grateful that I had him home up until Christmas. Please pray for our troops.
    I'm extremely grateful that Sherry Johnston is home and spending the Holidays with her children. She made a mistake, big deal. She will serve her time at home being that she is ill and needs a Doctor's care.
    Haven't we all made mistakes in our lives, some bigger, some not.
    Sherry should be proud of Levi & Mercede for the way they handled all the attention. For all I have seen of Levi, he has never said a negative thing about Bristol. He has handled himself way better than "some adults" in this situation.
    Let's all hope the economy gets better this year. Let's hope there is an end to these miserable wars. Let's hope our Country gets back on track.

    Peace to all.

  30. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Happy Christmas G & family. It's nice to know there are other Alaskans out there who belive in truth.

    All I want for Christmas is truth!

    Thanks for a great year!

  31. phoebes-in-santa fe9:22 AM

    Happy Christmas and Merry New Year from cold but sunny Santa Fe.

    My best to you and yours up in cold but sunny Alaska and to everyone around the country and world. Strange how the internet has opened up such possiblities of world-wide friendships.

  32. Merry Christmas to you, Gryphen & daughter.

    And to all my friends on here who brighten my day and bring a smile to my lips:

    Live, laugh, love.

  33. Anonymous9:35 AM

    As a daily lurker and rare poster, I just wanted to let you know how much your blog has meant to me. Wish I knew as much as about Florida where I live as I do now about Alaska. I'm sure there are lots of stories but no one like you to tell them.

    Thanks so much, Merry Christmas and A very Happy New Year to you and yours!! Your contribution is priceless to us all.

    From North West Florida (very red), thanks for opinions and facts that tell the truth.

    S. Williamson in Pensacola

  34. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Merry Christmas, Gryphen!

    Thank you for all your hard work, dedicated blogging and fun posts.
    Peace to all and a prosperous New Year.


  35. NYCGirl

    Saying a special prayer for your son & I'm not a prayer. It must be really hard!!



  36. Merry Christmas to Gryphen and daughter. We have put Christmas on hold for a few days.....not because of the healthcare bill....but because our son is an airline pilot and he is delivering people who are trying to reach family for the holidays.

    Looking forward to more interesting stories in 2010.

  37. Such a good crowd of inquiring minds wishing all a jolly good time. The northern rain may be somewhat a bummer in a good way it's kinda like summer. To you and yours i wish a good time and feel free from all that does bind.

  38. Anonymous10:34 AM

    This is that time of year to appreciate what you do have and for me one of the things would be all of the Alaskan bloggers. Together they have educated us and probably have changed history in the process.

    Unlike $P, who many of us recognize is incurious, I would say most if not all here are the curious sort.

    So, today, I wondered what the word "namaste" meant in your "Christmas" blog.

    I didn't follow through this a.m., but after seeing many comments with it included did check online.

    I now know that as a pop culture reference it is an episode title in the series "Lost". I missed the first episode of that series and without that never watched it. It is probably my loss and at some point, I might check it out.

    But, its original meaning (hint: Sanskrit) is a perfect ending and I now appreciate what you are saying as you closed this blog.

    Since I am hoping I am not the only one who didn't know its meaning, I thought I would pass on an url where you can find out more.

    Wishing you, your daughter, and all of those who read your blog (no matter his/her political philosophy) peace, paz, shalom, salam, etc... this coming year.

    XOXOXO from California - NAMASTE

  39. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:45 AM

    Happy holidays, Gryph--and many, many thanks for all you do to enlighten all of us! You're appreciated more than you'll know.


  40. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Merry Christmas and hopefully a better New Year for all. Just want to say I think you're a thorn in $P's side as well as Sarahin2012. If you weren't the idiot wouldn't be posting here. Love all the great comments and some are just too funny for words.

  41. Happy Holidays to Gryphen and the readers and commenters on this blog!

  42. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Anon 6:33 :D that was funny!

    I think if she had made it as VP she would of had plenty of time to boot ole' McCain
    We never see Biden.. We would never see Sarah Pants.. and ooooooh As much as McCain fawns over her, I bet he is praisin' da lawd he didn't win.. she'd be the evilest VP ever.. plotting his.. eeeps

  43. Anonymous11:05 AM

    oh and where are my manners!
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day :D
    ..and thank you Gryphen very much for all you have done (can't wait for more.. they only get better!)

  44. Tantef11:12 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryph and Gryphette, may all your dreams come true.

  45. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:15 AM

    Merry Christmas, also, too! Thank you for that lovely pic of President & Michelle Obama - they are a joyous feast for Palinized eyes (mine).

    I couldn't be more sick of the Quitty Queen, and I'll be writing to Harper & Collins bidding them adieu for life since they have enabled Hotsie Nazi (who isn't so hot after all).

    Here is a gift of giggles from my sister, womanwithsardinecan, who is a master at Barbie Theater:


  46. Anonymous11:25 AM

    anon 10:58 - She probably would have banned McCain from the WH if they were in office. What a ditz. Keep up your good work in digging up the truth on this fraud and charlatan.

    Again, my best wishes to all.

  47. We love you too, Gryphen! Stay safe, stay well, may you and your family have a happy and fulfilling holiday and new year!

    Indeed, keep us posted about this ongoing saga.

  48. Would it be okay if I just wished you "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" instead?
    (i want to drive those trolls crazier)

  49. Deb in WI12:05 PM

    Merry Christmas, Gryphen!

    I appreciate all you do!! Have a wonderful new year, as well!

  50. Anonymous12:14 PM

    LoveandKnishesfromBrooklyn - I have one word for you "kasha"! :)

    (psst, you could be me - born in Boro Park)

  51. I have very much enjoyed your blog since I found it before the election last year and can't wait to hear what else you have to tell us.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  52. the problem child12:27 PM

    Merry X-mas Gryph and daughter! May your spirits remain bright and your purpose clear.

  53. Anonymous12:48 PM

    "You are definitely going to want to stay tuned because I have some truly amazing and shocking stories coming your way. Oh baby, do I!"

    Oh Gryph, don't you know it's naughty to tease on Xmas. You are a bad boy.

  54. crystalwolf aka caligrl1:07 PM

    Hey Gryphen,
    Thanks for all you do we really appreciate all the time you put into your blog and sharing this info on the quitter queens latest antics as well as bizarre and curious stuff as well! Happy Holiday's, Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice to one and all...have a blessed DAY!
    That's the difference between us and tea baggers, we SMILE! We are not fearful! We have FUN!!!
    Merry♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Christmas
    Blessings to everyone!!!

  55. crystalwolf aka caligrl1:12 PM

    Here is a article for you all...
    Sarah Palin: Pitiful, Sniveling, Coward Of The Year

    And also too...
    she has taken to saying "The Palins" wish you ....
    instead of previous..."WE" or just "I"???
    Maybe she bribed toad just like he bribed Bristol...a new car will do it everytime!
    Bye, bye to babe in Palmer...!
    I can't wait until the fraud is exposed!!!!

  56. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Gryphen: best Palin analysis ever, by an 83 year woman from Texas.

    Swiped it from a Daily Kos Dairy:

  57. SaskCat2:09 PM

    I'm a longtime lurker no longer.
    Merry Christmas to you, Gryphen, and to all the legitimate posters here who have done so much to give me hope that reason will prevail in the U.S.A.
    As a Canadian, I have watched the dominionist types spread their virus throughout my own community. My horror at this development was intensified, of course, when S'error came on the scene (beyond Alaska).

    This blog and others of similar ilk (to be found as links here, of course) have been like extended family. I've been the silent one in the corner, secretly approving of what I see and glad to be a part of it in my own tangential way.

    Happy New Year!!

  58. I wish you a joyous Christmas (all twelve days of it) and a wonderful new year. As for the "scandalous" stories-- promises, promises.

  59. It's pooping on the comments again. Please stop shitting on our right to read comments without idiotic behaviour.

    If you have something to add to the discussion then do it, if not stop fucking with our right to talk to each other.

    The country will work itself out with or without your stupid antics you ignorant bitch or bastard.

    The little baby jesus would not agree with your tactics, asshole.

  60. CrabbyPatty4:00 PM

    Why, how very special, and pathetic on this lovely Christmas Day! (Not you, Gryphen, but your friendly wacky trollbot above).

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that great things are just around the corner for you in 2010!

  61. Anonymous4:05 PM

    G-Man...Sarahin2012 is clearly off their meds...can't you Gryphenban her?

  62. Anonymous4:10 PM

    "Don't feed the trolls!
    It just goes directly to their thighs."

    That just makes for a juicier, more delicious troll. Sorta like roast goose.

    Or road kill.

  63. At the rate Sarahin2012 is going, s/he/it has thunderthighs of mythic proportions.

  64. Gryphen, it's still Dec 25 where I am and I wish you a totally wonderful day, week, and new year. I wish the same to every regular poster (unless they spam the comments with mindless refuse). Knowing you all are out there, thinking and puzzling and putting pieces together is a remedy for Saracitis!

    One good thing to say, though. Had it not been for the imbecile from Wasilla, I would not have learned so many wonderful things about Alaska, nor met (albeit online) so many fantastic people.

    So on this dark eve, remember even now the sun is returning from its hiding and we are once again on the upswing.


  65. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

  66. Snowing in Alaska4:41 PM

    Poor Sarah, she just can't stay away from the blogs and posting as a spammer! What a pitiful end for the Quitty Queen. Go console yourself in a box of makeup, twit. You need it!

  67. womanwithsardinecan4:42 PM

    It's time to fling the spammer out the door on her ignorant ear.

  68. Donna4:51 PM

    While we won't accomplish anything by feeding the trolls, I have decided to hit paypal for Gryphen every time Sarahin2012 appears, and to double my contribution for (a) multiple posts and (b) needlessly lengthening his recitations so as to cause others to scroll.

    In other words, you pathetic piece of crap, you are making money for Gryphen. I hope others will join me.

  69. Hohoho! Merry Christmas to Sarah2012!

    You remind me of Hal at the end of 2001 A Space Odyssey. . .as he was losing his juice!

    You know, you can steal all the presents, but we Who's down in Whoville will just keeping singing!!!

  70. Donna5:12 PM

    That's two contributions, asshole. Keep it up--I guarantee you that I have significantly more money than you ever will in your useless life.

    You realize, of course, that going onto a blog and deliberately making it difficult for others to post, repeating your mantra of false factual statements (about the President) and laughable predictions (the notion that the imbecile from Wasilla has a prayer at any sort of elected position) simply emphasizes your serious mental illness. I'm sure it's particularly difficult for you on Christmas since you obviously have no life. But if if you choose to persist, you are going to only briefly disrupt this site (until, as was the case yesterday, you are erased from it) and, in the interim, will make significant money for Gryphen. Congratulations--this is an act of stupidity of truly monumental proportions. But doubtless the only way in which you'll ever distinguish yourself.

    The fact that Sarah Palin attracts supporters of such limited intelligence and colossal pathology speaks volumes about her. It's projection, pure and simple. You see in that phony, failed half-term governor what you are: a not particularly bright, not at all original, and dishonest zero.

  71. The cultural wars are going to bring this country down. China and India will be on top, where America is now, within the next 20 years, unless we begin to take education seriously.

    10 years from now Chinese and Indians will be complaining that when they call they help desk or their credit card companies they are greeted by stupid Americans that can't speak the language.

    We have the troll and his or her compatriots to thank for that.

    Merry Xmas America! You can thank SP and the trolls for our downfall.

  72. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Best Holiday Greetings to one and all! I finally realize how hopeless the GOP must be feeling. They keep losing their few rational caring patriotic members as the party tilts further and further to the right. They are becomming the party of crazy.

    This is the perfect holiday to realize how they have taken religion and misused it to drive an irrational politial thought. They don't give gifts to those in need, nor are they about brightening peoples' lives. Theirs are the tactics of fear. And, the only contribution that they can make in Washington is obstruction. That is not a contribution but a hinderance.

    They want their country back. Do they mean the Christian Country envisioned by our founding fathers-- the same guys who wrote separation of church and state into the Constitution?? The time when only white men voted, sorry gals, and the one obvious minority group was brought here, against their will, to be bought and sold like property.

    Do they want the days of the Robber Barrons of Industry (all for the rich and nothing for the poor?) How about World War I or World War II? A Depression? A Civil War? A divided America over the conflict in Viet Nam (we never did call it a war). Let's go back to the days of Reagan, when his "Regeanomics" started our economic problems. He and the first Bush were the Trickle Down guys, giving benefits to only the rich. Sorry, all the rest of you tea baggers, you ain't it.

    Our country is not perfect, but we keep working to improve it. It is a work in progress. From my perspective, there is only one group getting in the way, the Party of No (Tea Baggers Inc.)
    Rant over, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

  73. Donna5:33 PM

    Well, I intend to keep contributing every time the troll repeats his boring mantra--but beyond that, you can't reason with crazy and stupid. So, how was everyone's Christmas? Ours was outstanding and I am grateful that we will have healthcare reform and that we have a President that is respected around the world. I cannot imagine the disaster this country would have experienced had McCain been elected. Fortunately, one reason he lost the election was his abysmal choice of a running mate. Imagine that the man was so desperate that he allowed himself to be persuaded to go with a stupid, uneducated woman of no character or integrity.

  74. KevinNevada posted this on the Anchorage Daily News comments re: the Wasilla book-signing being a "homecoming" for Palin despite, or perhaps because of the media-banning of Gryphen and Dennis Zaki.

    "Here's what SP and her handlers are really doing. It's a deliberate plan to keep her name recognition high, so they can use her to push the GOP further to the right.

    It's called the Three-Day Method, and the idea is that something, anything, it almost doesn't matter what, has to happen about every three days to keep the principal's name and face Out There.

    That's why she pulled the visor stunt. It's why she Twitted about 'Death Panels' again, late Tuesday. She may give it a rest over Xmas but something will pop up over the weekend."

    Palin does seem to follow this pattern, it's surely right out of the Rush Limbaugh/Michele Bachmann/Karl Rove playbook.

  75. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Who couldn't manage anything but a softball interview. Who made a complete fool of herself in the Vice Presidential debate. Who managed to ruin the finances of the little town of which she was mayor and accomplished nothing constructive during her half term as governor--and lied repeatedly about what she did during that half term.

    Oh, and who has a sham of a marriage, an oldest child who's a criminal, a second oldest child who is beyond screwed up, a middle kid who's already drinking and drugging, and a youngest child (Piper) who is already an affected little actress, rather than a child. And who lies about having yet another child because it's politically expedient to do so--poor little prop.

  76. Anonymous5:42 PM

    KaJo--if that's correct, it's a wonderful thing. If the GOP is pushed further to the right, it has no real chance of regaining any sort of power.

    So keep the Quitter in the spotlight! Sane people, even those who tend to be conservative in nature, see what a complete fraud and nutcase she is.

  77. MacAndCheeseWiz5:45 PM

    Merry Christmas Everyone! And Thank You, Gryphen, for everything you do all year!

    Thank You, all in the armed forces and Veterans for keeping our country safe, and allowing us the freedoms our constitution guarantees. Your Sacrifice and that of your families is much appreciated!

  78. I worked with a little boy once. He lacked any hint of positive social skills, so he would do the most outlandish things to get the other kids to pay attention to him.

    He would eat worms on the playground, eat food off of the floor in the cafeteria, and lick people on the arm, just to get them to yell insults at him.

    He was called names, assaulted, and ridiculed every single day but he did not seem to care, because at least they saw him and he did not feel so alone.

    It took a great deal of time, but eventually I convinced the other children to ignore his disgusting behaviors, because as long as they responded to him he had no desire to change.

    Finally when he could no longer get a rise out of any of the other children I found him in a bathroom stall sobbing and gasping for breath because he could no longer get them to notice him.

    Only then was I able to talk to him and help him to understand that there was a better way to get attention. A positive way to be seen.

    It did not happen overnight. But it DID happen. And today he is able to carry on a normal conversation, have a real friend, and live a relatively normal life.

    I believe that same method can work here. But I cannot do it alone. In the spirit of Christmas perhaps you cold help.

    What do you say?

  79. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Just a thought Gryphen, it could be Piper being paid by her mom to troll here. It is very childish and I can't imagine an adult doing this even a stupid one. Like I said just a thought...

  80. WakeUpAmerica6:37 PM

    I say that it is a perfect idea and much more pro-active and kind than slinging mud at the troll.

  81. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Hm, you wish to try and reform a troll? Wouldn't that require on his part an understanding of others' points of view? All that matters to these idjits is the talking points their masters teach them to recite without thought or introspection.

    Kinda like persuading a brick wall to grasp the concept of movement.


  82. hmmm...thighs again!!te he. good one..
    Merry Christmas Gryph. and a great new year..
    Are you getting closer to the iceburg???

  83. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:44 PM

    Gryph--just the fact that they're here means they may actually be reading your blog--maybe? And one day one of your posts may shake them awake and inspire them to start walking towards that bright light and away from the Dutchess of Darkness. Who knows? I'll try to hold a positive thought tonight . . . unless, of course, it IS Piper.

    And to anon@12:14PM--we've lived in Bay Ridge for over 25 years. Seems like yesterday we moved here--still a great neighborhood!

    Have a good evening, everyone.

  84. Sarah in 2012 (aka Allie at the ocean of urine)

    You are trying everyones patience and as the mother of a soldier...for the sake of our troops quit lying.
    Are you trying to get banned? Gryphen has been more than patient with you (more so Than I would be)
    Go back to C4P where you even ban people who differ slightly from your opinion. I know quite a bit about you, as you constantly whine on C4P, and as a mother and grandmother I will give you some advise.
    1) quit acting like a child, if you would like legit discussion on different topics then please post something that makes people think you are not in kindergarten.
    2) be more open to others of differing opinions, if you aren't well then, good luck when you hit the real world.
    3) you have left many posts that are very racist and it is very offensive to many of us. Why are you so bigotted? Were you raised that way? I certainly hope you are not proclaiming to be a christian since Jesus( the very jewish and Arab one) told us to love one another
    4) I pity you if you are really so full of hate, I pity you.

  85. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I have certainly sinned. But we have been expressly asked by our host to IGNORE. So let's respect that request.

  86. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Wow, Gryphen, I thought ignoring was just fun. Now you've made me think it might actually help.

    Christmas is winding down in my neck of the woods. Good cheer enjoyed by all. Hope your day was rich with all the wonders of the season (whatever the reason). Looking forward to an informative new year on you blog.

  87. Anonymous7:01 PM

    There is one good thing to say about the troll. Increased traffic = higher ratings, and increased $$$ from advertisers. Thank you, troll, for making Gryphen rich.

  88. 10catsinMD7:02 PM

    Merry Christmas to you Gryphen and to you daughter. Have a pleasant, peaceful, and prosperous new year.

    I have enjoyed all of your postings and those of your fans keep up the good work and keep posting. Let the best come in the new year.

  89. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Gryphen, you have the patience of a saint.
    CR46 @6:44 this troll is an adult? I'd never would have guessed. I'm with you, she is someone to be pitied.

  90. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Grypen, I know what you are trying to say in your story about the little boy. But, did you realize that have been describing your former governor.

    Sarah has reach the point where she will say (or post on facebook) the most outlandish things to get attention. The MSM is more than happy to oblige, and they report her posts and twitters as if they are fact. Then someone points out the lies on the statements, and Sarah responds by telling more lies, and the cycle continues.

    Yes, everyone should stop paying attention to Sarah, but as long as she resonates with the tea baggers and adds fuel to their cause, we really do have to pay attention. How do we ignore the truly stupid things that they say that actually do change public opinion. Sarah's chant about Death Panels was both a lie and a powerful delaying tactic in the Health Care debate.

    If only we could ignore Sarah, and she would disappear. She will only black out someone's name, give a ridiculous speech, evoke deep religious thought with her profound "Reason for the Season" tweet. But, she has followers who continue to fund her, giving her some reason to continue. The stakes are higher on the grown up playground.

  91. Merry Christmas Gryphen and Family!
    Thanks for an entertaining and informative read, I stop by everyday and always enjoy the read. Also Merry Christmas to all the posters I so enjoy reading your comments.

  92. Anonymous7:33 PM

    KaJo, I like your theory. But, do you really think that Sarah went with out makeup, allowed herself to be photographed without makeup, would say and do such stupid things-- does that resonate with her people? Is bad attention better than no attention at all?

    Do you believe that Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, James Inhoff et al say all those really stupid things just to keep their name out there every third day? That's pathetic!
    The only thing that is more pathetic is the crowd of people who think these people are saying something worth while.

    The other reason that you are probably right is that by occupying a paragraph on TV or in the papers, it takes a paragraph away from the other side. This is really juvenile. Is that all that they have?

  93. tbm687:59 PM

    Gryph- Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for allowing me to maintain my sanity while living in Wasilla. I'm a military transplant and it has been hard to contain my frustration with our hometown psycho these past couple of years. I'm looking forward to your upcoming revelations.

    On a different note, I was touched by the the Obama's address. With my spouse currently close to finishing a tour in Afghanistan, we are missing him this Christmas. From what the First Lady said especially, they GET IT and I feel they do more to support our troops than anything that comes out of our ex-GINO's mouth in regard to them. For someone who has a son in the Army, she is about as clueless as one gets.

    Anyway- I don't post very often here, but I read every day, multiple times a day. I, like you Gryph, have reasons to remain somewhat anonymous (even though you aren't any longer!).

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  94. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I remember someone on tv (who knew Sarah) saying that with her everything political was personal and everything personal was political and how true it is. I hope that Gryphen and the other AK bloggers can expose all the lies and inconsistencies so Sarah can be thrown under the bus by the Repubs and MSM. If she starts a third party it will hurt the Repubs in the long run. Right now she's raking in money from her faithful followers but if she doesn't deliver, how long do you think it'll last.

  95. Anonymous8:32 PM

    So you've said before. And I stayed tuned in, just like I do for Beck... and each time, I receive the same reward.

    Excuse me, Lucy wants to play football in the backyard. I'm very excited.

  96. lilly6:53 AM

    Well here is to the Intrepid 4, a bit like the Seven Samurai.

    Lets hope all together , they get rid of the loathsome 2, Todd and $arah.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.