Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fourth Name on the Palin book signing BANNED List revealed! And guess who REALLY provided the list?

I just received word from Dennis Zaki after he spoke to Wasilla Recreation and Cultural Services Manager James Hastings. Dennis has learned that the fourth name on the "BANNED List" was.......drum roll please..........ANDREE MCLEOD!!

I am sorry for all of you very deserving bloggers, and protesters, and filers of ethics charges, I feel many of you deserved to be on that list as well. Better luck next year.

Mr. Hastings also confirmed to Dennis that Harper Collins did pay for the TWO Wasilla police officers that were providing security. (One of whom escorted me out of the building.)

However in a surprising turn of events, Hastings added that Harper Collins were NOT the ones to give him our names.

What? Well then who did?

According to Mr. Hastings, it was none other than Mr. Todd Palin himself!

Then Mr. Hastings, who had no freaking idea who we were or WHY we could not be on the premises, looked us up on the inter-tubes and THAT is where the pictures came from. Which may also explain THIS quote: "If I take three minutes on Google I can see that, given the nature of the people who were here, it wasn't in his (Zaki's) best interest to be here. He and others could have found themselves in a negative situation."

The difference of course is that HE knew our names and used that to look us up, the people standing in line would have had no idea who were (Just like Hastings before his Google search), and therefore we were clearly in no danger. To the people coming to see Queen Ester we would have just been two more media types. The only giveaway would have been the clenched jaw on Sarah's face when she caught sight of us.

So there you have it. Harper Collins paid for the venue and the cops, but did NOT tell them to escort us off of the premises. THAT order came from Sarah Palin herself, via her long suffering spouse Todd.

And really, was there ever ANY doubt as to WHO wanted us banned from the event?

Update: As somebody pointed out, yes Andree was in court on Tuesday. And yet she still frightened the hell out of Sarah. I guess putting lipstick on a pitbull turns them into a scaredy-cat.

Update 2: Talking Points Memo got wind of Todd's involvement too.

Update 3: Mudflats has the story as well.


  1. Jim Alguire12:26 PM

    Have you seen


  2. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Uh, did I read somewhere that Andree was in court re: the emails? Didn't Todd & Sarah know this?

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    An interesting Perspective from a good aticle on huffington post...

    The problem is that Palin has put the political press in a submissive position, one in which the only information it prints about her comes from prepared statements or from Q&As with friendly interviewers. This isn't something most politicians get away with, or would be allowed to get away with. But Palin has leveraged her celebrity -- her ability to get ratings, the ardor of her fans and the bitterness of her critics -- to win a truly unique relationship with the press. She is allowed to shape the public debate without actually engaging in it.


    But the curbing works both ways, doesn't it? And by accepting Palin's terms, the press ends up cheating themselves on the back end. I'll once again point out how remarkable it is that Sarah Palin, who is universally acknowledged as a major player in the conservative movement (if not the Republican movement), a potential future Presidential contender, and a one-time candidate for the vice-presidency of the United States, has never once appeared on any of the traditional, Sunday-morning political shows. Now, I've been watching those shows faithfully for the past two years, and I am under no illusion that she will encounter some sort of intellectually rigorous interrogation, but the unalterable fact is that she refuses to participate in this forum out of pure cowardice.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Ha! Ha! Was there ever any doubt that Toad is Sarah's lackee(sp?)! After all, he quit his job and is living off the charlatan! I betcha (wink) if you look hard, you'll be able to find a picture of Todd carrying Sarah's purse too. No wonder there's tension in that marriage.......

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Wow. Not that this is a surprise, just that it was done at all.

    Good point, Gryhpen, that few would have recognized you and Dennis. As always, the Palins make the worst of every situation by taking a simple thing and making it controversial. They truly don't have a clue.

    White trash never does. Doesn't matter if it comes into money, once WT, always WT. Sorry, but it's true.

  6. Even though I have always felt he was complicit in all her scams I was starting to feel sorry for him after the Menard Chronicles.

    Never go against your first instinct. A lesson learned for me, again.

    I hope the New Year's resolution for all who have the goods on her is to finally bring the witch down.

    Merry Merry to all!

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    sarah and tod are such douches, with apologies to douches!

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    So Todd was okay with the LaRouchie who was there with the defaced pic of Obama ?

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Oh toad-You are a true first tool...

    I wonder what you have on your wife? Two-three children that aren't your spawn? Torture her until you can squeeze your half of the millions and throw her under the bus? Maybe you are smarter than we all that why you keep silent?
    OUR SILENT X GINO?! Yeah we know...

  10. Just left our "favorite" sea of pea and they are spinning the banning of the bloggers. As usual, they are painting you all in the worst light.

  11. emrysa12:50 PM

    todd may have been the one to give hastings that list, but you know it was at the demand of sarah. very very doubtful that it was todd's idea. he probably said "let em come in here so I can punch em" -

    todd ain't giving up on the gravy train!

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Perhaps everybody should contact Mr. Hastings, as well as the entire Wasilla Parks & Rec Commissioners.

    Parks and Recreation Commissioners include:

    Seat A, Term Expires December 2010
    Mary Shampine
    301 Foothill Circle
    Wasilla, AK 99654
    Phone: 907.376.4268

    Seat B, Term Expires December 2009
    Dave Tuttle, Chairperson
    1764 Lake Lucille Dr.
    Wasilla, AK 99654
    Phone: 907.376.4739

    Seat C, Term Expires December 2010
    Sarah Sanderlin, Vice Chairperson
    450 W Heritage Dr.
    Wasilla, AK 99654
    Phone: 907.357.9078

    Seat D, Term Expires December 2011
    Joan Matthews
    P.O. Box 870061
    Wasilla, AK 99687
    Phone: 907.376.3724

    Seat E, Term Expires December 2011
    Mary Kay (Randy) Robinson
    PO Box 874796
    Wasilla, AK 99687
    Phone: 907.373.1543

    City Staff Contact
    James Hastings, Recreation and Cultural Services Manager
    Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center
    Parks & Recreation Commission
    1001 S. Mack Drive
    Wasilla, AK 99654
    Phone: 907.357.9100
    Fax: 907.357.9122

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Oh, Toad the lackey. No wonder he was cc'd on all those emails she sent. He's her wicked cuckolded enforcer. Seems to be a pattern when she was Gov and for life. Ewwww

  14. After the tweet of the 18th, I went to the arena's site and saw that Harper Collins had rented the Turf Court for 5 hours. I did not see that they rented any other of the arena's rentable areas. I read that the Turf Court is upstairs, where the actual signing occurred, is that right? The line was downstairs. Was that downstairs area a rentable area? BTW, the Turf Court rents for as low as $85/hour.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Not to worry. By this time next year Toad & S'error will be in jail. Keep up the pressure on her. She can't stand the negative attention. Hopefully she will have to go to the funny farm for a jolt. Toad is the p*ssy that we thought he was.
    Are any of those kids his ?

  16. I read that HC only rented part of the Complex and that you should not have had to leave the property.
    Hope that the ACLU looks into this.
    It would be fun to see the Palins testify through Twitter and Facebook.

  17. Todd doesn't carry her purse, yet, but I did see in the video of the signing that she handed him her blackberry.

    I think they had to be PC and distribute the banning equally by gender.

  18. gigi211:02 PM

    Seems like Mr. Hastings decided to tell the truth and NOT cover for the quitter twitterer and AIP spouse. Good on him - I can sympathize with his position and understand why he "took orders." He may be an ok guy, just another victim of the wrath of Palin.

  19. Anonymous1:02 PM

    At the height of the Troopgate business, I remember a photo- maybe posted on Andrew Halco's website- of the table in the governor's office where Todd sat making telephone calls. Todd, who was not a government official, made many many calls, some of which were recorded, trying to get his former brother-in-law fired. When that didn't work, Sarah fired the guy who wouldn't fire Wooten, the former brother-in-law.

    Todd has been acted as the Tony Soprano enforcer before. He was found in contempt of the Alaska legislature, which does not have any form of punishment for that action. He was copied on government emails, although he was not a government official. And, if we believe Levi, he was the family enforcer, maybe pulling a gun on Levi, or at the least, threatening him.

    Would you guess that a shiny black Escalade would be payment enough for services rendered? Or is that Sarah's big black beauty to drive around in?

    We know that he is sticking around, not only because of the previous post- Globe story. He solidifies Sarah's family values for the Chrisitan Right. Gotta be a happy family. And, ya can't let Gryphen actually be right.

    As a community property state, the longer he sticks around, the bigger his share of 50%. And, don't we have another big snow machine race coming up?

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    If HC only rented the upstairs, what were the police doing outside the facility taking signs away from that nice lady with the walker? What ever happened to free speech? She was on public property, expressing her opinion, and one person with a walker can hardly cause a riot. Trip somebody, maybe, but not a riot. She should call the ACLU!

  21. On some of the emails that have been withheld for "executive privelege," Todd was one of the CC'd recipients. Not being a government employee, let alone an employee of the executive branch, how can those emails be withheld from the public if he was a recipient?

  22. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Ha ha. Ya, Todd is such a he-man. What a coward. You can see who wears the pants in that family and they usually have on high heels. So much for Alasaka being full of rugged and tough men!! The first-dude was a panty waisted, casper milquetoast!!! Ha ha ha....

    Who's afraid of the big, bad bloggers???

  23. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Got a pic of Tawd in his truck !!!

  24. I think G-man and Zaki were there for their flu shots and paylin's death panel said "no flu shot for you"...

  25. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Toad probably skipped an AIP meeting so he could kick Gryphen out of the Menard public building.

    Miserable Palin hypocrites.

  26. Anonymous1:41 PM

    How much would it cost to hire a plane to fly banner around Wasilla?

    "Sarah is not Trig's birth mother"

    This banner flying by her window over the lake would make her day.

    Gryphen .. have a banner contest... collect donations and hire a pilot.

    A banner a week should about do her in

  27. anon @1:41 - good idea re the banners. Todd has his own plane and needs a job.

  28. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Looks like Van Flein kept his nose clean on this one. Just Sister Sarah and AIP Todd - they will never divorce because they both know too much on each other... It was her last opportunity to act with authority and Todd, as usual carries out her dirty work.

  29. Anonymous1:51 PM

    How about a banner, "Todd is not Track's birth father."

    Methinks Todd overcompensates for years of having been cuckolded. He's the dumb one Sarah got stuck with when the rich dentist's son wouldn't have her.

  30. Anonymous1:54 PM

    MR. Sarah Palin is pu&&y whipped. She can't do anything without someone in the family providing cover for her, what a couple of chicken shits. Has she ever gone ANYWHERE by herself??

    No wonder he races snowmachines, he's got to keep up that tough Alaskan image, the only manly thing he does while waiting for the Big $$$. Bet when Scarah says jump, he asked how high!!!

  31. Palin is even discriminatory with her hate. This is because the numbers of those who criticize her are so large the list would be a mile long. Their excuse for banning people holds no water because all the people on the list are called names and get negative remarks from people all the time. They are not affected by the ugly comments of her supporters they are entertained by them. They just did not want any coverage of the event to be in any kind of a light that shines the truth. Psychologically speaking, Palin also wanted to exercise her powers of exclusion to demonstrate her superiority to not only those she excluded, but her followers and herself.

  32. Anonymous2:02 PM


    Do you think Roger Ailes is going to play by your rules--even if he knew you existed?

    You're lucky it wasn't my book signing: I would have let you in and before you even knew you were inside you would have been served for defamation. Screw New york Times co. v. Sullivan. I'd do it as a public service and I'd be in that courtroom with a shot. There'd be no compensatory damages but the right judge might want to fire a shot across the bow of bloggers who have agendas and their could be a small windfall in punitive damages.

    And if I lost, I'd appeal. It's not as hard as you think. Cha-ching. You'd have more bills to pay but to show it's you who need to learn what free speech means, I wouldn't punish your kids because their father has gone off into the deep woods. I'd make sure they were taken care of.

    As far as the lawsuit: I wouldn't even care if I won. I'd tell my attorney to put $100K into the case and would just sit back and smile while I was watching the meter run on your legal fees.

    Malice? No problem. It's your good fortune Palin is in a run for higher office. As I said, if it were me just signing copies of a bestseller and I had been the object of your displaced self-loathing, we'd be seeing each other in court.

    I'd have a draw full of subpoenas the size of "Gone With the Wind" ready to go.

    And then we'd see how tough you are and how quick you would be to produce your sources.

    You're not likely to wind up in court for one reason: Palin has much bigger fish to fry. You're not even a keeper.

  33. Donna2:09 PM

    Well, this is festive. Anonymous 1:55, I happen to be a lawyer. I've practiced for over 30 years and it just so happens that I've brought (successfully) a few of the largest defamation claims in the country. Because of this, I can say with certainty that you are talking through your ass.

    Putting aside that you don't know the first thing about defamation law, there is an ethical prohibition on lawyers doing what you suggest you'd direct yours to do. Absent an adequate basis (which, if you understood the law, you would realize you don't have), a lawyer can be responsible for not only the opposing party's fees, he or she can face bar discipline--up to and including disbarment. Try to educate yourself before pounding your chest.

  34. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Hi, Sarah, aka anon 2:02! Shouldn't you be doing Christmassy things with your children and grandchildren?

    Pat in Texas

  35. Why would Sarah ban Andree? Sarah loves Andree! Remember those emails from Sarah to her buddy Andree that Andrew Halcro posted on his website?

    Thanks Andree! I hear ya! And I'm proud of all the expert advice you're giving to so many... it seems I hear your name and comments so often in the media. I'm proud to know you!!!

  36. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Well said Donna @2:02. These people know not what they speak just like Sister Sarah.

  37. Donna2:23 PM

    Thank you. That sort of drivel is right up there with the Orly Taitz school of litigation--people who don't have a clue what the law provides, what the procedural statutes require, or anything else. But they feel free to spout off. It's kind of like Thurston Howell, III with his "I'll take this to the highest court in the land!"

  38. Anonymous2:24 PM

    In Toad's defense, he would have had to listed to Sarah after seeing you, Gryphen. Wait. No he wouldn't. Toad, just get a divorce. What is wrong with you? You don't have to live with that creature. Have some integrity and self respect, and just leave. Aren't you ashamed of what you did to your ex brother in law? You don't have to do crap like that anymore.

    I was sure it was AKM or Linda that was banned. How come they weren't on the list? What a pathetically incomplete list that was. I think it must have been a last minute thing. Maybe they left off the bloggers and meanies they couldn't find pictures of on the intertubes. Once again, the Palins over-react, act without thinking, and have it backfire on them.

  39. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I'm trying to figure out how Gryphen and Zaki are the bad guys in this dustup. (Or am I reading the troll comments all wrong?)

    Van F. sent a threatening letter, but he has not followed through on his threat. Orly Taitz did bring her frivilous law suits into court, and finally a judge had enough of her, first admonishing her, then fining her $20,000. I don't see Van F. wasting his time to take a frivilous action.

    As for defamation, if repeating rumors was a crime, the National Enquirer, Examiner, Star and Globe would have been put out of business long ago. There have only been a few successful lawsuits against the tabloids, because the burden of proof is knowing that the statement is a lie and printing it anyway.

    Rumors of a Palin divorce have been printed in the tabloids, so anyone who repeated them just repeated something that was already published. Palin's address was available to anyone using the internet. If anyone has a case against a blogger disclosing unwelcomed, personal information about a private citizen, a few select names come to mind. They may have cost Gryphen his job.

    In all the time that Audrey speculated about Palin's Deceptions, no legal action was ever taken-- because Palin would have to provide proof of Trig's birth to counteract the "lie." Audrey was driven off of the internet by an anonymous blogger (we know who) who threatened to disclose personal information about her family. Again, a private citizen, not someone who chooses a public life.

    Celebrities and politicians put themselves out there, often with their outlandish behavior. They are subject to comment and criticism. And, in case anyone forgets where we are living, this is the United States, with a guaranteed freedom of the press. It's in England where it is considered bad manners for the media to print anything nasty about the Queen. Unfortunately, Sarah is The Queen in her mind only (and in the mind of the mindless who worship at her PAC).

  40. Anonymous3:00 PM

    anon @ 1:55
    You are more full of shit than a Christmas duck.
    What the f^*k happened to Van whatshisface ? He STFUed , didn't he ??


  41. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Thanks, Donna!

    Gryphen, I think the Palins are AIP members to the core. And after reading Tawd's affidavit filed in the Troopergate case and hearing the comments he made in that wild ride interview, IMHO, they are partners in crime, also, too, there!

  42. Children, puhleeze, let us remember our manners! All this nasty talk is FUN! So we get coal in our stockings. -:)

  43. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I'd like to know if Gryphen and Dennis have a good case if they were to make a legal issue of the banning? HC paid for the space and policemen, Sarah tweeted it was a "public" event and it was on her orders (Toad just a messenger) that they were escorted out, so even if HC wasn't there, are they somehow still responsible for Sarah's action? How would this play out legally.

  44. Gryphen,
    Upon thinking about the list I am gravely disappointed I had expected Sarahs list to include
    Mrs B
    Can you just imagine someone trying to match blog names to ID's at the entrance....LMAO!!!

  45. Donna3:28 PM

    It's going to be a question of Alaska law, and I don't practice there. However, unless they were roughed up (which they weren't), it's difficult to see a claim. The fact that Palin publicized it as a public event just means that she's a fraud (which we all know)--it doesn't give a particular right to attend. But again, I am not licensed in Alaska and don't know the particulars of that state's laws.

  46. Anonymous3:38 PM

    snowbilly said...
    On some of the emails that have been withheld for "executive privelege," Todd was one of the CC'd recipients. Not being a government employee, let alone an employee of the executive branch, how can those emails be withheld from the public if he was a recipient?

    Good point. Also, why is he (a private citizen who hasn't been sworn in to office) receiving copies of emails. Citizens of Alaska should be outraged!!!!! Didn't Sarah have to abide by some kind of confidentiality agreement?

    You need to fight to get the full emails since they have already been distributed to a private citizen....and probably to the AIP.

  47. Regarding the link above -- it seems the 'judge' in question seems to have had a lapse in memory when it comes to the Alaska state statutes:

    makes you wanna question... who's jerking HIM off?? Hmmm??

    As a state employee myself, if *I* were conducting state business out of my *yahoo personal account*, I'd be fired without question, without a blink of my purty-little eyelash.

  48. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Any lawyers among us who can answer the question about the issue of Sarah copying Todd on emails.

    How can they claim, Executive Privelege, when the emails have already been passed to a private citizen. Did Todd also sit in on meetings too. WTH, is going on up there?

  49. Anonymous3:46 PM

    lila said ...

    Snowbilly has a wonderful new blog - -

    The "notes and links" entry has a huge list of articles about Palin --

  50. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Thanks Donna @3:27. I guess the real harm was to herself by giving us further evidence of her paranoia and unsuitability to hold any public office.

  51. Donna3:57 PM

    Re the emails: that, too, varies state to state. In many states, including mine, there would be no question at all that these are public records. That's a separate issue from the question of whether they would be public records but are privileged and therefore exempt from disclosure. However, in virtually any state, the inclusion of an outsider (which Todd Palin would be) would destroy any privilege.

    I know many lawyers around the country that are shaking their heads that these are withheld.

  52. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Aono 3:42 - Donna is a lawyer and sounds like a really good one. She answered my question about the legality of the banning.

  53. CR46@3:27 - ME TOO! ME TOO!
    Add "Ella" to the list. We want tee-shirts: "Palibanned and Censored in Wasilla."

  54. OT, but here is a last minute Christmas present for all of you and Sarah Palin that I cross posted to Palingates. This afternoon Andrew Sullivan did a long piece on Levi Johnston calling him the real rogue of 2009.

    After quoting Levi extensively, Sullivan asks if we can believe what Levi says and writes:

    "It's unverifiable - but no less so than Palin's autobiography. And compared with her bizarre, constantly changing stories and multiple lies about any number of empirically indisputable facts, Johnston's monosyllabic yeses and nos and plain English eye-witness accounts that have never changed are like oases of sanity and calm.

    When I got to meet Johnston, I asked him simply how he seemed so calm as a nineteen year old up against an international celebrity with millions of dollars and every pimp in the "publishing" and political industries trying to suck up to her. "Because I'm tellin' the truth," was his simple, and immediate answer.

    I can't know who's telling the truth for sure. But after a decade of frauds enabled and abetted by political corruption and media cowardice, Palin might well be the biggest fraud of all, perpetrating a hoax so massive no one can quite see it."

    Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for this blog. It has been keeping me company and entertained over the last couple of days as I have been laid up in bed trying to avoid going to hospital. All of you have made me laugh and think. Thank you all for the good companionship and enjoy your holidays.

  55. Anonymous4:16 PM

    CR 46 Thanks for the shout out. It would be an honor to piss off the Quitter Twitter.

  56. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:32 PM

    Gryphen I was going to email you about the TPM article...
    Wow! Maybe The Queens being xtra nice to toad since all the conjuncture about who's Tracks daddy?
    Did the queen convince Toad to leave his squeeze in palmer???
    Don't tell me the Globe is right???
    Maybe that was toad's Escalade????

    Hey Austin!!! (waves)

  57. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Well, Todd had to run the office for her because of their wacko religion. She is not allowed to be a leader or even read what he does not approve for her.

    I guess in their church they think a man being cuckolded is "leadership"?

    He looks like a bully and a fool.

    Clearly, she was pregnant a few times in college, couldn't get anyone else to marry her and finally tricked him.

    Now she's got him all whipped and he left his manhood in his snow machine - only takes it out for a spin once a year.

    She's been cheating on him throughout the years and he puts up with it because he isn't a true leader of his household.

    So, shadow governor WAS a registered AIP member f or 7 years. Shadow VP candidate was an AIP member.

    Thanks, John McCoward.

  58. Dragon Lady4:42 PM

    We should have known that MR. Sarah Palin, ex-co-Governor, was Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Colson combined.

    Meant to post this link on Wednesday's blog with the toothsucking granny pics. Great close ups of her scars and one of her as a blonde!

  59. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Gryphen- there's a C4Per named William Henley who says he was carrying a 347 mag. at the book signing, he said he would use it to protect Sister Sarah and her family.
    Maybe its good you left..

    He also called Sandra a lying b. because he was there from 10pm the night before and no-one was handing out Obama/Hitler pictures, and no-one took anyones protest signs because no-one was protesting.

    These people are crazy nut-jobs and I think they would go over the edge at the drop of a hint from the dear leader. They even think you 4 are responsible for the church fire, calling it attempted murder. EEK, NOW i HAVE TO GO THROW UP!!!

  60. Wow. I must say I'm surprised it wasn't AKM.

    Todd, huh? Sarah still has deniability, just not plausible.

    The whole thing stinks and is an example of the inherent fascism that pervades Palin's SOP.

  61. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:26 PM

    Hmmm...I like that Gryphen...
    Ha, I posted another comment in the blogger box...?
    Merry Christmas to all the citizen bloggers! And hopefully Grifter Queen will be in jail this time next year!!!
    HeHe!!!! Lets all toast to that!!!
    Rachel Maddow had someone on her show last night making a fantasia Christmas drink, rum & brandy w/oranges studded with cloves, sprinkle sugar and orange oil set on fire add allspice? some other spices add apple juice and some orange just....ahhhhhhhh!!!!
    Merry Christmas!!!!

  62. Nothing like stiflin' free speech when the speech you're hearin' doesn't agree with your own narrow-minded, fake "christian", quittin', lyin', griftin' point of view, huh, Sarah?

    Didja invite Levi for dinner with his baby momma? That sounds like something a real Christian would be able to do.

    Also too, does Trig get to wear his hearing aids and glasses to Christmas dinner, so he can hear the whining and see the crunchwraps?

  63. Ugh, Todd. Have you heard his voice? It's one of those voices that doesn't go, if you know what I mean. It's very wimpy. Well, maybe it does go, actually. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  64. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:51 PM

    anniebgood, I hear ya...Toad voices is "wimpy"
    high sounding...
    Along with his revealing Hawaii shots...not so much there...!

  65. Anonymous7:24 PM

    CR46 thanks foe the mention. It would be an honor & a pleasure to be banned with such a great bunch of people.

  66. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Crystal, it's true. Toad sounds like he had his nuts cut off. Oh wait HE DID.

  67. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:33 PM

    NCYgirl, lol!
    neutered like a dog a FeK9!!!! lol!

  68. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:36 PM

    Well he had to do something for the "Escalade"!!!
    So he can like drive it to Palmer...?

  69. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I wonder what Dud is getting his girlfriend for Christmas using S'error's money.

  70. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Toad's new vanity plate is ISHOOTBLANKS.

  71. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Donna - I'm not in or from Alaska but it seems to me that they have a case under Alaska's state constitution. In addition, since Zaki is a bona-fide member of the media, he also has a claim under the federal 1st Amendment. Further, it is poor public policy to remove citizens from a public facility at which federally funded H1N1 flu shots are being offered to the public. Hell, it is bad public policy to create a "ban list" based on personal desires of a private person (The Dud).

    Some over at the Mudflats posted a comment regarding a book signing in Delaware. In that case, one or more persons were removed from a book signing held on private property. Damages were awarded to the people who were removed. The ACLU represented the disaffected parties. But to get the ACLU to represent G and Zaki, the Anchorage office (the national office as well) needs to be buried with letters and emails. Who amongst you has the courage to pick up the pen?

    There is one good thing about what happened at the Menard book signing: by so gleefully trampling on the 1st Amendment Rights of a member of the media, s'error palin affectively killed her national political ambitions. Hate to say it, Alaskans, but she is forever yours. Please do not allow her to ever again leave your state!

    signed me -


  72. Anonymous8:35 PM

    It's becoming easier each time to disregard Palin and her minions. She is going down...real hard...just a matter of time.

  73. MacAndCheeseWiz9:44 PM

    If any of the publications were proved wrong, her lawyer would most definately have filed a lawsuit, the fact that he didn't just proves they have no defense. It's so un Sarah like, to let a chance at vindictive revenge go.

    Of course Todd did the dirty work! Sarah forwarded state emails to him while she was in office, and now that the bucks rolled in, Todd quit his job, and wants the house, the blingy caddy etc. He'll bend over backward and jump the hoops for Sarah just to keep this cushy deal.

    So much for a red hot marriage reingnition at a two day hawaiian vacation.

  74. Anonymous10:20 PM

    There were more than two Wasilla policemen at the book signing event. In fact, there were more than two Wasilla police cars there at one time. There was a SUV out front by where Dawn was picketing. It was manned with two policemen. There was also a car out in front, at least one car parked in the back, and one SUV leaving when I drove around the building at around noon.

  75. Anonymous11:50 PM

    What if Levi walked in to her publ, er, private party? Would Todd have the father of his grandchild tossed out, too?

  76. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Headlines on the ADN


    Sherry Johnston released from prison, now under house arrest

    Man and woman arrested when troopers bust working meth lab

    Palin's Wasilla book signing feels like a homecoming

    Looks like they finally got news of Sarah in the right location.

  77. Anonymous5:48 AM

    GO DONNA !!!! :)

    Well said counselor ! Keep up your fight Gryph... I think you will be just fine.

    Lubbock, TX

  78. Apparently SIDEARMS were allowed and carried by some sea of peer's at the signing, and ready to be used in case things "got out of control" and some one like zaki or G-man attacked their dear leader. Guns yes! But, no suicide bloggers allowed.
    The posts over there are very very scary.

    And they didnt see any signs confiscated and didnt see laroach's Obama with hitler moustache literature, even though there are PICTURES all over the place. also too

  79. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Todd has a very weak voice.

    Didn't I read somewhere he kicked over gas containers or did something like that to another snowmobiler in the Arctic Cat race one year?

    He and $arah play dirty. And if the people at the Sea of Pee were at the signing and are Wasillians they play just as dirty.

    Actually the Sea of Peers are nutcakes.

  80. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Look $arah must know he is playing around, just as he apparently knew she was playing around.(According to the tabloids, he knew about Brad Hanson) They obviously must have an arrangement, an open marriage. He'll cover her ass till she really gets nailed with something actionable.

    Soon one can only hope.

    He can do what he wants, so why bother divorcing $arah moneybags at this point. He's on the $$$$$$ gravy train till it derails.

  81. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hitler and Goebbels allowed anybody who wanted to come to attend those "exciting" latenight torchlight parades. What was there to fear? They had the numbers, if you wanted to dissent and weren't a communist they welcomed the argument. And they had really great health care.

  82. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Anyway,I say great! If this is what the American people actually want in a leader and if the media pushes hard enough that's exactly what they'll get... then there are millions of others who will do exactly what Todd wants us to do...leave. Take all the real talent and brains, and all our money and just go...Canada will welcome us with open arms as will Australia and New Zealand.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.