Friday, December 11, 2009

If you have been wondering why Sarah Palin's book signings have focused on military bases, these videos should make it clear.

Part One

Part Two

(H/T to Frozen Justice for the embeds.)

What is perhaps even more frightening then what is going on in the military is what is happening BEFORE these young men and women enlist, when they are still very impressionable children.


  1. Tyroanee9:03 AM

    This makes me want to vomit... I knew it was bad, but AK-47 (?) lying on the floor of the house of the lord?
    Hmmm, yes Jesus would be proud wouldn't he? Gives one pause to that one line that rings in my head:
    Do unto others...

  2. lilly9:18 AM

    Someday download the Scarlett Empress with Marlene Dietrich and John Lodar, where she goes along the line of her officers, ogling them all. She seduced the military and they did in her husband. Its a clip that Sarah Palin would understand with her flirtatious manner allied with her madonna playacting.

    An interesting film directed by Dietrichs Svengali Sternberg.

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I see an ad for a court martial attorney, plus one for "sarah palin on her faith."

  4. lilly9:25 AM

    II is

    Catherine walking the line of Officers among them the Count Orloffs, lover and conspirators in deposing her husband.

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I have a nephew in the military. He has never mentioned this stuff, so I don't think it holds the kind of power stories like the above one would have you believe. More than anything it simply reflects the rise of this fanatical type of evangelical Christianity, in general. But really, the hysteria that gets whipped up here so often regarding religion is just that: hysteria. The most disturbing stuff happened when GW Bush himself was somehow doing their bidding, like making the "war on terror" a religious one, no matter how much he denied doing this. But he's gone now. I realize there are many Christians in the military. But there are many Christians in the US. It's just the reality, even though some don't like it. And many, many Christians are not evangelicals, it needs to be reiterated. This site tends to lump Christians all together, at least it seems like it.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You don`t go to Sunday service.

    You clean the barrack.

    Did I hear that right ?

    That not right.

  7. OT:

    Palin to speak at 'socialist' Canadian hospital

    Published: December 11th, 2009 09:32 AM
    Last Modified: December 11th, 2009 09:33 AM

    Link: Think Progress Sarah Palin has been booked for an April speaking engagement at a fundraiser for a Hamilton, Ontario, hospital that is part of Canada's abortion-providing, single-payer health care system and offers the type of end-of-life counseling that Palin has said comes from "death panels." Reaction to the news of what would be Palin's first speaking engagement in Canada was swift this morning from readers of Hamilton's newspaper, The Spectator. Its online poll asking whether they would pay to see Palin was running about 90-10 against her; read comments here. The speaking engagement was booked through Palin's reps at the Washington Speakers Bureau; St. Peter's Hospital and the associated Juravinski Cancer Center hope to sell 1,000 tickets at $200 each to cover Palin's $200,000 speaking fee and raise more from selling photos with her. (Most Canadian hospitals are government-funded but sometimes use fundraising for special projects and new construction.) Last month, Palin told a Canadian entertainer that Canadians should "reform" their health care system to let private enterprise profit from it.

  8. have to be joking?? I come from that neck of the woods,and by heaven I would pay to go and tell her exactly what I think of her and her "beliefs". She can damn well leave my Canadian Health care system alone.

    My husband just had open heart surgery 2 weeks ago. He was charged not one GD penny and he was treated like the prince I know him to be. His medications would cost a fortune if not for our health care, both government and employment provided.

    This woman knows nothing, and I hope the folks in Hamilton tell her where to go. Hamilton is also one of the areas that is probably hardest hit by the economy because of manufacturing taking a dive. They will eat her alive. I hope they don't barf all over each other after. Grrr...I am angry they would give her the time of figgen day. Why are people making such a fuss over this know nothing, semi literate, social climber who cannot even put decent warm clothes on her baby, and keep her little girl in school.

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Do you guys know Evita? I read this and couldn't help but think of the line..."Do you know stand for anything but yourself..."
    Sarah will be raising funds for a Canadian public hospital.

  10. Dear Canadian Friends: PLEASE do what the Americans can't seem to do. Expose her for the FRAUD, LIAR, HYPOCRITE AND IGNORAMOUS that she is!
    SP Proudly states (in her book) that she refused to shake hands with Oliver Stone on the set of SNL (Stone is a Viet Nam Vet) - yet she grabs a $200,000 speaking fee at a hospital that performs abortions.
    She sells her soul if the price is right.

  11. Chris Hedges: "you've got a parallel Christian, entertainment, spiritual guidance...everything comes through this distorted prism....they did this on purpose, to create powerful institutional relationships that they could control...and the military and the courts are highest on their list."

    According to the information in this video, the neocon Christian media have only the executive branch of the U.S. Government to suborn -- and from some of the asinine and misleading comments by White House so-called advisors and other administration officials that are 180 degrees opposite from what President Obama is saying, diminishing his authority, I'm thinking the infiltrators are already IN the executive branch of our government.

    Sounds an awful lot like it COULD be a theocratic military coup in the making, and their first act might be for the conservative/evangelistic courts to "try" President Obama and his administration as "traitors".

    Unless, as Jeff Sharlet implies, President Obama and his administration both are PART of this theocratic government infiltration and takeover, since they've done nothing to impede it.

    Sounds like a pretty whacko conspiracy theory, but after some of the other stuff we've endured the past 9 years (yes, I'm including the election 9 years ago, too), it makes me uncomfortable.

  12. Aaron1:09 PM

    I am in the Army and very much an atheist. When I was in Basic Training 6 years ago, we were told that we would have a day towards the end of Basic where we would be away from drill sergeants and get to make phone calls and eat candy. When we got there, we saw that it was at a church. After about two hours of free time, we had to go back and sit through a two hour mandatory church service. It wasn't mandatory to be "saved", but we had to sit through it. I can tell you, though, that I and most people I know didn't step foot in church once during 14 months in Iraq.

  13. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Aaron, when I was in Basic -- many years ago -- a lot of us used to go to church, because we would unsupervised and could walk by the PX and buy goodies.

  14. The most insidious threat is the revisionist American history that the founding fathers were Christian and intended this to be a Christian nation.

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:52 PM

    ~The Handmaids Tale~
    Its all there! the president gets assassinated and congress, the whole government, and a Theocracy takes over.
    It starts with the gov shakeup and the woman goes to use her bank card (when this book was written there was no such thing as ATM card!!!) And her funds were frozen.
    This is a chilling the book or watch the DVD online....(you tube)
    But all signs are leading to this type of bs.
    If the soldier doesn't go to church he has to clean latrines????
    That is not right. There is something very wrong. And I have called and complained about Palin on the bases. They don't do anything.

  16. Sarah Palin is going to be on the Tonight Show. I don't care for Jay Leno already, but this is a disgusting move.

  17. MacAndCheeseWiz6:40 PM

    If these people were truly christian, how could they justify killing other people, who supposedly, are created in God's image?

    These evangelicals don't like to be painted with a broad brush, yet they do the same of all other religions, especially Islam.

  18. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Is this why Ft Hood tragedy happened last month?

    "In Worst-Ever Shooting of Its Kind, 13 Dead, 30 Wounded at Ft. Hood Military Base; Suspect Had Reportedly Complained of Anti-Muslim Bias"

    He dared to practice another faith.

    "...The suspect, Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Malik Hasan, had reportedly complained of being harassed for being a Muslim and had tried to leave the military. ..."


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